The Collection (Volume 1): 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 1): 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 1

by Caitlyn Norrel


  I Hate You More

  Chance at Redemption

  More than Enemies

  The Perfect Gift

  Vicious Fantasies

  I Hate You More

  Ann sat alone in her apartment bedroom, listening to the sounds of the night in the small town of Squire, Illinois. The streets, normally loud with the sound of at least one party going on, were silent for once. The scene was peaceful, and Ann felt a strange sense of calm wash over her. She felt like nothing could ruin the serenity of her night.

  Her cellphone rang beside her, vibrating against her bare thigh. She admired herself briefly in its reflection; how her long, red curls fell softly about her face, and the way the phone’s glow reflected gently across her porcelain skin. The air was just cool enough to send a little excitement across her body, but not so much that sitting exposed in her undergarments was uncomfortable.

  “Hello?” she answered, not bothering to look at the number. She didn’t know who would be calling her at such a late hour, but if it was the insurance company returning her call, she’d want to know. Immediately an angry voice hissed back at her through the earpiece.

  “I want you to leave Jeff alone, you little bitch!” a woman’s voice demanded hotly. Ann was slightly taken aback; she didn’t recognize the voice on the phone, nor did she know anybody named Jeff. She chuckled to herself quietly, imagining the look on the caller’s face once she realized she’d made a mistake.

  “I think you must have the wrong number.” Ann replied, trying to be polite.

  “I know exactly who you are, Ann Grayson.” the voice spat, sending a chill down Ann’s spine. “I see the way he looks at you, but he’s mine you little whore! You stay away!”

  “I don’t know anyone named Jeff!” Ann exclaimed, but the line had already gone dead. She glanced out her window, but could see nothing. She took a warm shower to try and calm her nerves, but even the water flowing through her cleavage couldn’t keep the woman’s words from repeating inside her head. She had no clue who this person was, but she knew there was going to be trouble; and probably much sooner than later.

  She woke up the next morning tired, but more confident than she had felt the night before. She pushed the phone call to the back of her mind as she left for work. The radio was just finishing up one of her favorite songs as she pulled into the parking lot of Louise’s Diner, one of the few places in town that was open early enough for breakfast.

  Louise was a balding, middle aged Spanish man who had hired Ann about a year ago. He ran the diner well, and had always treated Ann with fairness and respect.

  “Couldn’t sleep well?” Louise asked as Ann walked through the doors. The diner hadn’t been open for long, but the smell of eggs and bacon was already strong in the air.

  “No.” she replied. She was about to mention the call, but decided against it. The less she talked about it, the less she had to think about it.

  The day went on like normal. When lunch time came around the customers began to pile in, and Ann was forced to push everything to the back of her mind. She had almost completely forgotten about it until the sun began to go down, and the night began to creep back in.

  “We had a customer come in earlier to complain.” Louise started. “She said you were rude and vulgar to her yesterday.”

  “But Louise, you know I—”

  Louise raised a hand to silence her. “Yes, of course I’m aware you took yesterday off. I just thought I’d ask to see if you recognized her at all. She just walked in.”

  Louise nodded towards the door, and Ann turned just in time to see a young woman about her age take a seat in one of the diner’s corner booths. She was tall and confident, with long blonde hair flowing gently down her back. A man, her boyfriend probably, sat across from her. Like the woman, he looked no older than about twenty five.

  “No, I don’t recognize either of them.” Ann said.

  Louise handed her a couple of menus in response. “She probably made a mistake with one of the other waitresses.” he replied, but Ann began pondering the angry call last night. She wasn’t too sure.

  “Welcome to Louise’s Diner!” Ann called, trying to push the doubt from her mind. She placed the menus on the table as she spoke. “Can I get you two something to drink? Tea perhaps? Or coffee?”

  “Tea please.” the man asked. “Unsweet, if you have it.”

  “Coffee for me.” the blonde said. She seemed nice enough, Ann thought, but there was something odd about her stare as she looked into Ann’s eyes; a sort of jealous intensity. Ann didn’t like it.

  Ann was aware of the man staring at her closely as she walked away to get the drinks, but she paid it no mind. She went behind the counter to get the drinks, but when she glanced back towards the table the blonde was nowhere to be found. The man’s eyes had become fixated on the menu, giving no indication as to his companion’s whereabouts.

  “She probably just went to the restroom.” Ann muttered to herself. She finished getting the drinks and began walking back, but immediately a foot shoved its way into her path and she came crashing to the ground.

  “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” a woman’s voice called out. Ann turned on her side to glare up at the blonde woman standing above her. The woman’s eyes glared challengingly into her own, daring her to make a move. Ann was now sure of what she already assumed: this was the woman who called her last night.

  “It’s alright, I’m fine.” Ann replied. As much as she would have loved to kick this bitch’s ass right now, it wasn’t worth losing her job over. She wasn’t willing to make a scene in front of the other customers either.

  Ann got up slowly, glaring at the blonde the entire time. As she finally climbed to her feet the urge came again, but she kept herself composed and headed to the restroom to clean herself up without a word.

  Ann half expected the blonde to storm in after her, but after a few seconds of silence she began to loosen up. Thankfully most of the hot coffee had spilled past her, but the tea had spread across the entire front of her T-shirt. She began to pat herself down as much as she could with paper towels, pulling a piece of ice from her bra in the process. After a few minutes her pulse began to slow, but if the bitch tried anything again she wasn’t going to get a second chance to get off clean.

  Ann left the restroom ready for a fight, but the blonde was nowhere to be seen. She glanced towards the corner booth, but it seemed the man had disappeared as well. The sun had already set, and a dim twilight was already settling in outside. Ann glanced around, but it looked like all of the other customers had left as well.

  Louise had already gotten settled into the dishes. Ann walked to the window, took a last long look outside, then flipped off the bright neon sign outside the glass and locked the door. Louise glanced at her as she entered the kitchen, but didn’t pester her with any questions or comments. She was glad for his silence. She emptied the pans of warm grease into a small bucket, then walked out the back exit to dispose of the leftovers.

  A shadow moved immediately as the door closed, but Ann was too slow to defend herself. Two hands grabbed Ann by her wrists, shoving her roughly against the alley wall. The bucket of grease went flying through the air, soaking both women’s shirts with the thick liquid as Ann glared angrily into the face of the blonde.

  “You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you, you little whore?” The blond hissed. She pressed Ann bodily against the dingy brick, ramming her wet tits roughly against the redhead’s.

  “Who t
he hell are you?” Ann exclaimed. She struggled against the other woman’s grip, but it was no use. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”

  The blonde pressed even more heavily against Ann, bringing their faces so close together that Ann could have raked her tongue across the other woman’s cheek if she had wanted to. The blonde glared at her angrily, challengingly, as if daring Ann to do just that.

  “I never really did understand Jeff.” The blonde continued instead of answering. “I never understood why he would take a fancy to a flat chested little tramp like you!”

  A flash of anger and resentment shot across Ann’s body. She forced herself off the wall, pushing the blonde backwards until the two women were struggling tit to tit in the middle of the alley. “Fucking whore!” she exclaimed. “My tits would crush yours flat in a fight!”

  The blonde and the redhead glared at each other as the pressure between their bodies began to build. Each woman could feel her tits bulging up tightly against the other’s, neither able to gain any leverage. Ann was just about to tear into her opponent when she heard Louise’s heavy footsteps coming towards the door.

  “This isn’t over, slut!” the blonde whispered threateningly, then released Ann and disappeared quickly into the night.

  “Ann, are you alright?” Louise called, pushing quickly through the door. He glanced into the shadows but couldn’t see anything, then looked towards Ann, fixing her with a concerned stare. “I thought I heard you scream.”

  “A cat ran out of the shadows.” Ann lied. “It just startled me, that’s all. I’m fine.”

  Louise looked her over, then shook his head. “You’ve had a rough night, haven’t you girl?” He asked. “Go home and get some sleep, alright? I can take care of the rest of the chores tonight.”

  Ann was filled with gratitude. “Thanks Louise. I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Ann.” Louise smiled. “You’re the best employee I have here. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?”

  Ann removed her shirt once she got in the car. She didn’t think she’d ever get the smell of grease out, but it was too late to worry about that now. Now that she was back alone, she could feel the anger beginning to build again. “Damn right it’s not over.” She muttered, starting up the car.

  As she pulled into the apartment parking lot, she had an idea that would hopefully end the blonde once and for all. She quickly went inside and changed, then opened the phone book and punched in the number of the Hotel Carole. A man picked up on the first ring.

  “Thank you for calling the Hotel Carole, this is Jackson. How can I help you?”

  “May I speak to Chris please?” Ann asked. Chris was an acquaintance from high school. She had lent him money when his brother had gotten sick to help pay the medical bills. He always said he’d pay her back someday. It was time to repay the debt.

  “This is Chris.”

  “Chris! This is Ann.”

  “Hey Ann!” Chris exclaimed. “How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been good Chris. Hey listen, do you think I could book a hotel room for the night?”

  “Yeah sure, hang on a sec.” Ann could hear the click of the hotel desk’s keyboard through the phone. “Room 72 is available. Why do you need a room though? Isn’t your apartment just down the road?”

  “Yeah. Hey listen, I was hoping I could call this one up on credit.” Ann said.

  “Sure, I’ll fit the bill for this one. Just for tonight?”

  “Yeah. Thanks Chris, I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. See you later.”

  Ann had to take a breath after she hung up the phone. She could hardly believe she was doing this, but if she didn’t nip this problem in the bud, she didn’t know how long it would last. She hit the recall button on the call she got last night, and listened to it ring.

  “Hello Ann.” a woman’s icy voice answered. “I’m surprised you called back so soon. What could a little bitch like you want from me?”

  Ann forced herself to keep her voice level. “Do you really want to prove to me you’re a better woman than I am?”

  “There’s not much to prove, slut.”

  “Meet me at the Hotel Carole in one hour…unless you’re scared.”

  “Scared?” the woman scoffed. Her tone was really beginning to get on Ann’s nerves. “I can take everything you’ve got.”

  There was silence as both women pondered the weight of what they were about to do. Then Ann’s voice came again over the phone. “You know me, but what do I call you?”

  “Audree.” the woman’s voice replied hotly. “I’m the bitch that’s going to shut you down for good.”

  Ann sat impatiently in the hotel lobby. She had arrived almost ten minutes early, hoping Audree would be just as eager to begin as she was, but the blonde had yet to show. Jackson had left a few minutes before Ann arrived, leaving Chris the only person manning the counter.

  “You alright Ann?” Chris asked. “You look nervous.”

  “Yeah.” Ann answered, probably a bit too quickly to fake her composure. “I’m just waiting for my sister.”

  Chris never remembered any sister, but he let the comment pass. There was a look in her eyes he didn’t like. He had seen that gleam only once before, and that was directly after her cowardly ex-boyfriend dumped her over the phone three years ago. Whatever this was, he was pretty sure he didn’t want any part in it.

  At last the doors behind Ann opened, and a stunning young blonde woman stepped across the threshold.

  “Ah, there you are Audree! I was getting worried.” Ann said. The blonde and the redhead embraced like siblings, but between their bodies a battle was already raging. Their tits pushed together roughly, each woman tensing her muscles against her opponent. Their nails dug slightly into one another’s back, as if already trying to pull apart one another’s clothes.

  “I’m going to grind your body into the floor, bitch!” Ann hissed. Her voice was so low that only Audree could hear her.

  “Your body doesn’t stand a chance against mine!” Audree replied confidently.

  At long last they broke apart. Chris handed Ann the keys to the room, wondering whether he should have placed a hidden camera somewhere in the chamber. He directed the two women towards the elevator, telling them room 72 would be on the third floor. He watched the two women walk alone into the elevator, then saw their bodies collide viciously as the doors closed.

  “Damn.” he swore. “I should have put up cameras.”

  Every muscle in the two women’s bodies tensed as they crashed together. A low grunt escaped the two combatant’s mouths as their chests meshed and struggled together briefly before breaking apart and crashing again. The hatred flowing between the two proud women was so great that they couldn’t even wait until they entered the room to begin the struggle.

  Despite their scorn they were able to compose themselves when the doors opened, and walked together down towards the east end of the hall as if nothing had happened. The gold numbers shined with a brilliant hue in the dim light. The two women glared at one another defiantly, but neither took their last chance to leave without a fight. They entered the room as one, then Ann turned and locked the door behind them.

  “You know what I like about these kinds of fights?” Ann hissed as soon as the lock clicked.

  “What’s that?” Audree retorted. “Being locked inside a hotel room at night with another girl? I’ll bet your little slutty ass would like that, wouldn’t you?”

  Ann’s eyes narrowed into snakelike slits. “That only one of us is going to leave here intact.”

  Audree pressed her tits heavily into Ann’s. The two women stood so close together that their lips almost brushed together as they spoke. “You think you have what it takes to break me, whore?” she challenged. “Come on then!”

  Ann pressed back, glaring at her enemy with pure hatred. “Bitches first!”

  With a cry the two women threw their arms around each other, compressing one anot
her’s bodies against their own. They struggled and writhed against one another’s unforgiving embrace, each woman grinding her tits deeply into the other’s chest. They could feel their nipples twisting together wildly through their shirts, already beginning to harden at finally being able to match together in battle.

  The two women were flooded with a confusing mixture of raw emotion. Surprise at the viciousness of their own actions. Satisfaction at the feel of the other girl’s tits being violated by her own. Anxiety at the realization that there was no way out now. And strongest of all was the determination to win, regardless of how far their fight would take them.

  “Is that all you’ve got, you little bitch?” Ann growled. She glared furiously at the blonde, tightening her embrace even more as they struggled. “Your little tits feel even weaker than I thought!”

  “Whore!” Audree hissed back. Blue eyes locked with green as the two young warriors forced their bodies into an even tighter compression. “I can feel your tits beginning to surrender already! You’re the weak one!”

  “Delusional slut!” the redhead sneered. “If you weren’t so scared to match your naked breasts with mine, you’d see just how wrong you are!”

  “Come on then, cunt!” Audree shot back. She knew this moment would be coming sooner than later; she had been looking forward to it. Her grip never loosened as she shot her opponent with a look of pure defiance. “Show me just how pathetic your breasts really are!”

  The two girls released one another slowly, each searching for any sign of weakness or fear in the other’s gaze. Their eyes remained locked in combat as they removed first their T-shirts, then the thin, silk tops of their lingerie. Only once her enemy stood topless before her would either woman allow their eyes to wander.

  Each could feel a wave of uncomfortable rage building inside their bodies. They brought their chests together slowly, mentally sizing up one another’s tits. Each girl was trying to convince herself that she held an advantage over the other, but neither Ann nor Audree could see any weaknesses.


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