Dragon's Angel

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Dragon's Angel Page 12

by Donica Covey

  He glared into each face and they all met him with a nod.

  "Fail me in this and you will suffer a fate that will leave you praying for death. Speak of this to anyone and I will have your tongues removed, from the neck up."

  The women scattered to the corners of the chamber, shaking. He could tell they didn't know if they'd been dismissed or not. “Do it now!” They rushed from the room as if the hounds of Basilicus were on their tails.

  He placed his crown on the small table near the wall. He didn't need it except for when the Seer was present. For now, it seemed as if she wasn't going to return. It was up to him.

  He lit a torch, pressed a stone in the wall near his bed. A panel slid down into the floor. He stepped into the secret passage. The long, narrow tunnel led down into the bowels of his castle. The smell of old parchment and the sharp tang of smoke from the tallow torch filled the air. Here was where he kept all his private treasures. The tomes discovered during his early years. The highest prized golden disks, the glittering jewels extracted from the homes of the great houses of Grogan. The Alicorno possessed large stones in various shades of purple. The Draco had stones of fiery red and the Gryphineos with their flashing amber gems. Not even the Seer knew of this hoard, and it would stay that way. With the magic of his dragon scale he was able to shield the passageway from her knowledge.

  He reached the old heavy door and pushed it open. The ancient thongs holding it to the wall creaked with strain but finally opened. He went in and jammed the torch into the wall slot then began to rifle through leather bound books lining the shelves on the far wall. He had known he needed large amounts of the fire toads but the exact measurements were mists of memory in his mind.

  He found the page and studied it. To be able to imitate the Dragon Flame, the fire breathing power of the dragon, he had to ingest the fire toad meat, with the skin and fire-producing glands intact. It would take several platters of meat. Would five baskets of toads be enough?

  To use the cloaking spell the toads must be gutted and their blood and intestines collected in a bathing basin. The paper said he had to soak in the horrible concoction for several hours. The thought made him quake with revulsion.

  But, reading further, he realized one thing even he hadn't remembered: not only would this give the power of invisibility, it also gave the power of flight and the ability to transform into one of the accursed beasts. This power was only available for the space of a few hours. He would need a large concentration of toads for the time and power he needed.

  He could make it look as if the Dragon had caused the destruction and then the people of his world would refuse him aid. Montrose smirked in satisfaction. There was more than one way to beard a dragon.

  * * * *

  Xavier reclined in the grass at the edge of the village. Each eye he met was filled with distrust and even some held downright hatred. He couldn't blame them. How would he have felt if he'd waited a decade or more for the one who would save him, only to be betrayed?

  Still, it grated on his last nerve, making his blood heat up and his hands itch.

  Give them time, Xavier. We're all unsure of what you really are. I know that if you harm an innocent, then you're beyond redemption.

  Keely was seated near a hut, at a table that had been shaped from the stump of a large tree. Her expression was softer than it had been. The look in her eyes offered him a glimmer of hope and helped to calm his burning ire. I'm trying. I really am trying.

  I know.

  She turned away and bent over some kind material. Her face scrunched as she studied it closely. Abhorson and two other men were seated near her.

  It then dawned on him. She was no longer wearing that huge ratty shirt and sagging sweatpants. She was dressed in green leggings with brown leather shoes on her feet. A large brown shirt hung to her knees.

  She stood up and walked across the village. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Her body posture had changed: she stood taller and strode with much more confidence. When she faced him, he almost laughed. She looked like a female Robin Hood. Errol Flynn had nothing on her costume.

  Her hair had become lighter. How was that even possible? It had a ... a glow. It shined in the sunlight. A gentle breeze floated and a few strands caressed her cheek.

  He imagined his fingers caressing her soft skin. His lips touching hers. The feel of her in his arms. He had to get his mind off that trail of thought. No matter how much he desired her, they had to focus on saving the world. Superman and Wonder Woman?

  She jerked up laughing and looked at him. For a minute her eyes sparkled and he wished he knew what was so amusing that it made her spirits lift that way.

  I've decided I want to be Xena.


  When I spoke to my mother, I referred to myself as Wonder Woman. But now I think Xena is more appropriate.

  He nodded. My warrior princess. So I guess that would make me Hercules?

  Suddenly her lighthearted mood was gone. Her face contorted with pain and she doubled over with its weight. Xavier looked up as a man with blond hair and large white wings soared to the ground and landed before Keely. He bowed low and stood back up.

  Xavier couldn't understand what was being said but from the look on Keely's face, it wasn't good. She still appeared to be in pain but when he tried to scan her mind he found it blocked.

  What's wrong?

  She didn't seem to hear so he stood and rushed toward her. “What's happened?"

  "Montrose.” She was shaking and her already pale face was ashen. Xavier was afraid she'd faint.

  Forcing his way past the winged man, he took her in his arms. “What about Montrose?"

  Tears streamed down her face. “The Quiblek. They're gone.” Her body wracked with hard sobs. “Montrose's guard knows about us. He found out they offered me aid and he destroyed them."

  Her pain ripped through him and at the moment he knew he'd do anything to make sure she never suffered like this again. “He dies,” Xavier growled between clenched jaws.

  The man with the wings looked down at him, his eyes wide. Xavier met the stares of the rest of the group. “He dies,” Xavier said again.

  * * * *

  Keely's heart felt as if it had shattered. Something wrong was in the air and a sudden blow doubled her over, stealing her breath and sucking her into a dark hole. She could see the carnage in her mind. The entire Quiblek village had been consumed in a raging fire. No one had escaped. For a heartbeat Keely suspected Xavier. But it couldn't have been him. He hadn't left the village since last night. When she wasn't able to watch him, different Brimborions had taken up the task.

  The Seer must have been behind it. But how? Did she have the power of Dragon's Flame? The destruction had been so great. The entire race had been completely obliterated with the intensity of the fire. Dragon's Flame? How had Keely known it had been that kind of force?

  She looked up into Xavier's eyes. I have to know an honest answer. Is there another dragon?


  Is there another dragon?

  No. I would know if there was, wouldn't I?

  Would he though? Would they? Were there others of their kind out there? The Seer had said they were the only survivors but the woman had lied before. I need to try to summon my mother.

  Xavier nodded and stood to help her to her feet. Keely walked away from the small group.


  "I just need to be alone for a little while, Abhorson. Please.” She walked away from the village and into the dark trees. A log lay on the ground and she sat on the rough, damp bark. “Mother, I need your help."

  "I'm here, Aldmakeelia."

  "If there were other Dracos, other Alicornos, Xavier and I could sense them, couldn't we?"

  Her mother's shade nodded. “It's in you to sense others of your kind. You were able to sense the pain and loss of the poor Quibleks before you even knew of their destruction."

  "And the Dracos?"

  "Xiuhcoatl would know if they

  "Then, what had the power of the Dragon's Flame?"

  Her mother shook her head sadly. “I don't know, my daughter. I don't know."

  "The Seer,” Keely said and felt anger surge. Keely knew she and Xavier hadn't seen the full measure of the woman's powers.

  "I do not know. The Seer is very powerful in truth, but I don't think she has the power to become a true dragon, for even a short period of time."

  "I don't know what we're going to do. I have no idea what we really are up against. With the total decimation of the Quiblek I'm afraid for anyone else who may side with us. Those who might have dared join our cause will think twice now. Even if they don't, I don't know if I can sacrifice innocent lives in a battle. What would that accomplish? This great fight to win Grogan and save the people, only there won't be anyone left to live in peace."

  "You are a true leader and a great queen. Don't give up, my child. There may be some who are frightened, but for the most you will find people of the same mind as those out there. There is no wrong in dying for the right."

  "I wish no lives had to be lost."

  "I know. Death is a painful experience for everyone, but for ones like us, empaths, we feel it stronger."

  "Empath? I only felt a little from the violence. I don't feel any emotions from the ones around me."

  "You're still learning and developing. It will take time to bring your gifts forth. If we had been able to raise you...” Her mother's shoulders sagged and her sadness radiated in waves from her body.

  "I know. I am learning. I will do my best to battle my inner demons so that I can lead the fight against our enemy."

  "I am proud of you, Aldmakeelia. You are so strong, so beautiful and so wise."

  "Thank you, Mother.” Keely watched her mother's shade fade from view and closed her eyes. The transformation inside had been gradual but now that she'd found herself she wasn't going back. If she could only get a handle on her wavering resolve. They needed to fight. War was violent and lives were lost; it hurt to think about it. But, if they didn't stop Montrose the people would continue to suffer not only the gradual death by starvation or beatings but now they could be completely obliterated.


  She turned in Xavier's direction. “I'm all right, I guess."

  "No you're not.” He sat down beside her and took her in his arms. “You're hurting, you're confused, and you're trying to decide where to turn next. You don't have to do this alone. I'm here by your side. It's my destiny, or whatever."

  She wanted to lean into him, to lean on him, but the uncertainty of it all clutched at her.

  Trust him, my daughter. Support him, guide him, and love him. All will be well if you only have faith in each other.

  Thank you, Mother.


  She faced Xavier. “It's our destiny.” She snuggled into his arms and allowed the comfort he'd offered.

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  The Seer stopped dead in her tracks. Dragon power had been used. It rippled across the land and slammed into her mind with such force she almost fell backward. She closed her eyes and concentrated. It wasn't the Blacdrake. Who was it?

  She focused to the point that tiny blood vessels in her nose broke and the crimson trail trickled down her face, dripping from her lower lip onto her robes. She couldn't sense the one who controlled such power. There wasn't another living member from the house of Draco. None except Blacdrake. Who had wielded such power? No matter how hard she tried she couldn't find the source.

  For a moment she was unsure of which way to turn. The power shift didn't mean she should discontinue her plans. It was actually more imperative that she continue on her course. The sooner she gained the powers she coveted, the sooner she'd be able to face this sudden threat.

  * * * *

  King Montrose closed himself off in his private chambers and dropped to a seat under the window. He'd done it. He'd been able to imitate the dragon and all his powers. It was an exhilarating experience. The power coursing through his veins made him unstoppable, but now exhaustion seeped into his body. The rush from earlier was fading quickly. He raised his hand for fire to come but he merely produced a small puff of gray smoke then it completely died out.

  No matter. He knew the secret. Now that he'd become so powerful he would find the Seer and make her pay for her failure. After so many years of cowering in fear that she would discover his secrets, he would eliminate the threat.

  * * * *

  Keely tossed on the ground next to Xavier. Fear and pain washed over her and filled his senses. His eyes flew open and he came alert for any threat. He sat close to her, pulled her into his arms and searched her mind for the cause of her distress.

  She was standing motionless on the edge of the flames. The cries of the suffering filled the sky and pierced her heart. She was unable to save them. She was defeated, empty, and guilty for her inability to rescue them from their death. He projected himself beside her.

  In the dream state he took her in his arms and poured his love and support into her. "It wasn't your fault honey. You couldn't have stopped this. We will avenge their deaths."

  "But they died because they were going to follow me. I feel so helpless, Xavier. I feel as if I'm failing and I haven't even begun yet."

  "You are not failing. It takes time to build an army, to plan your attack, to right all the wrongs that have occurred."

  "You don't sound like Xavier any more."

  "I don't quite feel like the old Xavier either. You've changed too, Keely. You've become so brave, so strong, and so confident. Don't lose that now. You're going to be able to get this job done. We will fight Montrose, we will defeat him and we will rule, together. We will be fair, just, and worthy."

  "I'm so afraid. I don't know if I can keep putting these people at risk. I know this is something we have to do, but it tears me up inside when I think of what is in store for them, not just those who side with us during the battle, but what will happen to them if we loose."

  "We won't lose. I promise you, we won't."

  He felt her slipping from the dream and he pulled away. Her eyes flittered opened and he gazed into their amethyst depths. “I won't let us lose."

  She smiled at him and placed a hand to his cheek. “I know you won't.” She leaned into his chest and sighed contentedly.

  He would never disappoint her again. She had planted herself firmly into his heart and all he knew was the longing to be with her, to hold her, to support her and to protect her for the rest of their lives.

  "I love you, Xiuhcoatl,” she said in a faint voice as her breathing evened out and she drifted back into sleep.

  It was the first time she'd ever used his birth name. The way she said it; the soft inflection of her voice warmed his entire being. “I love you too Aldmakeelia, my lifemate."

  * * * *

  Keely rolled over and stretched. Xavier was by her side. When the nightmare had begun to take hold of her, he'd come into her nightmare, brought comfort, replenished her confidence in herself and their shared destiny.

  He was now sleeping soundly; she took the time to study him. He was almost perfect. His jaw strong and handsome, his body well shaped; not one of those body-builder types, but still well muscled with broad shoulders and strong arms that made her feel comforted, safe. When they were open, his eyes were a deep green that seemed to hold her captive in their gaze. His smile lit her soul, and at times she ached to feel his lips on hers, his hands on her ... she trailed off the thought.

  "Go on,” he urged.

  Keely's body went tense and she met his gaze. There it was, right there, the look that made her felt like she would melt. His green eyes began to glow; the golden halo around the iris widened and took on the look of molten gold. His pupils became slits and desire shone bright. He gave her a broad smile.

  He traced her lips with his finger. “Your lips are so soft."

  A tremor raced through her. His voice wa
s husky and it made her begin to smolder.

  He slid his fingers through her hair. “Silky.” He rose up and moved his face closer to hers. His hand slid down her cheek. “Like satin."

  His face pressed closer and she felt his breath on her lips. His tongue glided along the outline and she shuddered. He pulled her close to his body and hers felt like it was on fire.

  She laced her fingers in his hair and pressed as close to him as she could. She wanted to feel every part of him, body and soul.

  "Aldmakeelia, I love you so much. I don't know when it happened but it's so deep baby, I need you. Now, tomorrow and always."

  "And I you, Xiuhcoatl."

  He released her and she watched as he gazed around them. He shook his head and stood. “Come with me."

  She took the proffered hand and let him lead her from the village. The trees deepened the night but she wasn't afraid. He seemed to be able to sense exactly where they should go and she really believed he offered her safety.

  He stopped suddenly and fell to the ground, pulling her gently along with him. With his body along side of hers, all thoughts of imminent war, of possible danger fled from her mind. He pressed her back into the soft earth and his hands trailed along the side of her body. “I need you, Keely."

  The tunic slid up and his hand on her thigh slowly worked up toward her breasts. All the while his kisses made her body feel as if she were a bright torch.

  Her breath caught and he pushed her top up higher revealing all of her to his hungry eyes. His hand burned as he slid it underneath the waistband of her leggings. Her body shivered with delighted anticipation of the pleasure to come.

  His mouth blazed trails across her body, making her moan, stoking her flames of desire.

  "I need you, Keely. Please?"

  She couldn't answer, it was too hard to breathe. Yes, Xavier, she whispered into his mind.

  His touch was gentle as he stripped her garments and then removed his own. His skin was hot against hers and as he slowly entered her. She sensed that she was truly loved.

  You are mine. Now and forever Aldmakeelia. Forever. He supported himself on his hands as he looked down on her. You are mine, he said again. This time it was more of a question than a statement.


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