Mia’s Wolf (Blackroads Pack Book 1)

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Mia’s Wolf (Blackroads Pack Book 1) Page 2

by Roxanne Greening

  “This makes ten sightings,” Dante’s deep timber echoed around the room.

  “What Dante means to say is this makes ten scented detections,” Thorn corrected him.

  Anger runs its course through my veins. This fucker was playing with us. My hands shook as the need to shift almost overcame me. I felt the wolf move under my skin pushing to get out.

  I was strong enough to hold him back, but the need to run was becoming overwhelming. I’ve put it off for a few days now, and my wolf was growing anxious and acting like even more of a dick than normal.

  “Ritter,” I say in a growled voice.

  “Alpha,” Ritter replied.

  “How many times have you come across his scent?” I asked him.

  “Three this week,” he tells me with his hands clenching and unclenching. I could see the hair sprouting on his arms.

  “Two for me, Alpha,” Roman informs me.

  “Three for me,” Cage announces.

  “Two for me,” Dirk growls. His anger and frustration easy to see in the small room.

  Ten fucking times he got close to the pack and not once has anyone caught him. How the fuck was a rouge moving so stealthily through pack borders?

  “Where has he been, for lack of a better term, sighted?” I asked the room.

  “West,” Thorn snarls.

  “West,” Roman growls.

  “West,” Ritter snaps.

  “Northwest,” Dante announces.

  “Northwest,” Dirk tells me.

  The fucker was constantly staying in that one area. But why?

  “I need to run. Dirk, show me where he’s been scented,” I tell my beta.

  The others slowly stand and leave the room. A few low growls rumbled from their chests. I understood their anger and frustration. The fucker was too close to home, and no one knew what kind of threat he posed.

  Chapter 5


  There was a chill in the air, and it seemed to be getting colder. People were stumbling as they looked for places to sit. Some just fell and landed hard on the cold ground.

  Me, I was sitting cross-legged on the ground. My ass was numb from both the firm surface and the cold that was seeping into my skin.

  I had to be seeing things, that’s the only explanation for what was unfolding in front of my very own eyes. I took a deep breath and then another.

  Stella,” I called out even though she is literally less than a foot away sitting with her head on my shoulder.

  “Umhmmm?” she mumbled.

  “He’s not standing there is he?” I ask her.

  “Who?” She asked while sitting up and looking back and forth really quick.

  I laughed even though I was sure I was in some sort of nightmare, or at least it was heading that way.

  “Jack,” I whispered.

  My voice caught as a hiccup forced its way up my throat.

  “That douche?” she asked.

  Her voice was filled with all the loathing her drunken state would allow. I laughed hard and almost fell sideways.

  “Yes,” I tell her in my slurred voice.

  “Let me at him!” She said while holding up her fists.

  She looked like a drunk version of a wanna-be boxer.

  “He’s not that way,” I tell her while grabbing her wrists and pulling them in the other direction. She was far off to the right when Jack was on the left.

  She looked ready to punch a hole through the air. It was funny especially when she leaned over trying to stand up. After five failed attempts, she went on her hands and knees and started crawling.

  “Tarzan!!!!” she cried, “Where are you? Your Jane needs you?”

  I laughed so hard tears poured from my eyes. It was weird. I should have cried when Jack was a douchebag on my picnic table. He did, but my eyes had been dry. Because you kept him around out of boredom, that gleefully filled voice made itself known.

  I couldn’t argue with that. The bitch was right.

  Chapter 6


  Shifting was uncomfortable, but I greeted it like an old friend. My bones were breaking and realigning, and it echoed throughout the forest.

  The scent of fresh rain along with decaying leaves assaulted my senses. My wolf bound over a fallen log happy to be free again.

  I closed in on the area that my beta informed me about. A low deep growl formed at the thought and smell of the rogue.

  My claws sunk into the freshly loosened dirt from the rainstorm two nights ago. It was cold, and I relished in the feeling of the ground sinking between my toes.

  I could smell a faint trace of another wolf beside one of my pack members. The smell was like a combination of cut grass and garbage. It was a weird combination, and it’s definitely one that will stick with me.

  Following the scent, I pressed my nose against the freshly fallen leaves and began picking up more traces of him. My feet pounded on the forest floor as I ran, pausing only briefly to check the scent before continuing again.

  Just as I pressed my nose to the ground for the fourth time, another scent came to me. It was a strawberry and champagne combination. It was a scent that my wolf wanted to roll around in.

  I stopped and looked around trying to figure out where that scent was coming from. I needed to find who it came from.

  Turning I pressed my nose to the ground smelling faint traces of her. My wolf bounced happily as the realization of what we were smelling settled in our chests.

  Mate, my wolf growled happily.

  She was out there alone. Unprotected and from the stench that clung to her sweet scent she was terrified.

  Chapter 7


  Jack was here, and I was staring at him. The fucker, the lying man-whore, the cheating no good pond scum! I wanted to stand and walk over there and what? Smack him? Tell him he wasn’t welcome?

  I was at a loss as to what I needed to do to make him disappear.

  Close your eyes and chant, that damn voice cackled.

  So helpful, I snapped at it.

  It laughed harder, echoing in my head.

  Aren’t you supposed to be on my side? I sighed when it said nothing.

  You do realize you’re talking to yourself? I asked myself. Damn you brain for pointing out the obvious.

  Stella finally reached Jack, and I squinted to see who he was with. Was that Sally, oh god, it is Sally. That bastard brought her to a party that neither of them were invited too.

  Jack knew I was going to be here. He was fucking Sally behind my back, and he brought her here. Why couldn’t he bring someone else? Shit, anyone else.

  After everything he’s done after I found them together, he brings her here to what, slap me in the face? I think if he did, it would have surprised me less.

  Stella was standing close to Sally whispering in her ear. Jack looked horrified, and I could only imagine what she was saying.

  Jack was looking a little green when Matt appeared in front of him, and he wasn’t quiet.

  “What are you doing here, Dalton?” Matt snarled.

  Got to love my big brother. Even if he was only a few months older than me and not really my biological brother.

  Details, that annoying voice pointed out, and for once I agreed.

  “Don’t tell me you’re here for my girl,” he tells Jack.

  Just after he said that Stella’s voice carried as she talked louder.

  “You know there’s some cream you could buy for that crotch rot,” Stella tells Sally.

  Poor Sally was turning red and looking around for help.

  “You know, he only fucked you because Mia wouldn’t let him touch her hoo-ha?” Stella explains.

  “Not that I blame her. Who knows what kind of crotch Jack climbed up in,” Stella continued.

  I almost felt bad for them, scratch that, I did feel bad for them. Jack may have cheated, but it didn’t hurt me the way it should have.

  “Stella,” I called out to her in an attempt, or more like a hope, to
divert her attention.

  “Don’t you Stella me! This bitch was fucking your man and has the ovaries to make an appearance at our party?” Stella shouted.

  Well, I hope she has ovaries. Although, I fear the alternative since she had the balls to come here.

  “Stella,” I tried again.

  Only to get a finger wave and not the nice kind. Stella’s middle finger was pointing up as she waved it around in my general direction.

  “Jack,” Matt’s voice was filled with the humor Stella was known for.

  Jack had been looking back and forth between Stella and Sally and now turned his attention back to Matt.

  “You need to leave,” He tells Jack.

  Finally, I had enough. I loved Matt and Stella, but this was too much. Slowly I placed my hands in front of me in a crude attempt to stand up. My hands pressed down against the dirt, and I leaned forward slowly maneuvering myself into a standing position.

  I have had enough of the drinking and drama anyways. I was more than ready to head out. Why not let the lying sneaky bastard stay?

  Because he deserves to rot in her crotch, the voice growled.

  He will, I tell the voice with a smile. Who knows maybe his dick will fall off.

  I already had my fun, why not let him, I mean them, do the same? Was I too nice?

  Yes, the voice growled.

  No, I didn’t love Jack, but he was a comfort. He fucked up, but he saved us from a dull and horrible future in a way we owe him. I tell it.

  The voice sighed, literally sighed, as if it was put off and grumbled a quiet unhappy agreement.

  I walked over to the small group containing two of my favorite people and two of my not-so-favorite people. The air around them seemed to be colder than the area I was previously sitting in.

  “Mia,” Sally said in a quiet voice with embarrassment written all over her face.

  I didn’t bother replying. There wasn’t much I could say to Sally or even Jack for that matter.

  “I’m out,” I tell Matt and Stella.

  “What? No, these fuckers were just leaving,” Matt tells me while his eyes stayed on Jack. If looks could peel back your skin and cut you to pieces, I think Jack would be in a world of pain.

  “Come on Mia, please stay,” Stella begs.

  I shake my head. I loved my friends, but I’ve had more than enough excitement tonight.

  “No, I’m done. I need to sleep,” I tell Matt and Stella both. And I did. I needed a nice soft bed with fluffy pillows. Maybe even a little lavender essential oil sprinkled on said fluffy pillow.

  “Let them stay,” I tell them both.

  Both looked ready to spit nails as their attention went back to the pair I was referring too.

  “Mia,” Jack said.

  “Jack,” I replied. I mean, what else was there to say? How’s the weather? Did you watch the game? Or is the sex better now that you’re not doing it behind my back?

  Okay, so I was a little bitter, but who wouldn’t be. I mean Jack was fucking someone behind my back.

  About time, the voice grumbled.

  Chapter 8


  Maybe I should have stayed, or fuck asked someone to walk my ass out of the woods. I could feel eyes crawling all over my body, and I was sure someone was following me.

  The air was crisp, and my skin already felt cold from being outside for such a long period of time. Somehow it seemed to grow colder, and paranoia was settling in.

  How long has it been since I walked away from my friends? I’ve been in the dark for far too long, and it seems eerily quiet. How long have I been stumbling around hoping for the light of a street lamp?

  Too long, that damn voice whispers.

  So damn helpful, I snarl at it in frustration.

  Come and get some, it snaps at me.

  Are you for real? You do realize we are one and the same? I ask it in shock.

  Palm meet forehead. I was threatening myself.

  Pausing I looked around. Nothing looked familiar.

  That’s because it’s all the fucking same! The voice screamed.

  I wanted to scream. I wanted to pull my hair out. This was insane and for more than one reason. I was quickly sobering up, and I didn’t like it, not one bit. At least when I was drunk, I could pretend shit wasn’t this bad.

  A twig snapped to my right, and I whirled around. I looked and found nothing but darkness. I would use the flashlight on my phone, but like an utter moron, I didn’t charge it. Therefore, the battery was dead.

  Another twig snapped, but this one was closer. I froze, and my throat felt like it was closing up. I then noticed a pair of glowing eyes staring at me. The animal was no more than twenty feet away just through the trees.

  I felt like a steel band was being wrapped around my heart choking the life from me. The constricting feeling grew and spread to my lungs when the animal’s lips curled showing very sharp teeth. My stomach bottomed out as it growled loudly.

  Fear had a stench, who knew? Apparently, I did because I could smell the fear pouring off me in waves. It was almost like a dam broke and the water was rushing around. The dam held my emotions, and it cracked and then exploded.

  Fear leaked from every pour. My mouth went dry, and my throat refused to work. I wanted to scream, but without the air in my lungs, it wasn’t happening.

  The growls grew louder, and I swear I would have pissed myself had I not emptied my bladder twenty or so trees back. Hey, don’t judge! Beer goes right through me.

  My feet started to move on their own. My right foot went back then my left foot slowly followed and repeated. Soon I was inching away one baby step at a time. I was trying to not make too quick of a movement.

  Maybe I should curl up in a ball? That shit only works on bears, dumbass, the voice points out.

  Well, I’m trying here!

  A fat lot of good it’s doing, it replies snarkily.

  Jeez, what crawled up your ass and died? Shit, Mia focus!

  The wolf was following me. As I took one step back, he was taking one step forward. It wasn’t letting any more space between us. My fear took a back seat to terror. I didn’t know I could become any more afraid then I was.

  My eyes widen as the wolf’s teeth made a full appearance and I swear it smiled at me. Not the friendly hey how do you doing smile. Nope, this was the I’m going to fuck you up and enjoy it smile.

  There was no stopping this, and the small steps weren’t getting me anywhere. Fuck this shit! I looked like the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels, and in a way, they were. And when I say they, I really mean only one. Oh, god I hope it is only one.

  Don’t they hunt in packs? That damn voice asks.

  I was going to find a way to strangle that voice. That was if I survive this.

  I could feel the puffs of air from its hot breath on the back of my legs. My eyes started to wander over my shoulder. No, don’t do that! That’s how all the stupid women die in the horror movies.

  My body didn’t listen as my feet picked up speed, and I tried unsuccessfully to put space between me and the wolf’s teeth. My lungs were hurting, and my side pinched.

  Then I heard it. A howl followed by another and another. This was it, the end of it. I was about to be torn apart by a pack of dogs.

  Chapter 9


  Her fear stung my nose. It felt like I got hot sauce in the eye and it burned. I was on her and the rogue’s trail. His fresh cut grass and garbage stench had my hackles rising. The thought of their scents interwinding had my heart pounding. He was hunting her.

  Fuck, if I were too late my mate would pay the price and so would I. Not finding her would eventually send me over the edge of sanity, and I would become a rogue as well.

  If she died, it would sign my death certificate. I wouldn’t survive life without her. Low hanging branches pulled at my fur as I ran harder and faster.

  The air in my lungs wasn’t enough as I pushed myself harder and harder.

p; I sent out a distressful howl, and I was greeted by a returning howl from Dirk, then another from Roman. The sounds of my paws slamming into the hard ground was joined by my other packmate’s paws. More howls were sent up.

  Hold on sweetheart, I’m coming for you. The scent of strawberries and champagne with a twisted stench of terror was getting stronger.

  Speed was what was needed. I was already maxed out, and another branch slapped at my face, but I ignored the pain and kept going.

  I could feel the heated trickle of blood from the broken branch. The blood dripped down my fur and matted the fur surrounding the wound.

  But nothing mattered, only getting to her.

  Pushing harder then I’ve ever done before had me sailing through the forest. My muscles were screaming out as I forced them to extend past their normal comfort.

  The scene I came upon had my heart damn near thudding out of my chest.

  The rogue had her pinned to the ground. Her arms were raised, one protecting her face and the other pressed against his throat. She continued to fight and try to hold him back. His mouth was open and closing as his teeth were snapping at her over and over.

  Fuck, this was bad. I pushed myself harder and slammed into the rogue wolf’s side, throwing him and myself a few feet away. My wolf whined as a broken branch pierced our side.

  The rogue wolf’s ears twitched, and before I could move, he was running. I stood to go after him, but the whimpers of our mate had us both pausing.

  Turning l looked at my mate. She was trying to get up and was unsuccessful. I watched as she started to crawl away with her red cape covering her and dragging leaves and twigs with her.

  Blood flowed freely from my wounds as I shifted back to my human form. My mate kept crawling, trying to put space between her and the threat.

  I walked over to her and felt my heart tightens as she whimpered again. Reaching down I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her up, so her back was pressed against my chest.

  “Get the fuck off me, you dildo!” she shouted.


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