Sweet Revenge [Bachelor For Sale Book 1]

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Sweet Revenge [Bachelor For Sale Book 1] Page 3

by Peggy Hunter

  Damn it. There was no way to express it. She'd simply have to show him.

  Ally planted her hands on his chest and hoisted her body over him, placing her knees on either side of his hips. “If I can't explain it in a way you'll approve,” she said softly, “maybe I can show you."

  "So show me.” Sam's voice was noncommittal but his eyes glittered. He could say he wasn't interested but she knew otherwise. She saw the hunger on his face as his eyes focused on her breasts dangling over him.

  "Good,” she said softly. She leaned over him and touched her lips to his as her fingers slid through his chest hair. She located and gently rolled his nipples between her thumb and forefinger. “Mmm,” she purred against his ear, “I love touching you like this. Being on top of you makes me so hot."

  Ally braced her hands on either side of his head and gazed into his eyes before she lowered her torso over his chest. She slid her breasts over his chest hair; her body sizzling with the sensations the coarse hair created against her heated skin. She pulled up lightly to allow her breasts to dangle over his mouth. She leaned lower, touching one firm nipple to his lips. “Suck my tit,” she demanded.

  Sam's hands went to her waist, his fingers digging into her flesh. “You know how I hate that word,” he said, his voice muffled against her breast.

  Ally instantly felt the fire go out. Her body went cold. She sat up on his waist and glowered down at him. He wasn't going to make this easy for her.

  All right. She wasn't beaten yet. If he wouldn't play along, she'd just have to arouse him to the point where he'd be willing to.

  Ally pushed his hands off her waist and swung around. With her back to him, she quickly leaned down and cupped his balls. Before he could protest, she closed her mouth over the rigid tip of his cock. Air escaped Sam's lungs in an audible whoosh and she slowly lowered her face over him, taking every bit of his hard-on into her mouth.

  "Ah, Jesus!” Sam's fingers gripped her buttocks as he arched his hips to meet the downward thrust of her mouth. He moaned when her teeth grazed the delicate skin. Her fingers continued to knead his balls as she pulled away and peered around at him. “Do you like that, honey?"

  "Yeah,” Sam said through clenched teeth. “Don't stop."

  "I won't,” she assured him. “But I want you to touch me too. I want you to—"

  "Like this?” Sam's fingers pushed between her thighs and stroked her moist core.

  Ally gasped when he slowly pushed two fingers inside her. “Uhm, yeah.” Her body quivered as she felt him open her. “Now pump."

  Sam quickly followed her order and began to pump his fingers in and out of her. Ally's head fell forward, her hair cascading over his thighs as she nuzzled his erect cock. With each stroke, her clitoris pulled and stretched, causing waves of erotic sensations to course through her from head to toe. She turned her attention back to his penis. Her fingers curled around the base as she licked the tip. He pushed his hips up, forcing all of him into her mouth.

  "Oh yeah, babe,” he whispered. “Take it all, that's it."

  Sam arched his hips and smashed against her face, jamming his cock deep into her throat. Ally struggled not to gag as the movement threw her off kilter. He quickly splayed his firm hand in the middle of her back to hold her in place.

  As his fingers continued to pump inside her, she felt the heat rising. Her body slowly climbed toward the pinnacle she'd so wanted to reach for the past year.

  Oh God. It was going to happen this time. For the first time in their sexual life, Ally was going to climax.

  Suddenly, Ally's body was flung off him. Sam gripped her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed. “No,” she cried, her body aching for the release she'd been on the edge of attaining.

  Sam reached for the bedside table and pulled a condom out of the drawer. He knelt between her thighs and rolled it over his erect penis.

  Ally wanted to scream as Sam lay atop her and pushed his hardness between her thighs. He braced his hands on either side of her head as he pumped into her.

  Damn it! Damn! Damn! Damn!

  Sam made low guttural sounds as he rammed into her. As his face contorted in sheer pleasure, she turned her head away from him. She didn't want to see it. She didn't want to accept he'd find completion alone yet again.

  Ally squeezed her eyes closed. A vision of Randy suddenly appeared to her. Smiling, his deep brown eyes sparkling with mischief, he held out his hand. All Ally had to do was reach out and take it.

  The image disappeared when Sam howled his release. Ally turned her face and gazed up at him. His eyes were closed tight; his body trembling as his cock emptied into the condom.

  * * * *

  "Tilly!” Ally cried as she leapt off the lounge chair by her parents’ pool and wrapped her arms around the buxom, shorter version of herself. “God, it's so good to see you."

  Tilly's bright red hair shone in the sunshine. “You didn't think I'd miss my favorite sister's wedding, did you?"

  Ally grinned. “Not to mention your only sister."

  Tilly winked. “Now, don't get testicle."

  Ally laughed as she guided her sister to another lounge chair by the pool. “God,” she said. “Don't let Sam hear you talk like that. He'd freak."

  Tilly tossed herself onto the chair and waited for Ally to pour iced tea into a tall glass. She took the glass and raised it in a mock toast. “And how is ol’ tight ass?"

  Ally frowned as she crawled back onto her lounge chair. She reached for her glass and took a long sip. Tilly had never liked Sam.

  While she and her sister looked a lot alike, their taste in men ran in very different paths. While Ally preferred safe men, those who could offer stability, Tilly went for the wild side, seeking excitement in every relationship she had.

  An endless source of embarrassment for their parents, Tilly stayed in Toronto after she graduated from university with her Bachelor's in nursing.

  "Sam is fine,” Ally replied dryly. “Thanks for asking."

  Tilly shook her head as she leaned against the back of her chair. “I still can't believe you're actually going to marry him."

  Ally raised her glass to her lips. “Me neither,” she said under her breath.

  Tilly shot forward, her eyes rounded in shock. “Pardon me?"

  Damn. Ally hadn't meant for her sister to hear that. She'd forgotten how sensitive Tilly's ears were. “Nothing.” Ally waved her hand in dismissal.

  Tilly's green eyes brightened. “You're having doubts and you think it's nothing?"

  Ally shook her head. “Stop right there,” she said. “It's just pre-wedding jitters. Mom says it's common for the bride to have misgivings at the last minute."

  Tilly snorted. “Mom also says you should mentally make out your shopping list while a guy's fucking you."

  Ally snickered. “Not just any guy—"

  "—your husband,” the sisters said in unison.

  When the laughter subsided, Tilly looked at her sister. Her eyes darkened. “Seriously, Al,” she said, her voice somber. “Are you having doubts about marrying Sam?"

  Ally shook her head. “I don't know, Til. Sometimes I'm happy and know what I want."

  Tilly raised an eyebrow. “And the other times?"

  Ally shot up from the chair and turned her back to her sister. “All right,” she said. “I admit there are times I wonder if there's more.” She turned to face Tilly. “I mean is this all there is? Am I really meant to marry a lawyer and live out my life in Wilbur being the perfect wife and raising kids?"

  "Not to mention being Dad's receptionist in the family business,” Tilly added.

  Ally sighed. “I won't even have that. Sam doesn't want me to work. Dad's already interviewing replacements for me."

  "Why doesn't that surprise me?” Tilly replied sardonically. She took a long sip of her iced tea and cocked her head to one side. “I hate to say it but I think you've been building up to this point all your life."

  Ally's brows furrowed. “If by that you me
an I wasn't as wild as you, I agree. But I don't think that means I've been headed in this direction—"

  Tilly cut her off. “Consider this,” she said. “What did you do when Mom and Dad said Randy Gallagher wasn't good enough for you?"

  "Hey,” Ally said in her own defense. “I didn't agree with them. In fact, I went to my prom with him."

  "True,” Tilly agreed. “But you told Mom and Dad you weren't going and that you were going to spend the night with your best friend. To this day, I suspect they still don't know you went to the prom with him."

  Ally's bowed her head in shame. “You're right. Mom and Dad never did find out."

  "Needless to say, they don't know you fucked his brains out that night either."

  Ally's throat tightened as she shot a glare at her sister. “How did you know?"

  Tilly giggled. “Oh, come on. Everyone in school heard what happened at Lake Sure-She-Would.” Tilly's head fell back as peels of laughter filled the air.

  Ally quickly raised a hand to quiet her. “Shut up!” she cried desperately.

  Tilly wiped her eyes and struggled to regain her composure. “You know what's really sad?” she asked. “I always cheered for you and Randy. Shit, too damn bad you didn't pursue it."

  Ally averted her gaze. “Oh well,” she said as nonchalantly as she could manage. “It wasn't meant to be."

  "I hear he's a cop in Toronto."

  Ally quickly replied. “He's a fireman.” She'd said it too damn quickly. Tilly noticed. Damn!

  "Aha!” her sister cried. “You have been keeping track of him."

  God, if she only knew. “It's difficult not to,” Ally said defensively. “He's mentioned in the Wilbur paper on a weekly basis."

  "Did you hear he was in a bachelor auction last week?” Tilly asked. “Apparently, the woman who'd bought him gave a false name."

  Ally swallowed hard. Her eyes focused on the water in the pool. “N-no,” she stammered. “I didn't hear anything about it."

  "I expect the Wilbur paper will have exclusive pictures this week,” Tilly said. “After all, he's the town's favorite son."

  Ally couldn't take it anymore. She turned to her sister. “There's something you need to know."

  "What does Matilda need to know?” Her mother's shrill voice cut through the air. Ally turned to see Victoria Peters walk down the steps from the house and make her way to the girls by the pool.

  "Hey, Mom!” Tilly said as she got out of her chair and dutifully kissed the older woman on each of her painted cheeks.

  Victoria grasped her youngest daughter's hands and slid her gaze from top to bottom of her younger daughter. “Matilda,” she said with a forced smile, “I'm glad you're here. The wedding is just a few days away and you haven't tried your bridesmaid dress on yet.” She turned to Ally. “Allison, what were you about to tell you sister?"

  Ally smiled sadly. “Nothing, Mother."

  Victoria's chin rose. “Fine,” she said tightly. “We're due for a fitting at Chez Louie's in half an hour.” Her gaze shifted from one daughter to the other. “I expect you'll both dress appropriately."

  Ally and Tilly replied in unison. “Of course, Mother."

  Ally sighed as their mother disappeared into the house. She turned to her sister. “Have you got a date for the wedding?"

  The smile Tilly offered was what Ally could only term as sly. “As a matter of fact, I wasn't going to force any man to endure your pompous wedding. But,” Tilly's smile deepened as her eyes glittered mischievously, “I've suddenly thought of someone who just might enjoy an invitation."

  Ally frowned. “Til,” she warned. “This is my day. Please don't try to upstage me."

  Tilly clapped her hands on her sister's shoulders. “I wouldn't dream of doing anything of the kind,” she said. “My only hope is you'll figure things out before you say ‘I do'."

  "I know what I'm doing,” Ally said firmly.

  Tilly turned on her heels and headed for the house. “Yes, I know you do,” she replied. “We better get ready for the fitting. Wouldn't do to keep Mom waiting."

  Chapter 4

  "Hey, Gallagher, phone!"

  Randy peered over his shoulder and nodded to the firehouse chief. “Okay, Bill. Be right there."

  He climbed down from the fire engine and tossed his checklist onto a bench as he walked toward the kitchen. He snapped up the portable phone and pressed it to his ear. “Yeah, Gallagher here."

  "Mmmm,” the voice on the other end purred. “What were you doing just now?"

  Randy frowned. The voice sounded familiar. Ally? “I was checking the truck supplies,” he said briskly.

  "Really?” the sultry voice asked. “Have you ever fucked on a fire truck?"

  Okay. It couldn't be Ally. She'd never talk that way. “Who the hell is this?"

  The woman laughed. “It's Tilly Peters,” she supplied.

  Ah, it suddenly made sense. Ally's kid sister. They looked and sounded a lot alike but Tilly was known to be a little ... looser. “What can I do for you, Tilly?"

  "As a matter of fact,” she replied, “You should ask what I can do for you."

  Randy shook his head. Ally's kid sister had always been on the wild side. He couldn't imagine what she could do for him. “Want to share with me?"

  "I'll cut to the chase,” she said.

  "That would be good,” Randy said sardonically.

  "Ally is having second thoughts about her wedding."

  Randy froze in place. Ally ... my Ally ... is getting married? What the fuck? He'd thought of her constantly since the auction last week. He was so sure she wanted to ignite an old flame and God, how he wanted to do just that.

  Suddenly everything made sense. She'd been trying to rid herself of him once and for all.

  Randy wasn't sure it was his voice that replied. It sounded distant, disconnected somehow. “I'm sure she'll get over it."

  "Do you want her to?” Tilly asked.

  "She made the decision to marry,” Randy replied. “Who cares what I want?"

  "I do,” she replied. “And, as it happens, I need a date for Ally's wedding."

  Randy's head swam. He so wanted to see her again. But shit, do I want to destroy her wedding? It wasn't as though he was prepared to offer her happily-ever-after. All he wanted was to sink his cock inside her ... something he'd been denied the last time they met.

  "Hey, earth to Randy!” Tilly said impatiently. “You wanna come to the wedding or not."

  Not. Say not.

  "Sure, what the hell?” Randy replied. “Might be fun."

  "Good,” Tilly said jubilantly. “Be here Friday night for the rehearsal party."

  "I thought you needed a date for the wedding,” Randy said.

  "I do,” Tilly replied. “But why wait until the last minute to stop it?"

  "Why the hell would I want to stop the wedding?"

  "Because Ally's never gotten over you and she's settling for something she thinks she wants,” Tilly replied.

  "I don't know if I should get mixed up in this,” Randy said.

  "The rehearsal party's at the Wilbur Golf and Country Club,” Tilly said. “Wait by the north balcony."

  This is insane. “Look, Tilly,” Randy said. “I don't think—"

  "I'll get Ally to the balcony and run a little interference with Sam. The rest is up to you."

  The line suddenly went dead and Randy placed the portable phone back on its receiver. He had to hand it to Ally's kid sister. She'd left no room for arguments.

  Damn. Ally's getting married?

  Rage suddenly hit him square in the gut. He kicked the kitchen cupboards with force and proceeded to punch the side of the refrigerator.

  "Damn you, Ally Peters!” he yelled. “Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were getting married?"

  He landed several more blows to the side of the fridge before he collapsed against the counter.

  She'd used him. She'd purchased him at the auction, led him to believe she wanted to have sex and t
hen cast him aside. She'd been trying to wash him out of her life once and for all.

  Randy rubbed his aching knuckles. She would rue the day she'd come back into his life. And thanks to Tilly his lovely Ally was about to be served to him on a silver platter.

  No, he didn't want happily-ever-after. It wasn't in his make-up to settle down with one woman. But Ally had deceived him and she deserved to pay the price. He strongly suspected the prospective groom didn't know anything about it either.

  All that was about to change.

  * * * *

  "Good morning, darling,” Victoria Peters said as Ally walked into the kitchen. She tilted her cheek slightly, waiting for the obligatory good morning kiss.

  Ally's head ached, and her eyes felt as though they were filled with sand, as she leaned down and softly kissed her mother's cheek. “Good morning, Mom."

  Victoria grasped her hand. “How are you this morning?"

  Ally shook her head slowly. “I didn't sleep a wink last night,” she confided. “I feel terrible."

  Victoria glanced up at her daughter. “Yes, I can tell you didn't sleep well by the dark circles under your eyes.” She released Ally's hand. “Thank God for concealer,” she said. “Can't have you looking tired at the rehearsal tonight."

  Ally sighed as she dragged her feet to the counter and poured coffee into a china cup. She took a sip before she said, “Mom, there's something we need to talk about."

  Victoria peered over her shoulder and glanced at Ally fondly. “What's that, my dear?"

  Ally took a deep breath. “I'm having second thoughts about the wedding."

  "You've mentioned this before,” her mother said as she rose from the table and took her coffee cup to the counter. “And I've already told you its normal for a bride to have doubts before her wedding. We both know Sam will make a wonderful husband for you."

  "But, Mom—"

  "Allison,” her mother said, “he is the best thing that's ever happened to us ... er, I mean you. He'll give you the life you so richly deserve.” She patted Ally's shoulder. “Don't mess it up just because you're having second thoughts now."

  Ally stomped her foot on the tile floor. If only her mother would listen.


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