Sweet Revenge [Bachelor For Sale Book 1]

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Sweet Revenge [Bachelor For Sale Book 1] Page 6

by Peggy Hunter

  Ally took a step back, out of Sam's reach. “As a matter of fact, Sam, I tried to tell you about it but you didn't want to hear it."

  Randy's laugh echoed off the walls of the tiny office. His eyes sparkled as he looked at Ally. “So he doesn't know everything."

  "Whether I do or not changes nothing!” Sam growled. “Allison and I are getting married today. A one-night dalliance with the likes of you won't change that."

  Randy stood straight as his eyes pinned Sam. “One night?” he asked. “Did your lovely bride-to-be mention where she disappeared to last night at your fucking rehearsal party?"

  "Language!” Reverend Smith exclaimed. “We are in God's house and I will not tolerate such vulgar language!"

  Ally felt nauseous as Randy turned to the minister. “Oh, sorry, Father ... er, I mean, Reverend."

  Sam's hand gripped Ally's arm and turned her to face him. “Where were you last night?"

  She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Her head spun, her knees felt weak. When she opened her mouth, no words would come out.

  "She was with me,” Randy supplied easily. “The hood of my car has a dent in it the exact shape of her sweet little ass."

  Sam's face turned the shade of an overripe tomato as he approached Randy. “Why you son of a bitch!” he roared.

  Suddenly, the room exploded. Reverend Smith leapt from his chair as Sam flew at Randy. Ally pressed her back against the door as she looked on in sheer horror. Her bouquet fell from her hands as she reached behind her and twisted the doorknob.

  As the fight continued, Ally slipped through the door. She was instantly met by her mother's cold glare. “What the heck is going on in there?” Victoria wailed.

  Tilly stood at her mother's side, her eyes wide. “Are you okay?"

  Ally nodded to her sister and took a deep breath. “Mother,” she said, “I think it's safe to say the wedding's off."

  Chapter 7

  "Come on, you have to eat something!” Tilly cried.

  Ally rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face into the pillow. “I'm not hungry."

  "But I ordered your favorite, Chinese."

  "I'm not hungry!"

  Ally felt the side of the bed give way as her sister sat down. Tilly ran her hand gently over Ally's back. “I know it's been a bitch of a day,” she said softly.

  Ally rolled onto her back and peered up at Tilly. “That's putting it mildly,” she replied. She clapped her hands over her ears. “God, I can still hear Mom screaming when Sam and Randy rolled out of the office and fought in front of the guests."

  Tilly chuckled. “You ran out before the best part. When Reverend Smith tried to break them up, Sam accidentally hit him. Poor old guy probably has one nasty shiner."

  Ally moaned and covered her eyes. “How can I ever show my face in Wilbur again after that fiasco?"

  "It'll blow over sooner or later,” Tilly said. She paused before she added, “Okay, probably later."

  Ally moaned again.

  "Besides,” Tilly continued. “You know you're welcome to stay with me as long as you want."

  Ally smiled at her sister. “Thanks."

  "No problem,” Tilly replied, sadness flitting across her face. “I bought this condo almost five years ago and you're the first one in my family to come here."

  A pang of guilt coursed through Ally. “It's not that I didn't want to,” she said. “It's just..."

  Tilly rose from the bed. “I know,” she said. “Mom didn't want you to come. After all, I'm fucking guys every night of the week as far as Mom's concerned."

  Ally frowned. “I'm sorry."

  "That's okay,” Tilly replied. “I know you've always been a slave to Mom's wishes. You've never had the guts to go against what she wants for you. I accepted it a long time ago."

  Ally offered a hopeful smile. “Things are different now though. Mom will strangle me the first chance she gets."

  Tilly's eyes brightened. “Yep,” she said gleefully. “You're in for it now."

  Ally had to admit she didn't care for the joy her kid sister took from the situation she was in. But she was eternally grateful for a place to hide out while their mother was on the warpath. And God only knew what Sam was up to.

  Ally couldn't resist asking. “How did Sam manage against Randy?"

  Tilly chuckled. “He didn't have a prayer,” she replied. “Randy's so deliciously strong. Have to hand it to Sam though, he took a lot of nasty blows and kept fighting."

  Deliciously strong. Ally couldn't have put it a better way. Randy's strength terrified her and yet, thrilled her. He was, in truth, so damn sexy, so damn exciting.

  Ally was no fool. She knew she had no future with someone like Randy Gallagher. Yet the mere thought of him made her body hum with desire.

  "So, he wasn't hurt too badly?"

  Tilly grinned. “Randy?” She waved a hand. “Naw, a couple scrapes but he cleaned Sam's clock big time."

  Ally sighed ... and then tried to ignore the relief she felt. She knew she should have been concerned for Sam's well-being, not the brute that'd showed up at her wedding for the sole purpose of raising havoc.

  "What a mess,” Ally lamented. She looked at the clock radio on the bedside table. Seven p.m. “If it hadn't been for Randy, I'd be happily married right this minute."

  Tilly frowned.

  Ally raised her hand. “Well, okay,” she said. “Maybe not happily but I'd be married."

  "You know what you need, don't you?” Tilly winked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  Ally moaned; she knew what her sister was thinking. “Oh please!” she cried. “Getting laid is the last thing I need."

  Tilly laughed out loud. “I was going to suggest a bowl of won ton soup but I kinda like your idea better."

  Ally shook her head. “Well, you can't blame me. Your mind's always in the gutter.” Her stomach growled. “All right, maybe some soup then."

  Tilly grinned. “Good, follow me to the kitchen."

  * * * *

  Randy checked his watch. It was six-thirty Sunday morning. He'd gotten to the lobby of Tilly's condo building right on time. So where the hell was she? Outside it was pouring rain. He was grateful Tilly had left word with the security guard to expect him. At least he was able to come in out of the rain.

  But Randy felt like a caged lion as he paced the floor in front of the security guard's desk. Across the desk, the elderly guard shot glances at him while reading the paper. “How ‘bout those Blue Jays, huh?” the old man asked, clearly trying to make conversation.

  Randy stopped pacing and stared at him. He hadn't been paying much attention to baseball lately. “Yeah,” he said absently and began to pace again.

  Just as the guard began to speak again, Randy's attention was drawn to the elevator door as it slowly slid open.

  Tilly stepped forward and smiled at him. She was dressed for work in a bright pink nurse's uniform. “Good,” she said. “You're here."

  "Yeah, I'm here,” Randy said sourly. “Though I'm not sure why. After what happened yesterday, I can't imagine Ally will ever want to see me again."

  And yet he'd come. In fact, he couldn't stay away.

  "I thought I'd made that clear on the phone last night,” she replied. “If you don't do something now, Ally might go back to Sam."

  Randy shook his head. “Tell me again why that would be a bad thing."

  Tilly shook her head and pressed a key into his hand. “If you don't get it by now, you never will."

  Randy looked at the key in his hand. “What I don't get is why you're doing this."

  Tilly smiled. “Look,” she said briskly, “I have no illusions about your kind. You're not forever; you're the type who wants to get laid and get the hell out."

  Randy's gaze settled on her face as she continued, “You, Randy Gallagher, are a way out for my sister. Go ahead, do what you do best. Because when Ally comes out on the other end of all this, she's going to realize two very important things. One, Sam Ryan is
an asshole and she's better off without him and two..."

  Randy narrowed his eyes as he looked at Tilly. The woman sure as hell didn't mince words.

  "Ally's going to find out you don't measure up either. And then, maybe, just maybe, she can start living her life to suit herself."

  Randy frowned. “Why won't I measure up?"

  Tilly splayed her hands in frustration. “I have to get to work so I don't have time to spell it out for you,” she said. “Figure it out on your own."

  Randy stared after her as she breezed out the door. What the fuck was that all about? He peered at the security guard, who had undoubtedly heard the entire exchange. The guard's eyes quickly fell to the paper in his hands.

  Randy shook his head and walked to the elevator. He pressed the ‘up’ button and waited.

  "Want some advice?” The voice came from behind the newspaper.

  Randy tried not to laugh as the elevator dinged its arrival and the door slid open. “No. But thanks anyway,” he said as he stepped inside.

  As the doors slid closed, Randy distinctly heard the old man say, “Okay, it's your funeral."

  * * * *

  The apartment was deathly quiet as Randy unlocked the door and walked inside. Even though Tilly had placed a key in his hand, he couldn't help feeling as though he was breaking in. Tilly may have known but the lone occupant of the apartment did not.

  Randy tossed the key onto the table by the door and slowly made his way to a closed door. His body sang, his groin ached and his mind whirled at the very idea of seeing Ally again. He only hoped she'd want to see him as much as he wanted ... no, needed ... her.

  Tilly's parting words echoed in his head as he approached the closed bedroom door. Ally's going to find out that you don't measure up either.

  Measure up to what? And just what was he supposed to do to help Ally move on?

  Randy pushed the bedroom door open and winced when the hinges creaked lightly. His gaze cast into the darkened room as his eyes slowly adjusted to the low light.

  And then he saw her. Ally. His Ally. She looked tiny as she lay curled up on the queen-size bed. She lay on her side with her hands curled delicately under her chin. Her auburn hair fanned out behind her in a fiery riot over the pillow. Her arched brows furrowed lightly as she slept but her full red lips turned up at the corners as though she was having a delightful dream.

  The rest of her body was covered by the old quilt adorning the bed. Pulled up to just beneath her chin, Randy could see little of her delectable body. Yet desire for her zinged his soul. She looked so damn beautiful. He imagined he would never tire of seeing her this way, in sweet slumber.

  But Randy needed to talk to her, to figure things out. He slowly approached the bed.

  He so wanted to crawl beneath the covers and pull her body close to his. He wanted to hold her tight and tell her everything would be all right.

  He quelled the urges welling inside him. Instead, he gently touched her cheek. “Ally,” he called softly.

  Ally sighed as her hand closed over his fingers. “Sam?” her sleepy voice whispered.

  Randy pulled his hand away as if he'd been stung. His gut twisted as he took a step back.

  He glared down at her. She was dreaming about Sam? How could that fucking weenie-assed loser fill Ally's dreams after everything we've shared?

  Anger seeped through his bones and rooted in his soul. Why did I listen to Tilly? What did I hope to accomplish by coming here?

  Randy grimaced. Well, he was here now and he wasn't going anywhere until he'd had his say.

  He placed his foot on the edge of the mattress and pumped his leg, shaking the bed violently. “Wake up, Ally,” he said.

  Ally's long red curls splattered over the stark white pillow, creating a fiery riot as her body rocked back and forth. Her eyes flew open, at first confused and then they widened in shock as her green gaze focused on Randy.

  Darkening to an emerald blaze, her eyes pinned him as her fingers gripped the edge of the quilt. “What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded.

  Randy folded his arms across his chest. “I shouldn't have to tell you why I'm here,” he replied.

  "This is a secure building,” Ally said. “How did you get in?"

  Randy chuckled. “How do you think I got in?"

  "Tilly,” Ally whispered. “Damn you."

  "Don't blame your sister,” Randy said. “You're the one who created all this shit."

  Ally's eyes widened as her face went pale. She sat up in bed, the blankets falling away from her. “How dare you?” she howled. “If it weren't for you, I'd be Mrs. Samual Ryan."

  Randy's gaze slid from her face to the soft pink nightgown she wore. He could just barely make out the dark circles as her nipples peaked against the sheer fabric. Sweet Lord, he wanted her so damn much.

  He tore his gaze from her delectable breasts and tilted his head to one side. “Please,” he said sarcastically, “no need to thank me."

  The covers flew back as Ally leapt from the bed. Her eyes burned with anger. She seemed quite unaware that the nightgown rode her hips, giving him a full view of her creamy white thighs. Damn, the fabric clung to her just below her core. Didn't matter, his cock hardened anyway.

  "You son of a bitch!” she cried as she slapped her open hand against his chest. “Why couldn't you have left well enough alone? Everything was just fine until...” Her voice trailed off.

  "Until you bought me at the auction?” Randy asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

  Ally's full red lips pulled back into a sneer. “Until you showed up at the wedding,” she smugly said. “Damn you!” She pushed against his chest again. “Do you have any idea what you've done?"

  "What I've done?” Randy laughed out loud, his voice echoed off the walls of the bedroom ... which seemed a lot smaller than it was when he came in. “What I've done?” he repeated angrily. “You're the one who came back into my life. You're the one who gave me just a taste of you and then ran off to marry that loser!"

  "Sam is not a loser!” Ally cried. “In fact, he's everything I ever wanted."

  Randy's eyes narrowed. “Don't try to convince me of that,” he said through clenched teeth. “Not after the two very steamy encounters we had."

  Ally raised her hand but before she managed to push his chest again, Randy took a step back. “I should warn you,” he said, “I just might shove back this time."

  Ally paid no heed as she closed the distance between them and, this time, slammed both hands against his chest. The attempt did nothing but cause Randy's heart to beat faster.

  He slowly raised his hands and placed them against her shoulders. “Don't tell me you didn't see this coming,” he said as he pushed her, sending her flying backwards onto the bed.

  Ally gasped as her nightgown floated in a pink cloud around her and settled over her chest when she landed spread-eagle across the bed.

  Randy stood over her, his eyes roaming over her body. His cock hardened, begged to be free to take her and yet his conscience, damn the fucking thing, made him take a step back. He'd never taken a woman by force and was not about to start now, especially not Ally.

  Yet she lay panting on the bed. Her body naked from just below her breasts. Her eyes ... those incredible green eyes ... sparkled with challenge. Did she want him to make love to her, or was she waiting for the perfect moment to strike back?

  Randy cast his gaze over her tiny waist and then over her delicate white thighs and finally to the V between her legs. His groin ached with need so much, he felt himself take a step closer to her.

  "Sweet Ally,” he said through clenched teeth. “You have no idea how incredibly beautiful you are."

  "Show me.” The words she spoke came in a low, almost indiscernible hiss.

  Randy held his stance. “Is that what you want, Ally? Do you want me?"

  Ally's lips parted as her tongue slowly slid over her top lip. Her green eyes lit with passion and Randy knew she didn't need to say anything.

  He placed his knees on the bed between her thighs and leaned down to touch his lips to hers.

  The moment they connected, he knew he hadn't misunderstood. Her fingers crawled into his hair and pulled him closer as her mouth drank from his lips, taking everything he had and begged for more.

  Randy tore his lips from hers and grazed a path down her throat. “Sweet Ally,” he said gruffly. “You have no idea how much I need you."

  "This is wrong on so many levels. And I know I'm going to regret it,” she replied, her words coming in short gasps, “but I need you too."

  Randy pulled away from her throat and gazed down at her passion-lit face. “Trust me,” he said as he smiled. “You'll never regret it."

  * * * *

  You'll never regret it.

  Ally struggled to keep her tears at bay. She wanted Randy so damn much. And yet, she knew she would indeed regret this moment. Sooner or later, she had to go home and face Sam.

  She gasped when Randy curled his fingers into the fabric of her nightgown and pulled it over her head. His deep brown eyes roamed over her naked breasts with a hunger she could not describe. As if he was afraid she'd bolt, he watched her face as his hands slowly lowered and closed over her breasts.

  Any thoughts of regrets and Sam quickly evaporated when she felt his warm hands gently knead her breasts. She gasped when his fingers gently pinched her nipples, bringing them to full attention.

  "I love your breasts,” he said softly before he bent his head and gently nuzzled one nipple.

  Just as he was about to close his mouth over it, Ally placed her hands on either side of his head and lightly pushed him away. His deep brown eyes blazed as he looked down at her.

  "What?” he asked. “Please don't tell me you've changed your mind."

  Ally smiled. There was no going back now, not for her anyway. She'd wanted Randy for way too long. But she fully intended to enjoy every second with him. “I haven't changed my mind,” she said softly. “But don't you think you're a little overdressed for the occasion?"

  Randy grinned. “I suppose I am."

  "Then take your clothes off,” Ally said, her eyes challenging him.


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