Crimson Moon

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Crimson Moon Page 10

by Christine Gabriel

  Bethani let out a giggle. “Can I tell him he’s going to be an uncle?”

  We both looked at her and yelled out, “No!”

  She looked at us wide-eyed and smiled. “Okay, but can we teach them to call me Aunt Bethani?”

  I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Sure.”

  She jumped up and down in excitement. “I can’t wait!”

  “We should be getting back.” I laughed. “They’ll be excited to see you, Mathias.”

  He frowned. “I’m afraid I can’t go back with you.”

  “What?” I looked at him confused. “Why not?”

  “I came to warn you.”

  “Warn me about what?” I asked, watching the colors of his eyes change to light gray.

  “She’s working with him.”


  He turned his head, fear crawling into his gray eyes. “I must find Stephen.”

  “Wait, who’s working with him?”

  He turned his head and frowned. “I must go.”

  “No, Mathias, wait.” I reached out towards him. He ignored my plea and disappeared into the forest.

  “Angelina?” a gruff voice called out behind me.

  I turned around and stared at the man before me. I admired his features. The way his dark hair fell over his face; it was wild like mine. The same curve of his lips, the way his nose flared slightly when he talked…there was no mistaking it. He was my brother.

  “I should go,” Bethani said with a smirk. “I’ll be back at the camp…planning.”

  I glanced over at her and rolled my eyes. “Remember, you promised.”

  She flashed a big smile, “I know, I won’t say a word. I swear.”

  She ran off through the brush, leaving Daniel and I alone in silence.

  “Can we talk?” he asked, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.

  I nodded my head and slid down the soft, moss-covered tree. I patted the leaves next to me. He walked over and slid down next to me. For a moment, we both stared off into the forest in silence. The air around us was warm, with a cool breeze caressing our skin every so often.

  Daniel finally broke the silence. “I need to tell you something.”

  I nodded, afraid to look at him, “Okay.”

  “I need you to know that I’m your…”

  Suddenly an arrow came whizzing through the forest and struck him in the chest. He let out a loud groan as another one embedded itself in his stomach.

  “No!” I screamed pushing him out of the way of the third arrow that grazed the side of my shoulder.

  Blood spewed out of his mouth as I used my strength to pull him to the other side of the tree. I cautiously peeked my head around the tree and saw the hooded archer flee into the forest.

  “Angelina,” Daniel whispered.

  I went back to his side and pulled at the arrow stuck in his chest, “Daniel, it’s okay, just stay awake.”

  “Angelina, I’m so sorry,” he continued, “I shouldn’t have listened to you.”

  “We can talk about this later.”

  “No.” he put his hand over mine, “I shouldn’t have let you die.”

  “It’s in the past, Daniel, just don’t move,” I urged.

  “Let me go.”

  I looked at him in surprise. “No.”

  “Angelina, let me go.”

  I felt a tear slide down my face. “No, I need you.”

  He smiled and wiped the tear from my face. “I love you, sis. You’re all I’ve ever had.”

  With that he closed his eyes. I shook him slightly, “Daniel?!” I shook him again. “Daniel, you can’t leave me!” I took a deep breath. “No, I won’t do as you ask. I won’t let you go.” I stood up and let the electricity flow through my body. I thought of Daniel carrying me on his back through the forest, I thought of him protecting me, keeping me safe from all the horrors of the world. It was my turn to do him a favor. It was my turn to do the protecting and show my twin brother just how much he really meant to me.

  Chapter 26

  Broken Promises

  “Angelina’s been gone awhile,” Nicolai noted, pacing back and forth impatiently.

  “I’m sure she and Bethani are just having some girl time,” Ctephanyi said without looking up at him. Snow let out a soft whimper and lay her head across Ctephanyi’s lap.

  He ignored his mother’s words. “Maybe I should go see what’s keeping them.”

  Just then he saw Bethani’s blonde curls bopping up and down in the distance. His heart sank once he realized that she had come back alone. “Where’s Angelina?” he asked, as she made her way towards them.

  She gave him a sly smile. “She’s talking with Daniel.”

  He let out a sigh of relief and sat down. He glanced back up at Bethani. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s better than you think,” Bethani said.

  He shook his head—she was so weird sometimes. His mind wandered back to the woman he loved. Things had been somewhat indifferent between he and Angelina. He could sense the tension between them and though he so desperately wanted to poke around in her thoughts, he had promised her he wouldn’t.

  Snow lifted her head abruptly. Her ears flattened back and her white fur began to slowly stand up on end. She let out a growl and jumped to her feet. Her tail stiffened and her growl deepened as she stared into the forest at something unseen. Suddenly, she let out a long howl and ran into the forest.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Jeremiah questioned, his gaze shifting towards Snow.

  Nicolai stood up, followed by his father and Josiah. Ctephanyi’s eyes began to brighten as she searched the forest for signs of life. “Something’s wrong with Angelina,” she commented. “Snow was bred specifically for Angelina. She can feel everything Angelina feels.”

  Jeremiah hurried to his feet, “Where is she?”

  “Nicolai.” Ctephanyi motioned to him.

  He looked at his mother, “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to read her thoughts.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “No, I can’t. I promised.”

  “Nicolai, it’s imperative you do this,” she urged. “The forest is too large for us to just go looking for her.”

  “Why can’t you just read her thoughts?” Jeremiah questioned Ctephanyi, his adrenaline beginning to surge throughout his muscular body. He felt his muscles begin to twitch in anticipation.

  She gave him an icy glare that sent shivers down his spine, “She is the daughter of Hecate.”

  “So?” he replied, not understanding.

  “Her mind is shielded now that she knows who she is,” she said. “The only person who can read her thoughts is Nicolai.”

  He glanced at Nicolai in jealous disgust. “Why him?”

  “Because she loves him,” she answered, annoyed by his numerous questions. “She lets her guard down with him, therefore he’s the only person that can get through.”

  He shrugged. “Whatever.”

  “Mother, I can’t. I promised,” Nicolai repeated.

  “Nicolai, she’s in danger.” Elias interjected, “What is more important—hurt feelings or her life?”

  He felt the fire surge throughout his ember eyes. The thought of Angelina being in danger sickened him. Even though he had promised her that he would never again pry into her mind, he knew his father was right. “Okay,” he agreed and began to listen to the forest that surrounded them.

  “What do you hear?” her father asked, worry heavyset on his face.

  “Silence,” he instructed, motioning for everyone in the camp to be quiet. It was harder to read her thoughts when she wasn’t around him.

  He knelt and placed the palm of his hand on the soft ground. The vibrations of life within the forest began to fill his mind. He concentrated on finding his target and let his senses take control. He could hear the light breeze comb its long fingers through the tall tree tops. He felt the small vibration of chipmunks scurrying through the brush and the steady beat of whitet
ail deer. He sensed a human female full of excitement and fear. He concentrated on her and felt her fast and unsteady footsteps glide through the forest. He envisioned her in a hooded, black cloak with a bow.

  “Be on your guard, someone is nearby,” he ordered, continuing to watch the hooded figure in his mind flee through the forest.

  “Who is it, Nicolai?” Ctephanyi asked, peering into the forest.

  “I’m not sure.” He raised his other hand. “Wait.”

  He caught a very low vibration nearby. He turned his full attention towards it—his eyes widening as he realized it was the faint sound of a heartbeat and not one, but three of them! Two seemed to be low and steady while the third one seemed to be angry and out of control. He smiled, he knew that noise well—it was Angelina’s heartbeat. The other two, however, were small and faint, almost childlike. They reminded him of the heartbeats he had heard during his stint as a doctor in the maternity ward when he was searching for the perfect vessel for Angelina’s soul.

  A sudden realization washed over him, and his stature weakened.

  Jeremiah let out an impatient sigh. “Did you find her?”

  Nicolai felt his hand tremble and tried to maintain his composure. “Yes, I found them.”

  “Well,” Jeremiah stared at him dumbfounded. “Where are they?”

  Nicolai swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and stood up, nonchalantly running his hands through his messy black hair. He turned his back towards them as a tear fell down his rugged cheek. He reached his hand up and caught it unknowingly. His mind was in shock as the overwhelming amount of emotions took ahold of him and coursed throughout his body.

  Ctephanyi, moved by her son’s show of emotion, went to his aid. “What’s wrong, my dear boy?” she questioned, putting a delicate hand on his shoulder.

  Bethani stared at them in silence. She knew what he had heard and was somewhat disappointed she hadn’t been the one to tell him.

  Josiah cleared his throat impatiently. “Nicolai, where are my children?”

  Nicolai felt an invisible force lift his arm and point towards the direction he’d heard the heartbeats come from. Without hesitation, Josiah took off at full speed, followed by Jeremiah and a snarling Snow.

  Bethani watched them disappear into the forest and took a step to follow them. She turned back momentarily and studied Nicolai curiously. She could sense the confusion, excitement, anger, and apprehension emitting from his usual cool demeanor. His handsome face had hardened as he tried to come to terms with the revelation he had just witnessed.

  He turned and looked at her. “You knew,” he stated in a monotone voice.

  She nodded. “Yes, but I made a promise.”

  “So did I.” He shrugged his mother’s hand off his shoulder. “But I broke mine.”

  Bethani watched him disappear into the forest behind the others and observed a look of confusion enter into Ctephanyi’s eyes. “You read his mind.”

  She took a step back and Elias wrapped his arms around his wife protectively. “We must keep her safe,” Ctephanyi whispered to Elias in shock. “She’s carrying something so very precious. Our bloodline.”

  Elias nodded in agreement. “We will.”

  Bethani sighed at the love that crept into their eyes. She smiled to herself and thought about how so much had changed since their first meeting with Nicolai’s parents. She wrapped her slender arms around herself and hoped the path of change they traveled down continued in a positive manner.

  Ctephanyi shook off her moment of human weakness and stood proudly next to her husband. “Shall we join them?”

  Bethani nodded and headed into the forest followed by the two people who had started out as the ultimate enemies. With the winds of change swirling through the air, a new enemy had emerged, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they would encounter him and discover what the definition of enemy truly was.

  Chapter 27


  The electricity surged through my body as I commanded the moss to wrap around the arrows that were stuck in Daniel’s stomach and chest. Anger spun its wicked web inside my mind as the arrows disappeared inside the thick moss and blood oozed from the gaping holes that were left behind. I would make whoever had done this pay, but right now, time was against me and I knew I had to work quickly or Daniel would die.

  I leaned over him and kissed his forehead, “Today will not be the day death greets you with open arms, because I will not allow it to happen.”

  Gagging, I laid my hands over the blood-soaked wound. I took a deep breath and looked away—these pregnancy changes were proving to be quite annoying. Shaking off the queasiness, I tried to concentrate. The power I had grown used to ran through my fingertips and seeped into his chest. The wound began to heal itself and I let out a sigh of relief. A few moments later, both wounds had been healed, leaving bright red scars in their places.

  “Daniel?” I whispered in his ear. “Can you hear me?”

  He stirred slightly.

  “Daniel,” I whispered again. “Wake up.”

  His eyes popped open and he jumped up and swung at the air.

  I laughed. “Woah, killer, calm down.”

  He had a bewildered look on his face as he searched the forest for the perpetrator who had attacked them.

  “They’re gone.”

  He looked down at me, “You’re sure?”

  Taking one more look around, I nodded. “Yes, I don’t sense his presence any longer.”

  “Are you hurt?” he asked, scanning my body for any open wounds.

  “I’m fine,” I promised.

  He looked me over once again and laid his head back against the soft moss that ran up the tree behind him, “If anything happened to you again…”

  I laid my hand over his. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  He shook his head in defeat and I could tell he was trying to hide his emotions.

  I nudged him. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  He leaned forward and smiled. “A secret?”

  “Mmmhmm,” I smiled deviously.

  “What kind of secret?”

  “The good kind,” I answered with a smirk.

  His eyes lit up. “Sure!”

  “I know that you’re my twin brother.”

  His eyes filled with tears and for a moment we bathed in the silence between us. It was an endearing moment, and I would forever hold in my heart.

  “You know?”

  “I do.” I nodded. “Want to hear another secret?”

  “Another one?” he stared at me in surprise.

  “Yup,” I laughed.

  “Well…uhm…” he fidgeted uncomfortably. “Sure?”

  An old memory filtered into my mind. Daniel had been blessed with the gift of sight and could see things unseen to others. Excited, I grabbed his hand and lay it across my stomach. “What do you see?”

  “Angelina, I can’t,” he said.

  “I give you permission to use your gift on me.”

  “I’m not sure that I should.”

  “Why not?” I nudged him again, “It won’t hurt.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. A moment later a tear fell down his face and he smiled. “I’m going to be an uncle.”

  I nodded and felt my own eyes begin to well up with tears. He grabbed my hand and for a moment we stared into each other’s eyes, passing old memories and thoughts between the two of us.

  “Angelina!” A frantic voice called out from behind us, “Angelina, where are you?!”

  I snapped back to reality and poked my head around the corner of the tree. I felt a wet tongue on my face as Snow pounced on top of me. I laughed and nuzzled my face next to hers. Soft fur tickled my cheeks as she continued to shower me with puppy kisses. I knew I hadn’t been gone long, but I would’ve sworn she had gained at least fifteen pounds since I had last seen her.

  “Angelina?” I heard my father ask breathlessly in between a barrage of wet, sloppy dog kisses.

/>   “Yes?” I laughed, pushing Snow towards Daniel. Her tail stiffened as she proceeded with caution towards him.

  “Come on, girl.” He patted his leg.

  She wagged her tail, still somewhat unsure and sniffed his leg. A moment later Daniel found himself covered in Snow’s wet kisses.

  “She knows.” He laughed.

  “She’s a smart dog,” I commented, watching the two of them enjoy each other’s company.

  “Angelina!” Jeremiah called out from the distance.

  “Are you okay?” my father asked, bending down next to me.

  “I’m okay,” I answered, looking over at Daniel.

  My father followed my gaze, “Daniel, you were hurt!”

  “Huh?” he looked up, surprised, “What are you talking about?”

  “The scars!” our father pointed towards Daniel’s chest.

  Daniel looked down and examined the new scars that graced his muscular body. “Well look at that,” he said gruffly, not surprised.

  “You didn’t know?”

  He looked at our father and smiled. “No, I suppose I didn’t.” He shrugged.

  I knew better than to think he could care less. In fact, I knew that Daniel and I would be having a conversation about this later on and I was okay with that.

  “Angelina, what happened?” Jeremiah asked breathlessly, his muscles twitching in excitement.

  “I’m not quite sure,” I answered honestly.

  “You’re not sure?”

  “Well, as we were talking someone decided to take a moment and shoot some arrows our way,” I replied nonchalantly.

  Jeremiah’s bright blue eyes grew dark with anger. “Someone tried to kill you?”

  “Well, yes…I suppose they did.”

  He stared at me and I could tell by the look on his face he was trying to restrain himself from unleashing a slew of obscenities. “Angelina, you don’t find this somewhat troubling? I mean, look at Daniel’s chest!” he pointed out. He reached down and grabbed my hand, “Look at your hands, they’re covered in blood!”

  I looked down and frowned at the dried blood that covered my pale hands. “Jeremiah, we’re alive.” I looked over at Daniel and smiled. “That’s all that matters.”


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