An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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An Artist's Kiss [Dark Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 30

by Suzy Shearer

  Isabella and Gabriel exchanged a private glance, she gave him a little nod and a beautiful smile.

  “We would have but something important happened in the afternoon.”

  “More important than getting engaged?” Erica sounded rather confused.

  “Yep.” He grabbed Isabella’s hand and pulled her close to him. He couldn’t help it.

  He kissed her then turned back to their friends and said triumphantly, “Issie’s about three months pregnant.”

  Gabriel roared with laughter at the look on Erica’s face. Her eyes widened, her mouth opened and a silent scream came out. Then came the real one. He pretended to block his ears as she made a grab for Isabella. Ian grinned and shook his head in delight.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god!” Erica could only chant as she jumped up and down holding Isabella’s hands.

  Ian pulled Gabriel in for a hug then pushed Erica aside so he could kiss Isabella.

  “That’s the most wonderful news we’ve had for ages. Congratulations, you two.”

  Erica couldn’t stop her sing-song chant for what seemed like ages but finally she took Isabella’s hands in hers, “I’m so excited. I’m going to be an aunty!”

  The four sat down at the kitchen bench after Gabriel made a pot of tea for them all.

  Erica wanted to know all the details then she looked over at Gabriel and asked, “Hey, when’s the wedding?”

  “Hell, I have no idea. Ask Issie,” Gabriel said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “I did and she gave me the same answer.”

  He knew he wanted her as his wife as soon as possible. He’d be happy if they just ran off to the local court house and did it. Of course he had no idea what Isabella wanted and on top of that he could imagine his parents’, hers, and the family’s reaction. They still hadn’t told them about the baby or the engagement. He hoped she didn’t want some great involved do like Ian and Erica had five months ago. Gabriel looked at Isabella.

  She shrugged her shoulders and lifted her eyebrows.

  “The sooner the better but please, I don’t want some huge affair.”

  Gabriel walked to her and held her face between his hands then kissed her.

  “I knew there was a reason I loved you.”

  “You’d better ring your mother and tell her, Issie, and you should ring your mum, too, Gabe.”

  “It’s okay, Erica, we’re telling them tonight. We’re meeting the four of them at the pub for dinner. They’ll want to know how today went. Anyway, don’t say anything to the family. We want it to be a surprise.”

  When Isabella and Gabriel arrived at the pub the two mothers looked at their children then each other and grinned.

  “When’s the date?” Jane asked.

  “How the hell?” Gabriel stood looking down at his mother stunned and shook his head.

  “Did Erica ring and tell you I was pregnant?” Isabella asked.

  “No need. Only have to look at the two of you. Gabriel’s got an even more possessive look on his face and you’re fairly glowing, Issie,” Dorothy replied with a motherly smirk.

  “So congratulations and when’s it happening?”

  Isabella sat heavily. Just from the look on her face Gabriel knew she was floored by the mothers’ announcement. He pulled out his chair to sit between her and his father then answered his mother.

  “Mum, we only found out last night.” He still couldn’t believe that the mothers knew without being told.

  “In that case you can tell us when it’s due. Jane and I both thought Issie might be pregnant with the way she’s been lately.”

  Shaking her head, Isabella could only stare at the two women in shock. Gabriel lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed each fingertip.

  “It’s due in May. Issie has to have some tests done and an ultrasound because of her age.”

  “She’ll be fine, won’t you, Issie. You’re healthy and strong.” Her mother reached out a hand and Isabella grabbed it gratefully.

  “I still can’t believe it. The doctor said maybe I should have stayed on those birth control pills a little longer but I thought I was too old to worry when I stopped a few months back,” she told her mother.

  Wisely Dorothy said, “Everything happens for a reason. You two were meant to be parents.”

  Michael ordered a round of drinks, fruit juice for Isabella, as they waited for their meal. He raised his glass.

  “On behalf of the four of us, congratulations. You are our children and we love you both more than you could imagine. Now to know we’ll have another grandchild.” He dipped his glass to Jane and Richard. “And a first one for Jane and Rich brings us all such happiness and excitement. To Issie and Gabe.”

  They toasted the two of them then Gabriel cleared his throat.

  “I should tell you as well as finding out we were pregnant last night, yesterday morning I asked Issie to marry me and she said yes.”

  That brought a fresh round of tears and congratulations. Gabriel felt a lump in his throat at the love and affection these four wonderful people gave to him and Isabella. He felt Isabella squeeze his hand and knew she felt the same.

  “Oh gee, when are you thinking of holding the wedding? Have you set a date yet?” Dorothy asked.

  “Mum, it only happened yesterday, it was a whirlwind of emotions. Then we had the press conference. To be honest, we haven’t even discussed the wedding except it’ll be soon and it won’t be a big affair. Just family and close friends.”

  “You don’t want a big wedding, Issie?”

  “No, Dottie, just something simple and intimate, like Gabe said.”

  “Why don’t you get married for Issie’s birthday?” Jane suggested.

  Gabriel turned to Isabella.

  “Shall we? Your birthday’s only four weeks away. Can we plan a wedding in four weeks?”

  Isabella shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Just have to find somewhere to have it.”

  The two mothers had been talking quietly. Jane nodded her head and Dorothy gave a grin.

  “Jane and I can organise things. As for where to have it, why don’t you consider the parklands at the nursery?”

  Isabella looked puzzled at Dorothy and Gabriel.

  “Actually, that’s a good idea. Isabella’s never actually been through the park though.”

  “Seen what? I’m confused.”

  “Mike and Andy’s nursery.”

  “I’ve seen the nursery and eaten in the restaurant. I still don't understand,” Isabella told Gabriel.

  “It’s not just the nursery and restaurant, there’s beautiful parklands. They’ve built them up over the years with gazebos, bowers, little nooks, and now it’s spectacular. There are often weddings held there.”

  He could see the excited look on Isabella’s face.

  “That would be perfect! Oh, we need to find out if they have any dates free.”

  “Hold on, Issie, you need to see it first,” Gabriel said. “You may not like it.”

  “How about we ask if they have any dates first then if they do you can take me to see the park tomorrow.”

  “Only if you’re sure.”

  When Isabella assured Gabriel it was what she wanted he rang his brother.

  “Hey, Andy. Is Mike there?”

  “Just a second, Gabe. He’s bathing Ayesha, I’ll swap with him. Hey, how did the press thing go?”

  Gabriel gave Andrew a brief outline then waited while he got Michael.

  “Hey, bro, what gives?”

  “I wondered if you have any bookings yet for December for the restaurant and garden park?”

  “Bookings as in weddings?”


  He could hear the wariness in Michael’s voice as he said, “Two. The second Saturday in December and the last.”

  “Hang on a minute. Issie, first or third Saturday?”

  “The first one. My birthday’s the fourth of December and the third’s too close to Christmas.”

  “Can you book in a wedding fo
r December six, Mike, please?”

  “Does this mean what I think it does?” Michael asked hopefully.


  Gabriel held the phone from his ear as Michael’s booming voice shouted out to Andrew. “They’re getting married at last!”

  “I take it that we have the date?”

  “You do and congratulations. Give Issie a kiss and tell her we are so happy to be able to call her our sister officially.”

  “Thanks, Mike. Mum and Jane are organising everything so they’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Ho ho, getting the mums to do all the dirty work, smart thinking.”

  “Yeah, I think so, too. Thanks, mate. Talk to you soon. Bye.”


  Gabriel hung up and gave Isabella Michael and Andrew’s best wishes.

  “When are you going to tell the family?”

  Gabriel shrugged, he hadn’t thought that far. He didn’t want one knowing before the other so he said he would announce it at the upcoming monthly family get-together.

  When Gabriel and Isabella left around nine-thirty, the two mothers had their heads together and Isabella laughingly said she assumed they would let her know what time she was to arrive. Gabriel thought it wasn’t far from the truth as he took his new fiancée home.

  “Issie, are you sure you want to leave things in the hands of those two?”

  “Gabe, did you see their faces? They’re over the moon.”

  “Honey, it’s your wedding.”

  “Ours, but I’ve never been one for parties and stuff. I have no idea where to start planning. Our mothers are going to have the time of their lives. As long as they don’t go overboard and invite every living person, I don’t mind. Erica and I can go shop for a dress. You and I can check on the nursery tomorrow.”

  The next morning just after they’d finished breakfast Ian turned up with half a dozen papers.

  “You made the front page and page three on these.”

  He threw them on the counter in front of Isabella and Gabriel. Isabella groaned but Ian told her it was all pretty good.

  “So far everything has been positive. I think it’s because Peter blew up in court, his threats, then he outed you and then we decided to hold the press conference with Gabriel outing as well. The press seemed to love it all.” He opened one of the papers. “They took a great picture of your Tate hanging, Gabe. I like the fact they point out Issie was the model.”

  “I guess it could have been worse.”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Isabella had been reading some of the articles.

  “Looks like they like the fact we’re getting married. Hope we don’t have any at the wedding.”

  “When you decide on a date, let me know. Erica and I will see if we can head them off.”

  Gabriel grinned at his friend.

  “December sixth.”

  “What? Shit, that’s only just over four weeks away.” Ian sounded fearful.

  “We’re going to hold it in the restaurant and the parkland at Michael’s nursery, I think. I’m taking Issie there this morning then we’ll go and get the banns posted at the registry office.”

  Gabriel and Isabella drove over to Michael’s and before they were even out of the car Isabella was jumping up and down in excitement. They walked through the stunning grounds before heading into the nursery to find his brother and Andrew. The two men kissed Isabella and shook hands with Gabriel before taking them into their office where Ayesha was sound asleep in her cot. They spent an hour there before heading off to lodge the paperwork in the local registry office. Once that was done Gabriel took Isabella back to the house.

  That afternoon Dorothy rang to speak with Isabella. She’d discovered through a friend that a wedding had been cancelled in St. Margaret’s church in Leicester on December sixth and had tentatively booked it. She thought they could still hold the reception at the restaurant but because it would be cold it might be better to hold the wedding inside the church.

  “Actually Dottie, that sounds perfect. I didn’t think we’d be able to find a church with such short notice but that would be wonderful.”

  “Okay, I’ll ring the minister back and confirm it.”

  “Thank you so much. I guess I’d better get a dress organised.”

  “Yes, you’d better,” Dorothy warned.

  They chatted for a few more minutes then hung up. Isabella went to find Gabriel in his studio.

  “That was your mum on the phone. She tracked down a church for us instead of the parkland, which makes more sense, especially if we get an early snow.”

  “Shit, I never thought about the weather.”

  “Neither did I, Gabe.” She laughed. “Thank goodness the mums are organised.”

  She joined him in front of the canvas he was working on. Now that his hand had healed with full movement he had taken on a couple of commissions.

  “Do you like this colour on the shoulders?” he asked, his head cocked.

  “Looks okay to me, maybe a bit burnt looking. Why?”

  “Not happy with it. Think you’re right. I might make it more yellow than orange instead.”

  “I’m going to see when Erica’s free to go dress shopping. Do you have anything planned for us in the next week?”

  Gabriel turned to Isabella and leered at her.

  “You mean apart from me tying you to the bed posts and flogging you?”

  Chapter Twenty Six

  By mid-November Isabella was ready to elope. Granted, the mothers had organised almost everything but it was such a rush. She knew it was her own fault for wanting to get married so quickly.

  Thank goodness for the mums, she thought gratefully.

  Today the families were coming together at Dorothy and Michael’s for the monthly get together and she and Gabriel were going to tell everyone she was pregnant although she had a feeling most had guessed because she was starting to show.

  She’d gotten Raphael to borrow Michael’s van so they could get the figure of Ayesha and the two busts over to the house. Michael was so used to the family borrowing the van or truck he never even asked why Raphael wanted it. That morning Gabriel and Raphael got the wrapped figure into the back of the van while Isabella had the two busts packed in boxes. She and Gabriel followed the van across to Dorothy’s. Most of the family had already arrived but Isabella wanted to keep the works as a surprise for after lunch.

  Lunch was the usual crazy family affair. Isabella wondered if she’d ever remember all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren’s names, most of the time she just called them “sweetie” or “honey.” Gabriel didn’t make it any easier, half the time he got their names wrong or just made silly names up. When dessert was brought in Gabriel stood. He held Isabella’s hand and called for silence.

  “Just wanted you all to know that Isabella and I are having a baby. It’s due in early May.”

  Isabella couldn’t believe the noise that erupted. Everyone seemed to be cheering and yelling in happiness. She could only hold on to Gabriel’s hand for strength as everyone clamoured for information. Gabriel held up a hand again.

  “Yes, we’ve had all the tests done and the baby is perfect. The obstetrician is extremely happy with Isabella and the baby. He can see no reason why she won’t deliver naturally, especially as she is still a yoga fanatic. I just have to make sure I take care of them both.”

  “Maybe you’d better switch from the whip to the flogger, Gabe,” Michael shouted. For once Isabella didn’t blush, she joined in the laughter knowing that Michael’s comment had only come from love for her and Gabriel.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve already checked with the obstetrician.”

  Isabella rolled her eyes at the comment, which had produced even more laughter. Raphael looked over at Isabella and said in amazement, “Issie, he didn’t really?”

  “He did, Raff. It’s bad enough that everyone in the family knows about our preferences but Mr. Macho here had to go into great detail with the doctor while I figure
d I’d hide in the chair.”

  Gabriel tried to look affronted as he said, “Look, it made sense to ask what was safe and what wasn’t. I don’t want to do anything that could jeopardise Issie and the baby. I’m wrapping her in cotton wool until the baby’s born,” he warned.

  “Oh, we don’t doubt that, Gabe,” laughed Michael junior.

  Everyone had noticed how Gabriel hovered around Isabella, even wanting to cut her food for her. Dorothy looked over sympathetically.

  Isabella said with a little sigh, “I’ve told him women have babies all the time but he just ignores me.”

  Gabriel gave her cheek a little peck and stuck his tongue out at the family.

  Once everyone had declared themselves full and before they settled down to gossip, Isabella made Raphael and Gabriel get the two busts from the truck. They handed one to Dorothy and Michael senior then gave Andrew and Michael the other. Isabella watched nervously as they opened the boxes and removed the packing. Mentally she had her fingers crossed they would like them. Clutching Gabriel’s hand tightly she stood nearby, holding her breath.

  “Oh my,” Dorothy wiped her eyes before looking up at Isabella. “This is so wonderful.”

  Andrew leapt to his feet and hugged her before handing her off to Michael Junior, who did the same. She was so happy that they obviously thought the piece was right.

  Michael senior kissed her and whispered, “This is perfect. Thank you.”

  “Remember the day I took photos of Ayesha in that pretty fairy dress?”

  Michael looked up briefly from staring at the bust in front of him. “Yes.”

  “One of the photos she was smelling a flower, the wind had lifted her hair and her dress was blowing behind her in a swirl. Well.” She took a breath. “I made a full length model of it. I poured two. I’ve been asked to show one in a new exhibition entitled ‘Children’ but I wanted one for you and Andy.”

  The two men exchanged looks then quickly got to their feet. Michael put his bust on the table so the rest of the family could see it then followed Gabriel, Raphael, and Isabella out to the van. Gabriel and Raphael manoeuvred the statue to the end of the tray and carefully unwrapped it.

  Michael wiped away a tear as he hugged Isabella with Andrew. Dorothy and Michael senior had also come outside and both stood arm-in-arm looking. Michael, for the first time since she’d met him, was speechless.


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