Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 5

by Alaska Angelini

  I laughed under my breath. “I think you may be right. You shouldn’t have been able to find out my number. Let me guess. Marcio?”

  “Brace. He’s a fucking genius when it comes to electronics. That’s beside the point. I told you to fucking stay put. You left.”

  I stepped from the elevator, hitting the parking garage. “You said you didn’t need me and I’m not looking to be one of your hired killers or bodyguards. I want a respectable job. I thought I made that clear.”

  “You have no experience in an office. What you do have is experience in is getting your hands dirty. Why the sudden change now?”

  I let out a deep breath. “I found the woman I want to spend my life with. I’d like that life to last more than a few months or years. Plus, I want to be home every night, not gone for who knows how long.”

  “I see. Tell me what you can do. You said something about money.”

  The door opened and I unlocked my car, rushing over. “What I know is muscle when it comes to money. I took care of transactions. Deliveries. Picked up payments. That’s not what I’m interested in, though. I know numbers. Put me in accounts.”

  “So you can steal my money out from under my nose?”

  The groan was automatic. “Believe it or not, I don’t need your money, nor do I technically need a job. I want this because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “The right thing? As in, appearances?”

  What, did he want my life story? Tough shit, he couldn’t have it. “Yeah. I want to live a normal life. That consists of having a job.”

  “You must love her a lot to want to settle down and walk away from a life that has provided a good living.”

  The engine purred to life and I headed for the exit. Pausing, I waited for the black Town Car she rode in to exit her own garage.

  “My life was nothing until she was in it. Love doesn’t even begin to describe the way I feel for her.”

  “I can respect that. So, tell me, if I got you in and tested you out in a few departments, what am I supposed to do with you if you can’t handle the everyday hustle and bustle of being a normal person?”

  Technically, I wasn’t going to be working for him, but a part of me almost wished this conversation was real. If he could get to know me before he found out…no. I was taking Lily tonight. There wasn’t time to try to be buddy-buddy with Slade. He’d hate me before this was over with. Lily was my main concern. She needed to love me again, become my slave, like before. Then we could settle into a routine and figure out what we were going to do. After I took care of my past, of course. What I needed to do right now was break ties with Slade.

  “You’re probably right. I won’t like it. Maybe I just need to suck it up and realize what I am. Couples sometimes need time apart. It’s for the best. Thanks for the offer, though. I won’t forget it.”

  I disconnected just as Lily’s guards drove past with her in the back seat. Her head was lowered, twisting my stomach into a million knots. I let a car pass before I pulled out. Just seeing her so sad made me regret putting her in that place. If only I knew exactly what it was that had her so upset. Didn’t she know I would come? I told her I would. It wasn’t like I could knock on her front door and take my place in her life where I belonged.

  Ring. Ring.

  Slade, you’re killing me. I picked up the phone, looking at Unknown Caller on the screen. “Didn’t I make myself clear?”

  “No one hangs up on me. I wasn’t finished.”

  “What more is there left to say?”

  Footsteps sounded and I strained to hear.

  “You know more than I’m comfortable with. Work for me, behind the scenes. Show my men what you know so they can place you accordingly. I won’t take you away from your girl more than I have to.”

  How tempting his offer was.

  “I…can’t. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me. I’m more understanding than you think.”

  Not that understanding. I’d bank on it. But if I did fill him in a little, would it help in the future? After he found out about Lily and me? And he would find out. It was only a matter of time.

  “My family is very powerful and corrupt. They’re bad people. I want out. To do that, well…you know what that entails. Right now isn’t a good time. When I came to talk to you, I meant to tell you I would need a few months before I could start. That’s probably longer than you’re comfortable with waiting.”

  Silence and then the faint sound of more footsteps. Was he pacing?

  “Doesn’t that put your girl in danger?”

  I swallowed hard, taking a right turn, leaving enough space between Lily and me.

  “Yeah, but she’ll be safe until I can get everything to fall into place.”

  “Sounds really risky to me. Don’t you think she’d be better protected if you had people that had your back? My men would.”

  Fuck, he was making this impossible. No wonder he was good at what he did.

  “Let me think on it.”

  “You have three weeks to contact me with the status of where you’re at in your head. If I have to track you down again, so help me, I’m going to be pissed. That’s never a good thing, Zane Collins.”

  “Three weeks. Fine.”

  “Good. Oh…and Zane. Good luck with your family. I hope you’re around to make things work, for your girl’s sake.”

  The line cut out and I pushed the phone back in my pocket. I sure hoped for her sake it worked out, too. If I could remind her of what we shared, open her eyes to the fact that I was still the Master who loved her, she’d wait for me to come back from Afghanistan. And she’d be safe doing that back here with Slade. But then what? Would I be able to convince her brother that we were meant to be? Would he try to keep me away for good? No.

  Lily was the one for me, regardless of how we met. I’d fight for her. Kill for her. And I’d be damned if her brother was going to take her away from me again. I’d like to see him try. Slade may have been powerful, but it wouldn’t compare to the wrath I’d bring if he tried to separate us for good. With Lily on my side, I found it hard to believe he would. It all came down to me convincing her.

  Chapter 6


  What was I doing? The restaurant doors loomed before me, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get myself to walk through them. Had that been my Master? From the small distance between the buildings, I was sure it was. But, then…I couldn’t be certain. He wasn’t standing there for long. It had to be someone who resembled him. Zain never wore suits. He had always been dressed in dark clothing when he returned from his missions. It was nerves that were causing me to see things. It had to be.

  “You okay?”

  Brace’s voice had my heart rate slowing. I turned, giving him the fake smile I’d become used to. “Great. I was just thinking.”

  “You sure? We can take you home if you’re not feeling up for this.”

  I took a step backwards toward the door. “No, I’m fine, really. I shouldn’t be too long.”

  At his nod, I turned and forced myself to continue. My skin tingled and I couldn’t get over the fact that I was being watched by more than my guards. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I shivered as I headed through the entrance.

  “Lily Roberts here for Alec Brighton.”

  The hostess threw me a wide smile. “Right this way, Ms. Roberts.”

  My fists clenched repeatedly as I glided past the tables to one in the very back. It sat right next to a window and I couldn’t help but think my brother had something to do with that. No doubt he wanted my guards to see every little move made toward me.

  “Lily.” Alec stood, walking over behind my chair as I approached.

  “Alec.” This time, the smile was genuine. I let him take my hand as he helped me to sit down. As he rounded back to the chair directly across from me, I tried my best to keep calm. This was just a date. That was it. I didn’t have to go on another if I didn’t want to. And it was only dinner
. It wasn’t like we’d be heading back to his place or mine afterward. There’d be no stolen kiss outside my door. My bodyguards would destroy him if he even tried.

  The hostess was replaced by a waiter taking our drink orders. I stuck to what I knew, what had rubbed off on me from my brother. “Scotch, please.”

  Alec’s eyes flashed to mine, but he smiled. “I’ll have the same.”

  At the departure, he turned, giving me his full attention.

  “You really surprise me. I expected something different. Maybe a martini. But, no, Scotch. I like that.”

  “I’m glad. I won’t pretend to be something I’m not.”

  He smiled. “Which is why you’ve kept my attention for so long. I won’t lie, at first, I was cautious to be around you. I had to see what type of person you were. The more I learned, the more I began to respect you. You’re an honest woman. Tough, but someone a person can trust.”

  Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting to hear, but a compliment, which I appreciated. “Thank you. Honesty is important.” And I’m full of blood soaked lies. “I try to tell the truth as much as possible.”

  “A rarity in this field. You amaze me. You’re going to go far. Well, you already have and it had nothing to do with Slade. You’re a natural leader, Lily. At your age, you’ve surpassed men who have spent the last decade or more trying to accomplish as much. Your future is set. Now, all you have to do is enjoy the ride.”

  The waiter returned with our drinks and I lifted my glass, lowering my voice. “To the ride. May it be rough, with mind-blowing rewards. I don’t think I’d like it any other way.”

  A shocked expression turned into a smile. It pulled at his mouth and it was one I knew all too well. I pushed away the shyness at the blatant flirting. The voice inside was screaming to run from embarrassment. The taker I’d become said to keep her game face on until she was ready to allow anyone in. After all, this blunt person was who Alec knew. Not the sweet, insecure girl who still lurked around on occasion.

  “You like it rough?”

  I turned, smiling at the waiter. Alec’s back straightened. He hadn’t been aware the man was still there.

  “Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?”

  “I’m ready.” I faced my date, who nodded he was ready, too. The menu flipped open and his hand scanned down the page, reading over the contents of what he wanted. While he looked between the waiter and the choices, I couldn’t help but notice how truly attractive he was. How had I missed it all this time? Had I been so under my Master’s spell that I’d been blinded to everything but my memories of him? What had changed?


  My eyes stayed on Alec as I spouted my order from memory. The spark was there. I could feel the lust thickening between us. An odd sense of dominance reigned supreme on my behalf. For the first time, I wanted to be the one in charge. With Master, it was so natural to submit. It came from my soul. Here…I wanted control. To be the one with authority if anything happened between us.

  “Your eyes are so beautiful,” he said, continuing to hold my stare. “I’m sure you’ve heard that a million times, though.”

  “Maybe a few, but I think I like the sound of it from your mouth. Tell me again,” I said, lowering my voice and leaning more toward him.

  Alec’s eyes flashed down to my cleavage, pulling my own devilish smile. When our gazes met again, there was no embarrassment on either of our behalf.

  “You’re more than beautiful. Fuck, Lily. I’ve wanted to tell you that for so long now. I’ve wanted this for so long.” He swallowed, taking a deep breath. “Your brother is going to kill me before it’s over with. I’m not sure I can keep my hands to myself.”

  “You will if I tell you to.”

  “Yeah?” He rested his arms on the table, moving closer. We were less than a foot apart and I couldn’t help but suddenly want to close the distance. What in the hell was happening to me? How had I gone from prude to promiscuous in the matter of a few short hours? Guilt over my Master had my arousal extinguishing.

  “Yes. He can’t kill you if you’re not the one initiating, now can he?” I leaned back, grabbing my glass again and taking a sip. Still, Alec stayed transfixed on me. Slow down, Lily. You’re obviously not in your right mind. It had to be seeing someone who reminded you of Master. You’re jumping the gun to block him out. This isn’t the way.

  “No, I guess he can’t. Are you going to tie me up so I have an excuse?”

  I laughed, while at the same time, my stomach turned. “Tie you up, bind you, maybe break out my handcuffs. Whatever I feel in the moment.” My eyes took in the surroundings. Everyone seemed to be in their own little world. An inexplicable warning bell rang in my mind even as my mouth opened to speak.

  “Go to the restroom. Wait for me outside of the stall of your choice. Don’t ask questions. Don’t say a word. Just…obey.”

  My heart thudded hard against my thickened throat. I wasn’t sure what reigned supreme, the thrill, or the sick feeling from the unstableness inside of me. Fuck, I was cracking inside. I could feel myself becoming someone I didn’t know. Someone I didn’t want to be. Still, I continued to follow through with my spontaneity.

  “Lily…” Alec shifted and looked around. My hand rose and I closed my eyes.

  “Go, if you’re inclined. If you’re not,” my eyes opened, “then I bid you goodnight.”

  Something passed over his face. An emotion I couldn’t understand. Slowly, he rose and didn’t once turn back to me as he headed for the restrooms at the far end. I picked up my glass, downing the rest of the Scotch. My face turned toward the window and I could almost feel the broken pieces inside of me racing throughout my body. How much longer could I go on before I shattered? Why did I want to find out?

  Master. The internal sob nearly brought tears pooling in my eyes. What was I waiting for? Someone to rush in and save me before I possibly made the biggest mistake of my life? No…wait, I’d already done that when I followed Bethany out of the nightclub. So, mistake number two? This one I could prevent, yet I didn’t want to. I wanted to be rescued. Proof that I wasn’t as alone as I felt. But I knew the hero I wanted wasn’t going to show up to kiss me back into submission. I was on my own.

  I stood, pushing my palms against the table. The dimness of the restaurant drove me to the back. It was so close to the lighting of Master’s room. It was always dark in there, just like we were. But the best parts came when the sun went down. Pleasure was always found in the shadows of night. It was my favorite time. I could walk around in the pitch black as calm as if it were day. Maybe I was craving danger like I’d once been exposed to. The level of adrenaline always pumping through my body didn’t compare anymore. Master. Was it possible my transition had to do with me holding on to the only piece of him I could bring to life? Dominance. Power. Control. Yes, I’d been grasping at anything that could make me strong or remind me of him this whole time. Here I was, about to commit the ultimate betrayal and sin, and it was all due to the god I saw him as in my mind. Desperation could make the strongest souls weak. What a web of guilty pleasures I craved tonight. And it all boiled down to one thing — if I couldn’t have him, I’d be him.

  I pushed the bathroom door open, not stopping as I spotted Alec pulling nervously at his tie. His weakness was my fuel. I let it soak deep within as I swayed my hips with each step closer.

  “Take it off.”

  His hand paused at adjusting the knot and in one swift pull, he removed the silk around his neck. A slight trembling left his hand shaking as he passed it over to me.

  How would he react when I unleashed what I wanted? What I yearned for in a depth so deep, it was endless?

  My nails raked over his palms at a leisurely pace, removing the black material. With my other hand, I grasped the lapel of his jacket, bringing him toward me.

  “Consent to give yourself to me fully.” I pushed to my toes so our lips were but inches from each other. The fog in my head grew thic
ker. Master was the only one before me. Those full lips. Eyes the color of the sun. But his words were coming out of my mouth, not mine. “Let me have you how I want. Put your trust in whatever I do and I’ll bring you the best pleasure you’ve ever experienced. I’ll leave you something you’ll never forget. A gift,” I whispered. “Let me be your gift, Alec.”

  The smell of Scotch had me closing my eyes and pulling him closer. “Say yes,” I said against his lips. “Anything I want.”


  My tongue swept over his lips, tasting what had now just become mine.

  “Enjoy the loss of control. Surrender to it. To me.”

  Smooth silk eased down my palm and I brought both hands up. I had the tie around his throat before he could break from the spell I had sucked him under. Panic had his hands jerking. At my eye contact, he stilled.

  “Very good.” My lips pressed into his hungrily and I increased the pressure around his neck as our tongues slid against each other. The smoothness from his cheeks left me in a weird place. Master always had stubble. Maybe I’d make Alec stop shaving but for every other day. I didn’t like not feeling the roughness.

  “Now, take me into the stall.”

  There wasn’t a moment of hesitation as he pulled my dress up so I could straddle him. Pressure from his shoulder pushed into the door and it slammed against the wall of the small enclosed space. We practically fell in at the frantic need of our lips.

  “Fuck, Lily.” Fingers gripped my ass as he spun to push me against the wall, locking the door. My pussy grinded against his stomach and I jerked my hands tighter.

  “I didn’t tell you to take control. That’s mine. Now, put me down, sit, and unbuckle your pants.” My grip relaxed and I pulled the tie loose. Alec obeyed, easing me to the ground. He was still shaking as he undid his pants and sat down. Fuck, what was I doing? Dirty. Yes, it seemed like I kept finding myself in these situations.

  “Put your hands behind your back and lean forward.”

  “Kiss me again,” he said, getting in position. I leaned in, securing his hands to the metal pipe.


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