Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 8

by Alaska Angelini

  “I…can’t. We shouldn’t—”

  Whack! “Say that again and I’m going to tear your ass up, Lilian.”

  A scream broke past my throat, but not at the spanking. The return of his hand over the top of my slit moved faster, beginning a combination I knew all too well. Slap! Rub for a few seconds. Slap! Rub again.

  “Oh…God!” I pushed to my toes as my orgasm built to the point of not being sure I’d contain it.

  “Almost, baby.” Harder he pushed me into the thick glass, until the top of my chest was flattened to the surface. Slap!

  Tightening pulled at my insides and I shifted to try to bring him to the spot that would push me over the edge. I had waited too long. I didn’t want to wait anymore.

  Slap! “I said no. Stop moving.”

  The sting had me sucking in and I let out a cry as he slowed and grinded into me. “Mine,” he said, lowering against my back and continuing his torture over my clit. Combined with the slow thrusts, my whole body trembled.


  “Do you think I’d allow just anyone to call me Master, slave?”

  “No,” I rushed out.

  His fingers pushed back to where we were joined, collecting my wetness, only to move back up and use it to slide easier over my clit.

  “Then ask and address me correctly. Remember what we’ve been through and how far we’ve come.”

  Flashes of memory blinded me, visions of just before and after we’d made love barreling through. To kneel before him came natural. To call him Master, was a gift. He’d taught me that. I had been separated from other women. Put on his pedestal and cherished. Hadn’t he said worshipped? Yes, he had worshipped me just as much as I had him. We were yin and yang. We were one…and we couldn’t be.

  “I won’t disrespect you by lying.”

  A growl was followed by another slap. I bit my lip as the slow movements turned rough. “You’re lying now, slave. Aren’t you?”

  His hand pulled back on my hair as the other slapped my ass. I inhaled deeply as he increased the thrust until all I could do was make continuous sounds.

  “You know how I feel about liars, Lilian. If you don’t want to respect the title I so easily grant you, I’ll just remind you of how we got there.”

  Pressure from his palm fitted over my nose and mouth while he slapped my ass harder than all the other spankings combined. Tears filled my eyes and spilled over almost instantly. Although my mind reeled from the shock, it was as though my soul sighed in relief. There was my pain — my missing link that only Master could satiate.

  “Do you feel how you’ve relaxed? You’re lowering. You’re getting very heavy.” Whack! Whack! “Submission is calling, baby girl. It’s time to answer. Now, let go and submit.”

  Air filled my lungs and the new movement over the top of my slit left heat rolling from my body. Especially, my ass. Combined with the pleasure, I was lost.


  “Say it,” he snapped.

  My head shook as my orgasm beckoned.

  “Now, God dammit. Say it, slave.”

  The sobs still came, but I couldn’t think of anything past my love for the man behind me. When we were faced with each other, how could I so easily slip back into the state of mind that he was good? Was he? What was right and wrong, anymore? I couldn’t think. Didn’t want to. All I knew was what my inner-most self told me, and that was that Zain was the one for me. That I was being stupid for denying what I so clearly knew.

  “No!” I screamed, as the spasms shook my body.

  His hand cupped back over my nose and mouth while I cried through the waves of what only he could bring me. Warmth shot over my ass and I barely noticed as he used something behind me to clean me up. The smooth feel was so wrong from what I knew should have been touching my ass. The paddle. His hand. Something that would punish me for the stubbornness I was showing.

  “You break my heart, Lily. You really do.”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes, refusing to turn around to face him. Shame for what I had done led me to dip lower and pull up my dress.

  “They call me the ice queen at work. I guess that’s just who I am now. I’m sorry, Zain, but you have to see, I’m not the girl I once was. She’s dead now. She’s been dead since she left you.”

  “You’re not the same. I see that. But your love for me is still alive.”

  Slowly, I turned, meeting his eyes.

  “I’ll always love you. It doesn’t mean that we can be together. I’m serious when I say we’re over. A relationship between us, a future, is impossible. We both know why.”

  I didn’t wait to seek his permission as I headed for the door. That wasn’t who I was anymore. Lily, the girl, the submissive, was gone. The new woman who had taken her place didn’t take orders from anyone.

  “Slave.” A threat laced his tone, but I didn’t so much as slow. Instead, I quickened my pace, the door almost within grasp.

  “You’re not leaving.”

  My heart was pounding as I reached for the lock and turned it. I couldn’t believe I’d made it so far. Was he really going to let me leave? The thought left an uneasiness, but I didn’t stop. I flung the door open and stepped through. Never once had I heard Zain approach. Fingers gripped my arm and I didn’t think as I jerked and raced for the elevator, pushing the button frantically.

  “No, baby. Don’t do this.” He spun me around to face him and I brought my fist down on the back of his elbow again. I watched the arm drop and then pain race over his features, but he didn’t let up. His other arm wrapped around my waist. “Look at me. You love me. Now, stop this. Running away and ignoring what we both know isn’t going to make things easier. Whatever you’re afraid of, we can get past it. Is it Slade? Is that the reason why you’re denying what we both know?”

  “You have to let go.” Even though I flailed, I wished what he spoke could happen. That we could get past it. But he didn’t know my brother. Didn’t understand or see what I did. He was bad. I couldn’t bring that sort of trouble back into my life.


  The sound of the doors opened while I tried to wrestle free.

  “Zain, let—”

  Stinging pain flared at my scalp from behind. One second, I was trying to fight Zain off, the next, I was trying to hold onto him as someone from behind fought to pull me free. I could see the panic and confusion so clearly written on my Master’s face. He wasn’t sure what was going on any more than I was, but we were both trying to disconnect me from the force that was hell bent on separating us.

  “Let go!” I screamed. “You’re hurting me!” I grabbed Zain tighter.

  “Baby, reach inside my jacket pocket and get my gun, I can’t let go of you.” Zain’s low voice had me obeying immediately. The moment I moved my hand from the grip on his jacket, an arm locked around my throat and jerked me free. The deafening explosion next to my ear had sound ceasing to exist. My heart…stopped. As if to tell me the love of my life no longer was inside of me. Or alive. Zain’s hand reached to his chest, blood oozing through his fingers as he crumbled to the floor.

  Chapter 9


  “Tell me you’ve got something. What the fuck is going on here?” My voice boomed through the street as I half stared at my men, half watched the ambulance drive away with who I now knew to be Zane Collins. Had it not been for my men alerting me to the gunshot and suspicious activity they picked up on the police scanner, I might have missed the whole episode of the police arriving.

  Marcio glanced at Brace, who took over.

  “They got him in the chest. Doesn’t look good. There were no witnesses to the attack, but it appears it happened just outside the elevator on the top floor. Witnesses reported a man forcing a screaming woman into a dark SUV in the parking garage.”

  “His girlfriend? Shit, his family must have gotten to him.” My hand came up to my mouth while I shook my head. Why the fuck hadn’t he taken me up on my offer? Maybe he would have been safe. Now
this, on top of my sister having some kind of break down and running off. I couldn’t stand her not being looked after. I supposed it was time I backed off, but I didn’t like her being so unprotected. Too much shit surrounded us. Bad blood came a dime a dozen in my circle and now she was part of it.

  “Boss, there’s more.”

  Brace glanced back at Marcio. I knew that look. They were hiding something.

  “Well, what the fuck is it?”

  What looked to be black lace was pulled from his pocket. The stocking attachments were the first thing to catch my attention.

  “Speak, Brace. I’m not a fucking psychic. And stop looking at Marcio. He’s not going to help you. Just tell me.”

  I reached for the garter belt and what I soon realized were ripped panties.

  “I found these around the side of the building,” he said, pointing off to the distance. “I went shopping with Lily earlier. She bought the replica of those. The call we tried to track…it was a buffer call. It had to be. Holland’s Hotel is on the far side of the city. With traffic like it is, it would have taken her at least a half hour to make it there by car. She was walking. I think your man who just got shot might have something to do with Lily calling. The number you had me track down earlier had similar characteristics. And the description of the woman…it’s Lily to a tee. The hair, the dark dress, the black stockings…”

  My head shook, refusing to believe what sounded so certain. “Coincidence. It has to be. Women wear black undergarments all the time. And Lily didn’t sound scared when she called. Angry, a little, but afraid for her life? No. Besides, how would she know Zane Collins? It doesn’t make sense. You’ve seen everyone Lily’s came in contact with. Have you ever seen them together?”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “But we both know Zane Collins isn’t his real name.”

  Of course I knew that. Why hadn’t I been tempted to find out what it was earlier? There was just something about that guy that made me a little soft and I had no idea what it was.

  The more I let everything play out, the faster my heart raced. One by one, the possibilities hit me and I could feel myself freaking the fuck out. Not again. Lily. “Well, what have you been waiting for? Get it for me! If my sister had an association with him and she was the one taken, I want to know everything.” I took a few steps closer to the street, not sure of where I was going. “Son of bitch. Marcio, get the car, we’re going to the hospital. If he wakes up, maybe we can learn something.”

  Please don’t fucking die. And please tell me they’re wrong. Lily can’t be the one taken. Not again. Fuck…I couldn’t do this again!

  I nearly groaned as I let everything sink in. Whether I wanted to admit or not, I already knew in the pit of my stomach. Zane and my sister had been together. How, I had no clue. But it made sense why he kept showing up at random places. And then, asking me for help, and wanting to get his life straight because of the woman he loved. He’d stressed that part, as if he were trying to tell me why it were so important. The woman….it had to be my sister. Fuck! I could kill him for the danger he put her in. Yet, I knew the cost of love. Had lived out my own hell with Mary before we found peace.

  The car pulled up next to me as I still stared at the flashing lights. I had to force myself to slide in the back seat. I felt rocked inside, right back in the same spot I’d been when I learned my sister had been taken the first time. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, hating to have to call Mary so late. She’d been so tired lately. It was only just before nine, but she was probably already asleep.

  Ringing sent my hand to the door grip and I squeezed tightly.

  “Hey, I was wondering where you were.” She yawned. “How’d Lily’s date go?”

  My head leaned back against the headrest. The last thing I wanted to do was upset my wife, but we shared everything. If I couldn’t be open with her, she’d know I was hiding something. That would stress her out even more. “She’s gone, baby. I think she’s been taken again.”

  “What!” Breathing heavily, her words tumbled over each other as they came out. “How? I thought you were there? How could someone have taken her?”

  My head shook. “We were caught off guard. Lily…she fucking tied up Alec in the restroom. Sexually,” I emphasized. “I was shocked, to say the least. She ran out, angrily, while we were getting him untied. She called a little while afterward and said she was okay, that she’d be home when she cooled off, but something has happened.” My hand rubbed at my eyes as I tried to think of how to shorten the story. “You remember the guy I was telling you about earlier? The one who needed a job?”

  “Zane,” Mary rushed out.

  “Yes. Well, he got shot tonight, right across the street from Lily’s penthouse. A girl was taken.”

  “The girlfriend you told me about?”

  My head shook. “I don’t know. I think Lily might be that girlfriend. It’s really confusing right now. We found some…clothes that she might have been wearing, next to the building. It could be hers, or maybe it belongs to someone else. We might be way off and maybe she is just away for the night. I don’t want to take any chances, though. We’re headed to the hospital now. Maybe we can get in to see Zane somehow.”

  “I’m coming.” What sounded like blankets ruffled in the background and I flew forward.

  “You leave that room, so help me God.”

  “Slade, you can’t just expect me to stay here when—”

  “Oh yes, you will stay. Do not leave that room. I want every single door locked. I’m sending Marcio over there to stand guard. We have no idea what the fuck is happening right now. Think of the baby, Mary. If something happened to either one of you…” I trailed off, running my hand through my hair —a habit that had suddenly come back due to all this stress. “Stay. Promise me.”

  A few seconds went by before I heard her sigh. “You’re right. I’ll stay.”

  “Good girl. Now, lay back and relax as best as you can. You don’t need to worry. I shouldn’t have said anything to begin with, but I knew you’d want to know.”

  “Thank you. Be careful, please.”

  “Always. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I hung up, sliding the phone back in my pocket. “You’re dropping me off and going to stand guard outside of my room with Caleb. Send Brace and Tor up here. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on with Zane and his family, but I have a feeling it’s not going to be good. If Lily was taken, we have to figure out if it had to do with them or something completely different. He knew about my past as far back as Lily returning. He knew about the Brightons. I can’t shake the impression that saying their name set him off. Shit, what the fuck is happening? I can’t think. If she was taken, was this on my and her side, or his?”

  My fingers rubbed circles over my temple.

  “Boss, can I make a suggestion?”

  I looked up, meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror. “Have I ever told you no?”

  “No.” He turned, bringing the ambulance in view as it pulled into the hospital entrance. “I think we should call the FBI. Have them check the clothing we found to see if it matches with Lily’s DNA. I’m sorry, but I have a really bad feeling about this and I’d like to bring them in as fast as we can. If you don’t want to take that route just yet, at least allow me to make a few calls. I know someone who has a connection with a man at the FBI office here in the city. His name is Agent Gaige Sullivan. I think he could help us out. It’ll strictly be under the radar. No news crews. No big scene. We can just call him and tell him the story, accompanied with Lily’s history. Although,” he paused, “I’m betting he’s heard all about it.”

  “FBI.” I nearly cringed at the bad taste it left in my mouth. But, Marcio was right. Maybe they could help. “Call your connection. Tell him to meet us here.”

  Marcio nodded and pulled out his phone as he drove in and parked. I didn’t wait. I threw the door open and raced toward the ER entrance. The ambulance was still parked
with the back doors opened, in the process of taking him out. I slowed at the roar that echoed from inside the space.

  “Lily! Lily!”

  My legs turned weak as I tried to keep them moving. The stretcher was pulled out and a pale body fought against the restraints strapping him in. Zane turned to me as they lowered him out all the way. Blood splatter stood out against his ghostly appearance, dotting his face and staining his neck. My whole world tilted as our eyes met.

  “Slade, find Lily. Slade,” he yelled, beginning to cough. “Find her, please.” The last word were weak. I could see how hard he was fighting to stay conscious.

  As they began wheeling him in, my body kicked into gear and I rushed to catch up. “Who took her? Who took my sister?”

  All he could do was shake his head as his eyes began rolling off to the side.

  “Zane! Dammit, you fucking tell me right now. Who has Lily?” I reached forward in desperation when I was cut off by a team of nurses. The paramedics began going over their report as the nurses began taking his vitals.

  “Sir, you have to stay here.” Someone was pushing against my chest, but I saw nothing except the last man to see my sister before she was abducted. They were taking him further away, and with it, any information that could help.

  “Fuck.” My hand blindly reached out to the wall. “Tell me this isn’t happening.” I turned, catching Marcio coming through the main doors. I rushed forward, grasping his shirt and dragging him outside. “It’s Lily. Someone has my sister. God dammit!” My shoe connected with the trashcan mounted to the cement. I punched against the metal next and I didn’t stop swinging until Marcio pulled me back. Blood ran from my numb knuckles, but I barely noticed. Flashes of Lily raging in front of me appeared and it only made me swing again. Hadn’t she seen why I’d been so protective?

  “Enough. Gaige is on his way. He already called. Did Zane say anything?”

  My head shook as I stared toward the entrance. “I’m going to kill whoever took her. They’ll be in pieces before it’s over with. Nobody fucks with what’s mine. No one.”


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