Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 10

by Alaska Angelini

  Sobs returned and with each one, I could feel how hard it was to breathe. The air supply wasn’t good, and would probably continue to get worse until I was dead. Especially if I was underground.

  But if I wasn’t…if I was in the air…on a plane…

  Was that even possible? Wouldn’t I hear engines? Could I have not boarded yet? Already be off a plane? How long had I been unconscious? There were too many questions and none of which I had an answer for.

  Enough of this, Lily. Focus. Feel. Search every inch of this box as best as you can and try to figure out a way to escape. Master wouldn’t want you lying here completely helpless. He’d want you to be strong. To exhaust every option. Do it. Think like him. Become him.

  I closed my eyes and let my hands rise to the very top, all the way to the far left. Slowly, my fingers explored, taking their time as they worked their way to the right and then down. Back and forth, I went until I got to chest level, and even lower to my hips.

  I refused to give up. Nothing was impossible. My Master had taught me that. And if he wasn’t dead, I’d make my way back to him, no matter what I had to do.

  Chapter 12


  “Let’s go over this again. Zane Collins introduced himself to you back in May, six months ago. From there, you both had run-ins, but nothing except small talk. Then, out of the blue, five days ago, he comes to you asking for a job.”

  My fingers weaved through my hair as I stared at Gaige’s narrowed eyes.

  “That’s right. It was the day he was shot. He came to the building asking if I had a department I could put him in. Accounts, I believe he asked. He stated he had a background with handling money.”

  “Legally or illegally, Mr. Roberts?”

  I sat up, matching Gaige’s suspicious expression.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If it was illegally, why would he supply that information to a complete stranger? Unless you’re implying something else. Something that I really don’t think I like the sound of.”

  Gaige’s finger flicked over the folder he held, while his gaze stayed fixed to mine.

  “You called me in because of your sister’s abduction. It was supposedly linked to Mr. Collins. Thing is, Mr. Roberts, I have no evidence aside from your word that your sister has been taken. No ransom call. No video surveillance whatsoever due to faulty footage from the building the supposed abduction took place. And, you’re having me investigate a fucking ghost.”

  “A what?” I sat up straighter, confused.

  “Zane Collins is not Zane Collins. He’s Zain Cook. His mother, Amelia Cook, and his step father, Jeffrey Cook, were killed when he was eight years old. He disappeared that night, never to be seen again. It was speculated he died in the fire that was set to destroy the evidence, but a body was never recovered. I guess we now know why.”

  My head shook. The family he mentioned, were they linked to the ones that had died, or was this the new family who took him? “He has family. He told me they were dangerous.”

  Gaige’s head tilted to the side. “Why didn’t you mention that before?”

  My jaw clenched. “I did. I told you there were people he had bad blood with. I can’t help it if I forgot to say they were family. I’m a little fucking unstable right now.” I scooted to the edge of my chair, feeling so much rage that it was almost impossible to stay sitting. “You won’t even acknowledge that my sister is missing. Zain was screaming her name and telling me to find her for fuck’s sake. Why are you not looking?” I exploded.

  “I have been looking,” he said, just as forcefully. “But if you gave me the correct information the first time, maybe I wouldn’t be on some witch hunt about a situation I know nothing about.”

  The door creaked and I stood from the desk in Lily’s penthouse. My old desk, in my old office, to be precise.

  Mary gave an apologetic look as she eased her head in.

  “It’s okay. Come here, sweetheart. What’s the matter, you okay?” I held out my hand. As she swept in, I noticed she was carrying a tray.

  “You haven’t eaten anything today and it’s already after lunch. I thought maybe Agent Sullivan would like something, too. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting.”

  She placed the tray on the desk and I wrapped both arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. The scent of her hair had me breathing in deeply. For a moment, I was at peace.

  “I can’t believe you’re worried about me when you’re the one who’s been so sick. I do love you. And thank you. I’ll eat, if it makes you feel any better.”

  “It would.” She turned, smiling sadly down at Gaige. “I just wanted to thank you for helping us. I know you think Lily may have just run away, but I know my sister-in-law. She loves Slade too much to hurt him. She just wouldn’t do that, not for this long. If you could find any way to continue with her search, I’d be very thankful. I…” Her head lowered and she furiously wiped a tear away before it could stain her face. “I know how this may sound, but I’d like you to check out my sister and her husband. Bethany changed for the worse after our father was killed. Charles lost his job. They lost their house…everything. She blames me, Lily, and Slade.”

  Gaige grabbed a sandwich, taking a bite. “And that’s who Lily accused of taking her the first time, am I correct?”

  “Oh, they took her,” Mary rushed in. “If it wasn’t for lack of evidence, they’d be in jail right now.”

  “And your sister told you this?”

  “Yes,” Mary said, weakly. I knew when her eyes darted to mine that she wanted to tell the entire truth about what happened during her own abduction —an abduction I was responsible for. But the secrets we carried couldn’t be told. Luckily, I knew the incident she was about to speak of and was glad Bethany had stuck her foot in her mouth when she did.

  “After the trial was over. We’ve only seen each other once since then and purely by accident, but she went off on some rampage about how we’d all pay. Said she should have killed Lily the first time.”

  The agent took another bite, nodding seriously as he stared into the distance. There was a darkness that festered within him. I could see it, so close to the surface. “Well, I’ve already talked to Bethany and she even let me inside to check around their house. Nothing looked suspicious. She was very polite. If it’ll make you feel at ease, I’ll go by and check with her again. Maybe her husband will be home this time.”

  “Thank you. That would be great. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll let you two get back to talking.”

  I bent down and kissed Mary’s forehead before watching her walk to the door. As she stood there and stared at me, one of her eyebrows rose. My gaze lowered to the sandwiches and I picked one up, showing her, before bringing it to my mouth to take a bite. Only then did she turn to leave.

  “Sweet wife you have there. Reminds me a lot of my own. She’d have done something like that. Although, my Elle can’t cook. Sandwiches, soup, and freezer meals she can do.”

  I laughed, unable to help it. “Sounds like Mary. It’s the thought that counts, right?”

  “Absolutely,” Gaige agreed. “So…she’s sick?”

  I finished up the little triangular shaped sandwich and picked up another. “Pregnant. Right at nine weeks. The morning sickness is really taking its toll.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. But, congratulations. I have a son. My wife had morning sickness pretty badly, too. What are you wanting, boy or girl?”

  “Boy,” I rushed out, a little too quickly. I frowned. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d be just as excited for a girl, but a boy would be so much easier. These women will make me gray before my time. I feel so damn old already.”

  A loud chuckle echoed throughout the space. “I know what you mean. More than you know.” Gaige leaned forward, taking another, and stood. “Listen, Mr. Roberts. I’m going to be blunt because I feel there’s really no other way.”

  As he stood there, waiting for me to approve, I grabbed for my glass of Scotch. “Please

  “I’m supposed to keep an open mind and look at the evidence, but I believe your sister was taken. There’s no proof and Mr. Cook isn’t speaking yet. Sure, I can continue to look into what we have, but due to my position with the department, there are boundaries I can’t cross. No one legally can. However, you don’t mark me as a man who really cares for the law.”

  Slowly, I shifted, wondering if this was some sort of setup. But, could it be? Marcio told me he trusted his sources, therefore trusted this man. Could I?

  “I’ll do anything to get my sister back.” I left it at that, letting him decide if he wanted to continue or not. To say I wasn’t interested would be a lie. All I wanted to do was beg and tell him I was willing to do anything to get Lily back. Anything.

  Gaige finished off his sandwich and walked over, picking up his glass and downing it in one drink. “There’s talk amongst the agents I work with. There’s a man who specializes in your sort of situation. I’ve never met him personally, but I know people who have. He’s not one to mess with. He takes his job very seriously and from what I’ve heard, I believe he’s probably the only one who can save your sister.”

  My head shook. “What does that have to do with laws?”

  Gaige looked around the room and lowered his voice. “To say we’ve turned a blind eye is an understatement. Within the last year, we’ve specifically been told to. We could have easily nailed his ass any time we wanted. We don’t, nor will we ever. He’s protected and I have no idea by who, and seriously, I don’t care. This man used to be a detective. Now, he’s one of us. He saves the missing, but his methods aren’t for the faint of heart. Not if you’re looking to get your sister out in a clean sweep. Blake Morgan will not leave with Lily until everyone associated with her disappearance is dead. That could be a scary thing. A lot of bad shit can go wrong while he’s doing that.”

  “My sister is trained. If she had to, she could take care of herself. I’m guessing the only reason she didn’t before was because she got caught off guard. You haven’t seen her, she can…fight. As for Blake Morgan, why do I know that name?”

  “Probably because he’s been all over the news. He’s the one that found, and then married, that supermodel, Kaitlyn Summers.”

  My lips parted and all I could do was nod. I’d seen their story. It caught my attention because of the woman. She’d been trafficked and it reminded me a little too much of Lily. The story had stayed with me for a while.

  “I want him. Price doesn’t matter. How fast can I get him here?”

  Gaige pulled out his phone and scribbled a number down on a piece of paper from his notepad. “You’ll have to figure that out yourself. I have to get going. If I’m ever asked whether I gave you the contact information or not, I’ll deny it, Mr. Roberts. This never happened. It’s just the way it has to be. Blake Morgan is a loose cannon. He’s a killer, through and through, and I will not be liable for anything wrong that might go down. Now, working with both of you, I can do. But, being the one to actually bring him in?” He shook his head.

  My hands lifted, as if in surrender. “Your name will never be mentioned. I promise you that.”

  The cautiousness behind his stare faded and his hand came out, displaying the number. “Program this into your phone.”

  He waited while I saved it to my contacts and then stuffed the paper in his pocket. “If he decides to help you, give me a call. We’ll go from there.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  Fuck. Could this guy, Blake, really find my sister before it was too late and we lost her for good? Was she already hurt? Dead? My whole body shook as I watched Gaige leave my office. I waited for the door to shut before I hit the button to call. It was answered after the first ring.

  “Blake Morgan.”

  Something about the deep voice put me at ease. It was cold. Detached. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel it was determined. Lily needed someone like him looking for her. We all did. “Mr. Morgan. My name is Slade Roberts. I need your help.”

  Chapter 13


  Beeping had my eyes fluttering open, only to close again. Something wasn’t right. I could feel it, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it might be. I was too tired. Hurting too bad to roll over to see what time it was. No. I had to get up. I had to see what Lily was doing. Had she left for work yet? Did I sleep through her morning routines?

  Like a cannon blast, the memories exploded into my brain. My hand flew to my chest at the memory of the gunshot wound and my eyes jerked open. I’d been awake before. A couple of times already, but every time I went to sleep, it was as though my mind shut down and refused to remember that Lily had been taken. It was too heartbreaking. Too much of a reminder on how I failed her.

  “Good morning, Mr. Cook.”

  An unknown voice had my head turning to the far side of the room. Three men, and they were all staring at me as if I were the enemy. They were all tall and wide. The hatred behind their stares was all I needed to know that these men were not my friends.

  My attention went to Slade. “Where’s Lily?” My throat was scratchy. Raw and burning from whatever the nurses and doctors had done while I was dying.

  “Maybe you can tell us,” said the man in the middle. “If you don’t mind, I have a few questions for you. I’m Special Agent Gaige Sullivan. This is Blake Morgan, and you know Mr. Roberts.”

  “Questions?” I went to move my arm and winced at the pain. Lily…she’d gotten me good.

  Gaige walked forward while Blake and Slade followed closely behind. “Let’s start off with the obvious. How do you know Ms. Roberts? What was the relationship between the two of you?”

  Realizing they hadn’t found her yet, my heart ached even more. I looked between the three men, unsure as to what I should say. Lily needed my help. My family could possibly have her. But did I risk exposing our past to these men? What would happen if I confessed? Would the police cart me off to jail for who I was?

  No. They had no evidence that I’d done anything wrong.

  Cook. Fuck, they know who I am. I pushed the button to make the bed rise a good few inches. There seemed no way around what I knew I had to do.

  “I met Lily three years ago. She’s my…girlfriend.”

  “As in, she’s your girlfriend now?”

  Slade’s eyes were narrowed as he stared. I’d worry about him later. I needed to work with this agent. Maybe he could tell me what they knew so far.

  “I was trying to get her to be. She was worried about her brother not approving.”

  “Ah.” Gaige raised the notepad, jotting down something on the paper. “So, when you dated, was it before or after she was taken the first time?”

  There it was. I’d known this moment was coming. Again, I looked at Slade. This time, I didn’t break away. “During. Lily was brought to my father’s house as a slave. I took care of her. Protected her while she was there. I fell in love with her.”

  All three men seemed to lock up in shock. Their bodies stiffened and not a single eyelid blinked.

  “I came here to escape the life I, myself, had been kidnapped into. My father killed my mom and stepfather when I was eight and raised me from there on out. The life I’ve led has been far from glamourous. It was downright hell until Lily. She changed things. Changed me.”

  “I’ll fucking kill you.” Slade took a step forward, his arm reaching toward me. Blake caught him just before he reached the bed. “Mark my words,” he said, pointing his finger, “you’ll never get near my sister again for what you’ve done.”

  “Try to stop me.” My voice was weak, but the threat was clear. “I love Lily and she loves me. No one will keep her away from me. Not even you, Slade.”

  The tightening of his jaw was joined with the clenching of his fist as he shrugged Blake off with a hard jerk. “We’ll see about that.”

  “We will. Have you noticed how unhappy she is? Have you been there to see? No, but I have. She wants me. She loves me, but refuses to try to m
ake it work because of how much she loves you. She’s afraid to find happiness, Slade, all because she’s too focused on yours. How we met…I can’t change that. I don’t have any part in the trafficking, but yes, I was surrounded by people who did. Death wasn’t something I wanted, sorry. And death wasn’t something I was willing to let find your sister. That’s the only reason I’ve held off for so long. Do you not think I could have killed your men to get to her? It would have been so easy. Yet, I waited, bided my time. Me,” I growled. “I risked our happiness to give her time to adjust to life and make her safe. Now this? It’s nothing more than a slap in the face for the precautions I tried to lay out.”

  The last words faded as my voice gave out from the rawness. I closed my eyes, only able to open them when Slade began talking again.

  “You don’t have to worry about finding her anymore. Mr. Morgan will take care of that. I’m sure you can thank him later for taking care of your other problems, too.”

  “I will not sit back and do nothing. Lily belongs to me,” I forced out. “And I’ll be damned if any of you are going to stop me from searching for her.”

  A loud knock was followed by the door opening. The nurse paused, glancing at the three men. “I’m sorry, are you family?”

  Gaige smiled and shook his head. “Police business,” he said, quickly flashing a badge. “We’re almost finished.”

  “No, you’re finished now. Get out of my son’s room.”

  I heard my father before I saw him. My stomach turned and my eyes jerked to Slade. All I could do was shake my head, a silent plea that I didn’t want it to play out like it was.

  He grabbed Gaige’s jacket, but still stared at me. Something flashed behind his eyes and I knew he didn’t have the rage he’d projected toward me. He was scared about Lily, but he didn’t hate me entirely.

  “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the room until we’re finished.” Gaige’s anger was visible in his words and the other man, Blake, was staring at my father like meal. All three eyed every movement he made, but my father appeared not to notice as he shook his head.


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