Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 16

by Alaska Angelini

  My eyes widened and I blindly grabbed the decanter. “Marriage.” I glanced over long enough to pour my drink. I had it finished before I could find my voice. “If Lily wants you that way, we’ll go from there. I’m not sure I can give you a blessing until I see the two of you together for myself. But what I can give you is a job,” I ground out. “You’re going to need one of those. As for taking her…” I shook my head. “My sister isn’t going to be dragged across the country to some place I’m unaware of. If you want to work things out, you’ll stay in my place in Washington. That’s final, or else I take back what I said. I want her safe and although I trust you, I want her protected to the max until your family is taken care of.”

  “Text me the address.” He was already turning around when I stepped forward.

  “No, bring her back here and once I see that she’s okay, you can fly out. No easy access into the estate, remember?”

  He paused. “That’s right. Okay, I’ll bring her back here first.”


  “I got it!” Brace yelled from the living room.

  Urgency raced through his features as he turned, looking over his shoulder.

  “Get a damn vest from Brace. I don’t need you back in the hospital.”

  “Blake already offered me one of his. I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” The door swung fully open and he dashed out, but I was left with uneasiness. What condition was he going to find Lily in? Was she okay? Was she even still there?

  With the decanter in one hand and my glass in the other, I joined the rest of them in the living room. Zain and Blake were already rushing for the front door with Marcio following. I didn’t question it. Didn’t have to. He was like another brother to Lily and she was in great hands. If only they could get there fast enough.

  Chapter 21


  A woman can be fast and strong, but compared to a man who is running at her full force, if she has nowhere to go, her power is limited. As Jonathon charged at me for the fifth time, I knew I was in trouble. More so than I wanted to accept. The anger he held at not being able to get me had long disappeared into frustration and rage. But now he had me cornered. There was nowhere for me to go.

  Screams from the next room echoed around me, as if coming from a far off place. Time was slowing as my adrenaline peaked. It was all I had left. My body was already so exhausted and weak. If I didn’t put an end to this soon, I was done for. I would be a victim of one of the worst crimes imaginable —again.

  “No!’ Bethany’s long, drawn out scream penetrated my ears only a split second before Jonathan came crashing into me. The connection we made with the wooden wall behind me was enough to knock the air from my lungs completely. Stars danced around my vision, but muscle memory kicked in despite the pain and fear. My hands flew out and my thumbs pushed into his eyes as hard as I could. Only one was successful, but it was enough to have him jerking back and reaching for his face. The crunch under my palm as I smashed it into his nose was only a temporary victory. His arm locked around my waist and he used his shoulder to push both of mine harder into the wall. Had I had more room, I could have done worse damage with my blow, but it hadn’t been enough.

  “You fucking bitch. You’ll be hanging on by a thread by the time I get done with you.”

  My knees drew up between his legs and I managed to add space, but not enough to do any damage or force him further away.

  “You like getting your ass fucked?” His hand ripped at my pants, moving them to the very edge of my hips. Fear had me fighting harder. They were going to fall soon and there was nothing I could do to keep them up if my leg dropped. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be lucky to walk again. Dry, hardcore, ass fucking. And you’re going to take it.”

  One minute, I was at the wall, the next, he was spinning me and slamming me on the hard floor. My head lifted on instinct, leaving my upper back taking the impact. All the air left me again and I clawed at him, trying to will oxygen back.

  “What’s the matter, baby? Do I leave you breathless? He laughed, tearing the shirt over my head in one swift motion. My swing was deflected only for him to catch it in his grasp. A small scream left my lips while I tried to pry my hand free. My only free one was quickly caught and pulled up with the other to be pinned above my head.

  Bethany’s screams continued and I tried to block them out, but Jonathon pulling my strapless bra down caused my own to mingle with hers. She and I were done for and it left me shaky and sick.

  “Very nice.” His fingers pinched my nipple and I couldn’t stop the scream from escaping at the pain. I thrashed, trying to rock him off, but he didn’t so much as budge.

  “Stop,” I cried. “Please. You…” Sobs broke through as he let go and his whole hand encompassed my breast. The slap over the sensitive skin had my head turning away. I couldn’t be here anymore. Couldn’t be in this room while it was happening.

  Again, he slapped my breast. This time, harder. And harder. Tears blinded me, but I kept wiggling, twisting my body and arms back and forth until my muscles screamed from the stretching. The slaps burned down my chest, lighting a fire in their path all the way to the top of my panties. The pants were so low, they were barely on my hips anymore. I was almost bare. Exposed.

  “In another life, I might have competed with Alec to have you. In this one, I think I’ll just rip you apart and send you on your merry fucking way. You ready for me?”

  His hand dipped below the waistband and I squeezed my thighs together as hard as I could. It wasn’t good enough. A growl filled the room while he forced his fist through and cupped my pussy. Panicked, I fought harder, ignoring the barrier I was trying to make with my legs. Instead, I dropped my knee and kicked at him with everything I had. My heel caught the back of his calf twice, but it gave him the opportunity to slide between my legs.

  “Bitch! You’re so going to get it.”

  His hand shoved deeper and I tried repeatedly to turn to my side. My arms were released as he reared back.

  “You hit her and I’ll slice open your throat. Now, remove your hand from what belongs to me or I’ll cut it clean off.” The deep tone left my breaths ragged and uneven. My eyes jerked up in time to meet Zain’s. Although cold and distant, I could feel our connection. Seeing him again after I feared he was dead for so long was so emotional, I began crying even harder.

  He stood behind Jonathan, one fist in his hair, the other holding a long knife blade under his throat. With a yank, he pulled back on his head and lowered to become even with Jonathan’s ear. “I know you heard me. Do you think I’m playing with you?”

  Slowly, the eased out. A small stream of blood ran down Jonathon’s neck, but he didn’t seem fazed as he continued to stare down at me.


  A small sound left my lips at his knee pushing into my thigh. Zain pulled back Jonathan’s hair even more, his eyes flickering in anger as he ripped him to his feet.

  “You look familiar. Who the fuck are you and why do you have Lily?”

  More blood trickled down, soaking his shirt even more.

  Jonathan kept his attention on me, refusing to answer the question. God, he wanted to hurt me. To kill me. It was so clearly written in his murderous glare.

  “He’s Alec and Jordan’s brother. His name is Jonathon.” My voice was scratchy and more frail than I thought possible. Had that really been me? It spoke to how fragile I was on the inside, even if I wasn’t feeling the actual effects of what was happening to me yet.

  “Jonathan, it’s so nice to meet you. The pleasure is about to be all mine. Did you think I wouldn’t find you?”

  Still, Jonathon stood quietly.

  “Since he doesn’t want to comply, let’s just skip the introductions. Turn and look the other way, baby. Cover your ears. You’re not going to want to witness this.”

  I knew better than to disobey when he used that tone. Death was coming. I’d been here before.

  Robotically, I lifte
d enough to fix my pants. My arms ached as I turned on the floor and grabbed my shirt to pull over my head. Shuffling behind me had my knees drawing in and my head lowering to rest on them. I cuffed my ears, but didn’t apply pressure as I tried to slow my breathing. I needed to hear that he was dead, regardless of whether I wanted to. The nightmares would be worse if I didn’t live this.

  A loud bump, as if they had gone to the ground, was followed by Jonathan’s screams. It seemed like they went on forever.

  “That’s for touching what belongs to me. This might hurt a little more than the hands.”

  More screaming and rustling of fabric ended with gurgling that sent bile pushing against the back of my throat.

  “How do you like choking on your own blood, motherfucker? Doesn’t feel so good, does it? I think I’ll let you fight for a few seconds before I kill you. See what it feels like to have your life ending while there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ll tell you, from personal experience, it’s the worst. Only difference, I lived. You’re going to die. Right now.”

  A deep internal grunt and a hiss of air had my hand shooting out at the lightheadedness. I swallowed, trying to force the facts into my reeling brain. Jonathon was dead. He was gone. He could never hurt me again.


  A hand clasping my shoulder had my whole body jerking defensively. Tears clouded my eyes as I turned and tried my hardest to stand. Blood was splattered along the stubble on his cheek and his eyes were so full of pain…yet, what looked to be relief. Before I could get to my feet entirely, Zain pulled me into his arms.

  “Fuck. Oh, shit, baby. Let me see you. How bad are you hurt?”

  “I think I’m okay.” Still, I pulled him closer. “I wasn’t sure you’d come fast enough. I was so scared. I thought he was going to…” Sobs took over while I held on tighter.

  “Shh, I’m here. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise you that.”

  My head turned toward the door, fear once again surging to the forefront. “Your brother?”

  “Is taken care of.” Zain removed his jacket, placing it around my shoulders.

  “Bethany?” I was almost afraid to meet his gaze. I hadn’t heard her in a while.

  “The screaming led me and Blake straight in there. We weren’t fast enough. She’s gone. She took a pretty bad beating.”

  My head buried into his chest as the tears flowed. I couldn’t stop the part of me that cared. She’d been scared, up to the point of death. It didn’t sit right, regardless of what she’d done.

  “Is Slade here?”

  “No. He had to stay back so he’d have an alibi. I’d take you to him, but we’re not going there yet. First, I want to get you to a hospital. Then, we’ll talk about leaving.

  My head shook. “Leave where?” I wasn’t sure why, but panic once again took the lead. Although I loved Zain, I’d convinced myself for so long that things couldn’t work. I was so confused.

  “Your brother is letting us stay at his house in Washington. It’s time we find ourselves again, Lilian. We need to start fresh. But let’s focus on that later. First, the hospital. Did any of them…” his jaw tightened and I knew what he meant.

  “No, just what almost happened. I’m fine, really. I don’t want to go to the hospital.” Slade’s name came back into my mind and I let his words process. “Wait. My brother is allowing this?”

  “He knows I love you. I’ve made it very clear to him.”

  I stayed quiet while he led me down the hall at a fast pace, holding onto me tighter. My eyes drifted over to where Alec’s body was and I briefly squeezed them shut, hoping that would help erase what I’d just seen. The pale shade of his skin left me even sicker. The nightmares were going to be so much worse now and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “How is she?” A blond man with huge shoulders and arms met us at the door. At how intimidating he was, I pushed more into Zain.

  “I think she’s okay. She doesn’t want to go to the hospital. Let’s take her back home and I’ll check her better there.”

  I barely heard their words. At the sight of Marcio standing just outside, I broke from Zain and pushed through the door, rushing into his arms.

  “You came,” I said, crying even harder.

  “Of course. You should have known I would.”

  My head tilted back and I couldn’t fight the upturn of my lips. “Yes, I should have.”

  I gave Marcio one last squeeze and stepped back. Zain and the blond were coming through the front door. For the first time, I took in my surroundings. When we’d arrived, I had a cloth over my head. Large trees surrounded us and I turned in a complete circle, stopping back at Zain and the blond. “Where are we? It felt like Jonathan had me in the car forever.”

  Zain was already leading me to the SUV. “Not far from home, sweetie. South of San Francisco.”

  “But…” my head shook, confused as I climbed in the back. Zain followed, closing the door behind him. “I don’t understand. We were in the car so long after we left the first place.”

  “You were on the Oregon-California border the first time. They brought you back. I think it more had to do with my father. He’s here and it doesn’t look good. I think he knows what I’ve done, which may be why he played a part in taking you.”

  The SUV pulled out of the dirt drive and began heading down the winding mountain path.

  “He knows,” I confirmed. “I was supposed to fly back to Afghanistan with him tonight. They meant to kill you, Zain. They’re going to keep trying until they’re successful.”

  Zain cursed under his breath and my eyes came up to connect with Blake’s in the rearview mirror. I had to suppress a shudder. He was unexplainably…off. I could feel it. Although there was no threatening expression present, it didn’t stop the vibe he threw off.

  “You don’t have to worry, Lily. I’m going to take care of it,” Blake said, as if reading my mind. “You focus on Zain and don’t worry about anything anymore.”

  My Master’s face snapped to the front. “I was only going to let you take out the dealers because I wasn’t expecting my father to be present. I already told you he’s mine. And I’ll take care of him when I get back.”

  The admission had my hands subconsciously clutching Zain’s shirt. Just imagining him returning to Afghanistan scared me more than anything. He wouldn’t come back if he did. Not if it came down to him versus his two uncles, his father, and all of their guards.

  “You can’t go. I don’t want you to.”

  “I’ll be okay. Here, come sit closer to me.” Zain’s arms wrapped around my shoulders, but I pulled back.

  Again, I looked between my Master and Blake. “There’s no point in going to the deal. It’s ruined now. Don’t you see? The deal for the girls was between Jonathan and your family. He picked up where Julian Brighton left off. Now, they’re dead, except for your father. He’s going to know. He’s going to have people looking for you. If you go, you’ll be walking into a trap. You all will.”

  “The trap will always be there,” Blake said, quietly. “He has to be taken out tonight. Just like I had planned to do anyway.”

  Zain shook his head, angrily. “Amir is mine. I can’t just let you take care of my dirty work. I’ll do it. We’ll drop Lily off with Slade and head out.”

  Tighter, my fingers held onto him, but I knew there was nothing I could do. Zain would leave me to do what he had to once we arrived home. I just prayed he came back.

  Chapter 22


  The hood sat low and engulfed Lily’s head, making it easy to hide her face as we headed for the elevator. If she’d just been the captive of a psychopath, no one would ever know. They’d never see the evidence of his abuse on her face. We’d made sure of that.

  The elevator ride went too slow and too fast all at the same time. For the life of me, I couldn’t let go of Lily. Imagining leaving her now made me sick, but my father would have to die tonight. If I let him return, the chance of him taki
ng me out or dealing in more girls was too great.

  Ding. The elevator stopped at the entrance of the penthouse and Brace was already standing there, waiting with the door open. I swept Lily in, noticing that she reached out and gave the guard’s hand a squeeze before coming in. She’d always connected with people. It was one of the reasons I’d fallen so deeply in love with her.

  Slade stopped pacing the moment he saw us.

  “Lily.” He rushed forward and she broke away, meeting him with her arms outstretched. Their hug was brief before Slade pulled back, pushing the dark hood from her head. “Son of a bitch. God, look at your face. They bruised you up badly.”

  “It’s nothing,” she breathed out. “I’m just glad to be home,” she said, giving him another hug.

  “I told her she needed to go to the hospital, but she says she’s fine. I plan to do a check to make sure she’s okay before I leave.”

  Gaige and Slade both stepped toward me. “Where are you going?” Slade asked, confused. “I thought you and Lily were headed to Washington.”

  If only it were that easy. I sighed, pushing my hands in my jean pockets. My stare went to Gaige. I knew I didn’t have to hold back with him. He may have been an agent, but I knew his past. His wife had been a victim of human trafficking, tied to a huge drug cartel leader down in Mexico, before he came in and rescued her. The research hadn’t been hard as I waited for word on Lily.

  “I have to take out my father. Jonathon Brighton was working with my family. My brother, who was supposed to head up the deal, and Jonathon, who was on the other side of it, are now both dead. Amir will know I’m behind their murders when they don’t show up. He’ll come looking for me or send people who will. I can’t chance it. He may already know if he’s tried to contact my brother.”


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