Lily: Captive to the Dark

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Lily: Captive to the Dark Page 32

by Alaska Angelini

  My head shook. “I’ll give you a few weeks, but not every single day. I’ve barely gotten to even hold a conversation with Zain. I miss him and I know he misses me.”

  “That’s the point,” he ground out. “He needs to be distanced and put under the ultimate pressure while doing so. It’ll show me everything I need to know.”

  I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped. “You piss him off too much and he’ll stop playing by your rules. You can’t seriously think he’s going to let you keep us apart for too long. Have you not learned anything about him the last few weeks?”

  “The guy is…” Slade’s mouth twisted. “I know how far to push him before he snaps. He’ll be fine. Hell, I bet he’ll thank me in the end.”

  “I doubt that. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t cut you out of his life completely. Zain doesn’t play games, Slade.”

  A defensive looked darkened his features. “This isn’t a game, Lilian. This is your future we’re trying to secure. Let’s make sure that you’re not going to get hurt anymore, okay? Just a few more weeks and if your boyfriend is still around and proving himself, you have my word. I will back off completely and let things fall as they may.”

  “Fine. A few more weeks and that’s it. But you’re not keeping me away completely. If your plan isn’t work related, I keep my dates with Zain. Period.” I grabbed my purse from behind the desk, preparing to have lunch with Slade and the team. “By the way, I’m spending the night with him tonight. Don’t try to stop me either. It won’t work.”

  A low growl filled the space between us and I raised my eyebrow in challenge. When he stayed quiet, I headed for the door. It was as if whatever world Zain was in disappeared at the slight squeak of the hinge. He turned around, checking his watch. I frowned as I headed over to tell him the bad news.

  “Let me guess. You can’t go to lunch.”

  I glanced back at the team meeting up next to Slade. “No, I’m sorry. We have a business plan to discuss. Slade wants to go over a few companies and get an insight into what we’re dealing with.” I lowered, moving in closer to his face. At his lips parting, everything in me wanting to kiss him. From the deepening of his breaths, I could tell he wanted to, too. “I’ll probably catch a ride home with Slade, but will you pick me up afterward? I’ll bring my overnight bag.”

  The smile that had pulled at my lips disappeared at the pained expression Zain held.

  “What is it?” I lifted back, getting a better view of his face.

  “I won’t be home tonight. Or for the next few days. I was going to talk to you about it over lunch, but…” He swallowed and his jaw tightened in anger. “Your brother is having me and two other men go down to the LA office to review some accounts. We won’t be back until Friday.”

  Heat poured from my skin and I turned, glaring at Slade. He only held my stare for a few seconds before turning back to the conversation they were having. He gave me nothing. Not an apologetic look or a please understand expression. He was stoic, just like he always was.

  “LA.” I repeated the word, letting the venom in my voice underline it. So far, I’d done okay with the nightmares and I hadn’t had another flashback, but what if Zain wasn’t there for the next one? I knew I needed to be strong and learn to depend on myself, but it was comforting to know my Master could come over if I needed him. Now, he’d be hours away.

  “Do you want me to tell him no?”

  I looked down, only then realizing I was still giving my brother a death stare.

  “Oh, no. You go ahead. This is your job. We’re both having to make sacrifices. It comes with the territory.”

  “So I’ve noticed.” Zain picked up my hand, only to let it go. The frustration was evident. I knew he wanted to kiss my palm or knuckles. It was something I loved for him to do. But here, we couldn’t be too obvious in what we shared. I really shouldn’t have even come to him in such a public place. I’d have to remember to be more private. “You have a good lunch,” he continued. “I’ll stop by and see you before I take off.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I look forward to it.” I forced a smile and stepped back, heading toward the elevator. By the time I got there, Slade and the team were already walking my way. I hit the button, crossing my arms and trying not to look at my brother as I waited. He’d known the whole time and he never said anything.

  The door opened and I walked in, moving to the very back. Slade moved in beside me, staying quiet, but he didn’t have to say anything for me to feel his presence. It pressed against my skin like a living thing. Just like Zain’s did. The dominance was undeniable, but there was a difference. I bowed to my Master and followed his direction. I was willing to bend to Slade, but not for everything. Not for this.

  At the ding, everyone walked out and we followed, but just past the opening, I cupped Slade’s arm, pulling him to a stop.

  “Don’t hide anything like that from me again. If you’re planning to send him off, you better tell me. I don’t like surprises. Not concerning him. You know I need him right now.”

  His eyebrow cocked and he exhaled loudly. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you’re wrong. You need no one. You’re stronger than that.”

  My fingers pushed into his arm as anger swelled. “I choose to need him. I want to have that sort of connection and if you can’t understand that…” I was so upset that words evaded me. “I choose this. Respect my wishes and I will respect your game.”

  I let go and stormed ahead. The limo was already waiting in the front and the team was piling in. Slade’s long strides had him making it to my side before I could get halfway.

  “Lily, wait.”

  I glanced over, coming to a stop.

  “I should have told you or warned you beforehand. You have a right to be angry.” At my silence, he continued. “We’ve been butting heads since I’ve been back. A lot.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. My shoulders went lax and I studied his worried face. “We’ve seen each other in passing, but we haven’t really had to spend this much time together. I’m afraid we’re a lot more alike than we knew.”

  He nodded and shrugged. “Not a bad thing. Just something we’re going to have to work on, that’s all. Communication is key. I should be grateful you’re allowing me to test him. I’m sorry if I’m coming off as an asshole. I’ll be sure to talk with you more about what I want to happen.”

  “I’d like that. Although, I have faith in Zain and believe what we have will last. I respect your opinion and choices, but don’t forget that I’m allowing this. You have to keep me informed. No more surprises.”

  “You have my word,” he said. “Let’s go brainstorm. The team is waiting.”

  We started heading that way again with Marcio and Terrance following. Trust was an issue I had a problem with and I felt myself accept what my brother told me. He wouldn’t just give his word to anyone. When he said it, he meant it.

  We climbed in the limo, the guards taking their place in the front. Although the members were usually on edge, there was a happiness about them that lifted my spirits even more. My job as CEO was so broad and covered such a vast amount of things that I’d neglected the most important part—morale. My team feared me, and although I liked it in a way, they also needed to see the other side. The one that not only took care of her people, but lifted everyone’s spirits and showed her appreciation of their hard work.

  “Charlie, how’s the wife taking to the idea of Atlanta?”

  The blond looked up at me, the corner of his brown eyes crinkling as he smiled. “She’s excited, Mrs. Roberts. She’s already looking for apartments.”

  I looked to Slade. He was typing something on his phone. Slowly, my head shook. “Not necessary, Charlie. Slade Industries will set you up with a very nice place. I was sure that was already disclosed. After all, you’re going to have a lot of responsibilities as it is. A place to live shouldn’t have to be one of them. We’ll take care of everything.”

  Slade’s head came up, but lowered, even as he no
dded his approval. I knew he didn’t mind. He’d made it clear from the beginning that I should run things as I felt appropriate. He trusted me…trust…yes, he did trust me. Even with his own livelihood. His company was everything to him and he’d put me in charge. The most obvious truth suddenly became apparent and all my thoughts jumbled together, throwing me off for a few seconds.

  “Thank you, Ms. Roberts. Mr. Roberts,” Charlie said, excitedly. “Georgette will be happy to hear that.”

  “You’re welcome.” My voice sounded winded, weak as I tried to collect myself. “Vanessa and Patrick, you’re both running the team. Tell me what you’ve decided on direction?”

  As they began talking, I tried my best to listen. It was almost impossible to stop my racing mind. I knew it was in part because of the medication I was on. Sometimes it clouded my thoughts, but I made sure the dose was low enough not to hinder my judgment. Right now, it was really leaving me grasping to understand how things were playing out. Patrick’s voice broke through and I squinted as he described a new company we hadn’t heard much about. The excitement in his tone was matched by the other team members’ smiles.

  “Lafel? Why hadn’t I heard of that one?” Slade slid his phone in his pocket, his interested apparently piqued.

  “You could call them a diamond in the rough. They’re numbers are amazing.” Patrick scooted to the edge of his seat and his hands lifted as he gestured with his words. “Vanessa was the one who actually discovered them. It was an amazing fi—”

  The impact that crashed into us from behind, along with the brakes being slammed, sent me flying into Harris, one of the newest members who was sitting along the side, in front of me. The impact knocked the air out of me and I grabbed his shirt as I fell to the floor. Slade’s eyes went wide as he pushed up from Patrick’s side. The smell of rubber was so thick, my nose wrinkled.

  “What the hell?” Slade turned to where we’d been sitting, just as glass exploded all around. Deafening screams pierced my ears and weight crashed into me, pinning me to the floor. Someone’s foot stepped on my arm and the limo rocked with the frantic movements of everyone inside. I could hear Marcio yelling in the distance, but it faded out as a series of loud pops followed. Fear ran so thick within me, I couldn’t scream or move. Slade’s cologne was my only comfort and I held to him as I felt us jerk forward again. The turn that was taken had my brother rolling off of me, but pulling me in close.

  “Boss!” Marcio’s voice rang out over the cries surrounding us and I turned, taking in the damage. Wind whipped at my hair that had fallen loose from the pins and blood on a few of the team members had nausea taking over.

  “Oh, shit.” I struggled against Slade’s hold, trying to break loose, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Lily and I are okay. What the hell is going on?” Shaken, my brother held a fear in his tone I’d never heard before. “Terrance was hit. He’s back there. I think he’s…” Marcio paused. “I think it got him in the head.”

  A sob broke free as I let the news sink in. Tears blinded me at the loss of one our guards. He possibly died trying to protect us. My heart ached and I pushed my palm into my chest, stopping midway as my eyes lifted. I thrashed against my brother who was holding onto me even tighter. Vanessa’s throat was covered in blood and Patrick was holding her in his arms, applying pressure with his free hand.

  “Let me go,” I screamed. “I have to help her.”

  Only then did Slade seem to see what was going on around him. His arms immediately eased. He sat up, letting me crawl the three feet that separated us. I stripped off my blazer, pulling the scarf free from my neck. My scars stood out brightly on my arms as I reached forward. I didn’t miss Patrick’s gaze jerking toward them, but they didn’t stay focused on me for long. His hand moved and I pressed the black and white silk into the side of her neck, applying a heavy amount of pressure.

  “Hospital, Marcio!” How I sounded so calm, I didn’t know, but I focused on the woman gasping below me. Blood sprayed out at her cough and I tried my hardest to think of something more to do. Aside from trying to stop the bleeding, I was helpless.

  “Brace, Terrance has been shot. I’m guessing about four blocks from the building. Find him, get him help, and get your ass to the hospital now. We have a few wounded and I want you here.” Slade hung up and moved further toward the front where Charlie lay. “Jesus,” my brother groaned, “he’s dead.”

  Chapter 44


  The buzzing of voices went on and on, coming in and out as I tried to focus on the numbers. No matter how hard I tried to block them out completely, it just wasn’t happening today. All I could think about was my slave and how I kept telling her I’d be there for her, when in truth, I kept getting pushed further away. I couldn’t stand it.

  I pushed back from the desk and spun to the other side, grabbing my bottled water. As I began unscrewing the cap, I paused, taking in what the hell everyone was going on about.

  “No, I just heard about ten minutes ago. Pete, from downstairs, said Mr. Robert’s guard tore out of here in a rush. Said he heard something about a shooting.”

  I jerked to face the cubicle, but didn’t get as far as letting it come into focus before I was already standing.

  “Who said that?” I broke around the wall, scanning the surrounding cubbies. “What happened with Mr. Roberts’s guards?” Silence had my heart racing even faster. “You,” I growled, “who said that?”

  The man who sat directly across from me pointed to the side of him.

  “You,” I stormed toward the heavyset man in his mid-fifties, “what happened?”

  His mouth opened and closed in shock and what looked to be fear. “The guards. They raced out of here. Something about Mr. Roberts’s limo getting shot up. Pete said he heard a call come in over the scanner about a few people being injured. Even dead. It fit the description of the rumors floating around.”

  My skin turned cold as I raced for the elevator. The longer it took, the more I slammed my palm against the button. I reached in my pocket, grabbing my phone and hitting Lily’s number. It went immediately to voicemail.

  “God dammit!” I took a step back, charging forward the moment the doors opened. The ride down was the slowest in my life. When I broke into the lobby, Brace, Marcio, and Terrance were nowhere to be seen. I headed for the entrance, dialing Slade. Before I could finish, my phone rang.

  “Hello? Hello?” My greeting came rushed and panicked. I jogged through until I broke to the entrance of the parking garage. I hit a dead sprint to the car as I waited for someone to talk. “Hello?”

  “Lily is fine. She’s talking to the police now. She wanted me to call you in case you’d heard anything.”

  My legs almost gave out at the sound of Slade’s voice.

  “Fuck. What the hell happened? Some guy in the cubicle across from mine broke the news.”

  Slade took a deep breath and I could hear his shoes against some type of flooring. “Terrance is dead. Vanessa and Charlie, two of my team leaders, are also dead. Another was shot in the arm. Marcio says it was white SUV that hit us from behind. When he stopped and they both got out to check the damage, three men exited the vehicle and began firing. The accent they had would have this pointing toward you.” The blame was clear as he ground out the words. “What have you discovered on your uncle, Zain? I thought you had this taken care of.”

  I pulled open the door and froze. I had locked that door, now it was unlocked. The realization had me slowly lowering down to look under the dash and the underbelly of the car. I left the door open, reaching under the seat where I had my gun and knife hidden under the flooring. Once I pushed them into the waistband of my slacks, I turned to head out of the garage. “I suspected he might be here, but he’s staying under the radar. We’re not, though. Call the bomb squad and get them to remove that bomb strapped to Lily’s car. You might want to have your building evacuated too. Fuck,” I breathed out, stopping at the ground level entrance. “You have to leave.
Take Lily and Mary and head to your estate. San Francisco isn’t safe.”

  Slade’s voice sounded distant as he told Brace to call his building, then the volume increased as he came back to me. “You know Lily won’t leave without you.”

  My free hand fisted. “She doesn’t have a choice. You tell her I said to. End of story. Now, I have to go. I’m ending this once and for all.”

  “How are you going to do that?” There was a slight edge to Slade’s voice that had me questioning my sanity. My slave’s brother was too close of a connection to her. He represented what I could so easily lose. My brain told me to me to get home. To face the men who were waiting and finally get my revenge. My heart told me to think smart and call the only backup I trusted.

  “Let’s just say Saul may be stealthy, but he’s a lot like my father. He’s a creature of habit. I know his next move and I plan to turn the tables on him. He might think he has me where he wants. He may even suspect that I know what it is. What he fails to see is that I think outside of the box. I cover every possibility and I calculate the best outcome. I know what I have to do.”

  The footsteps returned and I assumed Slade began pacing again. “Just make sure you wear the damn vest. I swear, you should just leave it on with the rate you’re going.”

  “You don’t know Saul. He’s not going to be aiming for the chest, brother. He’s going for the head if he or his men take a shot. It’s the kill factor. They don’t chance survivors. If they’re pulling the trigger, they want you dead.”

  “Wear the damn vest anyway,” Slade snapped.

  Cars thickened as I stared at the traffic. Was one of Saul’s men out here waiting for me? Or did they assume I had been in the limo? It was hard to say when I didn’t know whether they’d witnessed the group crowding to get inside. If I knew one thing, it was that Saul was already in my home, waiting to see if I came back. He’d know my new residence. I was betting my life on it.

  “I have to go. Tell Lily I love her.”

  “You should get your ass here and just tell her yourself. I can’t stand her always being in the middle of this. You should let Blake or Gaige take care of it.”


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