The Dragon's Secret Son (Dragon Secrets Book 4)

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The Dragon's Secret Son (Dragon Secrets Book 4) Page 34

by Jasmine Wylder

  They arrived at Tamerlane late in the afternoon on the day before Christmas Eve. A recent snowfall had covered the grounds; as they followed the winding driveway to the manor, they could see festive lights and garlands in every window. A pair of large wreaths with red and gold bows hung on the double doors at the main entrance. Seph carried their bags like a proper gentleman until they got inside. Paul and one of the other stewards met them in the foyer.

  “Welcome home, Master Seph,” Paul said cheerfully. “You are the first to arrive.” He smiled at Elizabeth. “It is a pleasure to have the young lady as a special guest, as well.”

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth said, removing her coat and shaking the snowflakes from the mass of red curls framing her face. She looked around. “What a beautiful home.”

  “I’ll give you the grand tour,” Seph said. He nodded to Paul, who ordered the steward to take the luggage up to Seph’s old room. Each of the boys had his own space; only one – Drew – had his own bath. Seph and Vann had to share, as did Mal and Don. Seph proceeded to lead Elizabeth around the main floor. He took her through the kitchen where he introduced her to the staff. Everyone showed Elizabeth respect and kindness.

  Mrs. Carson gave her approval along with a sampling of the latest batch of pastries to come out of the oven. “She’s lovely, dear,” she told Seph, as one of the cooks invited Elizabeth to taste the soup that would be served as one course of their meal tonight. “Very dignified.” Mrs. Carson shook her head. “I must admit, I’m a bit surprised.”

  Seph frowned at her. “Surprised?” he echoed. “Why?”

  “Well, I’m just going on a first impression,” the matronly woman assured. “But I had always pictured you with someone who was more down to earth but capable of being a bit of a firecracker.” She nodded to Elizabeth. “She’s a redhead, so she could have quite a spark to her.” She smiled up at Seph and gave his hand a pat. “All that matters is that she makes you happy in every way. If she can do that, then she’s perfect.”

  Seph continued to guide Elizabeth along on the tour, leaving the kitchen and making their way up to the second floor. “And this is where we’ll be staying,” he said, drawing her into the bedroom and closing the door behind them for a little privacy. “You know…we have a little time to ourselves before everyone else arrives.”

  Elizabeth responded with a sultry chuckle. “Do we, now?” she purred. She backed toward the tall, four-posted bed and sank down against the edge of the mattress. Leaning back on her arms, she let her legs fall open as she lowered her head and treated Seph to a predatory smile. “And what would you propose we do with that time?”

  Seph sauntered toward her. “I have a few suggestions,” he replied, his voice and his cock both growing heavy with desire. They had graduated from hand-holding and pecks on the cheek on their first night out together, to making out on her doorstep after their third date. He nodded to the bed. “I guess you’re okay with sleeping together for the week that we’re here?”

  “Well, I was hoping we’d do more than just ‘sleep,’” she said. Reaching out, she snagged him by the front of his red pullover sweater and hauled him down for a kiss. They tumbled across the duvet in a tangle of limbs. Up until now, they had both agreed to ease into this relationship and let it develop naturally instead of rushing it. Apparently, they were abandoning that plan in favor of sex – not that Seph was complaining.

  Clothes began to fly off in every direction. Seph used his fingers to trace the blue veins standing out against the pale white of Elizabeth’s breast before lowering his mouth over the pink bud of her nipple. He followed the curve of her hourglass figure down to the brassy copper curls between her thighs. Seph used his tongue to open her up, lapping at the soft folds and sucking at her clit while she moaned and quivered uncontrollably.

  “Wait!” Elizabeth gasped, when Seph rose up and began to position his cock to take her. She held him back with one hand. “Do you have protection?”

  Seph blinked and frowned at the question, his brain so fogged with lust that it took a moment for him to comprehend. “No,” he said, panting. “But it’s okay – as long as I pull out in time, you won’t get pregnant.” Some people might roll their eyes and call that particular reasoning an Old Wives’ Tale; in terms of Dragon reproduction, only the passing of the fertilization sac guaranteed pregnancy. Seph would have to plant his seed deliberately in order for Elizabeth to conceive.

  “Let’s not take any chances,” Elizabeth said, and Seph felt a pang of disappointment – until she looked up at him with leaf-green eyes and a sly twist to her lips. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do it another way.”

  Seph furrowed his brow in confusion. “Oh?” As Elizabeth turned over and got on knees and elbows, suddenly he understood. “Oh!” His heart began to race. “Are you sure this is what you want? I mean…it’s probably going to hurt…”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Oh, Seph,” she said, “you’re not the first Dragon I’ve had fuck me in the ass.” She looked back over her shoulder and him and smiled. “Come on, big boy.” She wiggled her bottom at him. “I can take it.”

  Amazed, Seph obliged and crawled up behind her. Dragon cocks secreted a natural lubricant to help pass the egg sac; he used it to prepare Elizabeth, milking himself and then spreading the slick fluid over her pink pucker. He dipped down to finger her, finding her equally wet. She’s excited, he realized. Wow – I never would have guessed she went in for this kind of thing.

  Despite Elizabeth’s assurance that she had done this before, Seph still felt the need to proceed with caution. He eased into her slowly, holding her hips steady as he pressed in. He bit his lower lip and groaned at how tight it felt around him. He began moving in and out, building speed, Elizabeth grunting and speaking in the dirtiest, raunchiest manner for someone so well-educated. Seph still managed to pull out just before he came, shooting across her back. With a satisfied moan, he flopped over onto the bed. He looked over at Elizabeth. “How was that?” he asked.

  “Mm, good.” Shifting, Elizabeth stretched like a cat before leaning in to nuzzle along his shoulder. “How about you? Is finding out I like anal sex going to have a negative impact on this relationship?”

  Seph grinned and rolled his head from side to side. “Not at all.” He slipped his arm around her and pulled her over on top of him, burying his fingers in her curls as they came together for a kiss. His enhanced hearing picked up the sounds of a car pulling up outside and then the opening of the front door. “Hey, my brothers are here.” He looked at his watch, chuckling. “Just in time for supper, of course.” He smiled at Elizabeth. “Let’s get cleaned up, get dressed, and head down to meet them.”

  She walked her fingers over his chest. “Can we shower together?” she asked.

  “I think that can be arranged,” he murmured, and kissed her again.

  An hour later, they made their way down to the dining room. Seph kept his hand at the small of Elizabeth’s back as he escorted her in. They had upgraded from jeans out of respect for Father; Elizabeth looked stunning in a simple black, off-the-shoulder dress and heels, while Seph had opted for a pair of dark wool trousers and an oatmeal-colored turtleneck. Seph pulled out Elizabeth’s chair for her.

  Donnie and Drew were already there and seated; it came as no surprise to Seph that Don sat alone, but Seph expected Drew to have someone at his side. “Drew…Don,” Seph said, acknowledging them both with a nod. “How have you been?”

  “Busy, as usual,” Drew replied, reaching for his wine glass. He smiled at Elizabeth. “You seem to be doing well.”

  Seph picked up on the note of envy in his clutch mate’s voice. “Elizabeth, this is my brother, the District Attorney I told you about.”

  She reached over to clasp his hand briefly. “Pleased to meet you,” she said.

  “The pleasure is mine,” Drew replied. He withdrew his hand and grinned. “When Seph messaged me and said he was bringing a schoolteacher to Tamerlane, I will admit I pictured someone more auste

  “I said she was a professor of Medieval Studies,” Seph muttered. He could tell when Drew was flirting, and he did not appreciate him doing it with his date. He leaned in toward Elizabeth. “Pay no attention to him, he’s always had a thing for authority figures – he graduated from being Teacher’s Pet to seeking favor with every lady justice on the bench.”

  “Hey,” Drew said, “innocent until proven guilty – remember?” He turned his charming smile on Elizabeth. “I’d love to talk to you sometime about Medieval law, when you have the time.”

  Elizabeth nodded, beaming. “I’d like that,” she said, and looked at Seph, who lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the backs of her fingers.

  Mal came in, dressed in a priest’s cassock, leather pants, and a pair of round mirrored sunglasses. “Merry Christmas to all!” he said. He had one arm draped around the shoulders of a beautiful young woman with a rooster’s crest of silver-white hair and wearing a red vinyl skirt and bustier that looked painted on.

  Cyril sat at the head of the table, watching as his sons filed in. Upon seeing Mal, he rolled his eyes and sighed. “Glasses,” he said, motioning to Mal with a long finger.

  Smiling sheepishly, Mal removed the shades. “Sorry, Father.” He guided his date to the chairs directly across from Seph and Elizabeth. “Hey, bro,” he said, leaning over the table with his fist extended in greeting. “Pound it!”

  Seph smiled and bumped his knuckles against Mal’s. “Good to see you, Mal,” he said. “How’s the tour going?”

  “Awesome, man,” Mal replied, dropping into his chair. He jerked his chin at Elizabeth. “I see I’m not the only one with a plus-one this week.” He gestured to his own companion with a showman’s flourish, the black lacquer on his nails glittering in the room’s light. “Allow me to introduce the rocking goddess to my left: my beloved Gwendolyn.”

  Seph smiled at the young lady. “Pleased to meet you, Gwendolyn,” he said. “I’m Mal’s brother, Seph. And this is Elizabeth.” He reached for Elizabeth’s hand, and instantly picked up on a change in her demeanor. Racing pulse, nervous… He looked at her, puzzled. Her fair skin looked almost ghost white, and her green eyes darted. Something’s wrong, Seph thought. “Is everything all right? You’re not feeling sick, are you?”

  Before she could answer, Mal let out a low whistle. “Whoa!” he said, squinting at Elizabeth. “Cinnamon? Is that you?” He fell back in his chair and laughed. “Holy shit – it is you! Damn, girl! I almost didn’t recognize you! How ya been?”

  Seph’s confusion continued to mount. “Hold on,” he said, his brow furrowed as he held up a hand to silence Mal. “’Cinnamon?’”

  “Yeah,” Mal said. He leaned forward, elbow on the table, and twirled a lock of his black hair around his fingertip as he looked Elizabeth over. “Because she’s red and hot, just like the spice.” He shook his head slowly, marveling at Seph’s companion. “Wow…look at you! You grew up fine!”

  Now Seph began to get annoyed. He could feel the discomfort rolling off Elizabeth in waves; across the table, Gwendolyn had crossed her arms under her breasts and crossed her legs, eyes flashing with jealousy. “Okay, that’s enough,” he said, a little sharper than intended. Seph looked at Elizabeth, concerned. “Have you met my brother, before?”

  Elizabeth cleared her throat and forced a smile. “I…may have followed his music when I was younger,” she confessed.

  Mal brayed with laughter and winked at her. “Well, at least for one crazy summer, am I right?” He glanced at Seph as he gestured to Elizabeth. “Cinnamon, here, followed me on my first tour ten years ago. I kept asking to see her birth certificate because I couldn’t believe she was legal.”

  “I was eighteen,” Elizabeth insisted. She looked at Seph, shaking her head. “I was young, and it was the year before I went off to college…” She let out a soft snort. “’Vovin.’ Of course. I can’t believe I never made the connection that you two were related.” Grimacing, she averted her gaze. “God, I am so embarrassed right now.”

  “It’s all right,” Seph assured her. “No one should ever judge you for anything you’ve done in your past. It’s who you are, today, that matters. Whatever happened between the two of you ten years ago is not up for discussion, now.” His gaze sharpened as he regarded his brother. “Mal, I have to ask you to refrain from talking about this. Not only is it inappropriate, it’s upsetting Elizabeth.” He nodded to his sibling’s date. “And I don’t think Gwendolyn appreciates it, either. You’re with her – you shouldn’t be talking about a liaison you had with another woman. It’s disrespectful to them and everyone else in this room.” He motioned to the two ladies. “I would suggest you offer an apology, and then we can move on from this matter completely.”

  Before Mal could speak, Vann sauntered into the room. “Hey,” he said, “sorry I’m late.” He stopped and looked around. “Wow, I’m picking up on a lot of tension, in here. What did I miss?” His gaze stopped on Elizabeth, and he broke into a wide grin. “Hey, Professor! Fancy meeting you, here! I didn’t know you were ‘friendly’ with my brother!” He used finger quotes for emphasis. “Small world, huh?”

  Seph felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach. He did not have to look at Elizabeth to know she felt mortified right now. The mediator in him wanted to do damage control, but he found himself too stunned by these back to back revelations to even speak.

  Cyril was the one who broke the awkward silence. “Well, this has certainly been enlightening,” he said with a dry sniff. “Elizabeth, my dear: before I ring for the first course to be brought in, I feel I should ask if you’ve slept with any of my other sons, or if it’s just these three?”

  Shock swept through the room. Drew choked on his wine. Don shielded his eyes with a hand, looking like he wished he could teleport to another planet. Mal and Vann sat with their mouths hanging open. Seph, however, felt anger bubble up inside him. He struggled to keep it in check, fists clenched on the table. “Really, Father?” he said quietly, and looked at the Vovin patriarch.

  “Spare me your platitudes, Seph,” Cyril replied with a bored sigh. “When I told you to find mates, I expected you to look for women who possessed a modicum of dignity worthy of bearing the heirs to our great lineage. Instead, you and your brother Mal bring…this.” He curled his lip as he looked from Gwendolyn to Elizabeth. “A pair of cheap harlots.”

  “What the fuck did you just call me?” Gwendolyn demanded, nearly toppling her chair as she stood up. She jabbed a thumb at herself. “I’m no whore – I’m the choreographer for some of the biggest names in the music industry, you rotten bastard!” She threw her napkin down on the table and raised her hands. “That’s it. I’m out.” Turning on her heel, she stalked out of the dining room. She could be heard on her phone as she made her way to the front door, calling for someone to come and pick her up.

  “Charming,” Cyril said, and gave a thin smile. “Try to do better, would you, Mal? I realize that may be asking a lot.” He looked at Seph. “At least yours had the decency to get an education – although I can’t see how Medieval Studies are of any importance. I’m concerned about your futures, not about the past. They may be good for breeding but I see no other redeeming qualities in either.” He grimaced, looking from Seph to Mal. “You have disappointed me, the both of you.”

  Seph shook his head. “I can’t believe this,” he muttered. He turned to Elizabeth who had remained silent, staring straight ahead with her lips pressed together in a tight line. Only the splashes of bright red coloring her cheeks gave away the rage Seph could sense roiling inside her. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth.” He pushed back his chair and stood. “Come on. I’ll take you home – you shouldn’t have to take this.”

  He reached to help her with her seat only to have her brush him off. “It’s all right,” she said. She got to her feet, smoothed her hands down her dress. Lifting her chin, she turned and presented Cyril with a smile. “Now that I’ve been thoroughly shamed and insulted, I just want to take a momen
t to thank you – Mr. Vovin – for being the living embodiment of the same male-dominant society represented in the course I teach. You say you want to focus on the future, and yet you have the antiquated vision of women as chattel, not as independent thinkers in charge of their own bodies and decisions but as livestock good for – what was the word you used? – oh, yes: breeding. Seph said that you loved his mother, but I wonder how any man can truly love someone he considers as nothing more than his personal property.” She picked up her wine glass. “A soulless, mindless vessel, waiting to be filled with your precious seed.”

  Seph felt his own heart racing. He expected Elizabeth to hurl the glass at his father, or even across the room. Instead, she set it back down carefully and walked out without another word or a backward glance. Grimacing, Seph went after her. He followed her upstairs and watched as she began to pack her suitcase. “I’m sorry,” he said again. “I told you he could be short and a little abrasive, but I had no idea he would go this far.” When she did not reply, Seph moved closer. “Elizabeth. I like you.”

  “I like you, too, Seph.” She stopped and looked over at him. “But I can’t be a part of this family. I couldn’t when I spent the summer banging your rock star brother in the back of a tour bus, and I couldn’t when I had sex with your brother who gives the best massages in town.” She shook her head. “You can say the past doesn’t matter, but it does.” She pressed her hand to her heart. “It does, to me. And no matter how much you try to counsel me about it, it’s not going to change the way I felt tonight.”


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