Fringe Runner (Fringe Series Book 1)

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Fringe Runner (Fringe Series Book 1) Page 21

by Rachel Aukes

  Reyne watched him for a moment. “I knew you’d finally get it through that thick skull of yours that I wasn’t a traitor.”

  Critch winked. “I may be hardheaded, but I also know when I’ve been wrong.”

  “Seriously?” Reyne asked. “That’s the worst apology I’ve ever heard.”

  Critch shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve ever apologized to anyone before.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  They clinked their glasses, and each took a long drink.

  “I received a message from Heid,” Reyne said. “She wants to join forces.”

  “I received the same one.”

  Reyne thought for a moment before speaking. “I think she’s earned the right to wear the raindrop.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “What’s your gut tell you?” Reyne countered.

  Critch took another drink. “That we should meet with her again.” He swirled the drink in his glass. “But, if I find out she had anything to do with that Alluvian shitstorm we were thrown in, I won’t hesitate to drift her and take her ship.”

  “I know,” Reyne said. “But if she didn’t betray us, having an Alluvian captain and her warship on our side speaks volumes to the Collective.”

  “It sure won’t hurt,” Critch agreed.

  After a contemplative moment, Reyne spoke again. “The blight. Was it real?”

  “Yep. Idiots had it in the same type of crate as the one shown on the news.”

  “Why’d you take it?”

  “Because a pirate always prepares for the worst.”

  “Would you have used it?”

  Critch looked over his glass. “What do you think?”

  Reyne narrowed his eyes as he examined the other man. “I don’t know.”

  “There’s your answer.”

  “What’d you do with it?”

  “Saving it in case we ever need a Plan B.”

  “Was it only that one vial?”

  Critch never answered. After waiting another long moment for an answer, Reyne pursed his lips, and they drank in silence.

  Critch drained his glass and set it down. “It’s safe to say a new Uprising has begun.”

  “Uprising?” Reyne’s jaw tightened. “No, we just started a war.”

  Coming Soon:


  Book 2 in the Fringe Series

  To receive a notification when the next book is available, sign up for Rachel’s email list.

  About the Collective

  The Collective is a collection of six terraformed planets in nearby solar systems within the Milky Way galaxy. The Collective is controlled by the dual leadership of Alluvia and Myr. Only those born on Alluvia and Myr are given legal status as citizens, while all others are considered colonists and receive fewer privileges. The Collective views colonists as means to achieve gain, and their pressure will drive the colonies—the fringe—to desperate actions.

  MYR is a silver-rich, water-rich world with idyllic islands. Myr was the first settled planet in the Collective. Myrads have argyria and take great pride in their blue-hued skin.

  ALLUVIA is a water-covered world and home to First City, the Collective’s largest city. Alluvia was the second settled planet in the Collective and has the highest gravity of all Collective worlds. Alluvia has thick cloud cover and frequent storms.

  DARIOS is the most naturally habitable world and provides much of the Collective’s food supply. As such, it’s heavily regulated by the Collective. Its fringe station is Sol Base.

  PLAYA is the furthest world from Alluvia and Myr. It has low gravity and freezing temperatures. Its fringe station is Ice Port.

  SPATE is a desert-like world and has the largest fringe station, Devil Town, known for its massive garden.

  TERRA is a battle-scarred world, where much of the Uprising took place. Its fringe station is Rebus Station. Terra, the planet nearest to Alluvia and Myr, is home to the Citadel, the Collective's high-security prison.

  SPACE COAST is an asteroid belt outside Collective control and home to smugglers, pirates, and other outlaws. Its fringe station is Nova Colony and home to the infamous Uneven Bar.

  Glossary of Terms

  ABYSS: Term used to describe people and ships lost in space, presumably or known dead.

  CHIMESUIT: Blue, armored space suit worn by dromadiers. Named for the chime-like sounds the suit emits.

  CITIZEN: Free person born on Alluvia or Myr.

  COMM: References communications sent/received as well as personal communication devices.

  COLONIST aka Fringe: General population in the fringe. Considered impure and lesser by many citizens.

  CUF: Collective Unified Forces (CUF). The Collective’s military forces.

  DRIFT: Slang term meaning to die or to kill. E.g., “I drifted him with a single shot to the head.”

  DROMADIER: CUF soldier.

  EM FIELD: Short for Electro Magnetic Field. On-ship technology to produce artificial gravity.

  EMP: Short for Electro Magnetic Pulse. Weapon employed by the CUF to disable ships.

  EVERSEA: A term referencing the space frontier. An Eden.

  FOUNDERS: Secret organization of citizens and colonists who steer the Collective’s actions using ulterior methods. Believed to have become defunct after the War.

  FRINGE: Refers to tributary planets and colonists under Collective control (Darios, Playa, Spate, and Terra) as well as the Space Coast.

  FRINGE STATION: A colony’s trading outpost with space docks.

  JUMP SPEED: fastest speed at which ships can currently travel. Requires jump shields to protect crews from hydrogen radiation poisoning from high, faster-than-light speeds.

  LOGGER: Waterlogged “puffy” person addicted to seasoned water, i.e. water seasoned with sweet soy.

  PIRATE: Outlaw who raids ships and smuggles contraband.

  RILON: Extremely durable yet flexible metal used on most hulls, weapons, and tools.

  RUNNER: Interstellar postman and transporter. Fringe runners commonly smuggle blue tea or sweet soy.

  SCALAR: References dark matter or space.

  SOLAR SAILS: Large flexible sails on ships used for long-term space travel.

  STAR SWARM: Tsunami of space garbage/debris pulled into an asteroid’s gravitational pull.

  STRETCH: Playan colonist with low-g mutations. Extremely tall, with respiratory and heart defects.

  SWEET SOY: Highly addictive drug, often mixed with water.

  TENURED: Indentured servant. Tenured are often tricked into servitude.

  TORRENT: Colonist rebel who fought in the Uprising twenty years before Fringe Runner takes place.

  UPRISING: A revolt by the fringe colonists against citizens of Alluvia and Myr for equal rights.

  VIG: Derogatory term, referring to a small, smelly rodent.

  VOICELESS: Tenured who have had their vocal cords destroyed because they broke laws or attempted to escape servitude.

  The WAR: War between Alluvia and Myr. The War ended with a truce and creation of the Collective and the push for colonizing other worlds for resources.

  WOMBIE: Mutated, slow-moving, Spaten colonist who have developed a camel-like ability to store water. Have extremely low IQs.

  Available Now

  Other books by Rachel Aukes

  The Deadland Saga

  100 Days in Deadland

  Deadland’s Harvest

  Deadland Rising

  Short Stories in the Deadland World

  Fat Zombie

  At Hell’s Gates

  Colliding Worlds Trilogy





  Out of Tune, Vol. 2


  Never Fear

  Stealing Fate

  Tales from the SFR Brigade, Vol. 1

  Stories on the Go

  About the Author

  Rachel Aukes is the bestselling author of 100 Days in Deadla
nd, which made Suspense Magazine’s Best of the Year list. She is also a Wattpad Star, her stories having over three million reads. When not writing, she can be found flying old airplanes across the Midwest countryside.

  Learn more at

  To be notified of new releases, sign up for Rachel’s email list.


  With many thanks to my editor, Stephanie Riva, for her adept counsel and helping bring this story to life. A huge thanks goes out to Sarah Lyons Fleming, Michael Koogler, and Will Lenzen for reading the very ugly rough draft and generously offering your wisdom on how to turn a decent story into a great story. I’m fortunate enough to be a member of the Bards of Badassery, where I’ve often leaned on my good friends, Elle J Rossi, Cynthia Valero, and Beth Ciotta. And, I most certainly couldn’t have done it without the support of my husband for putting up with long writing hours and plenty of craziness. Most of all, thank you, my readers, for your messages, cheers, and enthusiasm.

  Copyright 2016 Rachel Aukes

  Surprisingly Adequate Publishing

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved.

  Kindle Edition: May 2016

  Edited by Stephanie Riva,

  Cover Art by EJR Digital Art

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One The Package

  Chapter Two A Ship Caught in the Swarm

  Chapter Three Collective Cages

  Chapter Four Unfinished Business

  Chapter Five Infinite Problems

  Chapter Six Dangerous Discoveries

  Chapter Seven The Trouble with Pirates

  Chapter Eight A Hazardous Proposition

  Chapter Nine Shadowed Secrets

  Chapter Ten Building a Rebellion

  Chapter Eleven Fallen Worlds

  Chapter Twelve Deadly Pursuits

  Chapter Thirteen Toxic Complications

  Chapter Fourteen Haunted Visions

  Chapter Fifteen Frozen Sorrow

  Chapter Sixteen Truth in Words

  Chapter Seventeen Faded Liaisons

  Chapter Eighteen Distant Dreams

  Chapter Nineteen Three Captains

  Chapter Twenty Impossible Hope

  Chapter Twenty-One Liberty Run

  Chapter Twenty-Two Hypoxic Hijackings

  Chapter Twenty-Three Phantom Tricks

  Chapter Twenty-Four Divide and Conquer

  Chapter Twenty-Five Silver-Coated Problems

  Chapter Twenty-Six The Best Laid Plans

  Chapter Twenty-Seven Corrupted Illusions

  Chapter Twenty-Eight Staring into the Abyss

  Chapter Twenty-Nine The Stuff of Nightmares

  Chapter Thirty Full Circle




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