When the Vicar asked them if they took each other, their lips responded with the conventional words, but their hearts cried out a thousand passionate vows.
They had been through fire and hell and now they knew that their love was powerful enough to light up a new and everlasting world.
That world was waiting for them in all its glory as they turned to walk back down the aisle and out into the brilliant sunshine.
Together, at last – forever.
Where to buy other titles in this series
The Barbara Cartland Pink collection is available for download at the following online bookshops :-
www.barnesandnoble.com - epub format for the Nook eReader
www.whsmith.co.uk - epub format for the Smiths/Kobo eReader
www.firstyfish.com - epub format
ebookstore.sony.com - epub format for Sony eReaders
www.amazon.co.uk - For UK Kindle users
www.amazon.com - For international Kindle users
itunes.apple.com - for Apple iOS users
www.barbaracartland.com - Printed paperbacks
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