Vampire Nights (Vampire Wishes Book 3)

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Vampire Nights (Vampire Wishes Book 3) Page 1

by RaShelle Workman

  Vampire Nights

  Vampire Wishes Book Three ~ A Blood and Snow Novel

  RaShelle Workman

  Polished Pen Press Corporation, LLC


  Vampire Wishes

  Of Special Note…

  The Blood and Snow World Order


  Praise for the Blood and Snow series:


  1. 89 Days Until Total Darkness

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  10. The Unknowns

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  19. 47 Days Until Total Darkness

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  The Professor’s Origin

  Alice in DemonLand

  Chapter One


  About the Author

  Connect with RaShelle

  Also by RaShelle Workman

  Vampire Wishes


  Vampire Lies

  Vampire Secrets

  Vampire Nights

  Vampire Prey

  Vampire Magics

  Of Special Note…

  *** Updated ***

  The books in the BLOOD AND SNOW WORLD told from Jasmine’s point of view have been updated and rearranged to make it more convenient to the reader. The first change is the series name: It is now called the VAMPIRE WISHES series. Also, the order of Jasmine’s books used to be like this: Vampire Lies, Vampire Secrets, Vampire Nights, Vampire Fate, Vampire Prey, and Vampire Magics. But I decided to update so that Vampire Nights and Vampire Fate have been combined. The reason was simple. More for you, the reader!

  Enjoy, and if you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected] or visit my website at:



  The Blood and Snow World Order

  These stories do not have to be read in order, but you can. It does make the experience more fun.

  BLOOD AND SNOW (Snow White)

  blood and snow 1

  masquerade's moon 2

  love bleeds 3



  cindy witch

  the hunter's tale


  after the kiss

  blood's rose


  witch magic 1.1

  witch land 1.2

  witch time 1.3

  witch kiss 1.4

  witch love 1.5

  witch end 1.6


  vampire lies 1

  vampire secrets 2

  vampire nights 3

  vampire prey 4

  vampire magics 5



  the professor's origin 0.1

  BEASTLY (Belle)

  a beauty so beastly 1

  a beauty so deadly 2 (coming soon)

  a beauty so completely 3 (coming soon)


  asha's kisses 1

  asha's curse 2 (coming soon)

  asha's ever after 3 (coming soon)


  alice in demonland 1

  alice fights demonland 2 (coming soon)

  alice takes demonland 3 (coming soon)


  ~ Exclusively part of Once Upon a Happy Ending anthology. ~


  My name is Jasmine and I am an original vampire. Born of the seven magics, I've only had one desire, an ultimate wish.

  A gorgeous genie named Laeddin granted it.

  I should be living my happily ever after, right? Wrong.

  My wish created grave consequences and only I can repair them. But every time I try, the problems get worse.

  Like the darkness overtaking the human realm as well as the others. I know it’s the evil sorceress Maleficent behind it because I've seen her wicked plan to rule.

  Now I must go after a crown created by the fairies thousands of years ago. Its believed the artifact will give the wearer immeasurable power and I need it in order to destroy the darkness, but its been broken into five pieces.

  Vampire Nights

  Vampire Wishes Book Three

  License Notes:

  Digital Edition All rights reserved.

  Copyright @2017 RaShelle Workman

  Cover Design: RaShelle Workman

  Edited by Jen Hendricks

  Design copyright @2015~2017 RaShelle Workman

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard word of this author.

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written consent of the author, RaShelle Workman Bountiful, UT 84011.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the creation of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Polished Pen Press.

  Created with Vellum

  Praise for the Blood and Snow series:

  “The modern twist on the Snow White fairy tale was interesting and original, which isn't easy to find these days. Highly recommended.” Sarra Cannon, bestselling author of the Peachville High Demons series

  “This book will definitely suck you in (no pun intended) instantly.” Anthony

  "Blood and Snow draws you in from the very beginning and never let's you go, only to leave you anticipating more! Loved it. Can't wait for volume 2." Debbie Davis from Debbie's Inkspectations

  "This is a fun, smart, and sexy read!" Elizabeth Mueller, award winning YA author of Darkspell

  “I definitely look forward to more, and recommend this to anyone who likes a fairy tale with a twist.” Kay Glass

  “If you enjoy vampires and fractured fairy tales you'll enjoy these quick reads!” Laura Pauling, author of the Circle of Spies series

  “Best books that I have read!” Mercedez

  This series is dedicated to those who love vampires, magic, and twisted fairy tales.


  A special thank you to my amazing family, my cover designer, Andrea Garcia, and my awesome Street Team. I <3 each of them.


  89 Days Until Total Darkness

  Five days ago I made a second wish. It was that Maleficent would use her silver dagger on herself instead of Laeddin. She did. Stab
bed through the heart. Laeddin and I escaped her crazy lair with hordes of cheering Akuma.

  We’d believed, no, hoped she was dead, and with her death would come an end to the darkness and the Akuma. Within twenty-four hours though, we knew our hope was in vain. The days continued getting darker, Akuma kept coming, and now there was something new. A pestilence had fallen over the Earth. To humans, they appeared to be nothing more than large grasshoppers, but with my eyes—vampire eyes—I saw the truth.

  Not only were the bugs eating their way through all the world’s crops, they were eating their way through mankind as well. When bitten, whether animal or human, they became Akuma.

  Maleficent’s lackeys.

  Sabrina, my pixilette friend had returned to Sharra in order to help keep that realm from becoming a wasteland.

  National news, which continued to post the countdown to total darkness, filled with reports of crazed animals and even more demented people. Several church groups believed the world was in the midst of the apocalypse. I could see their point.

  It was my fault. Again. The plethora of Akuma and the pestilence were consequences of my wish. I’d saved Laeddin and pissed off the oldest and vilest vampire queen.

  Of course Laeddin was angry with me. Grateful too. I felt that from him. But mostly he was mad. Could I blame him? No. Would I make a different choice given the opportunity? No.

  That left us at a stalemate, a barely talking or tolerating each other impasse, but at least we were working together. We had to. Laeddin still believed that if I possessed all five pieces of the crown I’d have enough power to destroy Sharra once and for all and, most importantly, have my wings and my magic returned to me.

  I believed in him.

  Which was why we were in Guilford, Connecticut, at the house of Henry Whitfield. Well, more specifically, we were under the house, in one of the many tunnels that had been made more than a hundred years ago.

  It was our third day searching.

  And I wasn’t thrilled about it.

  The tunnels weren’t sturdy. Quite the opposite, actually. They were crumbling. Some had even caved in. Laeddin used his genie magic to strengthen them.

  Turns out some of the tunnels led to rooms while others kept going to other exits. We hadn’t travelled them all yet because we had to meticulously search crevices, even dig. Inside, we found a bunch of hidden treasures, including money, buttons, and letters to loved ones.

  Laeddin had left the room I was in to explore another further down hall.

  I was on my knees, digging around the edges of a rusty box. The room smelled like the others, like wet dirt and mustiness.

  “It seems you have a thing for the genie.” I turned at the deep sound of Christopher’s voice cutting through the silence.

  “Of course I do,” I snapped, my heart racing. The Hunter had scared me.

  “I understand. And what about me? And Troy? And—” He paused.

  I brushed some hair that had fallen from my high ponytail out of my face and looked up.

  “Have I missed anyone?”

  I glared before yanking the box from the ground, flinging damp dirt everywhere, including my eyes. They watered from the pain. “Dang it.” I tried to wipe at them with a clean portion of my arms and finally resorted to flipping the under part of my shirt up and using it to dab my eyes.

  Christopher knelt beside me. “I’m sorry. I’m being insensitive.” His features softened. “And I sense you’re thirsty. Go on. Take what you need.”

  I didn’t say a word. Just yanked his black golf shirt away from his neck and sank my fangs in deep. He gasped, grabbing hold of me under the arms and pulling me close. I readjusted so I had a firm hold. His amazing blood flowed quick, filling my mouth and throat.

  After several strong pulls, I sighed, feeling better than I had in days. Since before I’d made my wish. I’d had enough, but I didn’t want to let him go. In his arms I felt safe, at peace even. He seemed to sense that and wrapped his arms around me.

  I retracted my fangs, but didn’t move my mouth. Just left it there in the crook of his warm neck.

  “You’re going to be fine, Jasmine. I promise,” he cooed, rubbing my back. It felt wonderful and a sense of relief simmered across my skin.

  It was then I realized I was crying. His neck was wet, soaked with my red tears. I couldn’t respond though. Just sniffled and nodded.

  “I mean it. You’ll figure it out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the good guys always win.”

  “Thanks, Chris,” I mumbled.

  “Hey, Jasmine. I—”

  I turned toward the sound of Laeddin’s voice just as he walked in the room. In one hand he held what appeared to be dirty silk. It fell from his hands when he saw me in Christopher’s arms. “What the jinn?”

  I untangled myself the Hunter. He smirked and vanished.

  “What?” I asked, going back to the rusty box I’d found. It was obvious Laeddin expected an explanation, but he wasn’t going to get one, not unless he asked.

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched Laeddin pick up the dirty material. “This is all I’ve found today.” He sounded defeated, like he’d given up.

  “What is it?” I didn’t look over, but continued to work on opening the box made of thick, old metal.

  “Someone’s kimono,” he returned, kneeling beside me. “What about you? What did you find?”

  He apparently intended to ignore what he’d just witnessed. I was okay with that. Actually more than okay. I didn’t want to explain myself to him. Not again. I was tired of it.

  The latch had a small, corroded lock holding it in place. I crushed the metal in my fist and flipped the lid open.

  A strange scent immediately struck my nose and I held my breath a moment. The interior of the box was filled with jade-colored petals. They were thicker than those of a regular bloom, and felt like the shell of a pea pod.

  “What is it?” I asked, reaching inside. They were soft, like the petals on a freshly picked flower.

  “No, don’t,” Laeddin hissed, smacking my hand away, but it was too late. His movements caused several of the petals to sail out of the box and onto the ground.

  My hand brushed against what looked like a piece of crown. It sparkled with red and white diamonds.

  We’ve done it, I thought.

  “Don’t touch it,” Laeddin said, closing the box.

  Before my eyes, the petals that’d fallen onto the dirt floor began to burrow down and disappear. In their place black smoke billowed up. It was thin at first, but began to thicken and take shape. Laeddin took hold of my arm and yanked me back against the farthest wall.

  “What’s happening?” The thick smoke touched the ceiling and started to fill out. First a head and shoulders, followed by a torso, and legs. Hands and feet came after that. And finally features appeared on its face. “It’s a man?” I asked it like a question, squinting. Like that would allow me to understand what it was I looked at.

  “It’s one of the five assassins.”


  “Not cool if he tries to kill you.”

  I made a clucking noise with my mouth. Since I had my vampire powers back and drank from Christopher, I was stronger than ever. The assassin couldn’t hurt me. Aside from that was the knowledge that if I’d wakened one of the fairy assassins, that meant I’d found a piece of the crown.


  The creature stood so the top of his head nearly reached the ceiling. He opened his eyes. They were the same color as the flower petals. “Who dares awaken me from my slumber?”

  Strapped to his back were two swords. He was covered from head to toe in a uniform that reminded me of a ninja. The only part of him showing was his eyes. Even his head was covered in a thick black hood.

  Remembering my upbringing, I cleared my throat. “Good sir, my name is Jasmine.” I gave him a small curtsey. If my mom could see me now, I thought. “I’ve come to claim the piece of crown you guard.”

  His eyes started to glow. “That is not possible, Jasmine. If you try to take it, I’ll be forced to destroy you.”

  Crap! I glanced back at Laeddin. He shook his head, took hold of my hand, and we were suddenly back at my house.

  “Why?” I pulled out of his grasp. “What if he moves it? Or worse, actually destroys it?”

  “He won’t. He can’t,” Laeddin said, shaking his head.

  “Are you sure?” I was so angry I wanted to punch something. Him, actually. I really wanted to punch him. Arrogant genie jerk.

  “Of course I am.” He went to the refrigerator and grabbed an apple. “Want one?”


  “Oh, that’s right. You’re on a vampire Hunter diet.” He slammed the door causing the condiment bottles to rattle. “How do you think your mom and dad are going to feel about that when they find out?”

  I glared. “I’m not going to tell them. Are you?”


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