BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17) Page 64

by Samantha Leal

  I arrived home an hour later, exhausted but curious about the gift that supposedly awaited me. Nothing unusual was in my mailbox, only my phone bill and monthly crippling student loan payment. I entered my apartment cautiously, wondering if I'd find some insane gift only a billionaire could conceive. But I didn't find a polo pony grazing in the kitchen. I sat back on the couch eager to fall asleep again. Apparently Japanese rope bondage is a very relaxing experience.

  Since childhood my grandmother had drilled fiscal responsibility into my head, which included opening your bills the day they arrived. I still did it even though I'd committed the amounts to memory. My phone was the usual eighty-nine dollars and my student loan payment was… zero. I looked again, assuming they had made a mistake, but according to the statement, the balance due on my education was paid in full.

  "Holy shit," I muttered, Drake had made this Moby Dick sized monkey on my back vanish.

  The phone rang. It was David, again, but this time I answered.

  "Where have you been, I called five times?"

  "Sorry David, it's been pretty crazy."

  "So tell me, how did it go?"

  I glanced at the paid off student loan, but decided not to share that milestone, "He's an amazing man, even more fascinating in person than I imagined."

  David was silent for a moment, "Did you fuck him?"

  I shook my head, "David if I say I didn't fuck him, you'd still think I did… so what's the point? Do you want to know the interesting stuff?"

  Silence again, then, "Yeah sure."

  I told David some of Drake's fascinating tales, including the illegal ones. It was telling tales out of school but it was better than saying I hung from the ceiling sucking Drake's cock. Plus, I had other, personal motivations for sharing.

  "Holy crap," David said, "I never realized he was so hands on. Drake must really trust you to share this stuff, I mean if the press ever got a hold of this. "

  "If the press ever got a hold of it Drake would have me killed," I interjected, "Remember that."

  "How many more visits are you making?"

  "Tomorrow is the last one."

  "I bet your really going to miss him when he's gone, aren't you?"

  "Goodbye David," I replied, hanging up the phone. I knew I had to cut things off with David. It was a dead relationship. But, like I said, it's more complicated than you think.

  I slept peacefully that night, dreaming of my final lesson.


  "Are you ready for our final lesson?" Drake asked as I got off the elevator.

  "Yes I am," I replied, without a trace of the previous day's anxiety. The final lesson would be the most challenging, but I was eager.

  "With each lesson I've pushed your boundaries further. Do you understand why?"

  I thought for a moment before answering, "So I'll recognize that my boundaries are limitless?"

  He nodded, “As is your potential… come with me."

  Once again we were in the Rumpus Room. I paused, surprised at how different it appeared. Drake had altered the lighting to something less foreboding. The room seemed warm and inviting, despite the array of S&M equipment still on display. He unzipped my dress, letting it slide to the floor, leaving me naked once again.

  We embraced, kissing passionately. Drake's hands explored my body delicately, finally sliding between my legs. I was already wet with anticipation, wondering what new challenge waited.

  "I have something to show you," He said, handing me a sheet of paper. "I spoke to an associate of mine and he's made you that offer. It’s a prestigious position, high salary and unlimited potential for advancement. I believe it's exactly what you've been after?"

  I stared at the paper. Drake was telling the truth, it was a Fortune 500 company, with a phenomenal salary and profit sharing. "But Peter, this is one of your competitors."

  "Good," He said with a grin, "Your being there will keep me on my toes."

  I set the paper down. It was a dream offer, but my dreams were changing. "Peter, I thought I would work with you, keep learning at your side."

  "This is the same offer I've made every woman, and they've all accepted it. You see the third lesson is the most challenging, and if you fail you get nothing. I think you'd be a fool not to take this offer instead."

  I thought for a moment, "No, I want to take the final lesson if that means being at your side."

  "It's your decision Rebecca, I won't force you."

  But I'd made up my mind.

  Drake led me to a single post standing in the corner. He leaned me against it, and placed straps across my chest and waist, securing them tightly. I was completely immobile, but my arms were free. Peter walked to a small table where a bottle of champagne and two glasses waited.

  "We're going to toast your success," He said, popping the cork, "Now hold your arms out, palms up."

  I held them out, forming a human t-shape. Drake poured two glasses of champagne, filling each to the brim. He set a glass on each of my upraised palms.

  "We'll toast your success, unless you spill a drop, at which point you get nothing."

  I stood there, balancing the two glasses, my hands already quivering. Drake undressed with his usual precision. Then he leaned forward, kissing me, our tongues locked together passionately. My hands trembled, but I didn't spill a drop. But he wasn't done. Slowly he kissed my neck, moving down my chest, his tongue lightly dabbing my red-hot skin. He reached my breasts and his tongue encircled my hard nipples. He took each one into his mouth, sucking them gingerly.

  My body shivered in delight, my hands trembled, but nothing spilled.

  Drake's kissing moved lower, down my belly, the tip of his tongue licking my naval. Oh god, is he going to eat my pussy? I wanted him to do it even if it meant losing everything. I wanted to feel his hot tongue on my hard clit.

  He got closer, running his tongue along my inner thighs. The sensation was delirious.

  But nothing spilled.

  Drake stopped for a moment, "I want you to confess something to me Rebecca. Why is it a woman who graduated at the top of her class was stuck in a low, entry level position?” His tongue came even closer to my pussy, "Confess your sin to me."

  And then he licked my pussy, running his tongue along my labia.

  I gasped, shivers racing through me, "I was arrested in college… I helped someone who was running a pyramid scheme. I didn't know what they were really up to, but the cops busted me anyway." A rush shot through me as Drake's tongue encircled my clit, "Because I had a criminal record no good firm would hire me… Oh God!"

  I was cumming, my toes were curling, my breath heaving. The combination of restraints, pressure, his expert pussy eating and the confession were intoxicating.

  But nothing spilled.

  Drake stopped his licking for a second, "I knew about the arrest, I just needed to hear you confess." And with that he dug in again, feasting on a banquet of my juices.

  I was cumming again. This was madness- every time I climaxed it placed my future at risk, but that only made it more exciting. "Oh god, Oh Peter please, it's fantastic." My hands trembled, every muscle and sinew straining to remain outstretched. I could feel myself building to another thundering orgasm. I couldn't hold the glasses up this time. I felt my arms shaking, weaker as I climaxed harder than ever before.

  My arms dropped… just as Peter plucked the glasses off of them.

  "You did it Rebecca, you passed all three lessons," He said, handing me a champagne glass.

  I struggled, finally raising my almost numb arm to accept it. We clicked glasses and sipped the cold champagne. Nothing had ever tasted so good.

  Drake kissed me deeply, the expensive champagne passing from mouth to mouth. He unstrapped my restraints and led me to couch. But this time we didn't sleep. He laid me down and climbed on top of me. There were no mind games and all traces of dominance were gone. My hands roamed down his body, past his solid chest and abdominals until I had his stiff cock in my hands.
Our breath came in short gasps as he dug his face into my neck kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his back, guiding his cock towards my pussy.

  "I want you so badly," He moaned, "I held back before, but now I must have you."

  He pressed his hips forward, finding his way into my pussy. My back arched as he slid inside.

  "Oh god, that's so good," I panted.

  Within seconds our bodies were tightly entwined, hips thrusting back and forth in perfect rhythm. I was already cumming, the muscles in my pussy throbbing around his stiff manhood. Then his body tensed and his hips froze.

  "Oh yes!" He yelled, "I'm cumming Rebecca."

  My body responded in kind, hips pumping like a jackhammer to squeeze out every drop he had. Then he sank down, out of breath, kissing me gently. We lay there feeling warm and wonderful.

  I didn't wake up alone this time. Peter was still contentedly wrapped around me until my moving woke him.

  "That was amazing," He said, smiling. "Rebecca I want you to be at my side in business, and life."

  "What are you saying?"

  "Well, for years I've never had a relationship, certainly not one I acknowledged in public. I want you to be that. People will talk, and the press will write about it, so it won't be easy. Would you be willing to be my…"

  "Girlfriend?" I asked.

  "I suppose that's as good a term as any. I also want you to take the lead on this New England Tool Company takeover. It will be a good chance to use what you've learned. I have things to do tonight, otherwise I'd ask you to stay."

  "That's okay, there'll be plenty of nights."

  He walked over to the shelf of offerings and picked up my grandmother's vase, "You should take this back, consider it my first offering to you."

  He sat back down on the couch and gave me a kiss. We held it longer than expected… it turned out he wasn't in such a hurry after all.


  A few hours later I was back at my apartment, placing the replica vase back on my mantle… next to the identical original. I was too exhausted to sit and ponder my future; all I knew is that I was free. I went to bed, knowing tomorrow would be a busy day.

  By 9:00AM the media was buzzing with news of Peter Drake's arrest on charges of larceny and stock fraud. The FBI refused to comment on the evidence, but promised it was quite damning.

  My little vase full of audio and video surveillance equipment had done its job well, recording all the details of Drake's vicious and totally illegal takeover of the New England Tool Company. He'd manipulated the stock prices with the intent to defraud… a major felony.

  David rang my buzzer a few minutes after nine. I had no choice but to let him in. After all you can't keep your FBI handler waiting. He'd been assigned to my case a year earlier when the FBI planted me in my old job as an informant.

  I hadn't been lying to Drake about my arrest, but I had left out one key detail. Like an idiot I mailed some documents for the pyramid scheme people and that instantly made me guilty of mail fraud… a very serious charge. I licked one forty-nine cent stamp and became Ma Barker overnight. I got probation for the pyramid scheme but the FBI left the mail fraud hanging over my head to get my cooperation. The feds placed me at my old job to look for evidence of illegal trading. But when Drake suddenly contacted me the feds were over the moon. They'd been trying to get evidence of Drake's illegal activities for years. The FBI's lab even created a replica of my grandmother's vase overnight, believing that Drake's people might be scoping out my apartment. It sounds paranoid but they were probably right.

  David came in, thrilled to have been part of a major bust. It was, in his words, a career maker.

  I only cared about one thing, "Does this mean I'm free?"

  "Probably," He said, "You did your job so any criminal record will be cleared and you can start over again. Of course you and I can still spend some time together," He added, putting his arm around me.

  I pushed him away, When he came on to me a year ago I didn't have a choice, but that had just changed, "Now that I'm an honest woman are you going to invite me over to meet your wife?"

  David looked angry, "You leave my wife out of this."

  "No, I want to leave me out of it! I couldn't say no to you before, but I'm a free woman now… so why don't you get out of my apartment and my life."

  "We'll see about that," David said, glaring at me, "Remember I'm the one who has the last word about your freedom!" He stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

  I had endured so much shit from David, so why couldn't he just walk away and leave me alone?

  A few hours later the SEC received an anonymous email informing them that one of the agent's working on the Drake investigation had purchased stock in the New England Tool Company. He was using confidential information for personal gain, intending to dump the stock right before Drake tanked the company. It was unethical for an agent to do that… almost as unethical as forcing your informant to sleep with you. David's days with the FBI were numbered. I always knew David was corrupt, which is why I feed him so much confidential information. His own greed did the rest. I didn't do it out of vengeance for his taking advantage of me… I just wanted him to leave me alone.

  Around noon I placed a call to my grandmother. Being a newly retired woman she was almost always home.

  "Have you seen the news Rebecca?" She asked, excited, "That billionaire Peter Drake guy was planning to ruin the tool company. If the FBI hadn't caught him I would have lost my pension! It's a miracle!"

  "Well grandma," I said, "Sometimes miracles do happen."


  My New Holiday Billionaire

  Pamela Avery

  Copyright ©2016 by Pamela Avery. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  “I swear, Sage Tariq, if you shed one more tear over that loser… That’s it! Get up out of that bed!”

  Sage looked up from puffy eyes at her friend of over ten years; Eden Carter was a force to be reckoned with. Eden was pretty, vivacious and knew her own mind with a confidence men seemed to find sexy. She was also one of Sage’s best friends, but right now, she was Sage’s least favorite person in the whole world.

  Sage curled deeper into the fetal position; she wished heartily that she could disappear. She wished Eden would leave her alone; she wished everyone would just leave her alone. It wasn’t every day one’s fiancé dumped them in front of their boss and other colleagues, was it? She was dealing the best way she knew how.

  Okay, so Brent Davies had dropped the bombshell over two weeks ago, but it took longer than that to get over a three-year relationship. Her friends, Eden and Beth, had rallied and taken her on a vacation to ‘get her mind off things’, but considering that tomorrow was the last day of their vacation and she was still tucked up in bed with popcorn and Kleenex, she didn’t think their plan had worked so much.

  “Eden’s right, Sage, you need to get out of bed,” Beth piped up in her lilting voice. “We leave Madrid tomorrow, and so far, you haven’t taken in the sights. Eden and I have certainly had more than our fair share of fun while you’ve been lying here moping at the ceiling all week. Why, the hotel maids are beginning to look at us funny because they obviously think you’re an addled cousin we stashed out of sight in the room while we stuff our faces with lobster and sangrias every night.”

  “Yeah, they probably think we’re Cinderella’s step-sisters without the step-mother,” Eden grumbled under her breath.

  “I bet they think Step-mother is locked in here with you to make certain you stay put,” Beth tossed in.

  It was too much, Sage burst into laughter, releasing the tension that had been binding her chest as she laughed and laughed and laughed. Beth was a jewel! She was really Elizabeth Adams, but everyo
ne called her Beth. Sage had known her for just five years, but in all that time, she had seen Beth get angry only once; when someone had insisted on calling her Elizabeth despite her stated preference for Beth.

  Beth’s platinum blond hair and big blue eyes, as well as her petite frame and tiny voice, often made people assume she could be pushed around; she usually corrected anyone foolish enough to assume that in her own inimitable style. She also had a dry sense of humor that showed itself at the most unexpected moments; like now.

  Even Eden was convulsed with laughter, her heavy red hair swaying around her face as she doubled over with hilarity; tears of mirth standing in her liquid green eyes.

  As their laughter died, Sage rose to a sitting position, drawing her knees up to her chest as she looked up at her friends. Her blond hair fell around her face in lumpy strings, some of it falling into her big brown eyes.

  “You’re right, guys. I haven’t been much fun, have I?” Sage asked, looking from one to the other.

  “No, you haven’t,” Eden said honestly. “You’ve bawled your eyes out and memorized the ceiling for six days straight. Tonight is our last night here, since our flight back to the States is for tomorrow night. Why don’t we make it fun?”

  Sage nodded, throwing off the duvet. She had dreamed of being in Spain for as long as she could remember, and now that she was, she had wasted the entire vacation. Anger roiled through her as she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. She was pretty with a heart-shaped face, big brown doe eyes, long blond hair that hung to her waist, the cutest set of dimples, and huge breasts that had always driven men wild. Her eyes sparkled as she examined her figure. She was very chubby, especially with the extra flesh on her hips, thighs and arms, but she loved her figure and she wouldn’t trade it for anything. She was voluptuous and perhaps slightly over-weight for her height of five foot seven, but she had a perfect hour-glass figure and an amazing carriage, and she was damned if she was going to let any man make her question her own femininity and attractiveness. She only had to walk into a bar sometimes and half the guys went crazy; Eden called her the ‘guy magnet.’


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