BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17) Page 77

by Samantha Leal

  “Yes!” she panted as she threw back her head and came in a crashing wave. Her muscles gripped his fingers and she shuddered as her juices flowed out of her. Jonny’s breathing was becoming more rapid and she knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself any longer. In one swift movement he ripped off his jeans and underwear, exposing the biggest and most perfect rock hard cock that Eve had ever seen.

  She opened her legs wider as he grabbed hold of her hips and flipped her over, pulling her up onto her knees so she was presenting herself to him. As he rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her soaking wet sex he grunted with lust and Eve moaned with pleasure. She was so sensitive, her whole body tingled and when he finally stopped teasing them both and plunged his huge length right up inside of her Eve gasped and gripped onto the headboard.

  As he fucked her slowly and deliciously Eve knew that it wouldn’t be long before she came again. She pushed herself against him, and as Jonny gripped her plump hips and thrust himself in and out of her he groaned and grunted with his powerful need.

  When she felt his thighs tense and his stokes become more fevered and rapid she couldn’t hold on any longer. She came again, her orgasm ripped through her and she screamed as Jonny groaned and pumped his hot, thick seed right up inside of her. She swallowed him whole, taking all of him inside of her and gripping him tight. As he collapsed down on top of her, sweat dripped between them and she nuzzled into his ripped chest as they both caught their breath.

  “That was absolutely amazing,” he panted as he kissed her on the forehead and pulled her close to him. “I’ve never come that hard before.”

  “Neither have I,” Eve whispered as she ran her fingertips across his torso.

  She felt so safe and happy, she never wanted the moment to end.


  She woke up naked and alone, and when she turned to look at the clock on the nightstand she realized she must have slept for most of the remainder of the day. It was dark outside and the clock said it was 10pm. She sat up and looked around. There was no sign of Jonny anywhere in the room and his clothes had gone. She rubbed her eyes and wrapped herself up in the bedsheet before she got to her feet and shuffled over to the bathroom.

  She turned on the light and blinked blearily as she moved towards the mirror. The light was bright, stark and unforgiving and she could see the smudges of her make-up all down her cheeks. She ran the faucet and wet the corner of a flannel before she dabbed at the streaks and cleaned her face. Even though she had been wearing her make-up for over twenty-four hours, her skin was still soft and dewy underneath. She smiled. She knew why she looked so good. It was because of Jonny and of the wild afternoon of passion they had experienced. He had pleasured her in ways she could never even have dreamed possible.

  She went back into the bedroom and pulled her dress on over her head before she headed for the door of the motel room. She opened it wide and looked out over the parking lot and down the walkway that ran the whole side of the building. She spotted him straight away, sitting in the dark with his boots kicked out in front of him and the trail of smoke drifting up from his cigarette.

  “Jonny?” she called. And he turned to her and smiled.

  “Come here baby,” he grinned.

  She walked towards him over the cold sandy ground in her bare feet and when she got to the bench he pulled her to him so she was on his knee.

  “What a day,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “One of the worst and also one of the best,” she teased.

  “I second that,” he winked.

  “They sat together under the stars, wrapped in each other’s arms as the blur of trucks and cars flashed past them on the freeway. It was one of the most calming experiences of Eve’s life, just sitting with the man she was falling for, completely at peace after the crazy day they had had together. She almost couldn’t believe that everything back at the motorcycle club had happened. And the previous night when she had witnessed the murder in the alleyway near the warehouse was like a distant memory. In a way it was like it had taken place only in a dream.

  “How long have you been out here?” she asked as she lightly kissed the tip of his ear.

  “About half an hour,” he said as he exhaled a plume of smoke up into the night.

  “Have you had any word on Mack?” just saying his name made her shudder when she thought of what could have happened to her.

  “I’m waiting for a call,” Jonny flicked the cigarette and it bounced across the ground.

  “And then what?” Eve’s ears pricked up as she listened intently.

  “And then we go home,” he smiled.

  “Really? Just like that?” she couldn’t believe it.

  “Mack and the rest of the outlaws are all going to be behind bars by the morning,” he smiled. “And then I’ll make sure you’re home safe and no one will ever harm you or come looking for you again.”

  She looked into his eyes and she knew that he was telling her the truth. This incredible man had already saved her once and now he was vowing to protect her for as long as she needed him to. Eve suddenly had the feeling that she would need him forever.

  “So, everything is going to be okay?” she said with a grin as she clasped her hands together.

  “Yeah babe,” he smiled and pulled her into his chest again. “Everything’s going to be just fine.”

  They made their way back to the motel room and fell down on the bed together to rest for the remainder of the night when Jonny’s cell phone suddenly sprang to life. He reached out and grabbed it and pulled it to his ear.

  “Walker?” he said before he waited for the person on the other end of the line to speak. “Umm hmm. Okay, great. Thanks.”

  He hung up and rested the cell back down on the side table.

  “So?” Eve asked impatiently.

  “So…” Jonny sighed. “Looks like Mack is in jail and won’t be getting out of there for a very long time. They’re not posting bail and he’s looking at a minimum of twenty years.”

  “Wow,” Eve exhaled.

  Twenty years behind bars. What could be worth risking that for?

  “So we can go home?” Eve leaned up on her elbows.

  “Yep,” Jonny smiled. “Or…” he trailed off with a mischievous grin on his face and Eve knew what he was going to say. “Or we could stay here a little longer? I’m certainly in no rush.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows and Eve felt the familiar beginnings of desire rising within her. She looked down at Jonny lying next to her and at his beautiful physique and tanned chest.

  How could she say no to that?

  “I’m sure we could figure something out.” she licked her lips as he leaned in for a kiss.

  As they rolled towards one another and started to become tangled up in each other’s limbs, Eve felt as if she had finally found happiness. She couldn’t wait to get him back to the city with her and for them to start a new life together. She had the feeling that everything was going to work out because they were bound by more than desire for each other… they were also bound by danger and the fact that Jonny had saved her life. He was responsible for her now, and she could sense his obligation. It made her feel so safe and cared for, it was the most wonderful feeling.

  It had been a crazy start to the year, one that she had in no way expected, but one that she was glad she had experienced even if it had at times been traumatic. She looked up into Jonny’s eyes and smiled. He made her feel complete and whole. He was what she never knew she had been missing, but now she knew she didn’t want to ever live without.

  He was her savior.

  Her protector.

  She knew she was about to start the wildest ride of her life with him by her side. The New Year had brought with it some life changing moments already, but she wouldn’t have changed any of it for the world.


  What the Outlaw Craves

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha
Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  The screaming had been going on for nearly two hours. Lacey buried her head under her pillow and just prayed that it would stop. The banging and crashing had ceased maybe thirty minutes before, but the fight was still in full swing and Charlene, the girl who lived in the apartment on the floor above, didn’t seem to want to let up, even if it was four am.

  Lacey could hear them above, shouting and stamping across the vinyl floor. She didn’t know who had gone to see her neighbor, but they were obviously causing trouble. Maybe Charlene owed someone money again. Or maybe whoever the guy was had been a lover and had come back for more. Lacey rolled over and stared at the ceiling. She didn’t know whether she should go up there and try to help or just hope it resolved on its own. In this town, you never knew what you could be walking in on.

  Lacey sat up and leaned back against the headboard. Her temples were throbbing and she was so tired, she didn’t know if she would even make it into work the next day at the rate things were going. She had already been given a warning for slacking on the job, so she couldn’t exactly go into the bar, stand there looking half dazed and keep on her feet for nearly ten hours. It would be impossible.

  She picked up her cell phone and unlocked it. Should she call Charlene and see what was happening? She tapped at the keys and opened her contact list before stopping and thinking again… What if the guy up there was a drug dealer? Lacey could end up getting hurt or dragged into Charlene’s debts again. She put the phone down and instantly felt guilty for being too scared to intervene. She knew there was no point in calling the cops. In Clay Springs, the cops didn’t help and protect the little guy… They fucked them over like all the other criminals running the town.

  Lacey shouldn’t have even been there. She’d made her escape. After high school she had packed up her stuff, said goodbye to her family and got the hell out of there, running as far and as fast as she could. She’d traveled for a while and seen a lot of the country but never found anywhere she really wanted to call home. She had several relationships and made plenty of mistakes, and two years after she had set off on her journey, she found herself traveling back through her hometown with no intention of staying. It was a devastating blow when her mother got sick and she had to stay and take care of her. It had been a long illness, but she had recovered. But after being so close to her mother again, Lacey didn’t feel like she could up and leave right away. She got a job at the bar, rented an apartment and suddenly, before she’d even really realized it, she was stuck.

  “God,” she said aloud, “Please be quiet.”

  She lay down again and wiped her tired eyes. She could hear Charlene screaming bloody murder at someone and telling them to get the fuck out. Lacey didn’t want to feel responsible or guilty for someone else’s drama; she just wanted it to end. Charlene was an adult and knew what she was getting herself into. Plus, Lacey had already bailed her out on countless occasions, and she couldn’t keep giving her money for drugs. At this rate, she would never get back out of that town. She’d be stuck there, in her dingy little apartment for the rest of time.

  She looked over to her open closet. Her eyes traveled to the top shelf where hidden right at the back was the shoe box full of cash she had managed to save over the past year. She only worked for minimum wage, and the clientele in the bar left shitty tips, so it had taken her a while to save a thousand dollars. But then Charlene had come knocking one night in tears and begged her to help her out. One of the biker guys was coming to pay her a visit, she’d said, and if she didn’t pay him the money she owed him then he’d knock out all of her teeth. Lacey had panicked and given her what she needed. And then the next week it had happened again, the tears, the pleading… Lacey had eventually helped her close to six times before she decided enough was enough and she’d told Charlene that she simply didn’t have any more savings. But now as she lay there listening, her conscience was pulling at her… Should she go to the closet, open the box and give Charlene a hundred bucks, or should she just stay quiet…?

  Suddenly, the shouting stopped and she heard Charlene giggle. Lacey sunk down in bed and sighed. The walls were thin and she heard the dull beat of music drifting through the ceiling, followed by what sounded like moaning. Lacey sat back up and listened carefully…

  Is that what I think it is? she thought.

  Charlene’s giggles turned to moans of pleasure and directly above her Lacey could hear the sound of the headboard smacking against the wall.

  “Well, I guess she found another way to pay this time,” Lacey smirked.

  She climbed back into bed and began to wish for the fighting to return. Listening to Charlene have sex with someone was just more of a reminder of how lonely she was. Her love life was pretty much non-existent, and she couldn’t remember the last time she met someone who made her heart race. She felt the emotion welling up inside of her and a tear rolled down her cheek. What she wouldn’t give for the touch of a good man. But unfortunately, she didn’t think one of those existed in Clay Springs…and if they did, she certainly was yet to find them.


  She woke up at nine am with a start and jumped out of bed. She was supposed to be at work at ten and she didn’t have her car. She was going to have to make the twenty-minute walk in the blistering heat.

  Shit, she thought as she ran through to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She pulled her nightdress over her head and climbed in. She tried to turn up the heat, but it seemed stuck on the lukewarm temperature.

  “I am so sick of this place,” she sighed, washing quickly. It wasn’t the first time that she had had problems with the heating and water. It seemed like the building was crumbling around her. Her landlord wasn’t interested. He was probably the reason for the problem. Clay Springs had a distinct lack of accommodation for people like Lacey--young, single girls who needed somewhere cheap. The majority of properties were family houses and this was one of only two apartment blocks in town. She’d been lucky to get it and although rent was cheap, it really was pretty grim. The owner was another corrupt asshole who benefited from taking advantage of those who were less fortunate than him, and Lacey knew she couldn’t argue with him or force him into making repairs. She just wanted out.

  She turned the shower off, hopped out onto the bathmat and wrapped herself up in a big towel. She was shivering even though the sun was shining through the window and heating up the place by the second. She towel-dried her hair and got dressed into her work “uniform” which basically consisted of anything short or revealing. She had chosen a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a little white t-shirt that was split down the front to show off her huge breasts. When she was feeling down, Lacey regularly joked that they were the only thing she had going for her and she had to show them off to make herself feel better. She loved the way men stared at her and her impressive cleavage, especially when she was working and they helped her pass the time behind the bar by flirting with her and buying her drinks.

  Just past nine-thirty, she made her way to the front door. She stopped and listened for a moment to see if she could hear any noises coming from Charlene’s place, but it all seemed quiet.

  Not surprised, she thought, they were up most of the night screwing.

  She stuck her middle finger up at the ceiling and laughed to herself. Even though they couldn’t see it and would never know, it had made her feel just a little bit better.


  As she walked down the street, she clutched her purse to her side and made her way quickly to her usual coffee stop. She had never been the type of person who would wake up early and have plenty of time to prepare for the day, making herself a pot of coffee and warming
croissants while she read the morning paper. Lacey was a get-up-and-go girl and she grabbed what she could on the run. There wasn’t a lot of choice on her route to work, but she had found a nice little coffee house that was fast and friendly.

  She stepped inside and smiled at the barista, who was new and slower than the other guys in there but Lacey couldn’t be bothered to make a fuss. She ordered a double espresso and twiddled her thumbs as she waited for it. When the girl passed it to her, she smiled and wished her a good day before heading back outside into the sun. Coffee and the heat were a bad mix, but she needed the caffeine. She knocked it back fast and threw the cup in the trash.

  She felt revived and picked up her pace. She looked down at her watch. 9:52. She had eight minutes before she was officially late and potentially facing unemployment again. Since she had been a working adult, she had been fired no less than ten times. But that had been when she was traveling and not taking the world seriously. Now she had an apartment and bills, and she was the only person who could look after her. She felt the pang again… the longing for someone else to care and tell her that everything would be all right. When she was growing up, she had never thought of herself as one of those women who needed a man to support her, but as she had matured and experienced more, she realized that maybe she actually did.

  As she walked, she daydreamed. One of her favorite fantasies was that she was married to a business man in a big city. They would have a nice house and a golden retriever and the bar and her crumby apartment would be a distant memory. She thought back to the previous evening and how she had to listen to Charlene screwing some guy and how depressed she had felt. The thought of moving on and not being lonely was becoming ever more desirable. She didn’t want to admit it to herself fully, but she did want a man. She wanted to be cared for, loved and cherished.


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