BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17)

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BRICK (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 17) Page 107

by Samantha Leal

  “Well I feel like you have been put on the spot, what with answering all of my questions, so it is only fair that you get to ask me something. What do you want to know about boring old me?” Ginny sat ready and waiting for Liam. The distraction worked, he seemed to let go of some hidden pain and smiled at her again. He reached for her hands and held them in his, once more setting off Ginny’s desires.

  “Hmm, well a good starting place is always, where are you from and what do you do for a living?” Liam leaned back into the couch and let the cushions cradle him slightly.

  “I am from the other side of the state actually, Buffalo to be exact. I moved to the big city in order to chase my dreams of being a journalist. Currently I work at a low level newspaper as a column writer, but I do hope to someday cover the big stories.” Ginny went into one of her fantasies then, imagining what her future might hold. It was nearly trance like and if left any longer Liam was sure to notice she realized. So she pulled herself out of her mini fugue and refocused her attention on Liam. A slightly embarrassed smile once more found itself on Ginny’s face. It was becoming a staple expression for her, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

  “I once visited Buffalo, many years ago. It was a much different time and place though.” Ginny was fighting the urge to ask Liam about his past. She desperately wanted to know the history but she worried about unveiling an unpleasant memory. Curiosity eventually won out.

  “When were you in Buffalo?” Ginny probed cautiously.

  “It was the turn of the century, when the World’s Fair was held there. Man was the city a sight to behold. At that time it rivaled any big city in the country. The Fair was a gathering of the brightest minds in the world and the creative vision they had was like nothing else. It was one of the first times the x-ray machines were presented to the public you know. Everything was going so well too, that is until the president was shot. Knowing what I do now they should have used that x-ray machine. But it was still too new and untested. It was a truly unfortunate thing to have happen but the past is the past.” Though, as Liam told the story she could feel her heart breaking for him and an overwhelming desire to just hold him filled her being, her journalist curiosity yearned to delve further into the story to get all the details. She imagined it must be so lonely to have lived so long and hold such ancient pains, but she pushed that aside. It was a delicate balance she needed to achieve. Liam seemed inclined to change the topic and Ginny complied.

  “I love all kinds of history, always have. I think that is partly why I love journalism so much. It is the facts of today that will become history tomorrow.” Liam wrapped his arm around Ginny’s shoulders in a slightly intimate manner. His firm body was pressed flush against hers and Ginny could feel the heat racing to her face. In that moment Ginny wished that there was nothing separating them from touching skin to skin.

  “If you like history than I have more than just a few good stories to tell you. But that is for another time. Right now I have something different in mind.” Liam caught Ginny before she said a word. His lips were on hers in seconds. It wasn’t a forced kiss, but rather a slow and simple one. It was as if Liam could read her mind and knew exactly what she wanted in that moment.

  Liam didn’t push for more; instead he let Ginny take the lead. She opened her mouth to invite his tongue in and together their tongues battled for dominance between their mouths. Eventually Liam won out and together they both came up for air, taking in large gulps of oxygen.

  “Your lips are as soft as rose petals and just as delicious. I could spend the rest of eternity just tasting your lips.” Liam caressed Ginny’s face and looked deep into her eyes. The moment was so perfect that all Ginny could do was nod her head. She felt utterly alive when Liam kissed her and there was nothing else in the world that mattered to her in that moment other than closing the distance between them once more.

  Liam went in for another kiss, long and slow like the first one but this time he moved from her lips to her cheek and slowly made his way to the side of her neck. Ginny could tell what his intentions were and willingly bared her neck to him, inviting him to partake of her blood. No words were needed. There was an unspoken connection between them that didn’t need to be stated. It was insane, lunatic even that Ginny would allow Liam to suck her blood, but she wanted to feel him even closer than when they were kissing. She just knew it was right and that it was what she wanted. Besides Ginny knew instinctively that Liam would never hurt her, though where the extreme trust came from was still unknown, Ginny just felt comfortable with him.

  A sharp nick at her skin indicated that Liam had drawn blood. Seconds later the sensation of his presence at her neck was confirmed when a slightly more intense pain of his teeth penetrating deeper in her skin was felt. The feeling of the flow of blood being sucked out of her was like nothing else she had experienced in her life before. It was thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. So many emotions and sensations were flowing through her all at once: pain, pleasure, curiosity, and overwhelming passion.

  After a little while the pain subsided and was replaced with an almost licking sensation. Ginny had long before closed her eyes so when the odd sensation of licking happened she opened them to find Liam cleaning up the last dribbles of blood from her neck. His fangs were quickly retracting and he licked his lips in satisfaction.

  “Does it still hurt?” Liam stroked the side of her neck, softly running his fingertips over the two puncture wounds. Ginny went to shake her head ‘no’ but decided against it when a small rush of pain accompanied her neck movement. She opted to just use her voice at that point.

  “Not really. It’s more shock than pain really.”

  “Good, just lay here for a second. I will grab an ice pack so there isn’t any bruising.” Liam sprung up from his seat on the couch and Ginny could hear the sound of his footsteps as he went back to the fridge to grab the ice pack. Within seconds he was back at her side, gingerly placing the compress on her neck.

  “I didn’t intend to drink your blood tonight. I’m sorry if I stepped out of line with you. I just felt such a draw to you that I felt compelled to drink from you, even just a little.” Liam was halfway between looking guilty and looking well satiated. Ginny laughed softly.

  “If I hadn’t wanted it I would have said something. Besides, it’s not every day that you meet a vampire and they want to drink your blood.” Liam smiled at that, clearly more at ease about the situation.

  “I’m glad you felt the desire as much as I did.” Liam reached for Ginny’s hand and kissed the top of it. Man was he a gentleman. Liam peaked underneath the cooling pad and noted that there wasn’t any real bruising so he took it off and set it aside. The feeling of comfortable contentedness flowed over Ginny and she was happy to just sit side by side with Liam. He too seemed to enjoy the mutual satisfaction of their shared company.

  “Where are you from originally?” Ginny asked, raising her head slightly from its previous position on Liam’s shoulder.

  “England,” Liam responded simply.

  “Are you going to give me any more than that? What did you do?” Ginny knew she was pressing slightly but her curiosity was a hard thing to control. Though, in truth, Liam did seem happy to tell her another short story about his past.

  “I was a nobleman’s son. One of my grandsons founded the House of York in England. Though, when I was a boy, things weren’t so clear in terms of noblemen and peasants. It was a rather fast progression from chieftains to noblemen. The speed of it made my head spin. As a young boy my days were filled with normal medieval boy learnings and activities. I learned to shoot a bow and arrow, ride a horse, and display proper etiquette for a variety of circumstances. I also learned how to hunt and work my charms on the women. It was a far simpler time.” Liam smiled, looking back fondly on his days as a youth. Ginny couldn’t even imagine trying to remember something that happened two months ago, let alone 700 years ago.

  “Your life must be one hell of an interesting s
tory. Have you ever thought of writing it all down?” Ginny asked, her mind spinning with possibilities.

  “No one would want to hear my story, nor would they believe it if I did share it.” Liam laughed. It wasn’t something he had ever really thought that hard about. Ginny, however, was already formulating a grand plan for Liam’s life and stories.

  “Well I enjoy your stories immensely. Actually, I enjoy you immensely…but I love your stories too.” Ginny stated.

  “I too enjoy you … and I am happy to share with you whatever you wish to know.” Liam smiled.

  Chapter Three

  The intimate and comfortable evening Ginny spent with Liam ended exactly as she had hoped it would. With plenty of kissing and storytelling, but no sex, it was almost surprising to Ginny that things had been so sensual and yet not progress to sex – or at least to heavy petting. Just another reason that proved how much of a gentleman Liam really was. Letting out a deep sigh of romantic intentions Ginny forced herself to refocus on her current task at hand. Heavy petting could wait…for now.

  The entire night she was with Liam, Ginny had been keeping a mental note of each story he told and each quirk about him that she found out. It was all in an effort to not only get to know the man better but also to create substance for her blog. Ginny just couldn’t help but share the amazing stories she learned from Liam and it was her journalistic instinct that drove her to put everything on the blog. But she also meant everything she wrote. The details of how he kissed and the way he held her when he did it, all the way to the idiosyncrasies he had while cooking. Every detail was interesting and worth noting, at least to Ginny.

  The blog was Ginny’s version of a diary, albeit a very public diary, but it was just how Ginny felt comfortable sharing her story or Liam’s story to be more exact. Besides, she had decided to keep both his – and her identities anonymous. Really it was just a place to put out her heart, as well as to document his adventures, as well as her fascination with them. Within a few days of Ginny’s initial few posts the blog gained a fairly decent following, more than Ginny had ever expected. It was a wonderful feeling to know that her words were being heard, even if it was under a pen name. Just glancing at a few of the comments Ginny could tell that her ‘fans’ were more than interested in details of her love life.

  “OMG! So hot!”

  “My friend told me about this blog, and it’s just amazing! I mean you’re writing almost makes me believe that vampires are real. Lol.”

  “Love your writing!! Can’t wait to see where the story goes next!”

  There were pages after pages of comments, all of which were positive. The momentum the blog was gathering was exploding in a way she never imagined it would. At the rate it was going there was even the potential to run ads on the blog and make some cash.

  With her mood running high she was even more excited to meet Liam for another date that night. Ginny was feeling more and more comfortable with the man who had such an … interesting past. Their date for the night was most fittingly, a history museum. Since Liam had learned of Ginny’s passion for history he booked a private evening in the museum. They would have the whole place to themselves. It would be a perfect place to delve deeper into Liam’s colorful past and perhaps if the mood was right create a little history of their own.

  Ginny opted to wear a simple bright red dress with a low cut back and strappy heels. She let her wild red curls down and applied a natural looking makeup. Ginny’s goal was to be sexy but simple. Surely Liam would be more than pleased by her outfit choice - easy on and easy off. With a devious smile Ginny contemplated her ulterior motives for the simplicity of the dress. Glancing at the time, Ginny realized she was running a little bit late and cursed softly under her breath. Grabbing her bag she darted out of her apartment and down the four flights of stairs in her building before bursting out onto the street. Lucky for her there was a cab just going by and she was able to flag it down quickly and hop inside before someone else grabbed it first.

  “Natural History Museum,” she informed the driver. He took off immediately and within ten minutes she was paying him and exiting the vehicle. Standing outside, encased in an aura of light from the museum, was Liam. He was waiting for her with a small bouquet of flowers. Ginny smiled with delight and her heart skipped a beat at the sight before her.

  “For you my lady,” Liam offered the arrangement of lilies to Ginny.

  “How did you know I liked lilies?” Ginny racked her brain trying to figure out if she ever mentioned it to him. Liam smiled to himself, but it was that same resigned somewhat sad smile she remembered from the other night.

  “They were also Phillipa’s favorites,” Liam looked slightly ashamed for comparing his current love interest with a woman from his past but Ginny simply smiled back at him.

  “Well she had good taste in flowers.” Ginny couldn’t help but feel the nagging need to know more about this woman that still seemed to haunt Liam’s mind. Clearly she had meant a lot to him and as Ginny was starting to fall in love with him her desire to know about him only intensified. Strangely she felt no competition with the memory of her.

  “I suppose she did. Shall we go inside?” Liam was clearly changing the topic, for reasons of guilt or discomfort Ginny wasn’t sure. But she was happy enough to let it go and get their date started properly.

  “Yes, I’m very excited to see this museum. I can’t believe that I haven’t gone yet, but perhaps that’s because I was meant to go with you.” Ginny reached for Liam’s hand and he grasped it tightly and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  “I’m sure you will love it.” The couple entered the building and at first the sheer size of it overwhelmed Ginny, along with the fact that they were completely alone with the entire place to themselves. It was eerie and exciting at the same time.

  “I don’t know how you managed to convince the entire staff to leave,” Ginny started to question, but the fact that Liam was a billionaire popped back into her mind and it was suddenly very clear how he was able to do it. She almost felt ashamed for forgetting such a fact but Liam just laughed beside her. He had probably donated enough for them to rebuild or restore the entire place.

  “Money does have its uses from time to time.” Liam joked. Ginny could only blush in embarrassment. Lucky for Ginny Liam brought them to a particular display that Liam had a story ready to tell her. It was a display about the American Revolutionary War. Ginny was more than just a little curious to know what side Liam fought for, seeing as he was originally British.

  “This war was certainly one of the more strange ones that I was involved with. It was hard to pick what side I felt was more right. There are always three sides to every story, what one side says is true, what the other side says is true and what is actually the truth. For me I had been a citizen of the British Empire for centuries and had always fought on their side through all of the major wars. But in this war things were different. It wasn’t a war of conquest anymore; it was a war for freedoms and rights. It made me rethink how I viewed the British Empire and what I believed to be right. In many ways I still thought like a Brit, but in more ways I felt for the nation that wanted to be its own ruler. The distance between the two lands was a vast one and this wondrous place in the New World was unlike anything else I had seen before. For so many years the world was a far more limited place and this discovery was something so out of the mindset of most people that it was hardly believable. And yet here we were fighting for the future of this land. Mind you, at the time the Native people of this land were hardly thought of as having any claim and I will share that at the time it wasn’t a high priority for the rest of the conquering nations.” Ginny watched Liam’s mouth as he spoke, entranced by the story as much as she was by the thoughts of what his mouth tasted like and the eagerness to feel his lips on her own once more. She had always been a sucker for a brilliant mind.

  “But with all the swirling uncertainty I was feeling I somehow made my choice to side with the rebels and figh
t for the freedom to rule ourselves. I have never regretted my decision and from that day till this one I have considered myself an American citizen. Believe it or not, but I haven’t been back to the British Isles since that war nearly three centuries ago. Sometimes I wonder how things might have turned out if I had decided to side with Britain. Would it have changed anything?” Liam contemplated while Ginny looked through the historical artifacts and combined with Liam’s story she painted a picture of what his past was like. It was a thrilling prospect. The more Liam told her of his past the more she fell in love with the man that had lived for centuries.

  “It’s still hard for me to imagine you living in any other time period than this one. The fact that you are a vampire is still something that I am working to mentally accept and understand. But when you tell your stories it helps me comprehend it a little easier.” Ginny turned from looking at the artifacts to look at Liam. A well-dressed man in a custom suit stared back at her, but the image of a rebel fighter in the late 1700s transposed itself onto his frame. She could see it. And damn was he a sexy beast, both in the suit before her as well as the imagined rebel from the 18th century. Ginny couldn’t help but lick her lips.

  Of course Ginny had countless questions she still greatly desired to ask, such as who this Philippa woman was, how he was turned into a vampire, were there others like him, if so where were they? So many questions, but in that moment they all left her and there was only one thought in her mind. She wanted to kiss Liam. So she did.

  He likely hadn’t been expecting her sudden attack but he quickly adapted and wrapped his arms around her. Their mouths crashed together intensely and there was a sense of urgency in the way their hands clawed at each other and their lips bruised from the forceful contact between them. It was as though they were trying to devour each other. Ginny made the first move to remove clothing, pushing at the perfectly fitted suit jacket from Liam’s firm shoulders. He helped her in removing the jacket and as soon as he did Ginny was already working to get his buttons undone.


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