Belle of the Ball: A Historic Western Time Travel Romance (An Oregon Trail Time Travel Romance Book 2)

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Belle of the Ball: A Historic Western Time Travel Romance (An Oregon Trail Time Travel Romance Book 2) Page 8

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  “I talked with Brett a few minutes ago. I’ll ask him if that’s all right. Please?”

  Elizabeth nodded sympathetically, and said, “Go on in. He’s in the same room you were when they brought you here.”

  She stuck her head in the door. “I asked Mrs. Palmer if it would be all right to come in.”

  “Come on in. He’s out of it, but you can see him. He looks like a grizzly. I don’t think he’s shaved in the past month. The creek where he was is pretty cold. I doubt he bathed very often either, so he smells pretty ripe too.”

  “You knew where he was?”

  “Yes, I had a pretty good idea, but he had asked me not to come after him.”

  “He could have died out there and no one would have known,” she said.

  “I would have known if he had been hurt.”

  “But you didn’t know he was sick.”

  “You’re right. I didn’t. Look, Anna I’m not sure what you’re trying to do, but my only concern right now is for my brother.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She walked over to the bed, took a look and was visibly shocked. She placed her hand on his. “He’s really warm.”

  “Carter says he has a high fever. We’re worried about it. Both our parents died from pneumonia.”

  “He’s not going to die is he?”

  “Not if I can help it, but the only thing I can do is wait… and pray.”

  “I want to help,” she said.


  Because he’s a fellow human being, and I feel partly responsible. When he starts to get better, I’ll step out of the way.”

  “I repeat, why?”

  “He’s a nice guy, and I don’t want to cause him any more grief.”

  “Fair enough. Here’s the thing. He sees how much Emma has changed my life and how happy we are. He wants the same thing. That’s why he tried the same thing that worked for us. None of the answers he received appealed to him. He let me read them and I agree with him. Then you showed up. Emma and I both suggested you might be the one.”

  She started to say something. He held up his hand to stop her. “He decided to make an effort and was encouraged. Then you pulled back and he went off to himself to think about it. He lost himself in work for a month and came back, and decided to answer two of the letters he received. He didn’t know it, but Emma didn’t mail the letters because she and Letty put their beautiful heads together to try their hand at matchmaking. Then came your lunch with him and things fell apart again.

  “He tried to help without you knowing by leaving money to offset the expenses they were incurring. He didn’t say so, but he went off this time to think things through. I have Emma to talk to, but he has no one. It embarrasses him, so he won’t talk to me about it. He takes his horse and the mule and heads off to the hills.

  “I was serious when I offered you work. We do need the help, and will find it somewhere. You have first crack at it, but you have to decide, and soon.

  “Second, you need to decide your direction. You can’t keep pushing a carrot out and pulling it back. That isn’t fair to anyone. I will tell you one thing; you won’t find a better man in this time or in yours. If you want him to be a part of it, you had better make up your mind.”

  A noise from the bed interrupted the discussion. His eyes fluttered open. “Talking ‘bout me?” the gravelly voice said, and he was gone again.

  Carter came in, and found Anna with her hand on the sleeping Bart’s hand. “Anna, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to be that close. You don’t want to catch the same bug.”

  “It’s all right, Doctor. I’ve had both of the pneumonia shots as well as the flu shot.”

  “They have vaccinations?”

  “Yes. I get the flu shot every year, but the latest of the pneumonia vaccines is supposedly for a lifetime.”

  From the look on Brett’s face, it was obvious he didn’t have any idea about the gist of the conversation. Bart had kept his word about not telling.

  “Let me take a look.” He listened to Bart’s chest and felt his forehead. “I don’t hear any congestion in the lungs, but his fever is still high. When he rouses again, I want to try to give him some water.”

  They maintained the vigil throughout the day with several periods of alertness. Brett went to the café to eat and brought food back for Anna. That evening, she said, “Why don’t you go home? I’ll stay tonight, and then you come back in the morning?”

  “That’s a good idea, Brett,” Dr. Palmer said. “I’ll send someone for you if there’s any change.”

  “Thank you both. I’m sure Emma would like to know what’s going on. I’ll be back in the morning after I do my chores.”

  When Letty and Jack came in, Anna asked Jack to pray for Bart. After the prayer Letty asked, “How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I have a question. Brett offered me a job keeping the books at the ranch. I’m sure I can do it, but there are two things that bother me. If it’s charity, I don’t want it. The second thing is what people might say.”

  “People will talk, even about you staying with us. It’s their problem, not yours. On the other thing, if you can provide meaningful help, then it would be perfect for you.”

  “I’m going to do it. That’s one prayer answered. I went to the school, but they don’t need anyone right now, except as a substitute.”

  Anna slept in the chair by the bed. She woke when he stirred during his several periods of wakefulness, and held the water glass for him to sip. He spoke, but was not lucid.

  Slivers of light peeked around the edges of the curtain as dawn broke. A hand on her shoulder startled her. “You slept here?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Off and on. He stirred several times and I gave him some water as Dr. Palmer had directed. He mumbled a lot, but the words made no sense.”

  “There’s hot food in the kitchen. You go eat and I’ll keep tabs on him, then you need to go home and get some rest.”

  “I want to stay until Brett comes back, if it’s all right.”

  Chapter nineteen

  Bart Returns

  Dr. Carter Palmer’s Office…

  “Good morning,” Emma said. “We came to spell you.”

  “I’m fine,” Anna said.

  “How is he doing?” Brett asked.

  “He’s been awake more, but the fever’s still there.”

  “Has he said anything?”

  “He mumbles at times, but I can’t make sense of it. I’ve been giving him water when he’s awake, but I spill as much he gets inside.”

  She glanced at Emma. “What we talked about last night before you left…? I’d like to give it a try, and if it doesn’t work, then I’ll try something else.”

  “Good for you. You won’t have any problem after we explain what’s happening. Both of us just hate to do it. I’d much rather be on the back of a horse.”

  “I tried to do it and it’s all foreign to me,” Emma said. “We’ll fix up a room for you, whenever you are ready.”

  “I’ll be ready as soon as he doesn’t need a babysitter.”

  “Then you’re going to be here a long time,” Brett chuckled.

  “Go home and take a nice long nap,” Emma said. “I’m glad you decided to come help us.”

  Anna slept until mid-afternoon. She took a towel bath, and changed into fresh clothes. Jack was out doing visitations and Letty was playing with Carrie. “Did you get your nap out? Letty asked.

  “I slept like the dead,” Anna confessed.

  “You looked tired. There’s some chicken in the icebox and biscuits in the keeper. Help yourself.”

  “Thank you. I took the job conditionally,” Anna said.

  “What conditions?”

  “That I can do it.”

  “That’s fair enough. When are you going to start?”

  “As soon as Bart is well enough to go home. I’ll help you with Carrie and the church when I get back from the doctor’s.”

  “Don’t worry about
us,” Letty said. “What you’re doing is worthwhile.”

  “I appreciate that.”


  “You look refreshed,” Emma said.

  “I feel better too,” Anna said. “Has he been awake?”

  “It’s happening more frequently now, and I think he’s more aware of us now,” Brett said. “Doc thinks he’s getting better. If you’re going to be here, we’ll go home for a while.”

  “Y’all go ahead. I’m fine.”

  The third night…

  It was eleven-thirty; Anna had fallen asleep in the chair. She awoke with a start when he heard the voice.

  “Where…” It was scratchy, but coherent. “Where am I? Is anyone here?”

  “I’m here,” Anna said. She moved to the bedside. His head was bathed in sweat, as was the nightgown he was wearing. The bedsheet looked as if it had been dipped in water.

  She tapped on the doctor’s bedroom door. “He’s awake, and soaking wet.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  He was still pulling on his robe when he walked in. He put his hand on Bart’s forehead. “It’s cool. The fever’s broken. Get him to drink as much as you can. We need to replace all of the fluids he’s sweated out. I’ll get a dry gown and sheet.”

  “… where am I?”

  “In Doctor Palmer’s office. You’ve been very sick. We weren’t sure you’d make it.”


  “No, it’s Anna.”

  “What… you doing here?”

  “Helping them take care of you.”

  “How long?”

  “This is the third night. Brett brought you in.”

  “Where’s Brett?”

  “He and Emma went home a few hours ago. They’ll be back in the morning.”

  “Would you like for me to go?” she asked.

  “No,” he said, fiercely. “You here… night?”

  “Yes. The first night Brett and I were both here. I was here last night and tonight.”

  “Tired.” His eyes drifted closed.

  Elizabeth helped her husband get him up so she could change the sheets. “I could have done that,” Anna said.

  “I didn’t even think of it. I’m used to doing it myself. Why don’t we wait outside while he changes into a dry gown?

  “I’ll get something for him to eat. He’s probably starved.”

  When Elizabeth returned with a bowl of mush, Anna was back in the room. “I’d better hold that for you so we don’t have to change your sheets again.”

  She took the bowl and spoon and began feeding him. “Steak?” he asked.

  “You can’t handle steak yet,” the doctor said.

  “What was wrong with me, Carter?”

  “You either have a bad case of the flu or pneumonia. I don’t know which. Your fever was high until tonight. You’re going to be all right. You’ll be weak for a few days. Brett can take you home after you get some of your strength back.”

  “You guys go back to bed,” Anna told them. “I’ll stay with him.”

  When they were alone, Bart asked, “Why are you doing this?”

  “They couldn’t stay up all night and take care of their other patients too. I saw Brett in the café and asked about you. He told me about finding you and I told him I wanted to help. He said it would be okay, and here I am.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No thanks are necessary. When I was in high school, I was a volunteer in the hospital, and this brought back good memories.

  “I owe you an apology for the way I’ve been,” she said. “Brett said the same thing you did about me feeling sorry for myself. You were both right. I’m ready to make a life for myself here now. I’d like you to be a part of it if you’re still interested.”

  “I would very much like to be a part of your life.”

  “Good. Maybe we can start over. You’re going to be seeing a good bit of me. Brett asked if I could help with the ranch’s books, and I’m going to take a shot at it. If I can do it, then it solves several of my problems.”

  “Which are…?”

  “Getting out of Jack and Letty’s hair. Paying the doctor for taking care of me.

  “Emma said she’s going to fix a room for me, so for the time being, I’ll be there. You didn’t tell them about me did you?”

  “I promised I wouldn’t.”

  His eyes drifted closed again. “Scoot down and I’ll turn down the lamp and you can go to sleep.”


  He opened his eyes at the touch of her hand on his forehead. “Still here?”

  “All night. You still feel cool. I think your fever’s gone now.”

  “Do you have a mirror?”

  “You must be feeling better. When I was volunteering, the first thing the female patients asked for was a mirror. Here’s a small one. I should probably ask the doctor if you’re strong enough to take the shock.” Her amusement caused the gold flakes in her eyes to sparkle.

  “I see what you mean,” he said. “I don’t even remember the last time I shaved.”

  “You would scare small children,” she teased. “I hear the doctor and Elizabeth. He’ll be pleased to see how much better you are this morning.”

  Doctor Palmer…

  “I see my patient is much better this morning.”

  “Thank you doctor, for what you’ve done,” Bart said. “I appreciate it.”

  “Wait until you see my bill before you thank me, Besides, you should be thanking this young lady. She’s the one who’s taken care of you. You had an angel of your own,” he said.

  “I guess I did,” Bart replied. Doc, can I have something to eat? I’m starved.”

  “You can, but it will be soft food for today and you can try regular food tomorrow. I want you to try sitting up today. It will help you gain strength. You can walk too, with assistance.”

  “Well, just look at you,” Brett said upon entering the room. You look almost human. A wild one, but human. Have you eaten?” he asked Anna.

  “Not yet.”

  “Emma, take her to the café and make her eat something. Jack and Letty have probably had breakfast by now.”

  “Yes lord and master.”

  “You two have a good relationship,” Anna said on the way to the café.”

  “We do. What started with an advertisement has turned into love.

  “I envy you,” Anna said.

  “You’ll have it someday.

  After they ate, Anna went home and Emma returned to the doctor’s office.

  “Did she go home?” Bart asked.

  Emma nodded.

  I’m going to marry that girl,” Bart said.

  “Have you told her?”

  “No, but I will.”

  Chapter twenty-one

  Going Home

  “You don’t need to sit up tonight,” Carter told Anna. “It’s time you had a good night’s sleep.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “He’s fine. He’ll be going home tomorrow.”

  The next morning…

  “Where’s Anna,” Bart asked Brett. “I’d like to tell her goodbye.”

  “No need to, she’s going with us. We’re picking her up on our way out. Do you have to check back with the doctor?”

  “Not unless I have problems.”

  “We never did talk about what happened,” Brett said.

  “I was at the claim, and had the wagon loaded. I wasn’t feeling too good, but I went ahead to Spring Hill. I was at the assayers when he opened and got the certificates. I took them to the bank and deposited them. I hadn’t eaten anything, but I wanted to get home. I couldn’t make good time because I was in the wagon, with Thunder tied to the back. The last thing I remember was untying him. I was going to feed and water him first, and then take care of the mule. The next thing I knew I was waking up here with Anna sitting by the bed asleep, her head resting on the quilt.”

  “She was there all the first day and night, and then the next t
wo nights. After you started making sense, Doc sent her home.”

  “She told me you gave her a job.”

  “I did. If she can do the books, it will take something off us that neither one likes, and did a lousy job with when we tried.”

  “You stay in the carriage and I’ll get her.”

  Anna was ready to go. Her few possessions were in a bag. She hugged Letty and Jack and thanked them profusely, and headed to the carriage. She put the small bag in the back of the carriage.”

  “Hi! You look a lot different,” she said.

  “The first place we stopped was the barber’s,” Bart replied. “I took a bath and shaved. I almost feel human again. At least you shouldn’t have to worry about me scaring the children.”

  “Are you going to be all right sitting up all of the way to the ranch?” she asked.

  “If I have to, I’ll lie down in the back, but I think I’ll be okay.”

  Half an hour later, she looked in the back seat. “Brett, stop, he’s fallen over.” Brett stopped the wagon, and she changed seats and rode the rest of the way in the back seat with Bart’s head in her lap and his feet stretched out to the side.

  At the ranch, with one arm on Brett’s shoulder and the other on Anna’s, he made it inside and to his bed.

  “Do you think he needs the doctor?” Emma asked when she saw him.

  “He’s just weak. With the time at the barbershop and the ride home, he’s worn out. We’ll keep an eye on him, though.”

  Bart woke long enough for Mrs. Crump to feed him some chicken soup she had made. Then he went back to sleep for the rest of the day.

  The next morning…

  Bart dressed and came to the kitchen and found Brett having his first cup of coffee.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Brett asked.

  “I’m going to help with things. I’ve been slacking long enough.”

  Anna entered. “What’s everyone doing up so early?”

  “The day starts early on a ranch,” Bart said.

  “You’re not going to let him out and go to work are you?” she asked Brett.

  Brett went down the hall and returned with a handgun. “Have you ever fired a revolver before?” he asked Anna.


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