Belle of the Ball: A Historic Western Time Travel Romance (An Oregon Trail Time Travel Romance Book 2)

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Belle of the Ball: A Historic Western Time Travel Romance (An Oregon Trail Time Travel Romance Book 2) Page 13

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  “He is at home, working from before dawn to dark.”

  “I have to help with Carrie. Letty is about ready to begin.”

  “Promise me you’ll think about coming home,” Emma pleaded.

  “I can’t promise that.”

  Mrs. Crowder’s Boarding House…

  Anna’s room at the boarding house was small and showed the wear from hard use. Anna washed everything before she would even consider sleeping on it. Her room and board took half her wages. The food was wholesome if not tasty. Her meals, when she chose to eat were taken at the table with the other boarders, most of whom came to the table unwashed and reeking of sweat from their labors.

  Mrs. Crowder, a grandmotherly type in her late fifties was concerned about her newest boarder and decided to speak to her about it.

  “I appreciate your concern,” Anna told her, “but I can’t bring myself to sit at the table. Their language is crude and their manners are non-existent. I know they are all hard workers, but I can’t do it.”

  “I have a solution for you. Take your meals in the kitchen.”

  “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “It won’t be a burden. It’s settled, then. You will eat in the kitchen.”

  The solution worked after a fashion. She could still hear the language, but did not have to be in close contact.

  * * *

  Two months later…

  “Mrs. Palmer, I need for the doctor to check me over,” Anna told the doctor’s wife. “I think I’m pregnant.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I’ve been having morning sickness and I’m late.”

  “I’ll let Carter know you’re here.” She went to tell her husband he had a patient.

  She closed the door behind her when she returned. “He’ll be here in a couple of minutes. Letty told me you are living at Mrs. Crowder’s now.”


  “I’m sorry to hear that. Being a single parent is difficult. I was alone with Patrick for two years. It was a struggle.”

  Doctor Palmer did a discreet examination. Elizabeth remained in the room as was their custom when the patient was a female. “You’re suspicions are correct’ you are with child. According to what you told us, I would say you’re about six weeks. At this point, you don’t need to curtail your activities, but no tree climbing or horse racing,” he told her.

  “But those are my only two pleasures in life,” Anna said.

  “I would also suggest reconciliation with Bart.”

  “That seems to be beyond the realm of possibility.”

  “I don’t know what has happened to the people we thought we knew so well,” Elizabeth said. “You two were a pair I picked for happily ever after.”

  “I thought so too.” She took some money from her purse. I want to pay for today and part of what I owe from when I first came.”

  “Those have been taken care of,” Elizabeth said.


  “They wish to remain anonymous.”

  “I know who it was. I’ll pay them then.”

  A visit…

  “Letty, Jack. Come in,” Emma said. “What brings you here?”

  “Same as before,” Letty said. “Our errant couple.

  “We need to get through to Bart just what he’s doing. Or not doing.”

  “I’ll ring the bell.”

  Ten minutes later, the two brothers came in through the kitchen. “What’s the matter, honey?” Brett asked his very pregnant wife.

  “Uh oh,” a surly Bart said when he saw Letty and Jack. “Now what?”

  “It’s time this came to an end,” Letty said.

  “She’s not interested in coming back. She told Emma and she told Brett.”

  “Have you even talked to her since you got back from Denver?”

  “No, but Emma and Brett did.”

  “What about you? Don’t you care?”

  “Of course I care, she’s my wife. She said it all on the train.”

  “Was she the only one talking that day, or did you have some choice words too,” the normally sweet Letty was mad. “If you like, I can remind you just what you said.”

  “That’s not necessary. Besides, it’s between the two of us, no one else.”

  “How can it be between the two of you when you won’t talk to her?”

  “She knows where I am if she wants to talk,” he said.

  “And how is she supposed to get here? Crawling on her hands and knees? You’re the one with the horses and wagons.”

  “I don’t have to listen to this,” Bart said.

  She said it quietly, but there was an enormous power behind her words. “Sit down and listen to me.”

  “Sit down, Bart,” Brett told his twin.

  “Do you know how she’s living?”

  “I’ll bet you’re going to tell me.”

  “You bet I’m going to tell you. Now be quiet or I’ll… I don’t know what I’ll do.” Steam was coming from her ears as she began to unload.

  Chapter thirty two

  Anna’s Plight

  “She’s living in a house full of working men. She’s the only female there besides a sixty-year old woman. She eats in the kitchen because the language is so coarse it’s offensive to her. She still hears it, but doesn’t have to see who’s saying it. In addition, most of them are… have body odors.”

  “She told you all of this?”

  “She did not. Mrs. Crowder came to see me. She’s concerned about her and her condition. You do know she’s working? Most of her earnings go for room and board, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s the rest of it that has Jack and me concerned.”

  “What’s the rest of it? Is she sick?”

  “Every morning,” Letty said.

  “That poor girl,” Emma said, understanding the meaning behind Letty’s words.

  “What’s wrong with her? Has she seen the doctor?

  “Reluctantly, because she didn’t have the money to pay him. She’s with child. Your child. You heaven help us, are going to be a father.”

  Bart’s shoulders slumped. He covered his face with his hands so no one could see his tears. “She’s expecting and she’s working?”

  “What else would she do? She has no income, she would be welcome to stay with us, but she doesn’t think it would be right.”

  “I’ve got to go to her. I have to get this fixed,” he said.

  “It’s about time,” Letty told him.

  “Bart, be careful with this,” Jack cautioned him. “It’s a delicate situation. She has a lot of pride and you are stubborn and obstinate. If you’re not careful, you can make it a lot worse.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Brett said.

  “No, this is something I have to take care of myself.”

  “He’s right, Brett. It’s his responsibility,” Letty agreed.

  “I’ll go in as soon as I get cleaned up and change clothes.”

  * * *

  Mrs. Crowder’s Boarding House…

  He knocked on the door. A stout woman came to the door. She was wiping her flour covered hands on the apron she wore to protect her dress. “I ain’t got no rooms,” she said. “Sorry.”

  “I didn’t come for a room. I’m Bart Williams. I’m Anna’s husband.”

  “Oh. You’re the one,” she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

  “May I see her please?”

  “I’ll ask her if she wants to talk to you.” She closed the door in his face, and left him standing on the porch.

  The door was reopened by Anna. “What is it?” she asked in a voice with no emotion behind it.

  “Will you please talk to me?”

  “About what?”


  “After all of this time, why do you want to talk now?”

  “Is there someplace we can go?”

  “Come in. We can talk in my room,” she said, and stood aside to admit him.”

  “Dearie, if you need any help, you
just scream,” Mrs. Crowder said.

  “I’ll be all right,” Anna answered.

  She led the way down a dark hallway and opened the door to a small room. The only furnishings in the room were a bed, a small cabinet, a single chair and a small mirror. Her clothes hung from a pair of hooks on the wall.

  Bart was overwhelmed by the way the woman he loved was living. “I had no idea it was as bad as this,” he said.

  “I’m all right. What is it you want?”

  “I want to tell you how wrong I was, how stubborn I have been, and how sorry I am. Anna, I should never have let you leave the train station without me. I should have admitted you were right.

  “I love you as much as a man can love a woman, but my stubborn pride got in the way of admitting it was wrong of me. Even with the happiness we had after our marriage, I had trouble believing you could turn down all of the comforts you had in your life to live in this time. Everywhere I looked I saw regret in your eyes for what you saw and missed.”

  “I did miss it, and I miss my family,” she said, “but I loved you enough to leave it behind and build a life with you. I can’t help missing it. I’m sorry it bothers you so much, but you were there when I passed up the chance to go back.”

  “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Can you get past the fact that I am from the future, and I do miss it, but you’re the one I love?”

  “I will try my dead level best to curb my imagination, and I will never, ever doubt you again. I love you, Anna and I just want you home.”

  “That’s all you ever had to say,” she said.

  “How did you find out?” she asked.

  “Find out what?”

  “That I’m pregnant.”

  “Letty and Jack came to the ranch this morning. She lit into me like a mama bear protecting a cub.”

  “I didn’t ask them to go out there.”

  “I know. Your landlady was worried about you and talked to her. You are loved by everyone, Anna, most of all me.

  “Will you come home? Please?”

  “Yes,” she said simply.

  “Is it all right if I hug you?”

  “Please do. I’ve really missed you holding and touching me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and waist. “I love you Anna Williams.”

  “I never stopped loving you.”

  She lifted her head for the kiss she wanted.

  It was a long, tender, gentle and loving kiss. When they broke, she had tears in her eyes. “We’ve wasted so much time, that we can never get back,” she said.

  “Then we’ll just have to make up for it with the time we have left,” he told her.

  “Take me home,” she said. “Since tomorrow is not a school day, I’ll have to come in Monday and let Mr. Fogarty know I’ll be missing a couple of days. I don’t want to leave my students in the lurch.”

  “Whatever you say. I want to stop and thank Jack and Letty. Do you owe Mrs. Crowder anything?”

  “No. I’m paid through the end of the month.”

  Bart handed Mrs. Crowder a twenty-dollar bill as they left. “Thank you for being so kind to my wife.”

  “She needed some kindness,” Mrs. Crowder said.

  “I know she did, and I appreciate it. She will be well taken care of from now on,” he assured her.

  “We’re going home,” Anna told Letty.

  “Good. He did listen,” Letty said. She turned to Bart. “You take care of her. Next time, I won’t be so gentle.”

  “I will,” he promised. “We both love you. You’re the best friend anyone could have.”

  Chapter thirty-three

  Home to Stay

  Mrs. Crump was in the kitchen when Anna walked in with Bart. “Glory Hallelujah, our Anna’s back home!” The large woman hugged her. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too,” Anna told her.

  “You came back! I’ve been praying you’d come home with him,” Emma exclaimed. “It hasn’t been the same without you.”

  “I’m overwhelmed with the welcome,” Anna told them. “It’s been difficult and I’ve missed you so much I can’t begin to tell you.”

  Emma took her aside. “Will you be going into your old room? If you are, I’ll get it ready.”

  “No, I will be in the room with my husband, but thanks.”


  “I fixed a special dessert tonight to help celebrate Miss Anna being home again,” Mrs. Crump said when she placed the chocolate cake on the table.”

  Anna’s face was pink with all of the attention showered on her. “Thank all of you for this warm reception. Beautiful as my room was, it doesn’t hold a candle to this.”

  “What was it like?” Emma asked.

  “Let me tell you,” Bart said. “It had a bed, a chair and a chest. She had her clothes hanging on a hook in the wall. It was so small I could almost touch both walls. ”

  “What about the people?” Emma again.

  “The other boarders were miners, and railroad workers. They worked hard and talked the same way. They didn’t cause problems for me except for their language, which was coarse and crude. I’m sure they were hungry because of the way they attacked the food. Mrs. Crowder was nice to me, and let me have my meals in the kitchen. The house was empty in the daytime, but after I started working, I was away myself.”

  “What were you teaching?” Brett asked.

  “Mathematics in the elementary school.”

  “What did the school pay?” Bart asked.

  “Thirty-one dollars a month,” Anna replied.

  “Out of that, you had to pay room and board and buy your necessities didn’t you?” Bart asked.

  She nodded. “It didn’t leave much,” she admitted.

  “I am truly ashamed of having subjected you to that. I should be horsewhipped for my behavior,” Bart said.

  “I think Letty was about ready to do that when they were here this morning,” Brett said.”

  “It wasn’t a pretty thing,” Bart admitted.

  “Could we change the subject? That’s all history and I’d just as soon forget it.”

  “Good idea,” Emma said. “When did you see Dr. Palmer?”

  “Last week. He told me no tree climbing and fast horses.”

  “Do you want a boy or girl?” Emma asked.

  “It doesn’t matter as long as he or she is healthy.”

  “I feel the same way, Brett wants a son.”

  “I’d like a little girl that looks just like her mother,” Bart said. “I’m going to lay down a no time travel rule for her though.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t voluntary,” Anna said.

  “I know it wasn’t,” he said.

  Anna stood. “I’m going to say good night. It’s been an exciting day for me.” She tugged at Bart’s hand. “Join me?”

  After they left, Brett asked, “Do you think they’re going to be all right?”

  “I do… I hope so. I thought they were before, but look what happened.”

  “I think my little brother realized what he almost lost.”

  In the bedroom…

  “Honey, I’ll understand if you want to hold off on… anything until you’re more settled down,” Bart said.

  “Why do you think I wanted to go to bed so early? I wanted my husband to make love to me. I missed it.”

  “So did I,” he said.

  She turned her back to him. “Undo me, please.”

  Very slowly, he unbuttoned her dress, kissing each bit of bare skin as it became uncovered.

  “I want you to make love to me, darling, and then I want you to do it again.”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  “Mine too,” she said. “I am so ready for you.

  The next morning…

  “You know what we should do?” Bart asked.

  “What is that?”

  “We should go to San Francisco and you can buy some clothes there. You didn’t really get anything
in Denver.”

  “If we did go, it would be nice if Emma and Brett went with us. Could you both be away at the same time?”

  “Sure. It would only be for a few days and Curly can handle things. I’ll talk to Brett.

  “On second thought, it would be nice to wait until after the baby comes since I’m going to be big and gawky for two or three months, then afterwards, I might change sizes.

  “You’ll still be beautiful,” he said.

  “You’re sweet, and I’m sleepy.”



  “I’m glad you’re home. It has been bad without you.”

  “For me too. ‘Night.”

  The End

  Romance in Time is the first book of the Historic Western Time Travel Romance series. It is available from Amazon by clicking here.


  Martha Letty Williams, named for her maternal grandmother, came into the world seven months later, following an uneventful labor. She was delivered by Dr. Carter Palmer. Her hair was red, thick and curly. Dr. Palmer told them most babies lost their birth hair. Martha didn’t. She was a Mama’s girl from the beginning.

  Eighteen months later, Barton Reeves, Junior was born on his father’s birthday, a robust, nine pound, four ounce boy with dark curly hair like his father. He was healthy, and loud. He was born to be a rancher, and rode with his father almost from the time he could walk. He cried when he was not allowed to accompany his papa and uncle on the roundups.

  Two years following Barton’s birth, Thomas Jackson Palmer entered the world. This branch of the Williams family was now complete.

  Bart and Anna had their own house built on the ranch 200 yards away from the original ranch house. It had the most modern conveniences of the day.

  Bart was a caring and model father and husband. He never questioned again that Anna was where she wanted to be. His children knew he loved them. Just as he did with Anna, he reassured them every day of his love.

  Brett and Emma would eventually have four children.

  Bart and Brett contracted with the Consolidated Gold Mining Company for the mineral rights on the Flying W and were paid a staggering amount in royalties quarterly until it played out in the mid-1880’s.

  The brothers followed Anna’s suggestion of forming a company to manage the Williams financial interests and hired a Helena attorney to set it up. Cattle ranching remained their first love.


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