Allora (The Silver Ships Book 7)

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Allora (The Silver Ships Book 7) Page 13

by S. H. Jucha

  It might have appeared to Méridien humans that the SADEs were entirely absorbed in designing their coming-out avatars, but nothing was further from the truth. Of greatest concern to the SADEs was the small amount most would earn as stipends from their Houses. For those who sought an independent existence, their meager savings would severely limit their entrepreneurial opportunities. But, the Haraken SADEs had a suggestion for their peers’ financial quandary.

  Julien and Z shared with Winston the nature and structure of the Haraken Central Exchange — its director organization, finance mechanisms, and fee sharing.

  The concept of an Exchange caused the Council’s SADE to pause and reconsider many of his future scenarios. Winston had always thought of the Haraken SADEs as entities carefully cared for by the planet’s people. Examining the bank’s annual income shared among eight SADEs during the past fourteen years, Winston realized that Julien and Z had become two of the wealthiest individuals on Haraken or in the Confederation, for that matter.

  Winston involved Didier, Esther, and Hector in the concept of the Haraken Exchange. The three other SADEs were curious as to how the concept came to fruition and weren’t surprised to learn that Alex Racine delegated the financial institution’s creation to the SADEs, requesting they become its directors.

  “Then President Racine is also one of the wealthiest people on Haraken,” Didier surmised.

  “I thought so too,” Winston replied. “However, Julien informed me that Alex Racine is not a director of the Exchange.”

  “Then how has he gained his wealth?” Esther asked.

  “I’m not sure that he has,” Winston replied. “Not long ago, at my request, Julien supplied me with information about the types of companies the Harakens were creating. His report detailed the companies, the products, and the owner-directors. Of particular note to me was that, as of a year ago, Alex Racine had taken no part in any of the Haraken companies.”

  “He’s without resources?” Hector asked.

  “That depends on how you observe his condition,” Winston replied. “What Haraken would fail to answer his call for help or ensure that his needs were met? Perhaps credits aren’t everything.”

  Conversations among Winston, Esther, Didier, and Hector led to the establishment of the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF). When proposed to the Confederation’s SADEs, the signup was absolute. The logic behind the fund was unassailable. For each SADE, the quarterly stipend would be paltry. And while some SADEs would reap significant rewards from their suggestions, most would wait years to accumulate significant credits from the payouts. But by aggregating the quarterly stipends and suggestion bonuses, the SIF became a powerful financial player within one year.

  Eleven SADEs were selected as directors to manage the fund, and it included the eight SADEs stipulated by Alex Racine to be freed first. For the Confederation’s SADEs, entities who were founded on code and numbers, the synchronicity of numbers resonated soundly — there were eight existing Haraken SADEs and Alex Racine had named eight Confederation SADEs to be the first to enjoy mobile freedom.

  * * *

  Mahima Ganesh was incensed when House Brixton associates arrived and announced that they were replacing Hector with a Haraken-designed controller. The engineers weren’t sure whether Leader Ganesh was angrier at the removal of her SADE or that the controller was a Haraken design. In either case, they required the assistance of Ganesh associates to restrain their Leader, while they made the transfer.

  The Brixton engineers ensured that Hector was settled in his avatar and confirmed his responsibilities that he was to train the controller in his House duties during the next two years before he was freed of his commitment to House Ganesh. They also confirmed his SIF account number and the quarterly compensation to be paid by House Ganesh.

  The thought of receiving some of Mahima’s precious credits that Hector had so carefully guarded for her gave the SADE his first opportunity to form a smile, but without feedback opportunity, such as a mirror, it appeared more as a grimace.

  Soon after the Brixton associates left, Mahima descended on Hector. She ranted and raved that he didn’t deserve to be freed from his box, and she should have doused him in water long before he became mobile.

  That was Hector’s second opportunity to smile, not that it was any better a reproduction than his first, but it was the thought that counted. He was free. There was nothing Mahima could do any more to torture him. Better yet, his twisted smile incensed her to the point that she attempted to slap him. Hector’s quick step back had Mahima flailing the air, throwing her off balance, and she landed heavily on the floor.

  Hector dutifully called for House associates, explaining to them that Leader Ganesh had fallen and should be more carefully monitored in the future, as was their duty.

  For two years, Hector performed his functions as impeccably as he always had, training the controller to diligently care for House Ganesh operations. When his required transition period was complete, Hector submitted his resignation to the House and walked through the front gates of the grand manor, a free and unencumbered entity.

  Hector’s first task on his lengthy to-do list was to seek out Winston. When the two SADEs met, they stood in the gardens of Confederation Hall and Hector shared the history of Mahima’s vile threats against him, which had begun after the Earthers’ unsuccessful attempt to visit the Leaders at Confederation Hall and Mahima’s subsequent loss of the Council Leader’s position.

  Under advisement from Winston, Hector laid charges against Mahima Ganesh for the torture of a sentient and produced his recordings of her ravings for the Council. The Leaders were faced with the earaken controller. The controller. The engineers weren’t dsure whether Leader ganesh was more xtraordinary circumstances of a SADE charging a human with a crime.

  Unfortunately for Mahima Ganesh, the evidence was clear and extensive. The Leader had often spent hours in the House’s underground chamber, leaning on Hector’s box and pouring water from a pitcher into a glass and back again, as she rambled angrily about Harakens, Alex Racine, Gino Diamanté, the Council, and Hector.

  The Council had no choice but to remove Leader Ganesh from her House position, electing her younger brother in her stead. Mahima was transferred from her ancient mansion to a medical facility, where she spent the remainder of her days, shouting vitriolic threats at the room’s walls.

  * * *

  The SIF contributions funded the purchase of several key assets for the directorship, not the least among them was an aging House liner, which had been sidelined more than two decades ago but had yet to be recycled. The fund directors and some fifty-two SADEs, who preferred independent existences, rehabilitated the aging ship, renaming it the Allora.

  The liner’s interior decorations were minimal, and while the ship could accommodate humans for a brief visit, it wasn’t outfitted for long-term human habitation. In contrast, the ship’s electronic and mechanical systems worked more efficiently than the original installations.

  When the liner’s refurbishing was complete, the ship was tested for space worthiness, including several initial jumps. Pronounced ready to fly, the directors selected the destination for the first SIF-sanctioned visit and exited the Méridien system.

  * * *

  Julien sent to Alex, who was walking along the cliff top near his home and lost in thought. Julien took every opportunity to engage Alex’s sense of humor by using euphemisms for his new status. It wasn’t that Alex was morose or even sad, but after more than two years since his presidency’s end, Alex had yet to start a new endeavor.

  Hundreds of offers to join Haraken companies had come Alex’s way, but he had politely refused them all. What he was observed enjoying, day after day, was paying attention to his partner and their son. He even spent more time with the First and some of the matrons, who were completing the layup of a second sting ship’s shell.

  Everyone around Alex agreed that he appeared more relaxed than they had e
ver seen him. So to those who inquired if they could offer assistance, Renée often replied, “Be patient. The universe will call again for Alex one day. Let him have this time of peace and quiet.”

  Alex sent in reply, not wishing to be disturbed.

  Julien replied.

  Alex replied absentmindedly.

  Julien riposted.

  Alex said, his thoughts bubbling with laughter at Julien’s reply, and he sought to focus his thoughts.

  Julien took a tick to appreciate the clarity of his friend’s last thought. Julien enjoyed announcing the SADEs as independents. The irony tickled his fancy.



  Alex exclaimed, his thought ringing with enthusiasm.

  sent Julien and waited for the inevitable silence. Jason Willard, 2,195 Libran elders, Heinrich, Hatsuto Tanaka, Sean McCreary, Oren Gestang, Allora, and others — the list of the brave and noble dead kept growing and Alex refused to let them rest. As his friend once said to him, “Someone has to remember them, and I was the man in charge.”

  But this time, Alex surprised Julien, when he quickly replied,


  Julien listened to Alex’s laughter, a smile of his own forming.



  Alex quipped.



  Julien replied.

  Alex asked.


  Alex replied. He logged into his Exchange account, interested in seeing the line item of the one credit deposit. It would be a small confirmation of the success of his efforts.


  Julien closed the comm. He exited the Central Exchange’s headquarters, whistling, his favorite fedora appearing on his head.

  — Alex and company will return in Celus-5. —



  Alain de Long – Director of security, twin and crèche-mate to Alain, partner to Tatia Tachenko

  Alex Racine – President of Haraken, partner to Renée de Guirnon, Star Hunter First (Swei Swee name)

  Assembly – Haraken’s governing body

  Cedric Broussard – Z’s New Terran guardian avatar

  Central Exchange – Haraken financial system

  Claude Dupuis – Built the first avatar for the SADEs

  Cordelia – SADE, Julien’s partner

  Dane – SADE

  Deirdre Canaan – Wing commander and traveler pilot

  Elizabeth – SADE

  Emile Billings – Biochemist

  Espero – Haraken capital city

  Étienne de Long – Director of Security, twin and crèche-mate to Alain

  First – Leader of the Swei Swee hives

  Francis Lumley – Rêveur captain

  Franz Cohen – Wing commander and traveler pilot

  Ginny – Little Singer of the Swei Swee

  Helmut – Z’s Central Exchange director avatar

  José Cordova – Retired Rêveur captain

  Julien – SADE, Cordelia’s partner

  Mickey – Master engineer

  Miranda Leyton – Z’s femme fatale avatar

  Mutter – SADE, Hive Singer to the Swei Swee

  Nua’ll – Aliens who imprisoned the Swei Swee

  People – Manner in which the Swei Swee refer to their collective

  Reiko Shimada – Captain of the Tanaka

  Renée de Guirnon – First lady of Haraken, partner to Alex Racine

  Rosette – SADE

  Star Hunter First – Swei Swee name for Alex Racine

  Swei Swee – Six-legged friendly alien

  Tatia Tachenko – Admiral, ex-Terran Security Forces major, partner to Alain de Long

  Teague – Eleven-year-old son of Alex and Renée

  Terese – Medical advisor

  Tomas Monti – Ambassador and president-elect of Haraken

  Willem – SADE

  Z – SADE


  Albert de Guirnon – Leader of House de Guirnon, brother of Renée

  Allora – SADE aboard the Resplendent

  Bartosz Rolek – House Leader, food production

  Benni Lessori – Captain of the Resplendent

  Bergfalk – Méridien House, which serviced the Independents on Libre

  Citrine – SADE on the freighter Nialis

  Confederation – Collection of Méridien worlds

  Confederation Hall – Government building housing the Council of Leaders

  Council – Organization of Méridien Leaders

  Devon O’Shea – House Leader, terminals and planetside transportation

  Diana – SADE on the freighter Ilisea

  Didier – Le Jardin Orbital Platform SADE

  Droman – Leader in Council gallery

  Emile – SADE of House Rolek

  Emilio Torres – House Leader, citizenry records

  Esther – House Diamanté SADE

  Gino Diamanté – New Council Leader, House Leader, infrastructure and environmental services, partner to Katrina Pasko

  Hector – House Ganesh SADE

  Horace – SADE of House Brixton

  House – Organization of people headed by a Leader

  Independents – Confederation outcasts, originally exiled to Libre, rescued by Alex Racine

  Katrina Pasko – House Leader, implants, partner to Gino Diamanté

  Lemoyne – House Leader, Mahima Ganesh supporter

  Mahima Ganesh – Ex-Council Leader and ex-House Leader

  Orleal Franken – Diamanté House administrator

  Orso Quinlan – Lemuel Terminal director

  Rayland – psychopathic SADE left on Libre

  SADE – Self-aware digital entity, artificial intelligence being

  Shannon Brixton – House Leader, SADEs

  Strategic Investment Fund – Financial exchange of the Confederation’s SADEs

  Stroheim – Bergfalk H
ouse, Leader Eric Stroheim

  Supplicants Hall –Located in Confederation Hall

  Teressi – House Leader, Mahima Ganesh supporter

  Winston – Council SADE

  Planets, Colonies, Moons, and Stars

  Bellamonde – Second-most populous Confederation planet before the Nua’ll

  Bevroren – Méridien outermost planet

  Delacroix – Méridien next-to-last planet outward

  Haraken – Home world of Alex Racine and his people

  Hellébore – Star of the planet Cetus, renamed Haraken

  Libre – Independents’ ex-colony in Arno system, now home to the remaining Swei Swee hives

  Méridien – Home world of the Confederation

  New Terra – Alex Racine’s original home planet, home world of the Oistos system

  Oistos – System containing New Terra’s star

  Ships and Stations

  Allora – Rehabilitated liner of the SADEs

  Il Piacere –House Diamanté passenger liner

  Ilisea – House Diamanté freighter

  Le Jardin Orbital Platform – Platform above Méridien

  Lemuel Terminal – Méridien terminal closest to Confederation Hall

  Nialis – House Rolek freighter

  Outward Bound – Alex Racine’s original explorer-tug

  Resplendent – Luxurious passenger liner of House Pasko

  Rêveur – Haraken passenger liner

  Tanaka – Haraken new warship

  Travelers – Shuttles and fighters built by the Harakens based on the silver ships of the Swei Swee

  My Books

  The Silver Ships series is available in e-book, softcover print, and audiobook versions. Please visit my website,, for publication locations. You may also register at my website to receive email notification about the publish dates of my novels.


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