The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Three: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 51

by Macy Blake

  “I don’t think he can be reasoned with,” Sawyer said. “And I don’t know what else I can do to stop him.”

  “We will do what we can to help.”

  Sawyer reached out and took their hands. “I need to go. My mates need me.”

  “We know, little brother. Be strong. There are depths to your power you’ve not yet uncovered.”

  Sawyer squeezed their hands before pushing to his feet. He took in a breath and met each of their gazes one by one. “I will do this. For all of us.”

  “You will. You must.”


  Three days. Sawyer had been missing for three days. Draco had been barely conscious at the end, struggling so hard to get to his mates. Sawyer had called to him, and he’d been unable to answer. His heart shattered at the memory, and he lowered his head to the bed where Eduard lay.

  “He is recovering,” Augustus murmured quietly. “You should rest, Draco.”

  “I can’t.”

  Augustus smiled sadly. “Sawyer will return to you.”

  Draco rubbed the empty space in his chest which had been filled with Sawyer for so many years. “I failed him.”

  Augustus moved around the bed and grabbed Draco by the shoulders. He forced him to look up. It broke him once more, staring into a face so similar to Eduard’s.

  “You didn’t fail him. This is part of the struggle, Dragon. If it was easy, it would have been done centuries ago.”

  “He called to me. He was so scared.”

  “He will call to you once more.”

  Draco turned his attention back to Eduard, staring at his pale face, desperate for some sign that Eduard would return to him. He needed his griffin’s steady presence to get through this. “Gamayun sent you to the mountains. She said you would find something there to help us.”

  Augustus made a very inelegant noise, drawing Draco’s attention once more. “I believe she said I would find what I needed. But I believe she was mistaken. Well, possibly. It’s… I did not find anything that would help in our current quest.”

  Draco wanted to demand more information but noises from down the hall drew his focus. Something had caused an uproar. Draco darted toward the sounds, already planning to shift and defend his mates, when Asher barreled into him.


  “What happened?” Draco asked.

  “He’s awake.” Asher grabbed Draco and pulled him into a hug. “He’s awake!”

  Asher turned and ran back down the hall with Draco following behind. He found Mikey sitting up in bed with his other mate, Quillon curled around him. Asher climbed onto the bed and wrapped both his mates in his arms.

  “Draco,” Mikey said softly. His voice was muffled against Quillon’s chest, and he could barely lift his head, but he turned and looked Draco’s way. “He’ll be back soon.”

  Draco’s knees wobbled, and he sank down onto the floor beside the bed. “Yeah?”

  “I saw him. I was there. In the god realm or whatever it’s called. He’s okay. He’s coming back.”


  Mikey smiled. “Soon. He promised me he’d give me a whole day to get ravaged by my mates. I’m holding you to that promise, too.”

  Asher growled and began nipping at Mikey’s neck.

  “Probably want to check in with Doc Jerrick before… you know… ravaging occurs.”

  Asher paused and raised his head. “Right.”

  “Nooooo,” Mikey protested. “Wrong. I’m fine. Dandy. Really.”

  “Can you stand?” Quillon asked.

  Mikey glared at him. “I’m sure I can.”

  “Did anyone let Nick know?” Draco asked.

  “Dammit,” Mikey said. “Put a pause on the ravaging and someone get me a phone.”

  Quillon handed his over, and Mikey tried to hold onto it. He was weaker than he realized, though, and couldn’t grip the phone. He glared at Draco as if personally offended by the fact that he was right. Draco didn’t comment. He knew Mikey well enough to know the revenge when he was strong enough would be epic.

  His mate however, had no such qualms. Quillon’s smug grin wasn’t lost on any of them. Mikey turned his ire onto his mate as Quillon took the phone back and pressed a gentle kiss to Mikey’s forehead.

  “Double dammit. Sawyer is going to owe me for this.”

  “Is my mate to blame?” Draco asked.

  “Technically, no. But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna make him pay.” Mikey yawned and leaned more heavily against Quillon’s chest.

  Draco grinned. The Smith brothers had their own code, one Draco was all too familiar with. “I’ll get in touch with Nick for you, as he’s currently unreachable by phone. Spend a moment with your mates, because I can guarantee Nick will arrive in less than a minute.”

  “Dammit! Hellhound mate and their portal travel! I can’t win. I need to be ravaged, Draco. NEED.”

  Draco laughed, and his cousin looked up at him with a smug grin. He left the room, closing the door behind him, before going to check on his mates. He found Achim, one of the hellhounds who still looked over the Jerrick pack, standing outside the front door. After asking him to notify Nick of his brother’s condition, Draco went back into the clinic to look over the still figures of his mates in the hospital beds. They had moved the beds around so they weren’t taking up as many rooms, but it was still too much for his dragon. Doc Jerrick wouldn’t let them all be in one room though. They didn’t have one big enough for starters.

  Draco entered the room where Henry lay unconscious on a bed. His papa sat beside him, holding Henry’s hand and staring at his face. Henry looked so peaceful, as if he was simply sleeping and would wake up any second.

  Sam looked over at Draco with a watery half-smile. “How are you holding up?”

  Draco shrugged. He wouldn’t lie to Henry’s father.

  “I know this is wrong to say, but I’m glad it’s you and not him. Can you imagine my boy if the situation were reversed?”

  The thought made Draco shudder. “No.”

  Henry would lose his mind if all of his mates were unconscious. No, Draco had to carry this burden. He would carry it.

  “He’s going to be fine. They all are.”

  Sam was human. What did he know? This was so above Sam’s pay grade. Hell, Draco was part of it, and he was way out of his league.

  “Don’t give me that look.”

  Draco turned his attention away from Henry’s face and looked at his father once more.

  “They are all going to be fine. Say it, Draco.”

  “I can’t.”

  Sam grunted and pushed to his feet. “Do you really doubt it?”

  It took him a moment, a split-second too long, to answer. “No.”

  Sam eyed him again. “Henry tells me you are his rock. He believes in you.”

  His breath caught. “I know.”

  “So suck it up, big guy. Pull yourself together.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Sam grunted and turned his attention back to Henry. “What was all the ruckus about?”

  Draco remembered Mikey’s words and it gave him a moment of peace. “Mikey’s awake. He… he said Sawyer will be back soon.”

  Sam’s smug grin was answer enough to his thoughts on Draco’s announcement. “Do I need to say I told you so?”


  Another sound from outside, and Draco turned back to Henry. He touched his face before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Henry’s forehead.

  “Nick has arrived,” Draco said. “I’m going to go talk to them.”

  “I’ll be with Henry.”

  Back to the front door, Draco watched as Nick stormed across the lawn. “Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit Draco? Sawyer fucking vanishes, all you guys are fucking unconscious, and Mikey fucking wakes up. We haven’t been gone that goddamned long.”

  Nick really didn’t expect answers, though. He stormed through the clinic and down the hall to Mikey’s room. He shoved the door open and barre
led through it. When Mikey looked up at him, Nick stumbled and leaned over, holding himself up on the end of the bed.

  “About damn time.”

  He might have sounded flippant but one look at him spoke volumes.

  “You go to the god realm and tell me you wouldn’t hang out for a while.”

  “What the flying fuck? God realm?”

  “Guess what?” Mikey said. He grinned and leaned more heavily against Asher. Every moment drained him, but he wasn’t going to miss this moment. “I’m a god, too.”

  “Fucking hell,” Nick groaned. “Another one?”

  “Well, grandson of one, but that’s not as fun to announce.”

  “You know, I’m about to say to hell with all this god nonsense. I just want my brothers and my pack. All this shit needs to be done already! Where the fuck is Sawyer?”

  “Still in the god realm. I…” Mikey hesitated, glancing at Draco for a moment then looking back to Nick. “He’s weak. Devastated. His powers are a mess. I’m not sure exactly what went on in that big fight, but it messed with him big time. Physically and mentally.”

  Draco closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. He’d been so afraid for Sawyer. None of them were able to help him. “I know.”

  “Just do that thing you do, Draco,” Mikey said. “Be his best friend.”


  “Good. Now leave me with my brother. I need to hear all about these new nieces and nephews I have. And a hellhound brother-in-law? Color me intrigued.”

  “Sawyer has a big mouth,” Nick griped.

  Draco backed out of the room and began making his rounds once more. Dr. Jerrick passed him in the hall and gave him a glare, but Draco had heard it all before. No way was he resting when his mates were unconscious and vulnerable. It wasn’t going to happen.

  Nana Jerrick found him in Dakota and Loch’s room a while later. They didn’t have any way to get in touch with Dakota’s family— which Draco would be remedying the moment he caught sight of those golden yellow eyes— and Loch didn’t have any family to speak of. He’d spent a lot of time in their room with them, not wanting them to be alone.

  “Eat,” Nana demanded as she pushed a bowl of homemade potato soup into his hands.


  “Fine. I didn’t want to have to do this, Draco. You brought it on yourself. Ollie!”

  “No. Don’t. Nana. I’ll eat it.”

  “Too late.”

  “Nana!” Henry’s younger brother practically bounced into the room. “Hey, Draco!”

  “Sit with Draco and make sure he eats.”

  Ollie turned to Draco with wide eyes. “Whoa. You must have really gotten on her nerves to deserve me as punishment.”

  Nana cackled and kissed Ollie on the cheek before she exited the room. Ollie plopped down on one of the other empty chairs in the room with a sigh. “This sucks,” he complained. “They need to wake up already.”


  “Eat. Seriously. I know you know this, but they actually do need you functioning. Think of it as fuel. You’re running on fumes, and soon the engine’s gonna stall, and then where will you be? Stranded on the side of the road and not able to give them what they need.”

  Draco huffed and spooned some of the soup into his mouth. “Good analogy,” he said softly after a moment. He took another bite, glancing over the still forms of his mates. He couldn’t even taste the soup. Everything faded to beige around him without his mates by his side.

  “I heard Dad tell it to an alpha a while back. Some of his pack got hurt, and he was just determined to not eat or sleep until they were better. Our bodies don’t work that way, though. We need fuel and rest, whether we like it or not.”

  “True.” It didn’t mean he wouldn’t try.

  “Yeah. I get it. You’re not going to be able to sleep. I wouldn’t either. This one time, Papa got the flu. I don’t know, I was probably eight or something. Anyway, it was a bad one, and he couldn’t even get out of bed. Dad ended up taking him to the clinic, and I just freaked. I remember sitting there staring at him and willing him better. Wouldn’t that be a cool power? Just poof! Healed.”

  “Doesn’t exist.”

  “Yeah. All these powers everyone has, and no healing. Well, except the kind my dad does. Which, when you think about it, is pretty much a superpower. All the stuff he knows, you know? It takes the right person to have all the knowledge and put it all together the right way. Take a bite of soup.”

  Draco complied, if only because he didn’t want Nana to come back and yell at him. And honestly, he knew Ollie wasn’t wrong. His mates needed him to be strong, and that meant giving his body fuel. His head got it. His heart wanted to suffer as long as his mates suffered.

  He finished his soup and earned a pleased smile from Ollie, who took the bowl and put it outside the room. Before he could move, Ollie was back, pushing their chairs close together and sitting down beside him. “Now, let me tell you about the time we tried to blow up Santa Claus.”

  Not wanting to hurt Ollie’s feelings, Draco sat and listened. He leaned back, checking to see if there was any movement from either of his mates.

  He didn’t know how long he slept, but when he woke up, Ollie still sat next to him. He glanced over with a small smile. “Works every time.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Only an hour or so. Go check on the others. I’ll stay with these guys.”

  Draco touched Ollie’s head gently. “Now I know why they all adore you so much.”

  “Meh. It’s part of my charm.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Also, you’re probably going to want to shower soon. Not saying you’re stinky, but dude, it’s been three days. I put some clean clothes in the bathroom for you.”

  Draco paused with one hand on the door and looked over his shoulder. Ollie was unable to hide his smirk. The little shit. “Fine.”

  “What? I’m just saying when your mates do wake up, the smell might knock them out again. Is that what you want?”

  “I thought you were cute there for a moment. Now I know better.”

  “Also part of my charm.”

  Draco grunted and went down the hall to check on his other mates. They all still slept. He discreetly gave himself a sniff and hated to confess that Ollie was right. He desperately needed a shower. He went into the bathroom and found a stack of clothes, just like Ollie had promised. They probably belonged to Ben. It didn’t matter. Draco showered quickly, rinsing away days of cold sweat as he feared the worst for Sawyer and his mates. When he finished, he went back down the hall once more, the path so familiar. He’d paced it thousands of times over the past few days. All of his mates were exactly how he’d left them. Before he could sink back into his fear, the ground began to rumble. His heart skipped a beat.

  Doors opened down the hall. Asher looked out. Then Ollie. Dr. Jerrick. Draco, though, didn’t need to look. He took off running toward the door.


  His bellow shook the clinic and the moment he stepped outside, he saw his mate standing at the edge of the wards with his glowing white tiger by his side. Sawyer appeared to be telling Byakko off, but the moment he heard his name he looked up.

  They each started running the moment their eyes locked onto each other, and within seconds, Draco had Sawyer in his arms. “You’re back.”

  “I am. Thank the goddess you’re okay. I’ve never been so scared in my life, Draco.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t—“

  “Shut up. Kiss me.”

  Sawyer didn’t even give him a chance to respond. He grabbed Draco’s face and pulled them together. There was something different about Sawyer. Draco didn’t know what it was, but his power had definitely changed, grown, and maybe even stabilized.

  He couldn’t even think about it further as Sawyer’s tongue slipped between his lips. Draco groaned and pulled him tighter, never having needed Sawyer in his arms as much as he did this moment.
When Sawyer finally broke away, they were both panting for breath.

  “How are they?” Sawyer asked.

  “Still out. Come see. Maybe you can tell me something. We don’t know what happened.”

  “I know.” Sawyer took his hand and squeezed it. “Palinourous had a plan and it failed.”

  “It was like a bomb had gone off. Everything around the circle where you’d been standing was down for the count.”

  Sawyer gulped and squeezed Draco’s hand tighter. “Any casualties?”

  “No, love. But we have some pissed off vampires and dragons. The djinn really focused on us, but they obscured everyone’s senses enough that they had a hard time fighting.”

  “That’s good to know. Nick and his pack?”

  “Good. Nick was here for a while because… Mikey woke up. But you know that, right?”


  “I knew he wouldn’t stay long, but he’d want to see for himself that Mikey was okay.”

  “Take me to see our mates,” Sawyer said softly. “I want to see them all for myself.”

  They made the rounds quickly but efficiently. Sawyer touched each of their mates on the forehead then pulled away and moved to the next. When they’d visited them all, they continued down the hall to Mikey’s room.

  Sawyer’s brother was asleep between his two mates. “All those plans for being ravished and he sleeps.”

  Asher looked up with a ghost of a smile. “He’s weak, but he’s back. Doc says it’ll take some time to recover physically, but he’s back.”

  “Yes, he is. You’ll let us know if you need anything? Anything at all, okay?”

  Asher nodded. “He’ll want to see you.”

  “I know. I’ll be back later this evening to check on him. Right now, I’m going to ask Doc Jerrick if one of the guest cottages is open and I’m going to make this one sleep. From the looks of him, I’m guessing he hasn’t done that at all while I’ve been away.”

  “Hey,” Draco griped.

  “He didn’t,” Asher said. “At all. Apparently a nap happened earlier after a threat from Nana Jerrick.”

  Sawyer nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything else. Seriously, anything at all let us know.”


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