Tempting Calm Waters

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Tempting Calm Waters Page 12

by Samantha Wolfe

  "Am I interrupting, babe?" he asked in amusement, his lips swollen from kissing me and his hair a sexy tousled mess. His hand was still up under my skirt kneading my ass.

  I suddenly became very much aware of the show he and I were putting on for anyone to see. I was deeply mortified by that fact, but not as much as the disturbing realization that it, and watching the other couple too, had inexplicably turned me on. My face heated with embarrassment as I shot a hard glare at Scott and began pushing him away. He sat up at my prodding, but then wrapped me in his arms to hold me close when I tried to stand up and get away from him.

  "Easy, Lu," he murmured reassuringly in my ear as he rubbed my back in comforting circles. "I was just teasing you. I know this place can be really overwhelming if you're not used to it. How about we go somewhere private instead?"

  His suggestion put me at ease, and I relaxed into his arms as I nodded in reply. Scott rose and offered me his hand. I took it, enjoying his warm firm grip as I stood. Then he put an arm around my shoulders and drew me away from the happily groping couple still going at it on the other couch.

  Of course, Scott noticed me checking them out one more time and smirked at me, before leaning in close to my ear. "It's okay, babe," he said reassuringly. "I don't mind if you watch."

  I stared at him incredulously. "You don't?"

  "Nope," he replied nonchalantly. "And you know why?"

  I shook my head as I eyed him questioningly.

  His smirk faded as hungry desire darkened his gaze. "Because I'm a bit of a voyeur too," he answered in a low sexy growl that made me shiver.

  He didn't say another word as he led me across the main room toward the hallway that I knew led back to the club's private rooms. Giddy fear and fervid desire now warred for dominance inside me as I willingly followed Scott down the rabbit hole. I couldn't help wondering what I might discover about myself at the bottom, and what I'd do if it was a mistake, and I'd bitten off more than I could chew.





  "Where did you get that key card?" I asked Scott as he slid it into the door lock after it seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

  Before leaving the main club room a short while ago, Scott had stopped to check in with Pete to make sure none of our suspects were here tonight. I was relieved that he'd been serious about his promise not to let what we were about to do negatively affect our investigation. Then we'd taken what seemed like a long convoluted journey up some stairs and down several elegantly decorated hallways to get to this unassuming door with its numbered gold nameplate.

  He shot a wicked grin at me that lit up his gorgeous eyes. "I grabbed it last night when I met you here."

  I frowned at him. "You were that confident you'd need it tonight, huh?" I asked in irritation as he swung the door open.

  His smile widened and he shrugged unapologetically, before gesturing into the room with a gallant sweep of his arm.

  I shook my head in exasperation as I strode past him through the doorway. "You are such a cocky bastard."

  "Let's call it more hope, than actual confidence, babe," he said in wry amusement.

  I had a bitingly sardonic comment ready to shoot back at him, but it died unsaid on my tongue when I got a good look at the room I'd just walked into. I stopped short and stared around in shocked awe.

  The large opulent room was decorated in black and dark red with burnished gold accents. A massive bed with a tall black leather headboard dominated the far wall with deep red velvet bedding and matching downy looking sheets. The perimeter of the room was filled with dark wood BDSM furniture of all sorts, including a spanking bench upholstered in dark-red leather, a stockade, a St. Andrew's cross, and a tall whipping post. A long rack filled with whips, floggers, and a bunch of other kinky items hung along one wall with a large dresser next to it that held God knew what. There was even a huge and ornate burnished gold throne in one corner. A plush deep red and black rug was lying at the foot of the bed covering a large section of the room's gleaming dark hardwood floor. The entire room was almost over-the-top decadent and seductively sexy, but none of that was what shocked me. We were in a BDSM club after all.

  No, it was the mirrors, and they were everywhere, reflecting the warm romantic lighting all around the room. Large mounted ones in burnished gold frames were strategically placed on the walls near each piece of BDSM equipment, and another massive wide one was fixed to the wall next to the bed. Even the ceiling was made up of mirrored tiles. You couldn't do a damn thing in this room without being able to watch yourself and your partner in action, and that sudden realization had arousal instantly zinging straight down to my pussy to pool there like warm liquid heat.

  "Dios mío," I breathed out softly.

  I was barely aware of the sound of the door snicking closed behind me, and then I felt the heat of Scott's body as he came up behind me. His arms wrapped around me, and he nuzzled my ear.

  "I told you I liked to watch, Lu," he murmured in a seductive tone that made my clit pulse, and a soft moan escape my lips as I leaned back against him. "And you can call me God if you want to, babe, but I think I prefer mi Rey instead, like your new friend out in the main club room." I felt his lips pull into a smile against the soft skin of my neck. "Being called a king has a certain ring to it that suits me, don't you think?"

  "Cocky bastard," I whispered as I turned my head back toward him, so I could see his devastatingly sexy smirk.

  "You like it," he growled out with heat in his eyes. "Admit it."

  "I admit nothing," I replied in a breathless voice that belied my words as a smile pulled at the corners of my lips.

  His answering chuckle was low and husky, and sexy as all hell. He began pressing feathery kisses to my neck, making me shiver with pleasure.

  "This can go one of two ways, babe," he said between kisses. "We can fuck vanilla-style, you and me on the bed going at it like animals, or I can show you what BDSM is really like, not just the fiction we planned to sell in the public dungeon." His teeth nipped my skin, and I moaned against my will. "Keep in mind that I'm a hard and exacting Dom, and I expect obedience, so when you fight my authority or disobey me like we both know you will, Luisa, there will be consequences." His mouth moved to my ear. "Punishments," he whispered ever so softly. He bit my ear, his teeth sinking in deep, and setting off a jolt of pain that felt shockingly good. "Punishments that a sadist like me will take great pleasure in." He soothed away the pain with his tongue, making me shudder with need. "Punishments that I'll make sure you'll take great pleasure in too."

  Holy. Fuck. I suddenly felt like I was standing on a precipice, trying to decide if I should fling myself off the edge into the tempting unknown, or stay put in my safe little vanilla world where I was in control and knew what to expect. I closed my eyes and gripped his sinewy forearms tightly as fear and excitement raged inside me.

  The chaos of my childhood had given me a deep-seated need for control. Growing up, I'd had to be the responsible one when my mother was busy working or was preoccupied with her latest boyfriend. I'd stepped up and taken care of my sister and myself because I had to do it, and it cost me the carefree joy of my childhood before I even finished middle school. As an adult, I'd always been in control with my personal life and with my job, but the idea of relinquishing it for a while, of not having to worry, appealed to me even as it terrified me. Even the threat of pain didn't stifle the allure, and if anything actually made it stronger. I'd always liked rough sex and wasn't afraid of a little pain if it was laced with pleasure. Dare I give in to the dark part of myself that longed for it? Could I even do this if I tried? I didn't know what to do, and the turmoil raged inside me as I stiffened in Scott's arms.

  "Your submission is a gift you freely give, Luisa," he continued in a grave and reassuring tone. "You're the one in control, and if you trust me, I can set you free, make you soar," -his baritone voice turned soft and soothing like never before- "
I can take care of you, and take all your worries away, at least for a while. Will you let me?"

  Those last few words were the ones that finally got to me. When was the last time anyone took care of me? When was the last time I truly relaxed, and enjoyed a moment where I didn't have to worry about anything? I couldn't remember, and the weight of that realization felt heavy and burdensome. I wanted what Scott was offering me, needed it more than my next breath.

  I opened my eyes to see our reflection in one of the many mirrors. Scott's eyes were locked on my face from over my shoulder, his expression a raw mask of dark and fierce need. He wanted this too, needed it just as much as I did, for some reason, but did I trust this man to do what he was promising? The answer, though unexpected and inexplicable, was yes. I finally nodded, struggling with saying the words aloud.

  His hand abruptly lifted to wrap firmly around my chin in a commanding grip. "Luisa," he said in a stern and reprimanding voice. "You will use words when you speak to me. Understood? Now try again."

  Oh, my God. I didn't understand it, but languid pleasure seemed to ooze through every inch of me at Scott's fierce tone and rough manhandling. My body acted of its own accord and sagged back against his solid and immovable body. "Y...yes, sir," I said waveringly, calling him "sir" like we practiced last night.

  "No, not sir," he snapped out demandingly. "Try again."

  "Yes, mi Rey," I whispered, remembering his earlier suggestion that I call him my king.

  I felt him grin against my neck as his eyes shot fire at me through the mirror. "Good girl," he growled out, then nipped my ear yet again as he pulled me tighter against himself. A wave of lust swept through me from his approving words and the bite of pain. Okay then, maybe I could do this.

  "I need you to pick a safeword, Luisa," he said, then grinned. "And don't pick pendejo or gilipollas, or any other Spanish insults, because we both know you'll probably call me both or worse before we're done." Humor colored his sexy voice, and I couldn't help smiling back at him, and to my surprise, his eyes softened in reaction. "You should smile more, Lu," he said quietly, almost affectionately. "It looks beautiful on you."

  I didn't know what to say since he'd never looked at me like that before, and it hinted at a kind of relationship we would never have, couldn't have. I was sure neither of us wanted that, so I pushed those thoughts away and considered my safeword options. A moment later, I made my decision.

  "Glock," I finally said with certainty. "My safeword is Glock."

  His sudden bark of laughter was loud and glorious, making his face light up in a carefree and boyish way. "That's perfect for you, babe," he said, still chuckling softly. "Just perfect."

  He really was a beautiful man. I grinned at his reflection, but a moment later, a wave of power seemed to sweep through him, abruptly hardening his eyes and changing his demeanor into that of a man who expected obedience and woe to the person who tried to defy him. His beauty was now dark and feral as the Dom I'd only caught a glimpse of last night came to life. His power was intimidating and completely irresistible, and all I could do was hope I was ready for him to unleash it all on me.

  "Get that dress off right fucking now," Scott snarled fiercely in my ear, then abruptly stepped away leaving a cold emptiness at my back. I just stood there for a moment, stunned and off balance by the sudden loss of contact. "Was I not clear, Luisa?" he snapped out harshly. "I expect you to do what you're told."

  I turned and glared at him, but he just stared back at me, unperturbed and with an intense laser-sharp focus. He stepped forward and crossed his arms forbiddingly across his broad chest, and looked down at me from only inches away.

  "I. Said. Now," he spoke in a low menacing tone that had me immediately reaching behind my back to unzip my dress. Besides, why fight him on something I wanted to do anyway. I knew I looked damn good naked. I had years of vigorous exercise and martial arts training to thank for that, and I wanted to see his reaction to my body.

  I shimmied out of the tight dress, pushing it down over my hips and letting it fall to pool around my ankles. I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side, then stood there unashamedly in just a red lace thong for Scott's perusal. And the man liked what he saw...a lot.

  I couldn't help smirking in feminine satisfaction as he stared avidly at my bare breasts and waxed pussy with clear appreciation, his hands clenching into fists as if he was fighting the urge to touch them. Ah, a chink in the armor of his control that I couldn't help but try to exploit. I slid my hands slowly up my body and began rolling my nipples with my fingers as I let out a low moan. Scott's stiffened as his breath caught and his eyes darkened. Bingo. I smirked again.

  "Stop," Scott abruptly barked out, startling me, yet I continued tugging on my turgid nipples anyway. It felt too good to stop.

  Suddenly, Scott was surging forward. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my breasts, then whirled me around and pinned my wrists behind my back in a firm unyielding grip. His free hand snaked up to wrap around my throat as he held me flush against his body. Ordinarily, my first instinct upon being grabbed like this would be to break free immediately and defend myself. But for some reason with Scott, I liked it. All I felt was peace as he held me immobile, and I sank back against him with a soft sigh of contentment as lust pulsed through me and throbbed deeply in my core.

  "I was hoping you'd disobey me, Luisa," he murmured into my ear in a deep growling voice. "Because now I get to punish you."

  Before I could even process his words, he was scooping me up off my feet. The next thing I knew I was being placed face down on smooth red leather. I realized that I was on the spanking bench, which was basically a leather-topped table with two lower platforms for my knees to rest on that spread them apart for easy access to my most private areas. I suddenly felt unbelievably exposed and defenseless. Oh shit. A flash of panic hit me, and I started to sit up, but a warm soothing hand came to rest on my back, and I stilled.

  "Remember your safeword, Luisa," Scott said reassuringly as he leaned in close to my face. "If you need to stop, say your safeword, and this ends now. You have all the power here, not me."

  I closed my eyes as I took a shuddering breath. I willed myself to relax, taking in the feel of the cool leather on my already hard and pebbled nipples, and the deep throbbing ache between my legs. No, I most definitely did not want to stop.

  "No, mi Rey," I whimpered out in a soft needy voice. "Please don't stop."

  "Good girl," he murmured in approval as he straightened. "Now, open your eyes and look in the mirror."

  I obeyed and looked to my left to see the reflection of a fully clothed Scott standing behind me and staring at my ass with dark avarice in his eyes. Half a second later, the sound of rending fabric filled my ears, and I gasped loudly as Scott roughly tore my lace panties from my body and tossed them over his shoulder. He leaned over me then, the fabric of his suit feeling coarse on my tender skin. I wasn't sure why, but the sight in the mirror of this fully clothed man juxtaposed with my very vulnerable nakedness was probably one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen.

  "This ass, Luisa," Scott breathed out harshly against my cheek as he reached back to grab two big handfuls of my ass and squeezed. "So fucking perfect. So fucking sweet." He groaned deeply. "I'm going to turn it fire-engine red before I fuck you until you come screaming my name."

  "Yes, mi Rey," I begged. "Please, mi Rey." I writhed underneath him, rubbing my ass back against the rock-hard erection straining the zipper of his slacks, eliciting another deep groan from him.

  "Good girl." He rose up to stand behind me again, our eyes still locked through the mirror. "Feel free to wiggle and scream and curse at me in Spanish all you want, Luisa. I wanna hear you."

  Then, before I could even reply, his right hand rose up and landed hard on my right ass cheek with a loud resounding crack that echoed through the room. I cried out from the bright sting of pain that instantly bloomed across my skin. Apparently, I wasn't getting eased into my first span
king from Scott.

  I instinctively reached back to fend him off, but he grabbed my wrists firmly. He placed my hands along the edge of the spanking bench on either side of my head, telling me sternly to keep them there, or he'd spank me even harder. I let out a blistering curse in Spanish, insulting his mother and his place of birth in equal measure.

  "This is a punishment, babe," Scott said with a smirk of pure dark satisfaction as he massaged the pain away into a surprising and blissful heat that pooled in my clit. "You don't get a warm up."

  He spanked the other side next, just as hard and painfully, but he eased that into pleasure with his hands too. He continued, and rained his open palm down on me over and over again, each blow causing my sex to grow slicker and slicker as a sweet and wondrous heat warmed my flesh. I wailed and yelled out obscenities at him, my pussy yearning and aching to be filled, penetrated.

  At some point, the profanity stopped and my voice turned pleading as I began begging for his cock. At which point, he knelt behind me and started pressing gentle kisses to the fiery red skin of my ass. He reached between my legs, pressing rough fingers to my swollen and soaking wet pussy, one thick finger teasing my entrance.

  "So wet and ready, Luisa," he groaned out.

  He pulled his hand away, and I watched him through the mirror in fascination as he raised his now gleaming fingers to his lips. He slowly and carefully licked my slickness from his fingers with a deep hum of approval, his eyes fixed on mine. "So sweet. I should fuck you now, but I think I might torture you some more instead. What do you think?"

  I swore at him again, and was rewarded for my efforts with his teeth sinking into the abused skin of my poor red ass. I squealed and bucked against the spanking bench, seeking escape and relief for my unquenched desire. When I quieted, Scott was chuckling darkly as he stood up again. That wicked smirk stretched across his lips. I opened my mouth to tell him to go fuck himself, but quelled it when his hands moved to his fly.


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