He actually smiled at her. “I think I would like that.”
“Are our people safe?”
“They are, but they would want me to tell you to return quickly.”
“I will. I promise I will.” She replaced the cloth.
Sometime later, they saw the first glimpses of the watch fires of Goldgrass Hill. Alisimbo came to them both. “Tyr Treygar, I have asked that your wife and child be present when we land. Tyr Freewell, I would consider it a personal favor if you would continue immediately to other forts and holdfasts.”
She nodded. “Of course, my king. It would be my pleasure.”
Tejohn’s voice was low. “Thank you, my king.”
The cart flew unerringly to the heart of Alisimbo’s compound. “I hate how windy these carts are.” Cazia cleared her throat. “Tejohn, I’ll be taking my leave of you soon, and I don’t know how long it will be until we see each other again. Are you staying in the east?”
“I plan to offer my spear to the people who have protected my family. But in a few years, when things are settled, would you welcome me and my family at the Freewell holdfast?”
“Gladly.” She sat beside him as the cart sank toward the courtyard inside Alisimbo’s courtyard. “We really did something, didn’t we? I wouldn’t have picked the two of us to do it, but we really did something.”
Whatever response he might have made, there was no time. He vaulted over the railing just as the cart’s wheels touched the grass. Cazia saw a bright streak racing across the yard toward them; it was Ivy. She leaped up onto the rail and then threw herself at Cazia, arms wide. “Big sister!”
“Little sister,” Cazia exclaimed as she caught her. The girl dangled from her neck, her feet kicking in the air. Kinz was just a few paces behind. Cazia extended her hand to help her into the cart.
Over Ivy’s shoulder, Cazia could see Tejohn striding toward a dark-haired woman with tiny children in her arms. He dropped his helm to the grass and unbuckled his cuirass as he went.
Author's note
In modern publishing, there is no force more powerful than word of mouth. If you liked this trilogy, please tell your friends. Write a blog post, post a review somewhere, tweet about it, even mention it during a face-to-face conversation, if people still have those.
And I don't just mean my books; tell the world about all the things you enjoy. Make yourself heard. Readers who share their enthusiasm are more powerful than any Hollywood marketing campaign.
Thank you.
This book would have been impossible without the support of my Kickstarter backers. Thank you all very much.
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The Way Into Darkness: Book Three of The Great Way Page 43