Part of Me (Jessa & Paxton #1)

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Part of Me (Jessa & Paxton #1) Page 13

by Haven Francis

  “Be patient,” I tell her, turning her around and pulling her back into me.

  Jessa’s staring right at me. She’s definitely pissed. I don’t know if it’s ‘cause of this morning or ‘cause of the chick. Either way, I’ve got to apologize for the shit I said to her. She looks away from me and when Violet takes a hold of her hand and pulls her toward the bar, she goes. My dick is hard, simply because I looked at her in her tight jeans and her black tank top. This is her I’m having a bad day and I don’t give a shit look. The girl is almost always put together but I like her like this – sloucher clothes, combat boots, ponytail and nothing on her face but her turquoise eyes and her Chapstick covered lips. The girl feels my reaction to Jessa and she pushes her ass into me and grabs hard to my upper thighs.

  I try not to stare, but when Jessa leaves the bar I can tell she’s heading for me. She gets to the table I’m at and sets down three shots. “What’s up, Jess?”

  “How’s it going, asshole?” she says with a smile. “I’m Jessa,” she tells the girl, holding out her hand.

  “Sadie,” she says with an edge to her voice; intimidated by Jessa’s presence and reacting to the threat, but she holds out her hand for Jessa to shake.

  “Nice to meet you,” Jessa says. “I bought you a shot. Hope you like tequila,” she tells her with a genuine smile before handing Sadie the shot. She hands one to me too and clinks her glass against mine, then Sadie’s saying, “To new friends,” before pouring hers down her throat. “It was nice to meet you, Sadie,” she says before walking away from us and grabbing a cue from the rack.

  “You too,” Sadie tells her, her tone no longer aggressive.

  What the fuck? Either Jessa’s better at this game than I ever gave her credit for or she really does not give a shit who I put my dick in.

  Billy and his girl come and join us at our table while Jessa, Louis, Jimmy and Violet start a new game. I turn my ass around and Sadie hops up on a stool next to me, keeping a hold of my bicep. Billy raises his eyebrows at me and I shake my head. I try to stay in the conversation but I can’t help looking over my shoulder every few minutes. Jessa is sexy as hell, leaned over the table, sinking shots. She’s talking and laughing, never even looks my way. “You want another drink, beautiful?” I ask Sadie.

  “No, not really. I kind of just want to go,” she tells me, making her eyes all big like I need assistance getting her hint.

  “You are greedy,” I say, lowering my mouth to her ear, biting down on it. “I’m gonna take you home, but I’m not gonna tell you again – you have to be patient. I’ll let you know when it’s time to go.” When I pull away from her ear to look at her she’s literally panting. I leave her hot and bothered and head towards the bar making a detour to Jessa.

  When she sees me she gives me another smile like she didn’t attack my nads this morning. “Do I need to protect myself,” I ask her, holding my hand protectively over my dick.

  “Maybe,” she says. “Depends on what you’re going to say to me.”



  “And I was wrong. That shit I said to you… it’s none of my business. If you want to whore around town, go right ahead. I’m not gonna stop you.”

  She pushes her hand into my chest. “Wrong answer, especially since you are the one about to take down that sweet little girl over there and I’m clearly not in the position to be taken by anyone.”

  “You’re right,” I tell her. “If I’m going to sleep with whoever I want, I can’t be telling you not to. Just watch yourself, beso.”

  “I think you need to watch yourself,” she says, looking over my shoulder. “Sadie looks like she’s next in line to tear your balls off. You better go give her what she wants before that happens.”

  I look at Jessa, waiting for any reaction other than nonplused and at ease, but I don’t get one. “I don’t think it’s me she wants to hurt.”

  “Ooh, a cat fight! Haven’t been in one of those in a while but I think I’ve had enough fighting for one day. Give her my number- I’ll reschedule when I’m feeling feistier.”

  “You’re up, bitch,” Violet calls across the table.

  “That’d be me,” Jessa says, wrapping her arms around me and putting her soft, fat lips on mine, tugging at my flesh. Before I can react, she pulls away and looks into my eyes. “Here’s to hoping she takes her jealously out on your balls,” she whispers before walking away.

  Chapter 12 - Jessa

  I hear giggling behind my closed door and I want to puke. Violet rolls her eyes and turns up the volume on the TV. I knew Paxton was going to screw that girl last night, but I figured he’d take her back to her place.

  When I walked into that bar with Violet, the one that Paxton invited us to, my only intention was to try and talk to him and work things out. I didn’t tell Violet what he had said to me because she’s his friend before she’s mine and I don’t want to put her in the middle of us. I just sat, thinking my confusing thoughts alongside her for a couple of hours as she worked.

  After what Emily said to me I started thinking about us; me and Pax. She may have been right - that’s what I was beginning to think. And if she was, I was prepared to work things out with him. If what he wanted was me, and whether he wanted part of me, or all of me, I was prepared to sit down and talk to him and figure it out because the only thing I knew was that I couldn’t lose Paxton and I would do anything to hold onto him.

  But as we walked into that bar and I saw him – making out with some chick, his hands all over her ass, his face mauling hers- I knew Emily’s words were all wrong. It made me nauseous. But I’m not a jealous bitch and I wasn’t going to start looking like one because I was pissed at his hypocritical ass. I managed to ignore them most of the night, even when they left together.

  What I should have done was take home a guy and finally get a decent make out session in, but I wasn’t in the right headspace last night. All I wanted to do was get home and enjoy a night in my bed, alone, without Paxton’s drama. But as we walked through the door it was clear that wasn’t happening. A trail of clothes led from the front door right to my room.

  I went to bed in Violet’s room but I didn’t get much sleep. I just kept bracing for the sounds of sex that I was sure were going to come from my room. All I could do was hope Paxton got it on in the flower bed and didn’t end up tainting both of them.

  We were spared from the evening activities but Violet and I just got done trying to drown out the obnoxious sounds of the girl moaning and screaming. Vi’s been giving me a play by play of her former experiences with her over-sexed ex-roommate. She’s pretty sure they’re going to go one more round so when I hear the door open I let out a breath of relief.

  I can’t help but turn and look as Paxton strolls out in a pair of sweatpants – the good kind that hang low on his hips, revealing the indents around his pelvic bone, which I can see since he’s not wearing a shirt. His hair is a mess from his morning activities, and his lips are redder and puffier than normal. He winks at me, like the asshole he is, right before the blonde from the bar comes walking out behind him. Thank God someone retrieved her clothes in the middle of the night, not that they cover her up very well, but I’m not interested in seeing vagina.

  The girl makes the walk of shame past Vi and me but doesn’t seemed ashamed. “This is where it starts to get entertaining,” Vi tells me, leaning into my ear, staring at Paxton and Sadie with anticipation. Paxton’s got her at the door now, opened it up for her and everything. She stops and wraps a hand around his naked stomach and uses the other one to pull her phone out of her purse. “Here it goes,” Vi whispers.

  “Give me your number, I’ll call you later and we can do it again.”

  “No thanks,” he tells her, flatly.

  She pauses and turns her eyes to him, which I can’t see, but I’m sure are filled with shock or anger. “What?”

  “It was fun, doll, maybe we’ll do it again if I happen to run into you and I’m plaste
red enough, but I don’t want you calling me.”

  She shoves her phone in her purse and then uses the same hand to try and smack him. Paxton moves his head back and her hand smashes into the door. She raises it again- looks like it’s in a fist this time. Paxton grabs it and uses it to pull her out the door. You can still hear her long string of obscenities after Paxton is safely back in the apartment and has the door shut and locked behind him.

  “Don’t you have a reputation by now? I mean, is there a girl in this city who doesn’t have a friend who has already been fucked and forgotten by you?” Vi asks him through her laughter.

  “She’s livin in the ‘burbs,” he says casually, walking across the room and collapsing next to me, flinging his arm around my shoulder.

  “Ugh, get your stinky hand off me. It smells like fifth degree yeast infection.”

  He laughs but doesn’t remove it. “Like I touched her.”

  “What the hell does that mean? You didn’t get her off?”

  “Yeah, I got her off. I don’t need my fingers to make that happen.”

  “I heard the moaning. It was really good, but not real. Girls don’t get off by having a guy inside of them. Don’t you know that?”

  “Ah, Jess. That’s so sad. You’ve never been fucked properly. I mean, I knew Dylan wasn’t capable, but there had to be someone, right? River Bluff was teaming with well-endowed studs, right?”

  “Size has nothing to do with it.”

  “She’s right,” Vi says.

  “Size does matter but you also have to know what you’re doing. I’ll show you if you want me too.”

  “Yes, please Paxton. I’m dying to have an STD- they seem so awesome.”

  “You need to get schooled. There are three things I have in abundance – a big dick, the skills to use it, and a value sized box of XL condoms.”

  I’ve felt the size of the penis pushing into my back and I’ve also seen the box of condoms in his duffle and, truth be told, the way he made that girl scream didn’t actually sound fake to me so I don’t really have a good retort.

  “Your head is so big I might have to kick you out of here,” Vi says. “There’s not room for all of us in this apartment.”

  “It’s the truth, babe,” he tells her, removing his arm from my shoulder and slapping me on my bare thigh before standing and heading to the shower.

  “Gross,” I mutter to myself, but what I’m thinking about are his words and if it’s really possible for him to give a girl an orgasm with nothing but his penis. I lose myself in the thought for a few minutes until Vi lets out a long sigh.

  “At least he got his poison out – he seems like he’s in a better mood today.”

  “Yeah, as long as Paxton’s happy, who gives a shit that I have to do laundry to remove the crabs from my room.”

  Vi laughs, but really it’s not that funny. “I’ll help you,” she says, standing and pulling me off the couch.

  When we walk into the room I’m relieved to see that the sunny side of the room is the one that looks like a pair of wolves were living there. “God damn it,” Violet mutters, going to the bedside table where all of her props are scattered on the floor and her lamp is shattered. “What the hell goes on in here? Those hos are always breaking my lamps. Ugh, he’s lucky I charge him so much to live here.”

  “I’ll go get a garbage bag and the vacuum,” I tell her before heading out into the kitchen. He really is an asshole.

  I scrounge around the cabinets until I find the garbage bags and also the Lysol and paper towels. I tuck it all under my arm before going to the hall closet and grabbing the vacuum. I run into Paxton, all fresh and clean form his shower, in the hall way.

  “Is it cleaning day?” he asks me.

  “Yes. Specifically it’s disinfecting, replacing a lamp for you dear friend Violet, and laundry day,” I tell him, handing my supplies over.

  He takes them and tells me, “Now that I got a woman living in my room I have to keep it all neat and tidy, huh?”

  “No, Paxton. Just free of bodily fluids and small creatures that live in the pubic hairs of girls that go home with strangers. Whores I believe is the word you use to describe girls like me and Sadie,” I tell him, laughing because the look on his face is priceless. He doesn’t mind inserting himself into a girl like her but the very possible fact that she might be infected has him looking like he’s going to hurl.

  “I told you I was sorry, kid. I didn’t mean that shit I said to you.”

  “I’m just fucking with you, Pax. You don’t have to get all melodramatic. But you do have to go help Vi. I suggest you find the dirty XL condoms before she does. She’s not happy about her lamp.”

  His jaw goes tense and his nostrils flare, but then he heads into the room.

  Vi immediately jumps into her rant while Paxton and I start picking up pieces of glass and throwing them into the trash bag. “Was this your fault or Sadie’s?” I ask him about the lamp.

  “Can you please stop talking about her,” he mutters.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest your girl was a spaz, I was just curious. I didn’t peg her as the dramatic type… she seemed so sweet and innocent at the bar last night,” I prod him because it’s clear I’m getting on his nerves.

  “I undo the meekest of them. What can I say?”

  “You can say that next time you’ll take your circus act to the chick’s place. Vi and I shouldn’t have to be cleaning up after you and Sadie,” I tell him, standing to help Vi strip the bed.

  When I turn around, Paxton is staring at me like he’s confused. “What? Do you like to keep the sheets dirty as a souvenir?”

  His expression becomes hard before it becomes cocky. “You girls have fun. I’m gonna get out of here for a while,” he says, turning for the door.

  “You’re such an asshole, Paxton,” Vi calls after him.

  He lifts his hand like he’s waving her off. All I can do is laugh. Who the hell is this kid?

  Chapter 13 - Paxton

  I took a walk after the girls and I cleaned up after that chick to try and clear my head. I thought I knew Jessa. I thought that we were in agreement about the fact that we wanted each other, but hell, she’s killing me.

  Last night was a disaster. That girl, Sadie, as Jessa insists on referring to her every five seconds, was a sloppy mess. We stayed at that bar until it was clear that Jessa wasn’t going to give a second of her time to any of the many men who hit on her last night. That right there threw me. No one was stopping her, she could have done whatever the hell she wanted, but she didn’t do anything… outside of kissing me with her sweet, fat lips. Maybe she wasn’t in the mood – which seemed unlikely since she made it blatantly obvious how much she needed some action. It could have been that Billy was right – she saw me with a girl and her focus shifted to us. That seemed unlikely too since all of my flaunting had little effect on her.

  I decided to push the jealously theory all the way though. I didn’t want to have to go through this bullshit again with some different chick, so I brought the blonde home. She had her clothes peeled off before we even got to mine and Jessa’s bedroom. She was sloppy drunk, knocked all the shit off Vi’s table before laying down, spread eagle, in the bed. I had no intention of doing anything with the girl, knowing that Jessa was not there to react. She threw a hissy fit but I wasn’t really that worried about her needs. I woke up in the middle of the night, collecting the girl’s clothes from the living room and checking to see that Jessa’s boots were by the door, but not some man’s. I went back to bed thinking that that had to have affected her – coming home and knowing that I was in our room with another chick.

  When I woke up again, it was from a dream about Jessa and to a hand wrapped around my cock. When I opened my eyes and saw who I was with I closed them again. Sadie tried her damndest, but I couldn’t pull anything off with her. When she mounted me and started dry humping me over my underwear I let her do her thing, listening to her obnoxious screams and moans. She got hers
elf off then snuggled into me, satisfied. I, obviously, got her the hell out of there immediately.

  I had done everything in my power to make Jessa see that if she wasn’t going to be mine then someone else would but none of that shit mattered because Jessa was her same smartass, playful, unaffected self all morning. Even helped clean up the mess from the night before.

  I just keep thinking how I would have reacted if the tables were turned. I would have gone ballistic. I sure as shit wouldn’t have been capable of holding a normal conversation with the girl. I wouldn’t have even been able to look at the bed, much less strip the sheets off and wash them.

  The only time I even heard a crack in her voice was when I told her that I didn’t need to touch a girl’s clit to get her off. Her voice, when she told me that wasn’t possible, was strained. The idea that she has never come from the inside is fucking great.

  Maybe she doesn’t want me, but maybe she wants what I can do for her enough to stop trying to get it from someone else. She doesn’t believe me though, so maybe I’ll just have to show her.

  When I get back to the apartment, Vi is gone and I hear the shower running. I go to our bed and wait patiently for Jessa.

  She comes walking into the room with her long, wet hair and her tiny, short robe and I can see the heat coming off her skin, I can feel it. “Come here, Jess,” I tell her.

  “Jesus, you scared me. I thought you left,” she says, going to her closet.

  “Don’t get dressed, beso. Come here.”

  She turns from her closet and comes to me. “What’s up, Pax?” she asks like she already knows and isn’t gonna play my game.

  I sit up and grab her hand, pulling her so she’s against the pillows, one leg touching the ground, one folded on the bed.

  “What are you doing, Pax?” she asks quietly when both of my hands grab both of her hot, damp thighs.


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