Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 8)

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Cocky Senator's Daughter: Hannah Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 8) Page 8

by Faleena Hopkins

  Sofia lays her napkin across her lap and announces, “Hate to tell you this, Andy, but when you meet Emma, you won’t want me anymore. She’s more your speed.”

  “You’re not my speed?”


  He laughs to himself, not offended in the slightest. “You were going to hook up with Jonas, but not me, huh?”

  I already knew he didn’t have a chance, and why. But I never get tired of Sofia Sol’s truth-bombs, so I grab a bite of squid and smile as she lifts her empty glass for the server to refill, telling Andy, “Jonas would have been a plaything to throw away after one use. You’re too good for that. You’ve got marriage and babies all over you and I’d just break your fuckin’ heart. Why? Because I’m not looking for good.”

  Andy stares at her, dark brown eyes flickering under the impact of her compliment.

  As the server places the bottle of champagne back in the ice bucket, Sofia glances to Tobias to add, “You should hire Andy. He won’t fuck you over.”

  The two men stare at her in silence. After this and what she said about Chester to Jonas, neither man doubts her instincts.

  “We’ll test it out,” Tobias rumbles.

  Andy brightens, locking eyes with him. “I’ll show you what I can do.”

  “Mmm,” Tobias hums, eyelashes dropping to his fingers as they trail along my flesh.

  Tap That - Tobias

  With our dinner plates cleared, Sofia and Andy are debating the value of combat training when you’re eating healthy food vs. junk food – which Sofia loves and thinks you should be entitled to eat when you work out as hard as she does.

  Hannah excuses herself to the bathroom.

  Her luscious ass ticks slowly back and forth on her languid stroll inside, and the night breeze lifts that flaxen hair revealing tense shoulder blades.

  She’s aware I’m watching.

  Think I’ll follow her…

  The main dining room is bursting with conversation but my sole focus is Hannah Cocker. That photograph is still in my mind, the private sadness captured and posted forever on the Internet. I wish I could find who put it there so I could make them take it down. I want it to be mine, not shared.

  I don’t like sharing.

  She glances around for where the restroom is. A female server points her in the right direction and I continue my pursuit, walking faster. As she turns a corner I feel my blood quicken — my pace, too. I call out, “Hannah!” to turn her around.

  “Yes?” Confusion clouds those ice-green eyes of hers. I want to see them in the daytime. I bet they’re white-green and supernatural looking in the sunlight. I’m into it.

  Her lips part as I slide my fingers in her hair and pull her to me in a hot kiss. She makes a surprised sound and her breath hitches through her nose as I press her into the wall between the men’s and women’s restrooms. Oh fuck, I love how her hands are sliding up my chest, feeling me up.

  She likes my muscles, so I flex ‘em and slide my tongue into her mouth. But she pushes me back and I break free to search for what she wants from me.

  Her frown says she’s not sure if she should punch me.

  Guess she decided not to because her fingers lace into my hair and she pulls me in for more.

  Fuck I want this woman so bad.

  I groan with desire as our tongues reach for each other. A soft moan slides into my mouth from hers as I rake clawed fingers down her skintight dress. Her breasts crush harder into my chest as she breathes sharply in, pulling away from my lips for air. “Stop. We’re in public.”

  Her eyes flash over my shoulder as a guy walks out of the men’s room and pauses as he sees us wrapped around each other against this wall.

  Pushing me away, Hannah tries to act like nothing just happened.

  Oh it fucking happened all right.

  “Excuse me,” she whispers, almost to herself, heading to the door with the big silver ‘W’ on it. She pauses and glances over her shoulder at me.

  “Is it a single stall?” I rasp.

  Her eyelashes flutter, knowing I’m asking because if it is, I’m coming in.

  I wait with building curiosity and an aching need to kiss her again. Feel her curves. See how wet I just made her.

  This is taking too long.

  She’s turning my offer down.

  Or there’s a line of women I can’t see.

  But then like a fucking fantasy she appears, so beautiful I can’t stop staring at her. My cock is hard and hungry. Brain’s in my crotch.

  But she searches the hallway past me. I glance behind wondering what she’s looking for. There’s no one here but me. Turning back to her with questions in my eyes I see her waving me in.

  Oh. She was making sure no one would witness this.

  The girl’s bred right.

  And here I am acting like an animal.

  To me, who cares what anyone thinks when you find someone you want as much as I want her.

  Hannah backs up as I lock us inside.

  “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to let you in, Tobias.”

  “What made you say yes?”

  “Her,” she whispers, pointing to her hidden pussy.

  Cupping the back of her head I crash our mouths together and hook my other hand around her thigh, bringing it up so I can get in there and grind.

  Our breathing gets coarse as she rubs her panties against my crotch like she can’t get enough. I glance down and see my jeans have little marks on them.

  “You’re sopping wet,” I groan, aching to fuck her.

  “Am I?” she murmurs, eyelids heavy.

  “I’m gonna do more than kiss you.” I slip my tongue inside her lips as my calloused fingers travel over her G-string, and run along and under the elastic edge.

  Hannah moans and bucks her hips once. My cock strains to get out and I’m fucking panting now.

  I slip my index, middle and ring finger under the panties and over her mound, the middle one slipping in to see how slippery she really is. Oh fuck. She’s drenched and I have to pull away from the kiss so I can watch her face as I stroke her tender clit, barely touching it. “Oh, please,” she moans, closing her eyes a hot moment. “Harder.”

  “You don’t really want that,” I rasp. “It just feels like you do. Trust me. The tension is building. You feel that?” She nods, frowning sensually. “You’re starting to tremble. Your pussy is melting my hand. You feel how hot you are, babe?”

  “Uh huh,” she moans, grabbing my head and slamming her mouth to mine. I grunt and press one of my fingers into her opening, holding there before I slide out to focus on her clit again. That’s where the heat is. I can make her burn for me. I can make her beg me to fuck her if I wanted to. Right now I just want to make her squirm. See how high-pitched her whimpers can get.

  She breaks from my lips and stifles a cry as I crook my index finger and work her into a frenzy.

  She starts to whimper just like I thought she would. She closes her eyes, brow pierced with aching heat. “What are you doing to me, Tobias?” She genuinely looks confused that she’s this turned on.

  “Never had a man make you cum like this, babe?”

  She shakes her beautiful head and then bangs it against the wall as her body writhes and bucks against mine. She nearly broke my knuckles against the plaster since I’m still fisting her hair.

  “Careful now,” I chuckle. “It’s coming. You don’t have to reach for it. I’ll take you there.” Cupping her head so she doesn’t hurt hers.

  I drop to my knees and shove my face in her pussy, pulling the thong aside and sliding my tongue over her swollen clit. She bites her forearm, crying out into her skin as I find that sweet spot where she’s most sensitive, teasing it and slipping one finger into her pussy to finger-fuck her, adding to the thrill of the licks.

  She moans, “Oh my God, Tobias!” and her pussy clenches. I keep teasing her, decreasing the pressure so that it’s not over too quickly. I like to really make it ache. She cries out into her arm again,
quivering as her pussy contracts in long hot throbs. Fuck she tastes good.

  And she just confessed no one’s ever done this for her.

  She wasn’t playing. That was no virginal bullshit act. She was stunned.

  Which kind of blows my mind.

  Rising up I lock eyes with her and wipe my mouth with my forearm. She’s panting and blinking at me.

  I jog my finger in the air. “I know what you’re thinking. Not here.”



  God, I love that she wants me this badly.

  So hard to wait.

  But waiting makes it that much better.

  Running the hot tap until it’s warm enough, I soak a few paper towels and kneel down to clean her up. The woman’s dripping, part me but mostly her.

  She stares at me like I’m not real.

  “It’s what gentlemen do.”

  A smile flashes and she teases, “Like opening a car door?”

  “Exactly.” I give her mound one last kiss and adjust her panties, rising up to toss the towels in the trash.

  Hannah whispers, “You leave first.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I smile, turning to the mirror and adjusting my package. “Calm down boy, she’s not going anywhere.”

  Hannah mutters, “Cocky fucker.”

  On my way out, I meet her eyes, “That was just a taste of what I can do.”

  Kissed-raw lips part as I stroll on out of here. A woman in her seventies stares at me – this city is full of retirees.

  I tip my head to her. “There was a line for the men’s.”

  “Oh,” she says, finding my reason acceptable.

  But then Hannah follows me out and nods to her, too.

  Chuckling I glance back to watch the woman peering into the bathroom, realizing what really just went down.

  Gave her some juicy gossip for game night. Do you know what the kids are doing these days?!!


  Need More More More - Hannah

  At the table Sofia spots me and her eyes flit to Tobias. A knowing smile appears, and I overhear her tell Andy, “I think this place is tired, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, you wanna go somewhere else?”

  Tobias slips onto his chair like a Lion taking his place on a mountaintop, and turns his head to watch me round the table and take the seat beside him. His deep voice betrays nothing of what happened between us as he offers, “Let’s walk on the sand.”

  “Yes, the beach!” Sofia grins, leaning back in her chair as if it’s been decided.

  I’m floating on air. Whatever they want to do is fine by me. Tobias took hold of me and didn’t let go until he promised there would be more. It’s all I can do to not grin like a schoolgirl.

  “Let’s pick up a pint of something,” Andy suggests as he opens up the leather bill holder. His credit card sits in it, and he lifts the pen and signs his name.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Tobias growls, reaching for it.

  Andy jumps out of his chair, and holds the paid tab out of reach. “I got this.” Off Tobias’s look he says with complete seriousness, “You just gave me the chance of a lifetime. I’m gonna show you who I am.”

  “Show me by booking more fights.”

  Andy signs the receipt while standing, his muscular body turned away so Tobias can’t try anything funny. “I’m gonna do more than that.” Over his shoulder he smirks at his friend. “You just watch.”

  Sofia and I are staring at the new World Heavyweight Champion for his reaction. He’s skeptical, no sign of hope in his eyes. He blinks to me and a light appears in them, but it has nothing to do with Andy. A small smile turns up the corners of my mouth as neither of us looks away. He lays his hand on the table, palm up. I glance to it, hesitating, but slide mine onto his. Thick fingers wrap and give me a strong squeeze.

  “You like the sand?” he asks, his voice low and meant for just me.

  “I love it.”

  “You wanna take a walk with me?”

  I whisper, “Yes,” feeling oddly shy.

  “Good. Because I wanna show you how beautiful Boca can be.” He kisses my fingertips and murmurs, “But just warning you, ya might not wanna leave.”

  Andy asks, “You guys ready?” eyes are on my cousin.

  The boys let us girls walk into the restaurant first and Sofia slips her hand around my waist to whisper, “Having fun?”

  “Nah,” I smile. “I’m having a fucking blast.”

  “Did you?”

  “No, not that,” I whisper as we nod goodbye to the hostess on our way out.

  “Other things?”


  “Ooooh I’m so excited for you.”

  “Tell Emma hands off.”

  Sofia chuckles under her breath. “Pretty sure that’s unnecessary. This beast only has eyes for you.” She glances over her shoulder and I do, too. Tobias is watching me, and she’s right, he’s locked onto me like there is no one else in the world he’d rather look at. “Hey Andy! Where are we getting this boozy pint of num num you talked about?”

  He grins at her. “You just let us take care of that.”

  A cab ride to a hip liquor store later and we’ve got two small bottles of whiskey for the guys, and one vodka for Sofia and I to share as we step onto the beach.

  The guys are behind us, talking about the fight. They’re in such a heat over it I think it must be the first chance they’ve had to discuss his win since the judges ruled in his favor.

  With the cool sand slipping between our toes, Sofia and I carry our heels by their straps and stare up at the sky. Dreamily she says, “When we’re at the plantation, there are so many more. You can see the Milky Way!”

  “I remember you showed me that when we were little,” I murmur, staring upward. “The city lights obscure some of the stars here.”

  “Yeah,” she whispers. “But we know they’re up there.”



  “It’s been so great spending this time with you.”

  She glances to me, lights from the pier tracing her face. “Yeah?”

  “We don’t get to see you that much.” My eyelashes drop toward the sand. “All the cousins talk about it. All of us wish you were raised in Atlanta.”

  Looping her arm through mine she reminds me, “If I was, I wouldn’t be who I am.”

  “I know.”

  “I wouldn’t have helped all the people I’ve helped, Hannah.”

  “I know.”

  We walk in silence a while with the waves crashing to our right, their reach just shy of our bare toes.

  Sofia offers, “I sometimes feel on the outside.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I’m very close to Celia. She’s my best friend, but she’s not blood like you guys.” Gazing up at the sky, Sofia explains, “Being raised in a house with so many people, I’ve never been lonely except for the times when I go to Atlanta and I see you and Ben and Emma and Ethan laughing about things I wasn’t a part of. And Max? He and Caden both revere you, and they’re so relaxed when you’re around. But with me they’re stiff. Remember when Grams was sick in the hospital and you left me alone with them to get us something to drink from the vending machines? Conversation just stopped. They don’t know how to talk to me. And I feel the exact same way. It makes me a little sad.”

  “They’re the eldest children of my dad’s twin, so of course they’re closer to me because of that connection. But Soph, one time when you left, Max told Caden they should take a road trip to Louisiana to spend time with you. Did they ever do it?”

  “No,” she whispers.

  “Is it good to know they wanted to, at least?”

  She nods a little and eyes me. “They said that?”

  “Yes. If anything they’re in awe of you. You’re very loved. Never forget it.”

  Sofia holds my unwavering look, smiles, and for a second I barely recognize her because she looks so much younger and very vulnerable. �
�I love you guys, too. I can’t wait for Emma to get here. We’re going to have so much fun! Boca won’t know what hit it!”

  “But she’s pissed she wasn’t invited earlier.”

  “She’ll get over it.”

  Tobias calls up, “You cold, ladies?”

  We both glance back and shake our heads. It’s a beautiful night out. She slows and asks Andy, “Can I try whatever the fuck you called that?”

  He laughs, “Sure, if you’ll give me a little taste of that clear crap you’re drinking.”

  “Stoli is not crap.”

  “There are better vodkas.”

  “I like what I like!” She throws up her hands, rolling her eyes yet slowing to join him.

  Tobias takes my cousin’s place, strolling up to me as they fall back. Pier lights trace his face and the angles are sharp and powerful. I love how he walks, like every step makes the ground shudder.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  Smiling, I run my hands through my hair to tame it from the warm night breeze. He and I walk beside each other in no hurry to break the peace with idle conversation. I glance to him from under my eyelashes. Heat floods my cheeks as lust-filled images play themselves out while I gaze at his handsome profile.

  I wonder how many women he’s had. A professional fighter traveling the world has probably had hundreds throwing their panties at him in every language. If I weren’t so excited to be here I might get jealous at the thought but, frankly, I’m grateful he’s learned how to do what he just did to me.

  My first time was with a guy so small I had to break up with him immediately afterward. Can’t remember what lie I told him to save his ego, but it was the size of my pinky and even at fifteen I knew I needed way more than that lip balm stick to commit to. I waited for the next time until I was eighteen as a promise to Jaimie, my stepmother. We made a deal, she and I, and it was a very emotional day I’ll never forget. Tore down any remaining walls she and I had between us from her not being my real mom.

  But back to the men. Every one has tried my patience until my hope was nothing but a nub smaller than that first guy’s little cock, which is saying a lot. Or a little.


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