The Road to L.A.

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The Road to L.A. Page 8

by Buchanan, Gina

  “This is so exciting!” Susan piped with her usual effervescence. “Where’s Jake?”

  Susan turned then and caught sight of her boyfriend and the rest of the band several feet away. She shrieked with excitement and ran over to him, catching him off guard. He had to steady himself. John put his guitar down and laughed.

  “Why is she here?” Amanda fumed, making no effort to hide her aggravation.

  Carly shrugged her shoulders, trying to appear indifferent. She glanced over at the couple, noting how Jake’s arms were wrapped around Susan’s waist and how close his face was to hers. Her heart sank unexpectedly when she saw Jake bend down to give Susan a kiss. She quickly turned away. She was immensely grateful when their kiss was interrupted by the announcer’s sudden appearance. He informed the band that the show would be starting in about ten minutes. Susan had already disentangled herself from Jake and stood next to Carly and Amanda while the Flaming Dogs prepared themselves. Ten minutes later, Carly’s apprehension intensified. She checked her watch. Not much longer, she thought to herself. Finally, after much anticipation, the Flaming Dogs were announced. As the band members assembled on stage, Carly could hear the excited shouts and fanatic cheers from the crowd. She could have sworn she heard someone yell Jake’s name. The rock music began to blare, consuming the entire building and almost shaking it to its very core. She could feel the vibrations coursing through her as the heavy music pounded with an enthralling, rhythmic beat. She watched Jake onstage. His hands worked at the guitar as though he had been born to do it. She watched those strong hands intently and was thrust into a delightful fantasy. Those hands were all over her body now, touching and lightly squeezing her supple breasts, then slowly and purposefully trailing down her stomach to explore her inner depths. She felt his fingers push her panties to the side and gently rub her clitoris. And then they thrust deep inside of her - hard at first, then taking on a steady pace until they were completely covered in her moistness. Carly gasped and shook herself out of it, embarrassed by her brazen - yet titillating - thoughts. She could feel the wetness of her panties, and her embarrassment only deepened. She tried to focus on the music and to redirect her attention on Jake's presence on the stage. She soon came to the realization that she now saw him in a completely different light and it jolted her to the very core. Her awareness of him took on a whole new dimension. And she liked it - was deeply attracted to it. He was so impassioned as he played his music, and it caused such a stir inside of her.

  “Wow, the crowd’s really going wild out there,” Amanda remarked, bobbing her head to the music.

  "Insane," was all Aaron said.

  “Yeah,” Carly concurred.

  She continued to stare at him, surrounded by the lights. The energy inside the club was all-engrossing, taking hold with such brute force that one couldn't help but feel exuberant.

  In the middle of Jake's solo during a break in the last song, Susan appeared with her cell phone in hand. She asked nonchalantly, “Did I miss anything?”

  “You're, like, missing Jake’s solo right now,” Amanda answered sardonically. She rolled her eyes in disgust.

  “I wasn’t asking you,” Susan snorted, scowling at the twin.

  “Quiet, you guys,” Carly shushed them. She didn't want to miss a single moment of her best friend's solo.

  Susan yawned and replied in a softer tone, "Whatever, Carly. I’m so ready to go home.” When the song finally ended and the crowd exploded into wild applause, Carly turned to Susan.

  “Did you even enjoy the show?”

  “How would she know? She wasn’t even here for half of it,” Amanda cut in.

  Susan haughtily turned to Amanda. "So I get a lot of phone calls. I can’t help it that I’m popular. Unlike some people around here, I have a life.”

  Carly groaned and intuitively stepped between the two bickering girls, knowing full well that the remark would spark violence and Amanda would be out for Susan’s blood. Just as expected, Amanda struggled against Carly to get at Susan. Carly was grateful when the band members assembled backstage again, because Jake was able to sweep Susan away before Amanda could cause any damage to his frail girlfriend.

  “She’s lucky Jake saved her,” Amanda said through clenched teeth.

  Carly and Aaron shook their heads in unison.

  “I think they really like us,” Sid laughed as the thunderous cheers from the audience filtered backstage. Carly could hear the crowd chanting for the band to make another appearance. The club’s owner appeared and tried to persuade the Flaming Dogs to perform one more song.

  “Look, those guys out there can’t seem to get enough of you,” the owner said, wiping the sweat from his glistening forehead with a handkerchief he carried in his jacket pocket.

  “I don’t know. I think we’re pretty much done for the night,” Garrett replied wearily.

  “You shitting me? Can’t you hear them out there screaming for the Flaming Dogs?” the owner exclaimed. He appeared to be in utter disbelief over Garrett's refusal to oblige their fans.

  Carly couldn’t help but notice that even though the owner was a portly man who seemed to perspire at the slightest exertion, he was brimming with energy.

  “Fine, looks like we’re performing another song,” Garrett responded, giving in to the corpulent club owner. “How ‘bout we do Lonely Road?”

  Jake seemed a bit worried and said, “I don’t think I’ve had much practice on that one.”

  Garrett only smiled at him and said with positive conviction, “I have a feeling you’ll do fine with it.”

  Jake followed his band mates onstage, and the audience cheered as the group assembled before them to play Lonely Road. Just as predicted, Jake didn’t miss a single note and actually did better than he himself expected. The crowd again went wild at the end of the song, and their applause and satiated cheers served to confirm the band’s success for the night. Carly smiled to herself and clapped aloud. Following the band's final retreat backstage, Jake caught sight of his best friend. He put his arms around her in a tight embrace. She felt as if Jake were squeezing the life out of her, his embrace was so strong. She had to get on tiptoe so she could throw her arms around his neck and give him an innocent peck on the cheek.

  “You did great,” she whispered in his ear.

  "Thank you for being here. I knew you were right here the whole time, supporting me," he replied.

  “Excuse me, Missy. My turn.”

  Carly turned and saw Amanda standing before them, her hands on her hips in an expectant pose. Carly moved aside so Amanda could have her fair share of Jake. After all, congratulations were in order. Carly figured Susan would be next in line. She sought out the blonde girl, but to no avail. Garrett noticed Carly’s quizzical expression. He set his guitar down and whistled in Carly's direction. Turning to face him, Garrett smiled and said, "If you’re looking for the blonde, she left. She got a phone call.”

  After a brief pause he added, "By the way, how'd you like the show? I noticed you were glued to the stage the whole time."

  Carly was a bit surprised that he had been so aware of her presence. Had he taken note of Amanda's presence too? Of Aaron's? Or just hers? She smiled at him - which was not an easy feat - and retorted, “I loved it. You guys were phenomenal. And I think Jake did an awesome job.”

  “Yeah,” Garrett concurred. “I mean, did you see how wild the crowd went after he did his solo?”

  Carly nodded. Garrett moved in closer so he could converse on a more intimate level. She wanted to back up several steps but decided she didn't want to appear overtly rude.

  “So,” Garrett asked in a low voice meant for her ears only, “I’ve been wondering this for a long time now. What exactly is the deal with you and Jake?”

  Carly was thrown off by the brazen question, and she looked at Garrett, not quite sure how to respond.

  “I mean, you guys have been friends for a long time, right?”

  Carly nodded at this.

said, “I just don’t see how a guy would be able to…”

  He paused briefly, searching for the right words. He then continued.

  “I don't get how a guy could stay platonic with someone like you. I mean, if you were my friend..." He snorted and let out a short laugh. "...I couldn't stay 'just friends' for very long. I just can't grasp it. I mean, look at you." Garrett boldly surveyed her face and body.

  She was beginning to feel uncomfortable, and the thought of backing away from him didn't seem like such a bad idea anymore. Fortunately, their conversation was interrupted by the club owner. “You guys were on fire tonight! I want you guys back here next weekend!”

  Sid looked at Garrett, who nodded his approval.

  “Looks like you got yourself a band for next weekend,” Sid said.

  “Good!” the club owner exclaimed. He then pointed a stubby finger at Jake.

  “You, my son, are one hell of a guitarist.”

  Jake grinned widely at the compliment.

  Amanda planted her hand on Jake’s shoulder. Her expression was beyond boastful.

  "You guys better be thanking me for introducing him to you."

  She turned to face the golden boy and smiled, adding, “And, Jake, when you’re rich and famous, please don’t forget about me.”

  He laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist and planting a kiss on her cheek.

  “I could never forget about you.”

  Carly noticed the soft pink glow infusing Amanda’s cheeks and the soft, endearing glint in her eyes as she gazed at the golden boy. She had started to muse on this when Susan unexpectedly showed up. She flipped her phone shut and asked, “What did I miss?”

  Amanda’s reply was cold and curt. “A hell of a lot.”

  Chapter Nine

  Over the next few weeks, Jake practiced with the Flaming Dogs on a regular basis. There were usually only two places he could be found - at the studio or at Garret's house. They worked hard to learn a handful of new songs, including some songs Jake himself had written. Jake’s popularity at Lakeview High School was at an all-time high, and Carly had no doubt that Susan had something to do with that. The perky blonde couldn’t help spreading around school that she was dating an up-and-coming rock star. Chad and several of the other football players had decided they would attend Jake’s next concert, which prompted the cheerleaders, and subsequently the entire school, to agree to attend as well. Roy apologized profusely for having missed Jake’s first show, but he promised he would definitely be there for this upcoming one. Jake simply jabbed him in the arm and told Roy to quit apologizing like a little girl, to which Roy reminded Jake that “little girls” don’t get highly sought-after football scholarships to big universities.

  The week seemed to crawl by for Carly, so she was thankful when the last bell rang, dismissing all students for the weekend. She grabbed her purse and backpack and stormed outside, waiting anxiously for Aaron in front of the school. The twin pulled up a few minutes later and opened the passenger side door for her.

  “It’s about time, Aaron,” she lightly chided him.

  “Well hello to you too, Carlita,” Aaron replied sardonically.

  She responded with a roll of her eyes. She didn’t have time for Aaron’s sarcastic remarks. All she could think about was Jake’s much-anticipated show this Saturday night.

  Aaron soon pulled into the Cabrerra driveway and Carly thanked him for the ride. She jumped out and gave him a curt wave, then darted inside the house and into her bedroom.

  She opened her closet and perused its contents anxiously. She wanted to make sure she found the right outfit to wear on Saturday night. She was ruffling through her closet when she abruptly halted. A sudden awareness dawned on her and she contemplated the implications of this dire need to look her best. Who was she trying to impress? She plopped down on her bed and decided to forgo the search. It should have been a relief to not have to carry this burden anymore - she could simply throw on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. But why had she been so set on finding the nicest dress or cutest skirt to wear? Was it to impress...Jake? She suddenly became angry with herself. Confusion soon followed, with irritation making a guest appearance. Deciding that she needed a distraction she trudged downstairs and into the kitchen.

  “What’s wrong, Mija?” Juan asked when he saw the somber expression on Carly's face. He was making himself a sandwich and offered to make one for her.

  “No thanks, daddy," she replied, grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator. She then added, "Aren't we having dinner soon?"

  “Hey, I'm a big man with a big appetite,” Juan said, a twinkle in his eye. She loved that no matter what, her father always had that twinkle. No matter how bad her mother's nagging was or how rude his customers at the restaurant were or how often his employees screwed up, he always remained jovial. Why couldn't she be that way? Apparently such characteristics were not passed down to children.

  "So, you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Juan asked. He took a bite of his sandwich and joined his daughter at the table.

  "Daddy, it's really something I don't feel comfortable talking to you about."

  Juan looked at her intently and then put down his sandwich. "I think I lost my appetite."

  "Dad! It's not that! I already got that a few years ago."

  Juan seemed relieved that that topic was to be avoided. He hopped to the next possibility.

  "Is it a boy?"

  Carly sighed. Strangely enough, she really couldn't answer with a full degree of certainty. Was it because of Jake? If so, why? He was her best friend, and best friends don't make each other feel like this. But then he was a boy and she seemed to be developing some feelings..." Before she could finish that thought she groaned inwardly.

  Thankfully her father didn't seem to notice as he was taking another huge bite of his sandwich. After chewing he said, "If it's about a boy, then maybe we need to talk about the birds and the bees. But I can tell you one thing, mija, you are not even kissing a boy until you're 25. And don't even think about asking for birth control."

  With that, Carly stood up. She couldn't take any more of her father's "advice".

  "Daddy, enough!" she groaned aloud and stormed off.

  She decided she needed to retreat and shut herself inside her bedroom. She would be safe there from further "interrogation" from either of her parents. She grabbed a book from inside her nightstand and buried herself under her comforter. Her best course of action now would simply be to keep her mind busy and see what tomorrow would bring. She would go with the flow and not worry herself about Jake or his show. Deep inside, though, she knew this would be easier said than actually done.

  Saturday came more quickly than she could have anticipated. She had fallen asleep quite quickly while reading her book, which lie next to her face on the pillow. It was Saturday now, the day of Jake's show. She soon realized that the vow made last night to remain calm and collected had evaporated sometime during the night and not a trace of it lingered. She was more anxious than ever. She was on pins and needles all throughout the morning and afternoon, waiting impatiently for the clock to indicate that it was time for the twins to pick her up. It seemed that she was more aware than ever of how loud each tick of the grandfather clock in the living room really was. Her parents were nowhere to be found and she was thankful for it. She didn't want them to see her in this apprehensive state. No doubt they would question her about it. She already had had an earful of her mother's ranting this morning about Carly skipping dinner last night.

  Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, the imposing grandfather clock struck eight o'clock, confirming the time with eight piercing chimes. Five minutes later she heard the car horn she had been eagerly waiting for. She swiped her purse from the kitchen counter and headed out the front door without so much as a single word to her parents. Lydia Cabrerra opened the front door and yelled after her daughter to come home at a decent hour, to which Carly yelled back that she would. Soon thereafte
r they were on their way.

  When they arrived, the parking lot was crammed with cars. Roy, who had caught a ride with them as well, stared wide-eyed at the large procession of people forming a long line at the entrance to the club.

  “Wow, it’s going to be a while before we make it inside,” he remarked.

  “No worries,” Amanda said rather smugly, “I have passes that Garrett gave me this afternoon so we don’t have to wait in line. Just show them to the bouncers, and they’ll let us right in.”

  “Now that's what I'm talking about,” Roy replied as he took a pass.

  After bypassing everyone and making it inside, Carly’s eyes widened with disbelief as she surveyed the bodies packed in tightly. The noise was deafening, making it hard to talk to her friends. She couldn’t fathom how the rest of the people still lined up outside were going to fit inside.

  “I bet the owner is making a killing tonight,” Roy said. He scanned the room and spotted an acquaintance standing at the front of the stage. He excused himself, leaving the rest of his friends to find a good spot to stand before the show. After waiting patiently for close to an hour, a burly man wearing a Lakers hat suddenly appeared on stage. The crowd cheered with excitement as the presenter introduced himself.

  “Oh my God, isn’t that Tony Capone from FM 106.34?” a girl standing next to Carly gasped.

  Tony Capone addressed the crowd about events that were coming up and acts that were scheduled to perform in Cleveland in the coming months. He then went on to introduce the band. A roar rose up from the crowd, and Carly could have sworn she heard the football players chanting Jake’s name. Now came the moment she had been waiting for. The lights onstage flashed in a wide array of vibrant colors, and a fiery spray blasted upward on either side of the stage. Several moments later, the Flaming Dogs appeared. A sudden energetic charge erupted from the crowd.

  “There you are!” Carly exclaimed as Roy reappeared. “They’re about to play their first song.”

  “It’s about time!” Roy exclaimed. “I’ve been waiting for this all night!”


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