The Road to L.A.

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The Road to L.A. Page 12

by Buchanan, Gina

  “I can’t help it. Ever since I saw you at the studio, I just wanted to…”

  Garrett quieted mid-sentence and began trailing his hand down her arm. His breathing became heavy and his eyes glazed over with undiluted lust. Before his hand could travel further down her body, Carly mustered all the strength she had to push him away. He barely moved, but enough to get his hand away from the swell of her hip.

  “I suggest you don’t do that again,” Garrett warned. “You wouldn’t wanna jeopardize Jake’s spot in the band, would you?”

  “Don’t threaten me,” Carly growled, her fear mutating into anger. “Besides, you need him. Without Jake, you’re nothing.”

  Garrett immediately took offense and became angry. He stepped forward and pushed her. Carly’s back hit the edge of the counter again, and she winced in pain.

  “Don’t fucking talk back to me!” Garrett shouted at her, spittle flying from his mouth.

  Carly shrieked with disgust as he grasped the front of her jeans with his hand and began hastily undoing the buttons. Carly pushed as hard as she could against Garrett’s chest, only to be slapped across the face by the back of his hand. He then pushed her to the floor, causing her to hit her head hard against the cold tile. While she nursed the back of her head with her hand, Garrett roughly yanked her jeans down. He used his left hand to pin both of her wrists above her head and used his right hand to lift her shirt up just enough to reveal her bra. When she felt him grip the side of her panties, she began using her legs to kick him. He easily overcame her petite body by getting on top of her and pinning her to the floor. Carly alternated between enraged screams and helpless cries as Garrett moved his tongue along her neck. Carly couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She glanced at the door and prayed more fiercely than she had ever before. She prayed someone would come and rescue her. She closed her eyes to the abhorrent act being committed upon her and wished that she could somehow escape this pain and embarrassment. If any prayer had ever been answered so faithfully, this was one such instance. The door to the breakroom burst open. Carly’s eyes flew open. She saw Jake standing in the doorway, his eyes swirling like a fierce ocean storm. Garrett stumbled to his feet and put his arms out in front of him as if to ward off an impending doom. Jake jumped forward and delivered a harsh blow to Garrett’s face, causing Carly’s attacker to fall backward and hit the floor next to Carly. Carly immediately scrambled to her feet, then swiped her clothes off the floor and ran to the doorway. Garrett groaned as he struggled to get up, only to be knocked down again by another forceful blow from Jake’s fist on his chest. Garrett lay sprawled on the floor, grunting and struggling for air.

  “You ever touch her again, I’ll kill you,” Jake growled at him, suppressing a strong urge to continue the physical assault. His balled fists yearned to make contact with Garrett’s face at least five more times. Jake finally walked away, grabbing Carly’s arm in the process and leading her down the hallway and out through the back door of the music hall. Carly looked at her savior, thankful that he had been there and had rescued her from what would have been a terrible fate. Unable to hold back any longer, Carly burst into tears. They stood outside for what seemed hours, her sobs muffled against his shirt. When her tears began to dry out and she had quieted down, Jake gently caressed her face. He then retrieved his cell phone from his pocket and called Aaron, instructing the twin to pick them up from the rear of the building. He told Aaron nothing more. Jake used his sleeve to wipe any remaining tears from her eyes.

  “We don’t want the others asking why you’re upset,” he said.

  She nodded.

  “Because if Amanda and Roy find out, there’s gonna be World War III.”

  She nodded again and tried to smile, but failed. She just wanted to go home and forget about what had happened tonight. She shuddered at the unpleasant thought of what could have happened to her. But she reminded herself that Garrett hadn’t managed to get very far. Most of the redness in her eyes had dissipated by the time Amanda pulled up, and she didn’t think anyone noticed she had been crying. Jake put his guitar in the trunk, then joined Carly in the backseat. Before the drive back to Clanton, Amanda stopped at a gas station so she could fill the car up and so Roy could grab himself a few snacks for the long drive. While Aaron, Amanda, and Roy browsed the snack aisles of the gas station store, Carly and Jake remained in the car. He cupped her small face with his hand and looked at her with concern in his eyes.

  “You okay?”

  Carly nodded and said meekly, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little bump on the back of my head. But other than that, I’m fine.”

  He placed his hand on the back of her head and ruffled through her hair until he could feel the freshly formed knot. Carly could see the storm beginning to brew in his eyes again and she immediately pacified him.

  “It’s okay, Jake. He got what he deserved. Plus, he didn’t get very far, all thanks to you coming in when you did.”

  Carly suddenly felt sad and looked down.

  “I’m just sorry that all this came at the price of you having to give up the Flaming Dogs. Garrett’s never gonna let you play with them again,” Carly said, feeling extremely downtrodden at the thought.

  Jake lifted her chin, forcing her to face him. He smiled warmly at her.

  “Don’t worry about it, Carly. Garrett is a piece of shit. What’s more important is that you’re okay. I can always join another band.”

  Jake pulled out a piece of paper from the left pocket of his pants.

  “One of the bands tonight told me if I was ever interested, to let them know. Apparently, there was a difference of opinion and their lead guitarist walked out on them.”

  He held the tiny piece of paper with a telephone number scribbled on it up for her to see.

  “They’re really good. They’re from Tinsdale. About 30 miles east of Clanton.”

  Carly smiled and whispered in a tiny voice, “I guess everything does happen for a reason, huh?”

  Jake chuckled and encircled his arms around her, pulling her close to him. She nestled against him, propping her head against his upper arm. She had thought he whispered something to her about getting an ice pack for the back of her head, but she couldn’t be sure. All her senses were presently consumed by the pleasure of his closeness. Indeed, she felt safe and protected, and she could have sworn that she felt a seedling of love sprout within her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lydia Cabrerra rushed into the kitchen to pull the burning pot roast out of the oven. She grimaced as she beheld the blackened meat and the wrinkled potatoes, then emitted a long groan that did not escape her husband’s ears.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Juan asked, striding calmly into the kitchen.

  He glanced at his wife and noticed she was close to tears.

  “Oh, my sweet little wife,” he said in an overly placating tone. His attempts at wrapping his arms around Lydia proved futile. She stubbornly folded her arms across her chest and stomped out of the kitchen.

  “What’s wrong with mom?” Carly asked as she entered the kitchen. But her thoughts were elsewhere as she hung her black gown over the chair and placed the cap on her head. She was beaming incandescently.

  “You look wonderful, my little senorita,” Juan said, radiating with joy and pride at his little high school graduate. “It’s amazing how fast you guys grow up.”

  “Oh, dad,” Carly said, blushing. “I’m only graduating high school, not college. By the way, about mom?”

  Juan sighed as if the subject were a very tender one that had to be approached very delicately.

  “Your mom’s upset because she ruined the pot roast she was trying to make for dinner.”

  Carly’s eyes widened and she said eagerly, “Pot roast?”

  Juan looked around before answering his daughter, then said in a low voice, “It’s blackened. She burned it.”

  “Oh,” Carly said, disappointed.

  Just then, Lydia walked into the kitchen, her face
still clouded with frustration over the spoiled dinner. She looked at her family and mumbled, “Are you guys talking about my horrible pot roast?”

  Juan and Carly immediately shook their heads, but Lydia could see right through their little fib when she noticed their eyes cast down to the floor.

  “Don’t lie to me,” Lydia said, near tears. She wasn’t buying their pathetic attempt to placate her. Carly sighed and was immensely grateful when the sound of the car horn saved her from her mother’s pity-party. She felt sorry for her father, though, for he would have to deal with Lydia by himself.

  “Gotta go,” Carly said hurriedly, grabbing her gown and cap.

  “Where are you going?” Lydia cried.

  Carly turned briefly and rushed the words out of her mouth, “I’m going with the twins to the graduation. Remember? I told you we have to be there before it starts so we can get ready.”

  Lydia loosened up a bit and smiled apologetically.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just a little stressed. This is your big day and I want it to be perfect.”

  Carly grinned at her mother. “It will be. Just relax. Love ya.”

  With that, Carly was out the front door.

  Juan placed his hand reassuringly on Lydia’s slender shoulder.

  “What am I going to do about this pot roast?” Lydia whined, glaring at the spoiled meat and potatoes.

  Juan glanced at the clock and said, “Well, there may be time to head over to Henderson’s Restaurant to pick one up.”

  Lydia looked at her husband as if he had found the cure for the common cold.

  The high school gymnasium was teeming with energetic teenagers in black gowns and hats. An excited rush filled the air and inaudible conversation vibrated exuberantly all around as Carly made her way through the crowds. She finally found Jake, along with the rest of the football team, gathered near the rear of the huge gymnasium. Coach Harmon and one of his assistant coaches were in the process of finishing their famous year-end speech to the players as Carly approached. Harmon turned and acknowledged her presence with a quick nod. He then turned to his senior players and congratulated his “boys” on a season well-played. When Harmon had finished, Carly approached the coach and asked, “Mr. Harmon, my parents are having a graduation dinner tonight. They said they’d love it if you and Mrs. Harmon could come. And of course, Jake.”

  The coach answered abruptly, as he was being called to help with a technical issue with the microphone on the podium outside. The high school was having its graduation at the football stadium, and luckily it was a nice day outside.

  “Sorry, Carly. Tell your parents I would’ve loved to go, but I have to attend a banquet tonight. Jake should go, though.”

  Carly briefly took note of Jake’s disappointed expression as the coach relayed his excuse for not being able to attend. Carly nodded at the coach, then watched as he jogged away to help with the microphone.

  “I’m coming,” Jake told her, attempting a smile.

  “Good. You’ll get a taste of my mom’s burned pot roast,” Carly laughed. She turned then to see the twins approaching, their hats already pinned to their heads.

  “I’m ready to get this over with so we can party tonight!” Amanda exclaimed. “I can’t wait to see you play with your new band! I bet the Gypsy Lounge is gonna be packed.”

  Jake nodded.

  “You better believe it,” Chad piped aloud as he approached the group. He looked around at the vast number of graduating seniors filling the gymnasium. “I spread the word, and it looks like the whole damn school is gonna show up.”

  Chad caught a glimpse of Aaron standing behind his twin sister and added teasingly, “Even nerd boy is gonna be part of the big party.”

  “Why do you always have to be such an ass?” Aaron replied, frowning at the arrogant ex-football jock.

  Chad simply narrowed his eyes at the brazen “nerd.” Carly groaned inwardly and told herself that she couldn’t wait to leave the pressures of high school behind. She was extremely grateful when the assistant principal finally called out for all seniors to line up. She was even more thrilled when the music started and the group of graduating seniors filed outside onto the bleachers. Fortunately, the school administrators had abandoned the usual practice of lining students up alphabetically. She couldn’t have thought of a better way to graduate than to share the moment sitting beside her best friends. As they sat down and listened to the school principal’s introductory speech, Carly turned to face her three close comrades. As usual, Amanda was playing with her gum and rolling her eyes at a group of cheerleaders several rows down. Carly had to stifle a giggle. Roy was casually leaning back in his seat, and when he noticed her looking at him, he flashed her one of his famous toothy grins that just brightened everything. Aaron, meanwhile, appeared attentive as he listened to the principal’s speech. He was so heavily engrossed that he didn’t notice Carly staring at him for several minutes. When he finally did look in her direction, he smiled at her. Last but not least, Carly turned to look at her best friend. To Carly’s surprise, Jake was also catching a peak in her direction. When their eyes met, she felt her cheeks start to warm. His eyes were the bluest they had ever been, and his cap didn’t do much to hide his long, light brown mane. He looked exceptionally handsome that day. Not that he didn’t look handsome every other day. She marveled at that boyish charm he so effortlessly exuded with a mere smile. The principal’s concluding words rang loudly in her ears and she quickly turned away. She nervously bit her lip as she mulled over those strange feelings she had just experienced. After the last speaker had made his speech and the band began to play the “Ending of the Beginning,” the graduating seniors stood up and tossed their hats into the air with joyful jubilee. Everybody hugged everybody, and the audience of family members and friends cheered with unrestrained fury while camera flashes popped sporadically throughout the crowd. Carly had just finished capturing Roy and the twins in a giant bear hug when she turned around and came face-to-face with Jake. Both seemed to hesitate at first. Carly made the first move and stepped forward to embrace him. Jake held onto her tightly as she rested her head on his chest.

  “We made it through high school,” she said happily.

  “Yes we did, Carlita,” Jake returned, equally joyful.

  “Okay, okay. Let’s break it up,” Amanda said, laughing. “It’s time to get the party started!”

  As usual, all graduates were halted by friends and family for numerous and countless photographs. They all wore their huge smiles and posed for the cameras. Juan and Lydia ran up to their daughter and squeezed her tightly while a brightly colored gift bag dangled from Lydia’s arm. Juan motioned for Jake, Roy, and the twins to join their daughter for a group photograph. All five friends eagerly obliged and assembled, placing their arms around each other and smiling for the camera. Juan’s camera lens was soon replaced by that of Roy’s parents’, and then the twins’ parents’ camera lens. After all formalities had finally ceased, everyone made their way to the Cabrerra house for dinner, including the twins’ and Roy’s parents. Carly had decided to pay extra attention to Jake as a result of his parents’ absence. She wanted him to be happy. And it also helped that her father doted on him, which was no surprise. About an hour and a half later, Jake announced that he had to leave soon so he could meet up with his bandmates before the concert tonight. Juan offered for the members of the band to meet Jake at the Cabrerra house instead. Jake graciously accepted the offer, for he didn’t want to have to go home just yet. He was enjoying himself. And he was also enjoying Carly’s attention. He stole a quick glance in her direction, reminding himself of what a great friend she was to him. His eyes lingered on the small of her back, then trailed down to the swell of her hips. Jake gulped hard and shook thoughts of her enticing physique out of his mind.

  Thirty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Juan jumped to go answer it. When he returned, it was with the members of StoneLief. Juan’s hospitable nature was not lost on Jake’s bandmates, and
he offered them some food and drinks.

  “Well, we actually have to be leaving soon to prepare for our show,” one of the members of StoneLief explained, nodding at Jake.

  Jake rose from his seat and decided to quickly introduce everybody.

  “This is Hayden, bass guitarist. Danny on drums.”

  Danny nodded his head.

  Jake also introduced everybody to Mac, the rhythm guitarist, and Aidan, the keyboardist.

  “And I’m lead guitarist and lead singer,” Jake finished.

  Carly examined each of the band members in turn and decided she liked all of them. Hayden resembled Jake a lot. His hair was about the same length as Jake’s, but a shade lighter. Not surprisingly, Carly caught Amanda eyeing Hayden, whose looks were definitely eye-catching. But Jake still held the prize in the aesthetic department. Mac was very tall and lanky, with shoulder-length, dark brown hair and a line of tattoos going up his left arm. Carly thought to herself that he definitely fit the rocker image with his long hair, black leather pants, and visible lip and brow piercings. Aidan was enormously built, much more so than even Roy. He looked as though he spent about 30 hours a week in the gym lifting weights to maintain that massive physique. His wavy, dark brown hair framed his very masculine face, and she couldn’t help but marvel at the intensity of his dark brown eyes. Danny was the comical one of the group. His head was completely bald, and he had numerous piercings on his ears and face. When he opened his mouth to decline the offer for refreshments, Carly noticed a silver object on his tongue. She had no doubt he had also pierced that part of his body as well. Carly really liked Danny, for he exuded a warm friendliness that seemed comforting.

  “Thanks again, Mr. Cabrerra, for everything. But we really have to get going now,” Jake said, checking his watch. He turned to Carly, Roy, and the twins and said, “I’ll see you guys at the Gypsy Lounge.”

  Juan shook Jake’s hand, then nodded at the rest of the band members. When they had left, he made a side remark to his wife.

  “Is there any part of his body that isn’t pierced?” he said, referring to Danny’s “ornaments.”


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