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  “I see.” Tiny muttered, giving Trick a piercing look. Trick was sure he did see. That man was eerie when he did that odd read your mind trick of his.

  Chapter 2

  Arriving at the club at ten till nine, Katie got out of the truck. She had worn jeans and a purple top, with her favorite boots. She headed towards Mary Ann’s small silver hatchback. Mary Ann was parked near the entrance to the club. After her shower, she’d felt better about coming out tonight. She hadn’t been out in a while. Ages really, that was mostly her own fault. She wasn’t in the mood lately to really feel like going out much. She had to admit that she might be a little depressed over the Trick situation.

  It was hard to feel positive about your life when the man you’d been in love with for forever, barely knew you existed. Perhaps she should come out more often, she loved to dance and Wink was always full of both bikers and men from the surrounding towns. Not that she was looking for a date, she knew that bars were the last place to pick up a man. Half the time the men in a bar were only looking for their next lay. But she loved to dance and the men, who were always just a bit drunk, were willing to dance with her.

  Even if they weren’t Trick, it was nice to get to do something she loved so much. She finally reached Mary Ann’s car, watching as she got out wearing a cute green and white dress with little yellow flowers that complemented her dark red hair and brought out the green in her eyes. Smiling, Mary Ann called out to her.

  “Think he’s here yet?” She asked in a breathless voice.

  “Only one way to find out.” Katie replied.

  “I love that top!”

  Katie looked down at the purple v cut shirt that barely reached the top of her jeans, smiling. “I like it too.”

  Katie held the door for her as they entered the club. Standing in the doorway, Katie did a survey of the bar to see if Trevor was here yet. She almost groaned when she saw Monica talking to Stacy in the corner of the bar. She really hoped Monica didn’t notice her. She’d always hated that girl, she just couldn’t put her finger on why. She’d never really done anything to earn Katie’s animosity, but every time she was around the woman she wanted to get away as fast as she was able. Maybe it was the way Monica was always trying to outdo everyone that bothered her. She really wasn’t sure.

  Sighing, she continued to look for Trevor. Spotting him at the bar near the entrance, she got Mary Ann’s attention and motioned for them to head over. Mary Ann immediately began to fidget, running her hand through her hair and tugging at her dress. Grabbing her hand, Katie started dragging her towards the bar. Mary Ann went willingly, but Katie knew she was nervous.

  “It’s okay, he wants to meet you here remember.” Katie reassured her quietly.

  “I know, but what if after this he doesn’t want to be around me anymore?”

  “Stop, if that happens we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I really don’t think it will be a problem though.” Katie managed to get her to the bar stopping in front of Trevor about to speak, but before she did, she saw the man sitting two stools down. She almost started crying all over again. What was he doing here? She wanted to demand that he leave, but knowing Trick he’d just force her to leave instead. Pissed, she glared at him over Trevor’s shoulder.

  “Hey Trevor, get us some beers and then we can find a booth.” Katie grumbled.

  “Sure thing, doll.” Trevor smiled, holding his hand up to get her father’s attention. Trick shifted on the stool leaning back against the bar with Tiny. Who was sitting next to him, Trick’s eyes meet hers. He nodded, as if he hadn’t ripped her heart out again only hours ago. She wanted to walk over and hit him over the head with the beer bottle he was holding. Her father walked up looking at Trevor who asked for three beers and handed Sal some credits. Looking at her, her father said with a knowing grin.

  “At it again I see.” Sal grumbled, grabbing the beers from beneath the counter setting them down in front of Trevor. He began walking towards the next person seeking his attention at the busy bar. “Be good and stop causing trouble. Let things happen. Stop forcing it!” He called back over his shoulder. He knew her better than anyone else, it was one of the many things she loved about him. He was always warning her not to set people up. He kept telling her if she was involved and the relationship went south that she’d likely get caught in the cross fire. She disagreed, a little match making never hurt anyone and Mary Ann deserved to find someone who cared for her even if it was only for a little while.

  She walked with Mary Ann towards a booth along the wall by the dance floor, with Trevor following them. Deciding she would sit with the couple for a few minutes until they felt less awkward together, and then go dance. Log and Pretty Boy were here, and they were always willing to dance with her. She felt safe with them, and they never expected anything other than a dance from her. Sliding into the booth, she sat on the edge when Mary Ann tried to sit down next to her, earning a glare as Mary Ann slid into the booth on the other side. Trevor was sliding in beside her, winking at Katie. Katie moved across her side to the middle, taking the beer that Trevor handed her, swallowing a large swig. She watched the couple sitting across from her, deciding to take pity on them by starting the conversation.

  Watching Trevor, that stupid fuck, slide into the booth beside Katie’s friend, rather than beside Katie made Trick feel grateful. Even though he wanted to kill the little shit for doing it. He’d warned her about that idiot. Why she’d brought the girl to her date was beyond him anyway. He wasn’t sure what that was all about. You didn’t bring a friend on a date, even if the date was in a bar. Taking another sip of his beer, he watched them sitting at the table by the dance floor with a dark glower.

  He wanted to go over there and beat that puppy until he realized that he was lucky, Katie was perfect. He should be begging at her feet, not chatting up her friend. He was sure that Katie was devastated that the man was flirting with Mary Ann instead of her. Tiny shifted next to him, drawing his attention away from the booth.

  “You going to watch them all night?” Tiny asked, looking at him with a knowing grin.

  “No, and don’t be an ass. Just because you think you know it all, doesn’t mean you do!”

  Tiny leaned close saying in a low voice no one else would hear. “Yeah, but I know that Katie is your poison. You watch her like a starving wolf watches his prey.”

  “Fuck, that’s not true. I don’t watch her like that, that’s sick! She’s my younger sister’s best friend.” Trick said, trying to hide his burning lust.

  “But she’s not your sister.” Tiny murmured, making Trick want to beat the shit out of him.

  Didn’t the man know it was hard enough for him not to take what he wanted from her? Without Tiny giving him ideas. Trick turned back to the booth, watching Katie lean forward to say something to Mary Ann. Trick burned thinking of the way that tiny top she was wearing must be revealing her breasts to the man. Wanting Katie so bad his back teeth ached was killing him.

  “I know that, but she’s the same age and that’s kinda sick.”

  “Trick, you…” Tiny began, but was interrupted by Tank who plopped down next to them at the bar.

  “Hey, what are you two in such a deep conversation about?” Tank asked, staring at the two of them.

  “Nothing.” Tiny growled, meeting Trick’s blue eyes with his own. Trick turned back towards the booth, looking to see what was going on with Katie and that stupid fuck she was with. Seeing her stand and move away from the table, he almost growled. He wanted to murder that shit for placing his arm around Mary Ann’s shoulders, which must have embarrassed Katie so much she’d decided to leave. Not that Trick wanted that fuck anywhere near Katie. He was just pissed that the man had hurt her by choosing her friend over her, she must be devastated. He watched as she moved towards the door, looking away with a sigh when Tank asked him about the car he’d brought over for some body work.

  “Trick, when do you think you might get that paint job on the corvette done?” Ta
nk asked

  “I don’t know I put the first coat on today. Who’s it for again?”

  “Jake, over in Longville wanted it done, and he was wondering when it would be ready.”

  Looking at Tank, wanting to turn and watch Katie leave, only he didn’t want anyone else to see his obsession with the girl. It was bad enough that Tiny knew about it. He didn’t need the whole damned club knowing it too, and what Tank knew everyone knew. The man was a terrible gossip when it came to the family, he was even worse than Aunt Mae, and that was saying something. If Trick didn’t know for a fact that the man knew how to keep club business a secret, he’d think the man was just an idiot who didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. But since he was capable of keeping secrets, and chose not to when it came to gossip meant he was an asshole, who didn’t mind his own business.

  Aunt Mae had raised Tank so it made sense that he was chatty about personal stuff. Aunt Mae used gossip like a weapon.

  “Tank, tell him it will be a few weeks, I don’t want to do shoddy work, and the shop takes up a lot of my time.”

  “Okay, I’ll let him know.” He looked out onto the dance floor, then grinned. “Damn, that girl can dance.”

  Turning his head to see who Tank was jabbering on about, he instantly hardened painfully. Shit, Trick saw the woman Tank was talking about was Katie. She was dancing with Pretty Boy, who wanted to lose his hands apparently. Because if he didn’t get them off Katie’s hips, Trick was going to remove them with his knife. He was pretty sure was in the saddlebag on his bike left over from the last time he’d persuaded a Jackal to talk, about a week ago. He glared at her as she sensually danced, pressing against Pretty Boy.

  Burning with desire, he watched her move. He needed to touch her, tonight. He was almost dying from the need filling him. He watched her dance in the other man’s arms, and he wanted to commit murder. Why did this girl make him burn so hot that he felt like he would turn to ash in seconds? He could never figure out what it was about her that made his body throb with a need so strong, he thought he’d die from the ache. It made him feel like a pervert that he wanted her so badly. He wanted to walk away without a backwards glance, but he knew that he wouldn’t, even as the thought entered his head. He wanted her too much to walk away.

  Tonight he would indulge, allow his senses to feel the heat of her next to him. With that thought echoing in his mind he got up off the stool, heading towards the dance floor where she danced with Pretty Boy. When Pretty Boy spun her out, Trick caught her in his arms, moving with the beat holding her. He almost couldn’t hold back a moan, when her body moved, brushing against his. She gasped when she realized it was him holding her. She didn’t protest, just sighed and they slipped into a rhythm that made his back teeth ache. His guts were in knots, tied up with the feel of her in his arms. It was so fucking sweet, her strawberry blonde hair was flying out in an arch, as Trick dipped and spun her on the dance floor.

  As the music flowed into a Latin beat they moved together into the steps of the lambada. It was a dance from years ago, that had almost been lost when the world had shattered sixty years ago. They’d both taken lessons about four years ago with Charity. She was always finding a new scheme to try and drive him nuts, at that age. She’d decided that she and Katie needed to know how to do all the old dances. Trick had agreed, but insisted on going with the girls. They’d been short one male dancer at the dance school that week due to a broken ankle. Trick had filled in, and he’d been paired with Katie.

  Actually, that was when he first noticed that she wasn’t a child anymore, but a woman, a sexy one at that. Holding her like this was what had started all the trouble he was having resisting her, he thought. But did he let her go and walk away? Hell no, he pulled her closer, and inhaled her sweet scent.

  He watched her, seeing the joy that filled her. She really loved to dance. He enjoyed dancing too, only the burning pit of desire that threatened to consume him was an issue. He wanted her with a passion that wouldn’t die. He’d tried so many things to drown the aching need he had for this girl, and nothing had worked. Trick was still burning, even after four years, to touch her.

  Katie felt Trick the second he was near, she was spinning out away from Pretty Boy when the sudden heat flamed through her body, letting her know Trick was behind her. She entered his arms without complaint, needing his touch like she needed her next breath. She loved the feel of his arms as they closed around her. She felt the hard press of his thick erection against her lower back as they moved together. She wanted to turn in his arms, and grab his head, pulling him down for a kiss. Only she knew that he would never allow it. Would probably be disgusted by it despite his erection.

  Having danced with him in this very club on many occasions, she knew that his bodies’ reaction was to the dance, not to her being close to him. Katie’s own bodies’ reaction however, was all because it was Trick who held her. They slipped into the sensual steps of the lambada when the beat changed to a Latin song, it was perfect for the dances steps. She could feel the wetness creaming her thighs while she danced with the only man who seemed to stir her desire.

  Even mad at him, Katie wanted to be touched by him so badly that she allowed him to hold her. They danced for the next hour. They were both panting when they walked off the dance floor, but Katie knew that while hers was filled with a desire so sharp it stabbed at her. His was most likely only from exertion. She was almost a puddle of goo by the time they reached the bar and sat down. A glass of water appeared in front of her, placed there by her father. She reached out, taking it, she swallowed huge gulps.

  When her thirst was quenched, she began to notice the wetness between her legs. It was embarrassing. Katie was glad that Trick nor anyone else could tell by looking at her that she was so wet she was flooded. She watched him as he drank his beer, wanting to touch him again so badly, but knowing that her caresses would be rejected. She settled for watching him instead.

  Trick surveyed Katie as she took a deep drink from the glass of water her father had placed on the counter, taking a long swig of his beer. He wanted to scoop her up and carry her home to his bed, and only the knowledge that he was too dark and too hard for her sweet innocence kept him from doing just that. Instead he watched her and burned, just as he always did.

  “I want a beer.” Katie told her father who shook his head.

  “No, you’ve had three already.”

  Katie watched as he moved down the bar to the other end without another word to her. Really? She was twenty three and she could handle a few beers. It was over two hours after she’d drank the first one. How dare he not allow it!

  “Katie, I wanted to apologize for earlier today. I know I acted like an ass. I was just in a bad mood.” Trick interrupted her angry thoughts.

  “Fine, make it up to me then.” She said, thinking that he could get her what she needed to forget that she was on fire. He was the reason she was burning in the first place.


  “Get him to give me another beer!” Katie growled, pointing in her father’s general direction.

  “This is how many?” Trick asked, staring at her intently.


  “You drove here?”

  “Yes.” She gritted her teeth already sure that the bastard, who was the reason she needed the damned beer in the first place, was going to refuse. He was in the same ridiculous mindset as her father, he thought she was a damned child, too. It was infuriating. The men around here only saw her as the child she’d been, not the woman she’d become.

  “You have anywhere to be in the morning?” Trick asked, making her look at him in surprise.

  “No.” She replied flatly.

  “I’ll make a deal with you then.” He waited for her to respond with a nod before he continued. “I take you home and you get your beer. Then in the morning I will pick up the truck and have the oil changed to make up for being a jerk.”

  Katie stared a little dazed, had he just offered her heaven? S
he felt like he had. He’d offered to let her on a ride on his bike, and to get her the beer she needed to numb the desire she felt eating at her insides in greedy bites of flame. Katie wanted to kiss the man with every ounce of passion that filled her body, but she refused to embarrass herself.

  She simply replied, “Okay.”

  Trick was surprised by her easy consent. She was nothing if not stubborn and she’d agreed without a single complaint. He wondered if perhaps it was the beers. Only from the corner of his eye he saw Trevor, who was on the dance floor with Katie’s friend, and he realized that it may be because she was still embarrassed over what had happened a little while ago with that stupid fuck. He signaled for Sal.

  “Nother beer?” Sal questioned, as he moved to their end of the bar.

  “For her too.” He said, indicating Katie with a nod.

  “She’s had three.” Sal grumbled, with a scowl.

  “I know. She’s not driving. It’s good.” Sal nodded, getting their beers and went back to serving the others at the bar. Trick watched Katie take a huge swig of the beer, she was leaning back on the bar, making her firm breasts press against her tight top. He wanted to groan, and his dick swelled even more than it already was, which he hadn’t thought was impossible.

  Chapter 3

  Awakening a bit late for her, Katie stared at the ceiling in her room again thinking of the ride back to the house last night. She’d felt better after the beer. Not so tense from the frustrated desire that seemed to consume her. Katie and Trick had danced again a second time before having one last beer and leaving the bar. Enjoying the feel of Tricks hard body rubbing against hers for two hours, and then climbing on his huge bike behind him, had been heaven. She’d wanted to stop time so that she could live in the moment and pretend that the man was hers. Only reality had intruded and she’d had to get off the bike when they arrived back at her house.


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