NEBULAR Collection 2 - The Expedition: NEBULAR Episodes 6 - 11

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NEBULAR Collection 2 - The Expedition: NEBULAR Episodes 6 - 11 Page 4

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »She’s neutralized Scorge’s field!« Banduk exclaimed.

  »He’s helpless! Do something!«

  Before Vasina could do anything, Arkroid moved between them. Scorge had collapsed, shaking, unable to move. Arkroid raised both hands and approached Vasina.

  »Put your weapon away immediately! Scorge is our friend!«

  Breathing heavily, Vasina stood before Arkroid. Her posture resembled a carnivore ready to leap.

  »Leave him alone!« Arkroid said firmly. »What’s going on with you?«

  Vasina spat a sequence of rapid warning words at Arkroid. She pointed repeatedly at Scorge and motioned for Arkroid to step aside. When he didn’t comply, and the guards assumed positions around her, Vasina finally lowered her weapon.

  Arkroid attended Scorge, while Lai Pi led Vasina to the opposite end of the table.

  »So that’s what you meant by a surprise,« Scorge said with a vibrating voice. »By the six headed Tranat swifts, what a warrior!«

  »Certainly a misunderstanding!« Arkroid tried to calm the Shwakan. »You can see for yourself how important it is to communicate with her.«

  »Under these conditions,« Scorge sighed, »the price I gave you was more than fair. I almost lost control over my metabolism!«

  Vasina watched Scorge attentively. She must have had a deep seated hatred for Scorge’s race. Her reaction was more by instinct than reason.

  »Your translator? Can we use it?« Arkroid asked, glancing at the universal translator.

  »Get her to talk! The more she speaks, the faster it’ll produce a meaningful output.«

  Arkroid didn’t have to invite Vasina to speak, her words poured out like a waterfall. Her sharply accentuated words were unintelligible but it was unmistakable that she was protesting about something.

  After a few minutes, Scorge’s translator produced a clearly audible output and a well-modulated woman’s voice could suddenly be heard.

  »… refuse and I protest that I have to endure the presence of a Trox! The only thing that this galactic scum deserves is a quick death by my sword! You’re making a serious mistake when you protect a Trox! Most likely, it’s a spy and has already summoned its horde! They’ll plunder your planet and leave only ashes behind! Why doesn’t anyone here understand me? I will …«

  Vasina stopped abruptly as she noticed her words being repeated in a foreign language. She saw from Arkroid’s surprised glance that her words were now understood.

  »Is this a two-way translation?« Arkroid asked softly and Vasina only answered with a slight nod. However, she didn’t remain silent for long.

  »Kill the Trox, immediately. Then bring me to a radio so I can establish a connection with my flagship. Hellas will take care of the attackers in no time.«

  »What’s a Trox?« asked Banduk. »Another cuss word?«

  »I don’t think so,« Lai Pi replied.

  »I’m not a Trox,« Scorge whined, »I am a trader … a Shwakan!«

  Arkroid looked at Vasina.

  »I have to insist that nobody here will be threatened. I hope that is clear. You’re our guest, Vasina, but my patience has limits.«

  »You deny your queen her mandatory respect? No Progonaut shall ever address me like that!«

  Rage flashed in her golden eyes and Arkroid knew beyond doubt that Vasina was not Human.

  »Progonaut?« Lai Pi whispered, impressed.

  »Respect must be earned with us Humans. Scorge is our guest also. We won’t allow him to come to harm.«

  »You reject your oath of loyalty?« Vasina asked with total lack of comprehension and a hissing voice.

  »The only oath I ever took was on the Constitution of the Solar Union … and that oath does not include execution of the innocent!«

  Nobody had ever heard Arkroid argue so seriously and sharply. Lai Pi and Banduk were surprised.

  »You are descendants of the different Houses of the Progonaut Empire! There’s no doubt about that! It is your duty to acknowledge me as your queen!« Vasina answered sharply.

  Arkroid’s eyes became narrow slits. He seemed to be feverishly contemplating how to proceed.

  »We need no queen, especially if she only depends on her weapons and acts in such an unacceptable manner. We’ll try to reason and converse responsibly. How about you?«

  »Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?« she countered.

  »Do you have any idea how much time has passed since you were placed in the sarcophagus?« Arkroid threw at her.

  Lai Pi held his breath. Obviously, Arkroid was prepared to confront Vasina with the unadorned truth. Irritated, Vasina glanced back and forth between Lai Pi and Arkroid.

  »This man certainly differs from the members of the five houses,« Vasina pointed to Banduk. »However, Lai Pi is beyond a doubt a descendent of the House of Asia. Even if he has lost the glow from his eyes, he can be proud of his branch. The Asian Progonauts defended themselves to the bitter end against the Dark Brotherhood charges. Yet, I will say no more until you have removed this Trox from my royal sight!«

  Lai Pi looked at Vasina firmly. Obviously, he was forming his own opinion.

  »Of one thing I am certain,« Vasina continued, »all of you on Earth are descendants of the five Progonaut Houses. As the last surviving queen, it is my duty to lead you to save our people from destruction. You owe me respect!«

  »Vasina,« Arkroid began carefully, struggling to find the right words. »You are about to make a serious mistake if you accuse Scorge of a deed he never did. I don’t understand that. You surely know that over time, many changes can occur. All things change, especially when considered from your standpoint.«

  Vasina looked at Arkroid with wide open eyes. Arkroid had no doubt that she was a highly intelligent representative of her people. After his explanation, Vasina had to recognize that the pieces didn’t fit.

  »How long?« she whispered eagerly.

  Arkroid looked at the floor and then into her golden eyes.

  »Something like a million years, Vasina. Your flagship has been missing for a long time, the former Progonauts now call themselves Humans and the Trox are history!«

  Arkroid’s words were hard and direct, but probably the best way to make Vasina understand, face reality and act reasonably.

  »What?« she asked. »Herkales, my shield bearer …?«

  »Long gone,« Arkroid completed her sentence with sincere regret in his voice. »You have to get used to the idea that you’re alone, you’re in a distant future, you’re the last queen of a long-gone empire.«

  Vasina paled. Her hands shook lightly, then her eyes rolled and she fell hard onto the floor. With a quick movement, Lai Pi was at her side.

  »She’s suffered a great shock!«

  The DEA Specialist immediately called the emergency team and moments later the doctors arrived and placed her on a stretcher.

  Arkroid watched sadly as she was carried from the room.

  »Take care of her and give her whatever she needs!« he instructed the doctors, and then turned toward Scorge.

  »I regret the unpleasant event but there’s no way we could have foreseen it. Who in God’s name are the Trox?«

  Scorge seemed to have suffered a minor shock as well, but he answered with hesitation.

  »I was once called a Trox by a female member of my harem during the mating ritual. That was a thousand years ago! There’re different reports about the Trox. They’re supposedly the Shwakans’ forefathers, who lived nomadic lives, plundering and pillaging throughout the galaxy. They seemed to have been very wild fellows. However, that was the distant past and all that exists of them today are isolated stories about that time.«

  »Very well,« Arkroid calmed his guest. That past caught up with us briefly, though. She’ll soon realize her error and apologize to you.«

  »I believe her,« Scorge answered seriously. »She must have been a great leader. A queen without a people. It’s a sad story.«

  Arkroid agreed.

  »Yes, we’ll se
e how she copes with that. Uh … what was that again? When were you called a Trox? Do you really have a harem?«

  Banduk could no longer hold on to himself and broke out into loud laughter.

  Scorge obviously couldn’t understand the emotion.

  »Will you stick to your part of our agreement and help me with the repair of the Yax K’uk’Mo’?«

  Arkroid smiled.

  »We’ll keep our word. Will you tell us about the eleventh module? You have tortured us long enough over that.«

  »No, no,« Scorge swore and raised two of his tentacles, »we never torture anyone!«

  Lai Pi also produced a weak smile.

  Evidently, the universal translator didn’t function perfectly.

  »Will you tell us?« Pi insisted.

  »Okay then. The eleventh module is a disguise field generator and I need it to protect my ship. During my last, very unhappy confrontation, my onboard device was unfortunately damaged beyond repair.«


  The repair work on the hull of the Shwakan’s ship proceeded. Transport ships working around the clock brought raw materials from the orbital stations and industrial complexes that filled space between the Earth and the Moon. Hundreds of small robots – but no nanobots – had emerged from the ship and spread themselves over the hull, receiving and processing materials, and repairing the damaged sections. Humanity’s first cooperative effort with an extraterrestrial visitor worked flawlessly.

  Scorge fielded questions concerning the cause of the massive damages to his ship without ever answering them. The Solar Union assisted him generously anyway, though Arkroid and his people never gave up probing. The Shwakan supervised the work from Uluru and seemed well satisfied.

  »How do you like our repair work?« Arkroid inquired in a friendly tone.

  Scorge turned around in a full circle and looked, from what Arkroid knew of his body language, happy.

  »Your people are a blessing to the galaxy! A blessing! I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help; probably died horribly in space.«

  »I’m glad you see it that way,« Arkroid answered. Scorge seemed to intentionally ignore the comment.

  »Is the disguise device already on its way here?« he asked instead.

  »Yes, we’ll keep our word. You’ll soon have that module. A Hawk is on its way here. Aren’t you going to tell us at least who caused all the damage to your ship?«

  The Shwakan looked discouraged.

  »You have some unpleasant neighbors in this sector of the galaxy. I don’t want to talk about them.«

  »I only hope they haven’t followed you to our system.«

  »Don’t worry,« Scorge said offhandedly. »I took a long detour, led them astray in the radiation storms around Zoscoor. If you change course to enter the tachyon trail near Zoscoor, then it’s impossible to follow the course of your ship. They are probably still searching for me and I hope that a pulsating star has damaged their reproduction organs so badly that this brood can no longer multiply!«

  Arkroid had difficulty following the shrill and quickly spoken words.

  »What is Zoscoor?« Arkroid asked.

  The Shwakan swung his tentacles around, a sign that he found the conversation unpleasant.

  »Zoscoor is a young pulsar, about 6,300 lightyears from your solar system. The shockwave from the previous explosion of a supernova, which would have been visible on Earth not too long ago, is still expanding. The pulsar’s vicinity is a very dangerous place. Radiation and higher dimensional distortion fields interfere with space travel. The pulsar serves as navigation and orientation aid for many galactic folks – from a safe distance, of course. It is rumored that the supernova explosion wiped out an old and highly developed culture that once lived in that system.«

  »Are you talking about the Crab Nebula?« Arkroid asked in shock.

  »Yes, that’s what you call it, the Crab Nebula! What a spectacular name for the remains of a supernova. You Humans always amaze me.«

  The Shwakan gurgled and Arkroid inhaled sharply.

  »Very well then, let’s get back to business. I’d like to discuss the payment for our help and for the return of the disguise module.«

  Scorge seemed amused.

  »I understand. You want to trade with me again! I’ve promised to show my appreciation for the return of the module, and a trader’s word is his livelihood. Once my tanks are re-filled with biomass, we can negotiate the price of the true gems waiting in my storerooms. I don’t make this offer lightly, nor to very many of my trading partners.«

  »I feel honored, Scorge. A good and solid partnership is what Earth needs. I can fill your tanks as often as you need once we are allies.«

  The Shwakan’s tentacles began to shake with excitement.

  »Do you really mean that? As often as I want … without further payment?«

  Arkroid nodded with a friendly smile.

  »Exactly. All you have to do is grant us a small wish. That’s all we want.«

  The Shwakan’s words were quick and excited. Arkroid had obviously found the right chord in the trader’s soul.

  »Whatever your wish is, consider it done! Do you need a gravitation drive unit? Tell me where and when! Or do you prefer a tachyon telescope to observe the universe in real time? No problem, I have one in my storeroom! Or even a self-contained colonization unit which can form moons for settlement, rebuilding lifeless and hostile terrain into flowering paradise? Yours! Or how about a …«

  Arkroid had difficulty interrupting the Shwakan’s babble of words.

  »We’ll take you up on those later. All we want for now is to rent your ship for a short expedition.«

  Scorge stood as if petrified for a moment, then he quickly replied, »Shwakans generally travel alone. I can barely endure a member of my own race on my ship, let alone a Human.«

  »Two,« Arkroid interrupted sternly, »myself and one other.«

  Scorge was completely speechless. He had made extravagant promises and now he searched for a way out. Arkroid realized Scorge’s dilemma and tried to think of a compromise.

  »We don’t want to waste much of your valuable time. We only want to visit a few neighboring systems. It’s vital to us that we understand what it looks like in our neighborhood and assess any threat to Earth. The first message we received and decoded was extremely discomforting. I won’t be able to sleep peacefully till I know that my people aren’t in imminent danger.«

  »I can’t understand why you people spend half your lifetime sleeping! I could open my data banks for you and supply the information. You don’t necessarily have to …«

  »Data and information can be interpreted in many ways. We prefer to see the neighborhood for ourselves so that we can plan defensive actions. We can’t continue to rely on the Globuster Matrix, and wait for the first aggressive visitors to discover our system. A short tour, nothing else. One hand washes the other, as we’d say on Earth.«

  Scorge seemed to struggle with his own thoughts.

  »Don’t worry about anything,« Arkroid said appeasing, »Your ship is big enough. Just give us an area or a cabin and we won’t crowd you.«

  »Who will accompany you on the expedition?« Scorge asked carefully.

  »I’m thinking of Lai Pi, the DEA specialist. He’s been a godsend to me. I still have to ask him, though.«

  »You’re talking about the snake man with the narrow eyes?«

  Arkroid grinned.

  »That’s him!«

  »I shall come as well!« said a ringing voice from the entrance.

  »Eight-headed mud jumpers of Bombar!« the Shwakan chirped, and with a quick movement hid behind Arkroid.

  »Please, tell her she made a mistake! There isn’t a single Trox in the galaxy any longer! They have been an extinct species for a long time!«

  Arkroid turned toward the entrance, perplexed and amazed.

  »Vasina! Are you feeling better now?«

  The Progonaut queen nodded, another Human gesture she
must have adopted in the meantime.

  »Your doctors treated me competently and with respect. I owe you my thanks.«

  The woman had obviously calmed down. Her mood had completely changed.

  »Don’t mention it, Vasina,« Arkroid answered quickly.

  »Why should I not mention it?«

  Scorge produced a whining sound.

  Vasina raised a hand. A wistful look filled her eyes.

  »Peace, Shwakan. They informed me about the actual passage of time while I was in the sick bay. I believe you. The time of the Trox is long gone.«

  Arkroid nodded with satisfaction.

  »I’m glad you’ve accepted that. Unfortunately, there’s no way to return to your own time. Believe me, I’d help you if I could.«

  »Surely there is a way back! Don’t you know anything about time travel?«

  Arkroid felt his pulse beating in his neck. This was almost too much to take.

  »We only know about time travel in theory. We don’t have the technical abilities to perform it.«

  »That goes for us Shwakans too,« Scorge said softly.

  Vasina wiped Arkroid’s thoughts aside with a swipe of her right hand.

  »Now that I know the future, it wouldn’t make any sense to go back. Time is immutable. Whatever I did would inevitably lead to this present.«

  »What do you want to do?« Arkroid asked.

  »There must still be descendants of my people around. The Progonauts couldn’t have been completely erased from the cosmic stage. Humanity has forgotten its inheritance, but that isn’t necessarily true everywhere, and do not doubt that you need my help to reach your goals.«

  »Vasina, a million years is a long time. The Shwakans are no longer plundering beasts, and other things have most likely changed as much.«

  »I’m sure that the threat from the Dark Brotherhood still exists!« Vasina said defensively. »Just because Humanity has so far escaped attack doesn’t mean you are totally safe. Representatives of the Dark Brotherhood may appear in your solar system at any time and demand their tribute!«

  Silence held in the room.

  »Then the victory over the Globuster Lord wasn’t the end of the matter?« Arkroid ventured after a pause.


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