NEBULAR Collection 2 - The Expedition: NEBULAR Episodes 6 - 11

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NEBULAR Collection 2 - The Expedition: NEBULAR Episodes 6 - 11 Page 12

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »You’re working too much, Pi. You come here even in your spare time. Didn’t you notice that I’d like to spend a little bit more time with you, outside the library and the labs?«

  Like Lai Pi, Nok was born in Bangkok. Her long, black hair fell softly over her shoulders while her almond-shaped eyes mesmerized Pi again as in the years at the university. She was a natural beauty. She stopped before him and he could smell her perfume and closeness, as if she were real. The air seemed to steam between them. Old, long forgotten feelings resurged, together with painful memories.

  »You never told me that,« Lai Pi whispered.

  She interrupted him by placing her right index finger to his lips.

  »Pi, you’re the one who didn’t pay attention to me,« she said softly, »you were always too busy with your studies, with science, with yourself. It could have been so nice with us – I’m so sorry …«

  Nok disappeared with these last words.

  »No! Don’t go!« Lai Pi yelled after her, however, the only answer he received was a last smile, then he was alone again.

  Suddenly, he found himself inside a pompous throne room, whose furnishings reminded him of the cathedrals of the late middle ages. However, the frescos and pictures appeared strange to him, difficult to assess. A gigantic, golden throne, on a multiple step pedestal, caught his attention, located at the end of the hall. He turned around himself and wondered.

  Where am I now?

  The suddenly blasting sounds of fanfares filled the hall, making the dome vibrate. Pi covered his ears with his hands and was suddenly surrounded by hundreds of humanoid beings. Starry looking, their eyes were fixed at a point in the hall where a transparent energy dome enveloped something. A velvet-like pillow lay underneath the energy field; a golden object was on top of it.

  That’s Vasina’s comb! A Jamal-Comb!

  Lai Pi was confused. He wore strange and heavy clothes, covered with unknown patterns and symbol-like writings. Then a procession entered the hall, led by warriors. Behind them walked a woman in a magnificently styled dress.

  »Vasina!« he yelled, surprised. Spellbound, he followed the procession.

  One of the many guests in the room turned around and looked directly at Pi with his golden eyes.

  »Yes, this is Vasina of Atlantika! Our new queen! This is a happy day for all Progonauts! We are glad to see a representative of the House of Asia attending the ceremony.«

  A strong Progonaut with a shield on his back asked for silence.

  The shield bearer! Vasina’s bodyguard Herkales, Lai Pi thought, recognizing the device if not the person.

  The hall became dead silent, then Herkales bowed before Vasina.

  »This is the last time we bow before Khomikon to honor our king who died much too early, succumbing to the cauma fever.«

  The entire royal household fell on its knees, including Lai Pi who was also participating in the ceremony. After a couple of minutes of silence, Herkales spoke again.

  »With the offering of the Jamal-Comb, the symbol of our dead ruler, we instill his powers into Vasina, last daughter of the House of Atlantika. Hail the new queen of the Progonaut people, sovereign over all our houses!«

  The energy field collapsed with an audible rush of air as Herkales stood up. He cautiously picked up the Jamal-Comb. Herkales bent his knees again and offered Vasina the object, whispering traditional and ritual verses.

  The new queen, however, just looked at him with wide eyes, unmoving.

  »You have to take the comb, Vasina. Your people are waiting,« he whispered to her.

  Suddenly, Vasina leapt from her throne seat.

  »I cannot accept the comb, because I will lead my people into their demise! This world will die and I cannot prevent it!«

  Herkales looked up, confused.

  »What are you saying, Vasina? Everybody knows you are still young, but you will be a worthy successor to the Throne of Atlantika. The people trust you with their future.«

  »I will fail you all! The Progonauts will perish!« Vasina sobbed, tears running over her cheeks.

  Touched, Lai Pi followed the scene, which faded away before his eyes the next moment. Only Vasina remained in the hall, suddenly standing right in front of him. Her shoulders twitched while she hid her face behind her hands.

  »I failed!« she sobbed. »I am responsible for the death of my world and my people. It was my responsibility to protect them!«

  Lai Pi took Vasina in his arms. This usually very strong woman struggled with her self-control.

  »You did everything in your powers. Nobody could have ever prevented the attack on your world. I understand your burden. I don’t know if I could carry such a load of pain on my shoulders.«

  She shook herself to steady her trembling but did not leave Lai Pi’s arms.

  »I will carry the burden,« she said proudly, »but never forget. Only if the Dark Brotherhood is made accountable will I be able to live a normal life – not before!«

  Lai Pi nodded.

  »I understand you very well, Vasina.

  »I understand you Humans better now,« she proclaimed, »I witnessed the struggle for survival and the slow but steady rebuilding of your world, the migration to the underwater cities and the birth of the Solar Union. I saw Arkroid’s home, his family and his life achievements. Now I understand why you will not accept me as your supreme ruler and want to lead a life of your own. You earned this right.«

  Vasina twisted herself out of Pi’s arms, who only nodded silently.

  »Where’s Arkroid?«

  »I’m here!«, Arkroid materialized directly beside them, also looking a bit stressed out.

  »I had visions of Agua City, my family and Atlantika’s demise. It was a horrible tragedy. Your world was very beautiful, Vasina. I could only take a short glance, but my respect for the Progonaut achievements is immeasurable.«

  »The Hall of Eternity! What an apt name,« Lai Pi whispered, »the Techno-Clerics’ creators must have formed an environment in which our thoughts, worries, longings and innermost fears will materialize. What did 40028 say?: A place for meditation and reflection. How did they do this?«

  »I don’t know,« Arkroid admitted, »but the fact alone that the Creators were dealing in such a way with feelings and emotions, makes them become very likeable. What do you think, Vasina?«

  »I believe these people still exist, somewhere in the vast universe. After all we’ve seen so far, I can’t believe they’ve just vanished.«

  »I agree, Vasina,« Lai Pi said amiably. »Who knows, maybe they’ll come back one day and revisit this hall.«

  A moral question

  Again the surroundings changed. This time the hall had transformed into a museum, filled with displayed objects. Arkroid had the impression that the Techno-Clerics’ creators were not only highly advanced in their morals and technologies but were also people who had valued the fine arts and aesthetics very much.

  »Are we now inside the real reality? Is this what the Hall of Eternity looks like or is it another virtual-reality trip?« Pi asked sarcastically.

  Arkroid and Vasina had no answer for him. They silently walked from room to room and finally stopped before a holographic display of a moving galaxy.

  »That must be the Milky Way!« Lai Pi blurted. »Look, here. These satellite galaxies could be the Magellanic Clouds.«

  »It is the Milky Way,« Vasina stated and stepped right into the center of the holo-display, surrounded by millions of moving and rotating stars and clouds of gas. At times, small lights flashed, indicating dying suns or supernovae, while expanding gas nebulae formed into zones of highly condensed matter. Eddy currents and twirls established themselves while stellar matter retracted, flashing spontaneously, indicating the birth of a new sun, which over time could become the center of a solar system with planets and moons.

  »Fascinating! The beginning and the end, birth and death. What do the Creators want to tell us – that everything must come to an end?« Lai Pi wondered.

>   »Perhaps they want to tell us that every condition in our universe may exist at any given time …«

  »… birth, death, rebirth and renewal,« Arkroid added who, like everybody else, was mesmerized by the projection’s magic. »It could also be just a mirror of our own imperfection, ignorance and the projected hope to understand the laws of the universe in the future.«

  Suddenly, the sphere of a Techno-Cleric materialized before them, hovering up and down slightly.

  Vasina started and stepped back, about to reach for her sword.

  »Try it, Progonaut!« the sphere mocked, »you can’t harm me with your weapon, but go ahead if you don’t believe me. It’ll be a new experience for you.«

  »Vasina!« Arkroid shouted sharply, as she tried to pull her sword out despite the Techno-Cleric’s words.

  »Interesting, a subordinate of your species who exercises self-control. However, that won’t help you much. Your friend was not supposed to be found and returned to Techno-Center. Since I have calculated a high probability for you to have been able to detect my double life, I won’t give you the opportunity to tell about it.«

  »You’re the Techno-Twin,« Arkroid stated calmly, »where is 40028?«

  »I don’t care where he is. He may be explaining himself to the collective and why his programming shows some obvious deviations from the original.«

  »You are the Techno-Cleric who met 40028 in the void!« Lai Pi concluded with a hiss.

  »It amazes me to see that organic beings can think logically,« the twin kept up his mocking tones.

  »How is it possible that we can communicate with each other? You don’t have a universal translator,« Arkroid asked flatly.

  »I’m special,« the Techno-Twin replied secretively. »Didn’t you notice it yet … Human?«

  Slowly the robot hovered closer, while Vasina, Lai Pi and Arkroid moved backward, step by step.

  »What’s he going to do?« Vasina asked aloud and reached for her sword again.

  »Wait,« Arkroid whispered. 40028 insured us that we would be absolutely safe in the hall.«

  The Techno-Twin answered Arkroid’s comment with evil laughter. Arkroid suddenly felt heavy pressure on his chest. Breathing became more and more difficult. Lai Pi seemed to have the same problem and began wheezing.

  »He’s trying to suffocate us!« Vasina croaked, »he wants to kill us, that bastard!«

  All three struggled for air with wide, panicky, open eyes. Arkroid suddenly realized that they would never be able to withstand the robot’s powers. Then the environment changed abruptly, accompanied by the Techno-Twin’s angry screams, fading amidst the different virtual realities. Vasina, Arkroid and Lai Pi were standing inside a great garden with beautiful exotic plants. Small paths criss-crossed the garden and small benches, as well as water fountains and ponds, invited the visitors to rest and relax. A bright yellow, warm sun was shining high in the sky. Some garden sections were covered with transparent domes, stretching for more than a couple of hundred meters in diameter.

  »Wow … just in the nick of time,« Arkroid coughed, »a little longer and he would have strangled us to death.«

  »At least we know now where we stand,« Lai Pi said. »The Techno-Twin is the fraud. He’d kill to hide his identity. Is this all part of the Cosmic Moral Code our friend was telling us about?«

  Arkroid looked around amazed.

  »Hard to believe!« Arkroid replied. »Whatever or wherever this garden is, the virtual reality has saved us for now from the Techno-Twin. Maybe that’s what 40028 meant, when he spoke about a safe place. He must have sensed that we were in danger.«

  »This garden doesn’t mean anything to me,« Lai Pi said, gazing around. »I’ve never seen it before.«

  »But I have!« Vasina replied. »It belongs to the Rainbow Palace on Atlantika. I grew up here.«

  Arkroid kept looking around cautiously.

  »The Techno-Twin couldn’t follow us, it seems.«

  Lai Pi wiped his forehead.

  »What does this all mean? Vasina, you mentioned that the palace was destroyed during the invasion.«

  »That’s correct,« she answered in a choking voice, »I lived here, this is my home. It saw with my own eyes how the palace was destroyed. I was barely able to escape with my guards.«

  »Well, remember this is not today’s reality. It can’t be. I assume that the Hall of Eternity is kind of able to access the memories in our subconscious to create its virtual-reality,« Arkroid speculated.

  »We’ve experienced for ourselves how each of us seems to go through his or hers primary memory sequences first. Only later did I become part of one of Vasina’s sequences. Now, we’ve become part of this episode together,« Pi added.

  »Go on,« Arkroid invited Pi to continue.

  »The mechanism creating these virtual worlds seems to have assessed that we somehow belong together, and it’s establishing a mutual momentary reality of our past. We could materialize on Earth in the next sequence, or with a bit of experimenting, recall any other scenario we’ve lived through. The Techno-Twin, however, isn’t able to follow us onto these levels, because he’s a machine.«

  »Hence 40028’s comment that his brothers can’t use this hall. Interesting theory,« Arkroid admitted, »but how are the realities and sequences selected? I don’t think that we selected this sequence consciously. What do you think, Vasina?«

  Vasina shook her head.

  »I can’t explain it.«

  Vasina’s attention was diverted by something, hanging down from a thorny bush. She pulled a piece of cloth from the bush and showed it to the others.

  »The Ambassador of the House of Persia gave me this shawl, hand-woven and very delicate. I must have lost it on our flight from the palace, just before the invasion!«

  Vasina starred at the delicate cloth, then suddenly turned around.

  »This is the day of our demise! It is going to happen today!«

  »What do you mean?« Arkroid asked with a cracking voice.

  »It’s happening right now! We have to leave … quick!« Vasina screamed. »The palace will be destroyed soon!«

  The sun suddenly darkened. A gigantic object covered the sun, casting a huge shadow over the Rainbow Palace and the garden. It became suddenly cooler.

  »A Dark Brotherhood carrier!« Vasina yelled and pointed into the sky.

  The enemy ship was so big that Arkroid could only see part of it. Heavy explosions and tremors shook the palace. Smoke was rising, darkening the sky even further.

  »They’re starting the bombardment of our capital city! The first enemy ships have broken through the defenses!«

  Vasina was out of control. It must have been horrible for her, reliving the attack.

  »Wait!« Arkroid shouted as she tried to run out of the garden.

  »Where do you want to go? This is only a virtual-reality! We don’t have to worry.«

  »Toiber!« Lai Pi interrupted aloud and showed his right index finger to Arkroid. A drop of blood had formed on the fingertip. »If this is virtual then why can I prick myself on the bush’s thorns?«

  Vasina froze for a moment.

  »Follow me before it’s too late or we die here!«

  Arkroid signaled Pi to follow Vasina. She knew her way, leading them to a shelter. They ran as fast as they could along the path and arrived at one of the entrances to the palace.

  »Where to now?« Arkroid asked breathlessly.

  »The bomb will fall soon! There’s a bunker underneath the palace. Maybe we have a chance to survive the direct hit!«

  Arkroid quickly exchanged a glance with Lai Pi.

  »This virtual world is too realistic for my taste!« Arkroid complained and cursed.

  Silently they followed Vasina who suddenly stopped as if petrified. As Arkroid and Lai Pi reached her, they saw what caused it. A young Progonaut woman with a child in her arms was lying before them on the ground. She had tried to protect the child with her body.

  »Nofratea!« Vasina was shaking.<
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  »My Queen! Thank our Gods! I already thought you had forgotten and abandoned us. We don’t know what to do, the enemy is landing all over this world,« the woman said, relieved but with panic still in her voice.

  Vasina looked around nervously, then she looked up to the sky. The Dark Brotherhood carrier was already assuming attack position.

  »Nofratea, you and your child have to go into the bunker immediately. Everything will be destroyed here!«

  »But my Queen, you know we’re not authorized to enter the bunker. You go and get to safety before it’s too late!«

  »Who is this woman?« Arkroid asked huskily.

  »My lady’s maid. She always helped me and I left her behind in the palace. I just didn’t think of her.«

  Vasina’s face had paled as she picked up Nofratea from the floor.

  »You and your child come with us!«

  Arkroid and Vasina supported the woman while Lai Pi took the child on his arm. Together, they ran into the palace.

  »Over there … the evac-slides! We have to go there!« Vasina shouted.

  As the sirens inside the palace sounded, Vasina’s eyes became starry.

  »Fast! We only have seconds!«

  They arrived at the airlock doors and Vasina nervously entered the access code. The protective energy shield collapsed and the evac-slides to the underground bunker opened. Without hesitation, Arkroid and Vasina pushed the woman and her child down the slides.

  »And now? What’s next?« Arkroid yelled in panic.

  »Just a couple of seconds then it’s our turn. We have to wait for the clear signal.«

  At the same moment an ultra-bright flash illuminated the scene. Blinded, they closed their eyes. The bomb!

  Too late! Arkroid thought.

  Then the scenery changed and they were back in the room with the Milky Way projection.

  Vasina lay sobbing before Arkroid’s feet, hanging on to his knees.

  »I forgot … I … I abandoned them! I … I … will never forgive myself. She died with her … her child.«

  Arkroid looked around cautiously.

  »Not this time, Vasina. This time, you cared and looked after them. Get up! The Techno-Twin could still be around. We have to keep our eyes and ears open. This reality is probably much more dangerous than the one we just escaped.«


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