Past Heaven

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Past Heaven Page 28

by Laura Ward

“This baby is so wicked.” Grayson climbed in the backseat and buckled his seatbelt, admiring Reynolds’ new Denali.

  “I’m pretty sure Reynolds bought this baby just so he didn’t have to ride in our stinky minivan,” I added and the boys, Reynolds included, laughed.

  “Mom, the reason doesn’t matter. Just appreciate the sweet ride.” Griffin grinned.

  A few miles down the road, we arrived in Monkton. Reynolds pulled up to large metal gates and entered a code. We drove up a long, winding driveway past acres of white fences. No less than a dozen brown, white, and black horses ate grass in the pasture. We pulled up to the loveliest estate I had ever seen. It was a huge stone mansion with an unmistakable country feel. A gigantic porch wrapped around the home, with swinging benches, deck chairs, and bountiful potted ferns hanging from the eaves. Reynolds opened the thick wooden double doors, and I saw that the home was empty. The boys ran in, and I looked up at Reynolds with a smirk.

  “So buddy, been shopping lately?” I pinched his ribs, and he grabbed my hand and threaded our fingers together.

  “Nothing much. Just looking for a home for my family,” he stated, kissing the corner of my mouth. “You told me you were ready to move and that I could pick out something I liked, right? I didn’t fuck up here, did I?” Reynolds bent his knees and searched my face.

  “We need more room, absolutely. And, Reyn, I’ll live anywhere you are.” I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Hellloooooo, fancy pants.” Reynolds and I froze, opening our eyes without pulling our lips away. “Christ, Reynolds, if you weren’t total man candy, I’d really hate you,” Cindy bellowed from the door. I arched an eyebrow at Reynolds in question.

  “She offered to take the boys for a sleepover at her house after the interview. She knew you’d be wiped.” Reynolds spoke out of the corner of his mouth as Cindy approached.

  “Mr. Hollywood texted me this address to get the boys. Now you’re stuck giving me a tour. Shit, I may never leave.”

  I rolled my eyes and motioned for her to join us. “Come on and stick that tongue back in your mouth. You look like a dog salivating.” We walked past a huge office, living room, and dining room and entered into the largest open kitchen and family room I had ever seen.

  “Liz, this is a chef’s kitchen. I’m going to be happier than a pig in a poke with the meals you make in here.” Cindy did her startlingly accurate pig impression as I looked around. Sub-Zero appliances, double ovens, and even an indoor grill were included. I could cook happily in that kitchen for the rest of my life.

  The stone fireplace in the family room took my breath away. “All you need is one of those bear skin rugs. Faux, of course. No need to get PETA up in Reynolds’ face.” Cindy stood in the family room, gesturing with her arm. “Picture it. Bear skin rug. Roaring fire. Reynolds Carter…bare skinned.”

  I slapped her arm while Reynolds threw his head back in laughter. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

  “Oh, honey, you’re stuck with me.” Cindy eyed Reynolds then gave me a mischievous smile. “I have a few ideas what you and Mr. Hollywood—now Mr. Monkton—are going to be doing, too.”

  Shouts of excitement rang out as the boys ran up from the basement. “Mom there’s an arcade down there!” Grayson jumped up and down with excitement. “Pool table, air hockey, tons of video games. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Griffin looked at Reynolds in awe. “Did you see the movie theater? It even has a popcorn machine!”

  Hayden was staring outside with wide eyes. “Mama, look at the pool!” We all walked outside to see the stone pool with a diving board, waterfall, hot tub, and outdoor fireplace.

  Reynolds turned Grayson and Griffin to the side. “Check out the sports court!” The boys whooped and ran over to the huge fenced courtyard where they could play basketball and soccer.

  “Sold!” Cindy chortled as she trotted after the boys. “Done and done. Don’t over-think, Liz. Only consider me and how happy I’ll be here.”

  I shook my head, watching her retreating form.

  “What do you think? Wait. Don’t answer yet. I have to show you the master bedroom. It’s an entire wing of the house. Total privacy, for you know, when we’re interested in one another.” Reynolds winked dramatically as I laughed and kissed his hand. “You have a huge dressing room and the bathroom is ridiculous.”

  “Stop. Reynolds, you had me at the kitchen. Seriously, do you really want to move to Baltimore? Don’t you need to be in L.A.?”

  Reynolds leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth. “I would never raise our boys in California. This is their home and your home. Now it’s my home. I’ll have to travel for work sometimes, but work is secondary. This is where our family needs to be. Besides, I’m going to continue writing, and I’d like to try directing and producing. This’ll be my home base, where I get all my inspiration.” Reynolds gave me a smacking kiss on the lips and pinched my butt.

  “Reyn, I love it. This is absolutely our home.” We kissed again and stepped back to look at our new home. “How soon can we move in?”

  “I’M SO HAPPY for both of you.” Cindy hugged each of us and gave me a quick pat on the rear. I could always count on Cindy to go one step too far. Laughing, she got into her car and left with three very excited boys.

  I turned to Liz and saw her heading back into the house. I wanted to give her a few minutes alone to check the place out. I had taken a big chance, buying the estate without her seeing it first, but I had a strong feeling as soon as my realtor sent me the listing. If Liz hated it, I’d sell it. Little issues would not get to me anymore. Now that we had told the world the truth about our relationship, nothing else mattered. Looking around the rolling green hills, I pictured years of happiness with Liz and the boys—riding horses, celebrating holidays, birthdays, and all the wonderful mundane events in between that made a life. My life. This was now my life.

  Shaking my head in disbelief and savoring the sweet silence of our time alone, I walked into the foyer and noticed Liz’s white shirt on the floor. I picked it up and walked past the office door, where her jeans hung. Sweet baby Jesus, this was my girl. My pulse sped up, but I forced myself not to run. No, we had all the time in the world, and I wanted to savor this. My Liz was finally comfortable enough with me, and herself, to seduce me. Hell fucking yes.

  Heading into the kitchen, I skidded to a stop when I saw her very skimpy panties on the floor. This was the best game ever. I had a hunch where to look next. Stepping onto the patio, I made my way toward the pool, focusing on finding her last article of clothing and my real prize, a naked Liz Atwater. I looked the wrong way and was hit in the face with a white lace bra. Turning toward the hot tub, I held my breath as I watched her lower herself into the steaming water.

  She closed her eyes, and my heart raced with excitement. She was my ultimate temptation, sitting naked and steamy, surrounded by bubbles. I hadn’t made love to Liz since her birthday. We had promised ourselves we wouldn’t sneak around from the boys. Now nothing was holding us back. We were at our new home, surrounded by nothing but acres of land and horses. Tonight I would kiss every part of her, and I would relish each moment. Liz was all mine, and I wasn’t sure I had ever wanted her more.

  “You can join me, love, but you’ll have to strip for me first.”

  “Paybacks, right? Well, this is a tradition I’m more than willing to start with you.” I gave her a crooked smile as I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it onto the patio floor. I yanked off my jeans, almost falling on my ass, as I rushed to pull them off my legs.

  Liz watched with infatuation as I took off my clothes and entered the water. As soon as I sat back in the tub, Liz made her way over. She straddled me and wrapped her legs around my back. We kissed each other slowly. Our hands rubbed each other’s backs, necks, and arms. We had all the time in the world.

  “Today is both the beginning and end of our journey. The wait is over and I want you every day in th
e future,” Liz whispered with a quiet intensity against my lips. I brushed kisses over her face, arousal sweeping through my blood. I swallowed against the ache in my throat, attempting to get a handle on my emotions and calm my body down enough to make this moment she dreamt of last longer than a few seconds.

  “I want you so much, Elizabeth. Waiting has made me insatiable for you. I’ll never get my fill.” Liz traced her tongue along the shell of my ear, and I groaned as she sucked it in her warm mouth.

  We spoke no more words, communicating with one another through eyes alone. I lifted Liz’s hips and adjusted her, so we fit together under the water. She ran her hands through my hair, her eyes boring into mine, dark, hooded, and then glazed. We moved slowly, making love in a way that surprised me. I had expected the frenzy and passion we had in L.A. Now only peace surrounded us. A knowledge was present of the commitment, of the loyalty, and of the unending love that we would never let go.

  I had planned on asking Liz to marry me on Christmas Eve, but first, I needed to ask permission from the most important men in her life. Each sat across from me in a booth at Bagelmeister, our local ice cream parlor, with chocolate fudge on their respective chins.

  When the ice cream was mostly gone, I placed my spoon on the table and pushed back my bowl. I took a deep breath. Damn, I couldn’t believe how nervous I was. “Guys, I need to ask you something. You know I love your Mom a lot. And you know that your Mom and I want to be together forever. I want to know if you’re okay with my asking her to marry me.”

  Hayden smiled and left his side of the booth to come climb onto my lap. Griff and Grayson also smiled at one another and then at me.

  “Dude, it’s about time. Again!” Grayson shouted, and I reached over to squeeze his shoulder.

  “We know you love Mom. That would be awesome.” Griffin smiled at me, and I shook his hand.

  Hayden looked up at me with his big brown eyes that looked so much like his mom’s. “Will you be my daddy, now?”

  I looked at all three boys and saw their hesitation. “Guys, I’ll never try and take the place of your Dad. He’ll always be your father. I’ll tell you this. I promise to love you as much as you’ll let me. And in any way that you need a dad, and want that from me, just know I want it too. How’s that?

  Hayden whispered in my ear, “Can I call you Daddy?”

  I nodded, feeling that lump rise in my throat that these boys always seem to be able to create. “Sure you can, buddy, and you guys can call me whatever you feel comfortable calling me.” The guys nodded, looking relieved. I rubbed my hands together and then leaned forward with a hint of excitement and mischief. “Now here’s the plan….”

  “THAT TURKEY’S A damn fine bird.” Reynolds pulled his head out of the oven, baster in hand. “Now, who needs wine?”

  To Reynolds, a family Thanksgiving meant he was responsible for two tasks. He needed to baste the turkey and pour the wine. He completed both tasks to perfection.

  I kissed his cheek and added butter and milk to the mashed potatoes. Our huge dining room table would be filled with family in a matter of hours. Stirring the potatoes, I sprinkled in salt and pepper. The past months had been a whirlwind. After the People article was published, I was no longer the pariah of society. The public had accepted that we were in love and that I hadn’t forced myself onto Reynolds. In fact because we were so deeply in love, we were no longer interesting. The paparazzi had faded away as Reynolds had promised. We had moved into our home and had made it a space filled with love. Pictures of Jack mixed in with pictures of Reynolds, both of our parents, and the boys. The best part of all was that Reynolds and I were free to be a normal couple. We shared a bed and made love whenever we liked.

  And we liked it often.

  Once all of the food filled our table, we sat to eat. This year, Reynolds sat at one end of the table and I sat at the other. I tapped my wine glass with my fork to get everyone’s attention. “Reynolds, would you make the toast this year?”

  He smiled, a surprised, but pleased look on his face and stood up, holding his glass. “Thank you all for being here with us today in our new home. It’s been another year of change for everyone. Looking around, I wonder what Jack must think. He’d see his beautiful, amazing Liz.” Reynolds gestured toward me, his eyes warm. “His incredible boys.” Reynolds rumpled Hayden’s hair and smiled at Griff and Grayson. “His devoted parents.” Nancy and Ed grinned lovingly. “His loving in-laws and brother.” David’s face erupted in a smile as Jim patted his back. “And his friends.” Cindy gave Reynolds a cheeky thumbs up. “We are here to share a meal together. You have all welcomed me and my parents into your life wholeheartedly.” Reynolds’ eyes glistened, and he cleared his throat. “I’d like to think he’d be proud of that. We should be especially thankful for Jack today. We should also be thankful for each other and the blessings that each of us brings to the other. Happy Thanksgiving, you wonderful people. Cheers.”

  “Cheers!” We responded and clinked our glasses together.

  “Reynolds, are we having pancakes for dinner? The sap is flowing like syrup around here.” Cindy snickered, and the rest of the table joined in her laughter.

  “Oh, Cindy, you know you love me.” Reynolds couldn’t have wiped the smile from his face if he tried. We were truly his family.

  This was a day of abundant blessings.

  “I MUST ADMIT, of all the holiday traditions you’ve introduced me to, the assembly of tiny toys is my least favorite.” Reynolds and I stood back looking at the bountiful piles of presents under the tree. The antique grandfather clock in our family room struck twelve. It was no longer Christmas Eve.

  I squeezed Reynolds’ hand. “Thank you. You made all of this possible with your generosity.” I leaned up and pressed my lips against his. He pulled back, and I pouted.

  Chuckling, he led me over to the fireplace. “Sit here and enjoy. I want to pour us one last drink before bed.” He returned with two glasses of champagne and sat beside me. We sipped the bubbly cocktail and watched the fire.

  “Oh Reyn. It’s snowing. Look.” Peering out the windows of our family room, we saw a dusting of snow cover the fields. “I dreamt about this when I saw the fireplace. I pictured sitting in front of it with you, watching the first snow of the season.” I set my glass down and ran my hands up his chest. The tip of my tongue traced my upper lip, and I watched his eyes darken. Leaning closer, I kissed his neck, dragging my tongue slowly up to his ear. Heat coursed through my body until I had to press my thighs together. We needed to be upstairs.

  Reynolds’ breaths were hard and fast, but he knelt in front of me, taking both of my hands in his. “I never imagined a woman like you existed, Elizabeth.” I listened to him, unable to stop smiling at hearing him use my full name. “I never thought I would find a woman who loved others more than she loved herself. A woman who believed in the good in the world even when she was shown darkness. That was the stuff movies were made of. But then I did meet you, and you were real. My own life turned into something not even Hollywood could replicate. I could never ask for more.” Reynolds smiled, and I stilled, holding my breath. “Well, that’s not completely true. There is one more thing.”

  Reynolds got on one knee and pulled a baby blue box from his pocket. My trembling hands covered my mouth and tears filled my eyes. He opened it, and I gasped. Reynolds wanted to marry me. My heart knocked against my chest, and my eyes widened at the sight before me. It was the biggest sparkling vintage diamond ring I had ever seen.

  “Marry me, Elizabeth. Please do me the honor of becoming my wife. Please make me the happiest man on the planet.”

  I threw my arms around him, tears streaming down my cheeks, as I knocked him onto his back.

  “Is that a yes?” He chuckled as I crushed my lips against his.

  “Oh my god, yes! Yes, I will. I mean, I do. It’s about time! What took you so long?” We kissed again, laughing at the same time.

  “Those were Grayson’s words, too,” Reynolds
whispered as he kissed my ear.

  “Wait, the boys know?” I leaned away from him and narrowed my eyes.

  “Of course.” He raised one eyebrow at me as he turned off the fireplace and shut off the lights. “I had to get their permission first.”

  He pulled me into his arms, the only light coming from the Christmas tree. I ran my fingers down his face, so dear to me, so full of love. “Reynolds Carter, you are the most wonderful man in the world. Now take your fiancée to bed and have your way with her.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He laughed as he scooped me up and carried me to our bedroom.

  LIZ SAUNTERED OUT of the bathroom of our hotel suite, and I drew in a sharp breath. The damn woman could knock the wind out of me ten times a day from just walking into a room. Her eyes took me in from head to toe.

  “You look gorgeous, Elizabeth. I can’t wait to get you back here tonight. On second thought, let’s skip all the nonsense and stay here. I’m very interested in you right now.” I ran my hands over her breasts, feeling them stiffen under my touch.

  “Reyn,” Liz murmured. “You look obscenely hot in that tux.” She shook her head back and forth as her gaze traveled down the length of my body. When she licked her lips, I growled in frustration. “But this is the Oscars, and it’s every girl’s fantasy to attend the Oscars. Besides, you’re nominated for Best Actor. We are sure as hell going. Now cool down your interested self and get your cute ass in the limo.”

  Liz and I had been back and forth to L.A. for several awards shows. Our movie had won its share, and Michael Doogan had won every one he had been nominated for. I had been nominated, but had not won anything yet.

  We climbed into our limo, and I poured us each a glass of champagne. Liz sat rigidly, fidgeting with her gold dress. “What are you thinking?” I asked, squeezing her hand in mine.

  “I’m bracing myself for whatever comes.” Liz smiled sweetly, and I could see the unspoken anxiety in her eyes. “I know we’ve attended other shows, and nothing terrible has been yelled at me, but this is the Oscars. You’re up for one of the biggest awards of the night, and I’ll be on your arm. I’m worried people will be cruel about our relationship.”


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