Crawl for Me (Dave and Lida)

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Crawl for Me (Dave and Lida) Page 2

by Philips, Daisy

  “What seems to be the problem? I thought my instructions were clear?”

  “Yes they were, Dave, uh, Sir, but you must have given me the wrong basket. All that was in it was a collar and some kneepads.”

  “Yes, I know. I put them in there. You said you’d crawl for me and bark like a dog. Have you changed your mind already?”

  “But, but, there were no clothes in the basket.” Lida knew her tone was pleading, verging on whining, but she just couldn’t believe that was all he wanted her to wear.

  “Puppies don’t wear clothes,” he declared, his tone having an edge.

  “But, I’d be naked!”

  Dave didn’t answer. He just looked down at her, frowning. Then his expression changed to one of disappointment. Even his body language changed. His shoulders dropped.

  “Fine. It was your idea. I guess you really were all talk. I’m not going to force you to do something against your will.” He pointed. “Your clothes are in the washer. They should be done in another half hour. Then you can toss them in the dryer. I trust you can use the dryer without my help. Stay down here until they are done and then you can let yourself out when your clothes are ready.” He turned and walked away, going up a set of stairs and out of her life.

  Lida watched his retreating back. She had expected him to try to talk her into it, she realized. It took her longer to realize that there were tears falling down her face.

  He hadn’t seemed angry with her, though, just disappointed, which was almost worse. Of course, he was not as disappointed with her as she was in herself. She’d talked all brave but at the first opportunity, she’d wussed out. She’d read once that when you looked back on your life, you were more likely to regret the things you hadn’t done than those you had.

  Lida stood up, her knees protesting even after her short stint on the ground. She walked back into the bathroom and looked at the basket which sat on the bathroom vanity. Picking it up the collar, she looked at it closely for the first time. It was approximately two inches wide and made of rich soft black leather. There was what she thought was called a D-ring at the front and a buckle in the back.

  She ran her fingers over it, enjoying the feel of the soft leather before dropping it back into the basket.

  Next, she examined the kneepads. They were very different from the collar. She turned them over. They were plain, ordinary volleyball kneepads. She used to own a similar pair in high school. Clearly, he intended her to spend a lot of time on her knees. She sighed. And clearly he was trying to be considerate by providing the knee pads. She put the pads in the basket and retrieved the collar. How bad could it be?

  She held the collar up to her throat. It looked… sexy. Impulsively she buckled it into place. It looked damned sexy. Her hair, though, was blocking it. She opened a drawer. Of course it was fully stocked. She pulled out package of black hair elastics. She could do this. She could do this. She braided her hair and used elastic at the end to keep it from unravelling.

  She looked up at herself in the mirror. The collar looked sexy. She fingered it, imagining it was his finger running along the edge and moaned at the sensation. She opened her eyes in shock. She was turned on, really turned on. She wondered what it would be like if it was his fingers on the collar, touching her, maybe hooked into the D-ring, pulling her to him.

  She held back another moan.

  She looked in the mirror. Her nipples were hard and throbbing. She touched them. They were like pebbles jutting out. She pinched them lightly and could feel the tingle clear down to her clit. That’s when she realized she was wet. Oh, God. It would be so embarrassing. She wet a washcloth and washed away the evidence of her arousal and then used the towel to dry off. Hopefully she wouldn’t do that in front of him. Or maybe he wanted her to… she was so confused.

  Buzzzzzzzz. After her heart rate slowed down to normal, she realized it was just the washer signalling it was finished. Quickly she transferred her clothes to the dryer, added one of those anti-static sheets, set the timer, and then returned to the bathroom.

  She looked at the basket. The only thing left were the knee pads. In for a penny, in for a pound. Without giving herself a chance to think, she donned them and hurried through the laundry room and then out the doorway she’d seen Dave take. She went up a half flight of stairs and found herself in a hallway. There was a kitchen on the right that seemed to lead into a dining room. On the left was a set of stairs and beyond the stairs down a hallway, was an open door. From it, she could hear the sound of Anderson Cooper? Clearly he was watching CNN.

  Now or never. She walked up to the doorway of the room. It was a home office and he was sitting at a desk, feet up, watching CNN. She glanced around. The room was large. There was a desk against one wall and a couch along the opposite side. In between was a large open area. Between them was a wall of windows and a door that lead to the garden the room overlooked. Falling to her knees, she waited for him to notice her.

  Chapter Three

  He’d been aware the instant she appeared in his doorway. He’d hoped she’d taken up the challenge and she hadn’t disappointed him. She didn’t know it, but she’d taken the first step to becoming his pet. Now the question was, would she take the next step, or rather crawl it.

  He waited until she was down on her knees for several minutes before he acknowledged her presence. He wasn’t trying to teach her a lesson. Rather, her beauty took his breath away. From the top of her blonde hair, hanging down her back in a thick braid, to her full breasts tipped with pink nipples that were beaded tightly, to the tangle of blonde hair at the juncture of her thighs, she was perfect, just perfect.

  “Took you long enough.” The words came out more gruffly than he’d intended. Her beauty just shone from within. Her face was beautiful in the conventional sense, but it was her inner beauty that called to him and made him so hard he could pound nails.

  “Sorry, Sir. Sorry for being late and sorry for refusing to put, er, these on at first.”

  He turned to look at her. “I am pleased with you, Lida. Good girl. You’ve taken the first step, my pet. Now crawl over here and take the second.”

  And now he waited. It would be so easy for him to go over there and encourage her. He could berate her or emotionally manipulate her into doing it. He could romance her into giving him what he wanted. But he wanted her to do it of her own free will. She had to voluntarily give him her submission, herself and become his puppy, even if it was just for the weekend.

  So he waited and watched the struggle on her face. She really had such an open countenance. He could read every thought as they raced across her face. He loved the struggle. And he was turned on by the sight of her wearing his collar. It looked so hot around her delicate throat. His dick liked the way she looked too. It was like he hadn’t just rubbed one out.

  He decided to give her a little incentive. He stood up and walked around to the side of the desk, leaning back against it. He knew she could see how his pants were tented by his cock, but just in case she didn’t appreciate what she was seeing, he reached down and stroked himself through the material.

  “Does the puppy want to play with my bone?”

  As soon as the words were out of him mouth, he had to smother a laugh. That was probably the corniest line he’d ever used. He glanced at Lida as he stroked himself to see if she was amused. She wasn’t laughing. No, her gaze was locked on the bulge in his pants and the movement of his hand.

  “I asked you a question, puppy.”

  “Yes, Sir. I want your bone.”

  “You know what you need to do then…”

  * * * *

  Lida did know. He was making her come to him and made it clear she was doing this of her own free will. No coercion. No … oh, God. If he didn’t stop playing with himself, she was going to go crazy with frustration. She wanted to push his hands away, pull down his pants, and swallow his cock whole. But she wasn’t here as his girlfriend, his equal. She was his puppy girl. She would go to him and await furt
her instruction.

  She started to stand and then hesitated. He’d said crawl. She looked at Dave. He was watching her with a frown. She dropped back down onto both knees and then leaned forward, placing her hands on the hardwood floor in front of her. Then she crawled. She felt horribly self-conscious. Her full breasts were dangling below her, swaying with each movement. She looked up expecting to see something, triumph, superiority, something like that on his face. She was surprised when all she saw was approval.

  Suddenly he frowned. “Why have you stopped?”

  “Sorry, Sir.” She resumed her slow progress until she was in front of him. Unsure what to do next, she sat back on her heels and looked up at him. From his smile, she’d done the right thing. He leaned down and ruffled her hair.

  “Good girl! You’re a very good girl, aren’t you?” She felt a jolt of pleasure at his approval and the feel of his hand stroking her hair. Then she realized he’d just acted as if she was a dog. She could feel the heat rise in her face and she leaned away from his touch.

  He chuckled. “You should be leaning towards me when I praise you, not away.” He sat back down in his chair. “Now let’s get started. Widen your knees. I want to be able to see your pussy when you are kneeling.”

  She complied but couldn’t help responding. “Your puppy’s pussy?”

  He chuckled. “First rule— no speaking. Dogs don’t talk. You may bark or whine, but no growling or you’ll be punished. You’ll obey my every command promptly, understand?”

  Lida opened her mouth to answer but saw the expression on his face and smiled. “Woof!” She couldn’t help herself. She giggled and then tensed. She relaxed when he chuckled too.

  “Now spread your knees wider, pup, and no more back talk.” When she complied, he said, “Good girl. That position we’ll call sit. Now rise up onto your knees, bend your elbows and bring your hands up beside your tits, with the wrists bent and fingers pointing down. We’ll call that sitting pretty.” He paused a moment, then said, “Sit pretty, pup!”

  Feeling self-conscious, Lida rose up as he asked.

  “Good pup!” His hands continued to move over her hair and then her shoulders and back. His hands felt good, soothing her, gentling her as if she was a nervous canine. To her embarrassment, she realized she was becoming aroused by his touch. Her nipples had hardened and she could feel some moisture beginning to leak from her pussy. She found herself relaxing into his touch.

  In her current position, he was able to move his hands lower and he tweaked a nipple. She flinched but then realized the pain was morphing to something else. When he gripped her other nipple, she knew the pain was just a gateway to something more. As he pinched and twisted them, she could feel an answering throbbing in her clit as if it wanted to be touched too.

  She moaned and shuffled closer to give him better access to her body. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensations he was causing in her as one big hand left her breast and slid lower and lower until it was tangling in the curls she had always refused to shave or wax.

  “Never let anyone convince you to go bare, pup, you hear me?”

  She nodded, enjoying the feeling of his big finger parting her folds to rub her clit lightly. His finger was calloused, as if he worked with his hands and not in an office, and the friction was delicious. He stroked her lightly until she was moaning with need and her cream was flowing freely.

  “Enjoying this, pup?”

  Lida opened her mouth to answer and then stopped herself just in time. Looking up, she nodded and was rewarded by a smile.

  “Good girl. Now, up on the coffee table. I need to check you out from head to toe before we start your training, and I need you off the ground for that.” He reached over and hooked a finger in the D-Ring of her collar and Lida returned to her hands and knees. She let him lead her over to the coffee table in front of the couch and help her up on to it.

  She knelt there as he started running his hands over her body again from the top of her head down the back of her neck and along her back. His hands slid underneath her and cupped her breasts, lifting and squeezing them lightly before moving down to her hips and then over her butt and down her legs. She had to suppress a giggle as he lightly touched the soles of her feet. He responded by giving her a sharp slap on the ass.

  She waited, expecting him to do more. She needed him to do more. Her pussy was dripping. She was so turned on, but he ignored it. She moved, wiggling, trying to get his attention. Smack. He slapped her ass again.

  “Bad doggie. Do I have to restrain you in order to finish your examination?”

  She shook her head and whined.

  He ran his hand along her flank again. “Good dog. Just spread your legs a bit more and then lay your head down on your crossed paws, tits down against the table as well. This position is called present.”

  She hesitated and could hear him making a tutting sound.

  “I know just what you need. Do not move a muscle.”

  Lida wasn’t sure if she liked the sound of that.

  Chapter Four

  Dave grinned to himself as he walked over to his desk and retrieved the mittens. He hadn’t been sure about them, but maybe they’d help her get into the head space. He moved over in front of her.


  It took her a moment, but she shifted into the sitting position, her weight back on her heels, her knees spread wide.

  “Good doggie. Now sit pretty!”

  She lifted up and moved her hands into position. “Such a very good doggie!” He reached out and took one of her hands. Then he slipped the first mitten onto it, fastening it snugly but not tightly around the wrist. Then he did the other and stepped back.

  He’d watched as she brought it toward her face and examined it when he did the same to the right hand. They were sort of mittens. But there was no thumb. They were snug, too, and the palm was kind of stiff. She flexed her palm as much as it would go, which wasn’t far. She looked at Dave. He grinned at her and patted her head. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of rubber glove which he slid onto each of his own hands with a loud snap.

  She gaped at him in shock. He forced himself to maintain a stern expression. “Open your mouth, pet.” As she obeyed, he had to force himself to go slowly, tilting her head back and looking in her mouth. He reached in and tugged on her tongue looking at the top before lifting it up and looking at the bottom. Then he pushed back her lips and studied her teeth.

  Withdrawing his fingers from her mouth, he leaned down and kissed her hard, pulling away before she had time to respond. He looked down at her face and felt his heart pound. She looked so warm and soft and trusting as she looked up at him, her eyes slightly unfocussed as she waited. Unable to help himself, he lowered his head again, his kiss softer this time and more patient as he slowly coaxed a response from her. But once her mouth opened and her tongue tentatively reached out to meet his, he took control again, ravishing her mouth with a kiss of promise and intent.

  He could feel her arousal growing as she reached out with her covered hands and tried to pull him closer to her. Laughing, he pulled back.

  “That’s enough for now, pet. Present!”

  She hesitated as she shook her head as if trying to clear the glazed look of arousal from her eyes, but she moved obediently, going into the present position. She cradled her head on her wrists, dropped her torso onto the table as well, spread her knees wide, and waited. He circled the coffee table, enjoying the sight of her body positioned for his pleasure. He paused when he saw the moisture between her spread thighs. She was clearly enjoying things as well. He ran his gloved hand over her hip and down her leg before running it up her inner thigh. He could feel her tremble beneath his touch, and he desperately wanted to touch her without the gloves, but he had one more thing to do.

  “I can see that my pup is very, very wet. Does puppy like her Master’s touch?”

  She wiggled her ass and made a yipping sound that turned into a moan as he slid his gl
oved fingers into her dripping pussy. He started with two. She was so wet he knew he’d have no trouble sliding inside. He used his other hand to press down on her lower back and hold her in place as he examined her pussy. Adding a third finger, he felt her try to clamp down on his digits. He pulled out quickly and slapped her ass.

  “Behave, pup. I’m in charge. If you try to get your pleasure without permission, you are going to be a very sore and sorry doggie. Understand?”

  He laughed at the reluctant bark of acceptance she gave. At her acceptance, he decided to give her a bit of a treat. Scooping up some of her cream, he moved his finger to her clit. It was swollen with need. Rubbing lightly, he caressed the engorged bud, gradually increasing the pressure until he could feel the tremors begin. Then he stopped, removing his hand from between her legs.

  “Good girl. Exam’s almost done.”

  He walked over to his desk and retrieved the last three items, putting them into his pockets so she wouldn’t be able to see, just in case she tried to sneak a peek at what was coming next. He moved back to stand behind her ass. Her pussy was so beautiful. It was pink and swollen and dripping with cream. He couldn’t wait to get inside her. He quietly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. His cock sprung free from its prison, hard and already leaking pre-cum.

  He pulled out the tube of lube and squeezed a dollop on his index finger. Then he positioned the neck of the tube at her puckered rosette and squeezed. She jumped as the cold lube was deposited inside her.

  * * * *

  Lida felt her body stiffen with shock. Oh, God. He was going to fuck her ass. She tried to force her body to relax as she felt one big finger press inside her. She’d never had anything in her ass before. Ever. She expected it to hurt but was surprised to only feel pressure and then stretching as the generous helping of lube smoothed his way.


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