Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 4

by Olivia Wilson

  'What’s my problem? You, you’re my problem.’

  I could add that I find the way his trousers stretch across his rear problematic for a multitude of reasons. Though I do so want to be angry with him right now, and if I start thinking about his rear I’ll fail.

  ‘And why is that? What have I done that’s been so bad? Are you allergic to waffles or something?’ His hand rests on his hip as he cracks half a smile.

  ‘You know full well,’ I say narrowing my eyes as I speak.

  ‘No…I…don’t,’ he replies.

  ‘So you think that your behaviour has been altogether reasonable do you?’ I say crossing arms across my chest.

  ‘Yes, I do. I’ve apologised for this morning and correct me if I’m wrong, but you seemed more than happy last night. So what’s the problem now?’ He asks.

  ‘You just forgot to mention your interest in my land did you?’

  ‘What do mean forgot to mention it?’

  ‘You heard me.’

  ‘Look, you’re being ridiculous. Let’s just go and get a coffee or something, talk things through. Here I’ve got something for you.’ Opening his truck door, he leans in and lifts out a large bouquet. ‘I was planning to bring these around to you this afternoon.’

  He does look gorgeous standing there in the blazing sun. Two big, brown, puppy dog eyes looking at me as he holds the flowers out towards me. Inside the building, Jess must have caught sight of our exchange as I notice her staring out from the window.

  ‘You can keep your stupid flowers,’ I say pushing the flowers back towards his chest causing some of the stems to bend and petal heads to fall to the floor.

  ‘Right, that’s enough!’ Jacob throws the flowers back into his pick-up truck. Turning back to me, he bends at the knees and throws me over his shoulder in a firefighter’s lift.

  Jess continues to watch from the window, her eyes opening wide. She raises her fingers to her mouth and turns to get the attention of her female colleagues. Before I know it, there’s a group of around four or five women huddled together watching us from the window.

  ‘Jacob Callaway, you put me down this instant,’ I yell at him while kicking the bottom of my legs behind me.

  ‘Now you sit there and cool off. You can shake yourself out of that foul mood you’re in,’ Jacob says placing me in the back of his pick-up truck.

  ‘Jacob Callaway do not leave me here!’ Gobsmacked I watch as he climbs into the driver’s seat.

  ‘Jacob Callaway do not start that vehicle!’

  He goes right ahead and starts the car.

  Just who does he think he is?

  His driving is slow and careful and a few minutes down the road I start to relax. This is a lovely country, and it’s quite nice seeing it like this. Reaching back around my head, I unclip my hair, running my fingers through it to give it a shake. Perhaps I did over react a little earlier, what did it matter if Jacob wanted to buy the land? I want to sell it anyway so I won’t be missing out on anything. I just don’t like having things kept from me and last night had gone so well it rather put a dampener on it. I look at Jacob through the window and tap on the glass.

  ‘You can let me in now?’ I say in a quiet voice.

  ‘Are you going to stop being so mean?’ He asks and, taking a breath, I nod my head.

  ‘Right then.’ Jacob pulls over and gets out.

  Walking around the truck, he holds out his arms to me and I move towards him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I allow him to lift me out. He doesn't put me straight down; instead, he carries me in his arms to the driver’s seat and sits me inside.

  ‘Now listen to me, Gemma Jones.’ He sweeps a thick strand of hair from my face and tucks it in behind my ear. ‘I had no idea that land belonged to you, last I heard there was a man’s name on the deeds. So I couldn't tell you what I didn't know, you got that?’

  I blink and nod my head.

  ‘And I am in no way interested in Jess in case you were wondering,’ he adds pressing his forehead against mine.

  ‘Why I wasn’t wondering at all,’ I say with a satisfied smile coming to my lips.

  That was, of course, a lie. I so was wondering.

  ‘Of course you weren’t. Now, I’m guessing as you saw red this afternoon you didn't get a good look at the land?’ He asks.

  ‘Perhaps not,’ I reply a little embarrassed.

  ‘Hmmm, come on then, move over. I want to take you somewhere.’

  I shift over into the passenger’s seat and put my belt on as Jacob climbs into his seat and starts the engine.

  Chapter 15

  After some time, I notice we’re on the dirt track road I recognize from earlier today when I was in the car with Mr Cunningham.

  ‘We’re here,’ Jacob says stopping the truck at the bottom of the track. ‘Come on!’ He opens the door on his side and jumps out onto the ground.

  Walking around to my side, he opens my door and lifts me out into his arms. Without any struggle at all, he carries me around to the bonnet. Placing me on top, he jumps up next to me. The sun is starting to set and we have the perfect view here. Enjoying it, we look out over the beautiful wide-open countryside.

  ‘So why are we here?’ I ask.

  ‘I thought it might be nice for you to get a proper look at what you own. I also want to make sure things progress on a more honest footing so...'

  ‘Progress?’ I interrupt.

  ‘I’m sorry have I got it wrong? Do you still hate me?’ He asks.

  ‘No but…’ My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

  ‘Then it’s fair to say that there will be some sort of progression to our relationship isn't it?’ He says looking at me for an answer.

  ‘I’m going home in a few days Jacob,’ I say feeling somewhat downhearted.

  ‘We’ll just have to make it a great few days then,’ he says nudging his shoulder against mine then pauses before continuing. ‘So no more misunderstandings and no lies right?’

  ‘No more misunderstandings and no lies,’ I repeat.

  ‘We talk everything through, agreed?’

  ‘Agreed.’ I nod my head.

  ‘So, how much do you know about this land?’ Sitting with his arms hanging over his knees, Jacob casts an eye back out across the fields.

  ‘Erm, not much. I mean, I’ve seen some photos and paperwork, but that’s about it. It all came as quite a shock to me if I’m honest. The man’s name you would have seen on the deeds was my father. Well, my biological father, I’ve never had any sort of relationship with him. So I knew nothing about him or this land until I got a letter from the courts to tell me it now belonged to me. I’ve been waiting for someone to say it’s a mistake. In fact, I’m still waiting for that.’

  ‘Right.’ Jacob puts his arm around me and nuzzles his nose against my ear. ‘Do you see that little fence over there?’ he points away into the distance.

  ‘Yep,’ I say, trying to follow his finger with my eyes but getting distracted by how close his face is to mine.

  ‘See how it runs down that side there, and then in behind a few of those trees. You perhaps can’t see it from here, but trust me it’s there. Then you see where it kind of ends?’

  I can tell he’s waiting for some sort of response so I just nod my head. But I lost concentration a while ago and am finding it hard to regain it while his warm breath flows passed my ear.

  ‘We caught the tail end of a twister a couple of weeks back so the rest has blown down. But just imagine it still runs in a straight line down to the bottom, and around to where that big tree is there. What’s inside of that line, both fenced and imaginary. That square bit of land there in the middle. That belongs to you.’


  ‘Everything else outside, on each side and behind it, as far as your eye can see all belongs to me,' he says lowering his hand.

  ‘To you?’ I say turning my head towards him.

  That got my attention back.

  ‘Yep, to me. You wanted honesty
didn’t you?’

  ‘I did. I mean I do.’ I nod.

  ‘I’ve not lied to you, Gemma. But perhaps I haven’t been altogether open with you. The Motel you are staying at, yes the guy on reception is a local lad. But I also know him as I own part of it,’ he says.

  ‘You do?’

  ‘And the bar we went to where we met the men that knew me, that’s mine too.’

  ‘It is?’ I feel my mouth begin to fall open.

  ‘And I know Barry, or Mr Cunningham as you know him, so well as I loaned him the money to start his business.’

  ‘You did?’ My mouth hangs open now

  ‘I did,’ Jacob nods. ‘He gave me one of my first ever jobs. So when his business folded, I wanted to return the favour and help him get back on his feet. Now close your mouth up, darling or you’ll be catching flies in there.’ He places an affectionate hand under my chin.

  ‘But how did you achieve all this Jacob?’ I ask staring at him.

  ‘I don't like to brag, but I guess you could call me a kind of entrepreneur. When I was younger, I got a scholarship to a good college through playing football. I studied business there and applied myself. After I’d graduated, I networked, made good contacts and even better business decisions. ’ He shrugs his shoulders and I gaze at him in fascination. ‘I’ve been buying up bits of this land with the intention of building a ranch on it. See that little house over there?’ He points out into the distance. ‘That’s where it all started. That was my mother’s house and the first major thing I bought. When I’m in town, I stay there. It’s my home at home if you like, and I plan to expand on it if my ideas are realised.’

  ‘So where does your mother live now Jacob?’

  ‘Unfortunately she passed away.’ His eyes cast downward.

  ‘I’m sorry Jacob; I didn't mean to bring up difficult memories,’ I say placing my hand on top of his to comfort him.

  ‘It’s fine. You weren’t to know and it’s been a while now. But I do still miss her.’

  ‘So you were born in Texas were you?’ I change the subject.

  ‘I was. Anyway, enough about me. Where were we? Oh yes, as you can see, your land is smack bang in the middle of mine. I’ve been chasing ownership for a while and felt excited to have gotten close. But I didn't realise that the land was now in your hands. I appreciate you're perhaps not in full favour of selling to me now. So I’d be willing to rent it from you if it makes you feel any better?’

  ‘Rent it?’

  ‘Yep, a straight up business arrangement as partners. I would of course ask that you agree not to sell it out from under me, though. Other than that, no strings attached.’

  ‘I’d have to give it some thought.’

  ‘Of course you would.’

  ‘What if I don't agree?’

  ‘Then I'd have to change my plans. Still enough of that now, putting aside today, how are you finding your visit so far?’

  ‘I’m enjoying it thanks, Jacob,’

  ‘Good.’ He wraps his arms around me. ‘Are you comfortable?’

  ‘Yes thank you, Jacob.’ I say resting my head on his shoulder.

  ‘What are you thinking about?’ He asks placing his chin on top of my head.

  ‘My flatmate Rebecca?’ I reply.

  ‘You have a flatmate?’

  ‘Yep, she’s a real live wire. I was just thinking if she could see me now. Sitting here cuddled up with you, on the bonnet of your car watching the sun go down. Her face would be a real picture. I must give her a call as she’ll be going crazy wondering what’s going on. I can't imagine what her and my mother might have dreamed up. They’re a right pair,’ I say and can feel Jacob’s shoulders move as he chuckles.

  We say nothing, for the next half hour. We don’t move. We just sit there in each other’s arms watching the sun go down together and it’s blissful.

  Chapter 16

  ‘Are you hungry?’ Jacob says, waking me up by stroking his finger down my face.

  It seems I’d dropped off to sleep in his arms and hadn’t even realised.

  ‘I am starting to feel a bit peckish now yes.’ I lift my head to face him.

  ‘Come on then.’ He takes his arms from around me and places them behind himself on the bonnet of the truck. Pushing forward he slides down the bonnet and onto the ground. ‘Let’s go get you fed then,’ he says holding his arms out towards me.

  I shuffle along the bonnet to where he can lower me down to the ground.

  ‘It’s a lovely evening,’ Jacob says taking my hand in his. ‘How about we walk?’

  ‘Walk? Where to?’ I look around.

  ‘Down there.’ He points across the fields to the house he showed me earlier.

  ‘To your house you mean?’ I say.


  ‘Yes, why not.’

  We start down the hill, but the ground's uneven and it makes it a struggle for me in my kitten heels. I soon hit a rocky patch and twist my heel causing me to lose my balance and almost topple over.

  ‘Careful now,’ Jacob catches hold of my arm to stop me from falling. ‘This isn’t going to work out for you is it?’ He says looking at my shoes as he helps me to regain my balance.

  ‘Not while the ground’s like this it’s not, no. Is it like this all the way there?’ I wince as I rub my ankle.

  ‘No, it’s fine once we reach that little fence down there.’ He points away into the distance and I’m not quite sure what where he’s pointing to, but I take his word for it.

  ‘Here, jump on.’ He bends his knees and lowers himself until his shoulders are level with mine.

  ‘Jump on where? Onto your back?’ I say surprised.

  ‘Yep come on before you hurt yourself any more in those shoes.’

  I look at Jacobs broad back and he doesn’t need to ask me twice. Slipping my shoes off I hook my fingers through their straps and place a hand onto each of his shoulders. Jumping up I wrap my legs either side of him as he puts a hand under each of my knees to support me.

  ‘Are you sure I’m not too heavy for you?’ I say into his ear while wrapping my arms around his neck.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous Gemma,’ he says laughing and I smile to myself in contentment as we begin to cross the field.

  ‘Lift your feet up,’ Jacob says when we reach the little fence he must have been referring to earlier.

  I push my feet out straight and we clear the fence, crossing over into the lush green grass on the other side. Jacob bends his knees, lowering me to the ground behind him. It’s a beautiful green meadow with little yellow flowers everywhere. As my feet touch the ground, I feel the dewy, dense, grass underneath them. Leaving my shoes off, I hold them still hooked around my fingers while I wriggle my toes in the grass.

  ‘You like that huh?’ Jacob looks at my bare feet.

  ‘I love it,’ I say looking around as Jacob takes hold of my hand and we cross the meadow together.

  ‘Do you remember last night when we danced?’ He lifts my hand up above my head and twirls me around.

  ‘How could I forget it?’

  Still holding my hand, Jacob drops his arm down and twirls me inward. Catching me around the small of my back, he leans me back in a way reminiscent of an old-fashioned movie.

  ‘I remember many things about last night,’ I say laid back in Jacob's arms.

  ‘So you remember what happened afterwards?’ He asks, his eyes locked onto mine and burning into me as I feel my cheeks begin to glow.

  ‘Of course I do, every bit of it,’ I say before pausing, then take a naughty glance toward the small woodland to the right of us. ‘And here we are dancing again.’

  Jacob seems to get my hint straight away. He lifts me back up to a standing position and the corners of his mouth curl upwards. I watch as he begins to jog backwards in the direction of the wood.

  ‘Race you there,’ he calls out before turning around and running towards the wood.

  ‘Hey! It was my idea,' I shout as I begin to run after him.
  He’s not going that fast and isn’t difficult to catch. Anyone would think he didn't want to get away.

  Chapter 17

  Standing in the wood, I turn to Jacob and smile. He looks back and moves towards me. I jump into his arms as he reaches me and he holds me up and places my back against a large tree behind me. Putting both my hands on Jacob’s face, I gasp as he pushes his lips onto mine. Our tongues entwine as he pops the top button on my trousers open. Pushing against him, I feel his hot breath increasing next to my ear as he tugs at the waistband of my trousers. I drop my legs from his waist and he shimmies my trousers downwards leaving me to kick them off at the bottom. Slipping a hand into his trouser pocket, he turns his back towards me.

  ‘You good?’ He asks when he turns back to me.

  Is he kidding me? I’m the best I can be and when he gets back over here, I’ll be even better.

  I beam a huge grin at him and nod my head up and down. The smile he gives back to me turns my knees to jelly. He kisses my lips and places his hands under my behind lifting me back up against the tree. He's careful to protect my bare skin from the bark and as I feel the air circulating around my thighs, it’s everything I have in me not to lose myself. I wrap my legs tight around his back and clutch at his shirt feeling the warm flesh of his back against my legs. All my muscles tighten trying to pull him closer into me and my body can’t take it any longer. As Jacob kisses my neck, I feel myself go and it’s glorious. Moving his lips back to mine, he kisses me as he lowers me to the floor.

  ‘I never knew you could be so loud,’ he says smiling.

  ‘And I never knew the woods would have such an effect on you.’ I smirk back.

  ‘Is that right? Remind me again whose idea it was to come in here?’ He laughs. Watch your feet on that rough ground there sweetheart,’ he says looking down at my bare feet.

  ‘I will, I’ll put my shoes on when I can find then,’ I say looking around. ‘Do you have any idea where my trousers are by the way?’

  ‘Oops, I think that might be them over there.’ Jacob points to a small shrub a few feet away, and I laugh aloud at the sight of my trousers hanging from a branch on the side.


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