Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 6

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘Can you get me the first flight back possible, please? Have you got enough money in your account to cover it?’

  ‘I don't know. I should be able to make a transfer from my savings if needs be. If not I can ask my dad for help.’

  ‘I can’t get online at the moment. So if you could take care of that for me, I’d appreciate it. I’ll transfer the money back over to your account when I get back of course.’

  ‘I’ll see what I can do Gemma. When would you prefer to fly?’

  ‘As soon as possible, just get me on the first flight you can please. Have you seen her at all?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve been up there all day. I just came back to pick up a few things for when she wakes up. Once I’ve sorted your flights out, I’ll be going straight back up there. So you don’t have to worry; she won’t be on her own for long.’

  ‘Thanks, Rebecca. I’m going to start packing now. Don’t forget to let me know about the flight as soon as you can, please.’

  ‘Of course, I’ll get straight onto it and call you when it’s booked.’

  ‘Please bear in mind that I’m about three hours from the airport this end won't you Rebecca?’

  ‘Will do Gem, speak soon.’

  I’m still in shock when I hang up the receiver. My mother’s injured. She's laying helpless and alone in a hospital bed while I'm here thousands of miles away. I’ve got to get home as soon as possible. I start packing my bags and am on tender hooks waiting to hear back from Rebecca.

  An hour passes, and I’ve almost bitten my nails down to the pads on my fingers. There may also be a bald patch forming on the carpet where I’ve paced around the room so much. I’m desperate to hear back from Rebecca about my flight. But worried in case she’s hasn't been able to book it.

  What if she can’t find the money? What if there are no flights available?

  There are so many what if’s I feel like screaming. I just can’t wait any longer and am going to ring Rebecca back to see what’s going on. I lean towards the phone and am just about to lift the receiver when it starts ringing. Rushing to pick it up, I almost drop it in haste and the handset bounces around my hands before I can get a firm grip on it. Once I do, I lift it to my ear anxious to hear Rebecca's voice.

  ‘Hello, Rebecca is that you?’

  ‘Yes, it’s me, honey. Right, I’ve managed to get you on a flight for tomorrow morning…’ She says.

  I’m so relieved to hear those words that I just zone out from the rest of what she's saying.

  ‘So have you got all that Gemma?’

  I don’t answer.


  ‘What? Yes, yes, sorry, yes I got it.’

  ‘So you know where you are going and what time you have to be there, etc.?’ She asks.

  ‘Yes, I think so. Is there any more news on mum?’

  ‘I knew you’d want an update, so I gave the hospital a quick call. They said she’s awake, which is great news. I’ll scoot back up there when I get off the phone and let her know you’re on your way.’

  ‘Thank you Rebecca, and thanks for sorting the flight out.’

  ‘You know that’s no problem Gemma, anything I can do to help. I better go now and I guess we’ll see each other when you’re back.’

  ‘Yes Rebecca, thanks once again.’

  The line clicks and hangs up. My flight's booked now, I just have to be patient and wait for the time to pass so I can get on it. It’s an early flight, so I’ll have to leave early to make sure I get there in time to collect my ticket and check-in in time. I should get to sleep now to make sure I'm up in time.

  Chapter 23

  I’m awake the minute the ring of the alarm bell reaches my ears. I’m surprised I've managed to sleep at all I’ve been so worried. But I knew I had to get some rest before the long drive, so maybe it was my body's way of looking after me. Josh on reception has been kind enough to deal with the hire car company for me. The car's fixed now and parked outside my room. So I have transport to the airport, I just hope it gets me all the way there this time. I packed most of my things last night, just left out the toiletries I needed for this morning and a change of clothes. Everything I could save time on, I have. So it should be possible for me get up, get ready and get away in as short a time as possible. I explained the situation with my mother to Josh too last night and he let me pay up there. Assuring me it would be fine to leave the keys in an envelope on the dresser. Dropping the keys into the envelope he gave me. I lick the seal and press it down. Then cast a quick glance around to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. As long as I have what I need to get to the airport and get on the plane home, then that’s all that matters right now. Flicking up the handles on my cases, I take one in each hand and head for the door. Once over the threshold I pull the door shut behind me and make my way across the parking lot to the car. Getting the keys out of my bag, I unlock the door and toss the cases onto the back seat before getting in the front. A turn of the key, and I’m off.

  The car makes it without any problems, which I’m grateful for. I was dubious about the journey because of what happened the last time. I couldn’t risk being late for that plane. But I arrive in good time and managing to return the car, check in, and get myself some breakfast with time to spare. Not that I have much of an appetite; I just want to get home. Keeping an eye on the information boards, I can that see everything appears to be running on schedule. So I'm hopeful there won't be any delays. I resist the gnawing urge I have to get to a pay phone and call Rebecca, as it’s much earlier there than it is here. I’ll do it when I land the other end and am able to use my mobile again. For now, I just have to wait.

  The plane does leave on time as predicted. I watch out of the window as we take off knowing I’m on my way home. At any other time, I would have picked up a book remembering how long the flight was last time. I’m too worried to read, but I do manage to sleep a little despite my resistance. Which might be a good thing all things considered.

  When the pilot announces we're approaching London, I'm relieved. As the plane slows to a halt, I tug at my seat belt as soon as I’m notified I can remove it and prepare to disembark. Though I'm unable to move far due to the people blocking the aisle.

  Why are the people in front of you always so slow when you’re in a rush?

  I feel held up again in departures, then at the luggage collection too. When everyone else's bags seem to be coming out before mine. When one of my cases emerges from the flap, the other one’s still not visible. As the luggage-claiming queue begins to get smaller, my second case is still missing.

  Why can’t they just come together?

  When it does appear, I rush around the curve of the belt and yank it off onto the ground. Pulling the handle up I can’t wait to be out of this terminal and able to use my mobile phone again. Unfortunately, I don’t have roaming facilities. Despite Chris' insistence that I get it at every phone upgrade I’ve had. This is the one occasion to date I’ve had cause to think he might have been right.

  Chapter 24

  Arriving at the hospital, I rush down the path to the entrance doors dragging my cases behind me. Once inside, I head straight for the reception. Looking up as I walk through the large automatic doors. I see some signs hanging down from the ceiling and scan them in an attempt to find out where I’m going. I called Rebecca once my phone started working and she gave me the number of the ward my mother’s on. I just need to find out where that ward is now.

  ‘Can I help you?’ A man in a striped shirt wearing a tie approaches as he notices my urgency. From the ID badge pinned to his shirt pocket, I see that his name is Ivan and he works here.

  ‘Yes please, my mother has had an accident and is on Ward 43, how might I get there, please?’

  ‘Okay.’ He positions himself beside me and lifts his hand to explain. ‘Go right down the corridor, then turn left and walk through the double doors. Walk across the small path and in through the opposite door. There you will see a sign above your head mar
ked wards 39-47, you can’t miss it. Once inside, you’ll need to take the elevator up to the third floor and you’ll be there. In any case once you’re inside that building, you should see clear directions.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I say before rushing off down the corridor.

  ‘Hope your mothers okay,’ Ivan calls out after me.

  ‘Thank you,’ I call back over my shoulder.

  Following his instructions, I soon arrive at the building marked Wards 39-47. Dragging my cases through the door, I head straight for the elevator. Pressing the button, I watching as it counts down from the fifth floor. Knowing it’ll make no difference whatsoever, I press it again anyway, two or three times more in fact. Then too impatient to wait, I decide to take the stairs instead. Just as I turn into the stairwell, the lift dings, and the doors slide open.

  Two porters are transporting a bed in the carriage, so I wait for them to come out before rushing inside. Pressing the button marked floor three I see the little red display on the wall light up. It's showing a capital ‘G’ to begin with, and then counts one, two and three before coming to a halt. I've arrived at my mother’s floor. The elevator doors ding and slide open once again allowing me to rush out with my cases rattling behind me. I see Ward 43 straight ahead of me and make a beeline for the double doors. They’re open, so I’m able to walk straight through and make my way to the reception desk in the middle of the floor.

  ‘Can I help you,’ the nurse asks from behind the desk.

  ‘Yes, please. I’m here to see my mother, Faith Jones.’

  ‘Visiting time's almost over.’ She looks at her watch. Then points to a sign on the wall displaying the visiting times in bold letters.

  ‘Yes, I’m sorry about that. I’ve been away and rushed back when I heard about my mother. I’ve just had a nine-hour plane journey and came straight here. I couldn't have got here any sooner. Please, I’m desperate to see my mother.’

  She stares at me before getting up and walking out from behind her desk. ‘Follow me, please,’ she says.

  I’m walking behind her down the corridor when she stops at two large, green double doors propped open. Facing me, she extends her arm to her right and into the room.

  ‘Fourth bed on the right, next to the window.’

  ‘Oh thank you, thank you again,’ I say hurrying through the ward.

  I spot Rebecca straight away. Even with her face obscured by a curtain, I know it’s her. I’d know her anywhere. Short black leather jacket, light blue maxi skirt and gold sandals. Yep, that's Rebecca. The noise from the wheels on my cases is much more noticeable now and soon grabs her attention.

  ‘Gemma!’ She rushes straight for me and throws her arms around my shoulders.

  ‘Come on, she’s over here.’ Rebecca leads me towards my mother’s bed.

  It's so strange and unsettling to see her like this, hooked up to monitors and tubes everywhere. A man I don't recognise sits in the corner as I approach.

  ‘How is she?’ I ask Rebecca as I reach the side of the bed.

  ‘She’s much better now. She’s through the worst and the doctors say she’ll be okay, but she’ll take a while to recover. They moved her onto this ward this morning when she was well enough.’

  ‘Is she unconscious?’

  ‘No she’s just sleeping, she’s been slipping in and out of sleep, she should be awake soon.’

  ‘She’s going to be so pleased to see you.’ The man in the corner stands to walk towards us.

  ‘I’m sorry and you are?’ I ask as I look at him.

  ‘Sorry, this is Colin.’ Rebecca says.


  ‘Yes, I think it’s better if you speak to your mother about it,’ Rebecca seems uncomfortable.

  ‘Speak to my mother about it?’ I say.

  ‘Yes, I’m a friend of your mothers. Though I’m sure she’ll explain when she wakes up,’ Colin says.

  ‘Will she? How about you explain now.’

  ‘Gemma?’ My mum says hearing my voice and beginning to stir.

  ‘I'm here mum,’ I say turning towards her and taking her hand.

  ‘It is you, I thought I heard your voice, when did you get back.’

  ‘Got the first flight home as soon as I heard.’

  ‘I’m sorry if I’ve ruined your trip.’

  ‘Shhh, don’t be silly. Now stop talking and save your energy, I’m not going anywhere, but I think you still need to rest.’

  ‘I’m feeling much better now. How was your trip?’

  ‘So-so. I’ll tell you all about it when you’re better.’

  ‘Did you meet any sexy cowboys; Rebecca and I have imagined all sorts of scenarios.’

  ‘I bet you have,’ I say and Rebecca laughs.

  My mother coughs and I look around for some water though Colin’s already filling a glass for her.

  ‘So you’ve met Colin then?’ She asks.

  ‘Yes, I’ve met Colin.’

  ‘We thought it might be better if you explained Faith,’ says Rebecca.

  ‘Though I’m sure it can wait if you’re not up to it,’ I say.

  ‘No, it’s best to get it out in the open. Colin is…Well, Colin and I, we erm…’


  ‘Please don't be angry sweetie.’

  ‘I'm not mad, not at all. Just surprised you haven't told me before now. But, we’ll talk about it later and you can say everything then. Right now, I think you need your rest. Now are you comfortable enough?’ I plump the edge of her pillow and she gives me a gentle nod.

  Standing by her side, I watch as she drifts back off to sleep.

  ‘Excuse me,’ a nurse says poking her head around the curtain. ‘Sorry to interrupt. But visiting time's ending and I do think Faith needs her rest. Which one of you is the closest relative?’

  ‘That would be me, I’m her daughter.’

  ‘If you’d like to grab yourself a coffee or something while we do our evening observations. I’ll be happy to let you back in if you give a little tap back on the door in half an hour or so. Though we’ll have to say goodbye to the rest of you for this evening, I’m afraid.’

  ‘Of course, we understand,’ says Rebecca.

  ‘Thank you, that’s kind of you,’ I say to the nurse.

  ‘You’re welcome.’ The nurse smiles and leaves.

  ‘Come on Gemma, we can share a coffee in the foyer before we have to leave. Your journey must have been exhausting,' says Rebecca.

  ‘I think I am, but I haven't had time to even think about tiredness yet.’

  ‘It'll give you a chance to tell me all about Texas.’

  ‘Trust me you don’t want to know.’

  ‘Ooh, now I definitely do.’ Rebecca takes me by the arm and rubs it as she walks me to the door with Colin walking behind us.

  Chapter 25

  I'm studying all the options on the coffee machine menu. Black coffee, coffee latte, cappuccino, decaf, hot chocolate and even soup. A flash of recognition slips into my mind of the lovely coffee I had at Jacob's place. Why did he have to be such a rat? I should have seen it coming I suppose. The smile, the body, the warm protective arms, and saving me from a wild animal attack in heroic fashion. Of course, he was going to be cheating on his wife; it all makes perfect sense now. Everything about him was too great otherwise. At least with losers like my ex-boyfriend Tim I knew where I stood. Sure, he never took me anywhere and in the two years we were together, he failed to give me so much as a birthday card. But I always knew what to expect from Tim. I expected to find my cupboards and bank account empty on a regular basis, with no deposits made into either. I expected him to arrive drunk, if at all, to any formal event I ever invited him to and I also knew what not to expect. I didn't expect to hear from him for at least four days around the time of his birthday, or mine. Until that is, he’d turn up asleep in a sombrero at the bottom of my stairwell. Neither did I expect him to remember I existed when he made a beeline for the prettiest girl in the room. So it came as no surprise
at all when I came home to find him in my bed, with my new neighbour listening to my favourite album. He never presented himself as charming, considerate, drop dead gorgeous and brilliant in bed. He never threw me over his shoulder and drove me off into the sunset just to shatter the illusion with an angry wife. Perhaps I am better off with losers like Tim, who couldn't be anybody else if they tried. My heart feels much safer that way.

  ‘Trouble choosing?’ Colin appears beside me.

  I’d forgotten about him, Rebecca’s popped to the toilet and there’s just the two of us here now.

  ‘What, sorry?’

  ‘You’ve been staring at that machine for some time now. Are you having trouble?’

  ‘No, I was miles away. I’m just going to have a plain coffee I think.’ Opening my bag, I push my hand inside to find my purse.

  ‘Let me get it for you.’

  ‘No it’s fine, I’ve got it.’ Pulling my purse out of my bag. I open it with too much force and the coins spill out onto the floor. ‘Oh blast,’ I sigh.

  ‘Here let me help you.’ Colin leans down to help me pick up the contents of my purse. As he’s scooping the fallen coins up into his hands, he lifts his head to look at me.

  ‘I realise it’s a shock finding me here Gemma, in particular if you knew nothing about me before.’

  ‘It was surprising I must admit,’ I say standing up. I shake my bag to settle the contents back down into the bottom.

  ‘I do care about your mother, Gemma.’

  ‘You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Colin.’

  ‘No I don’t, but perhaps I want to. Look, I know there’s a slight age gap. But we don’t see it as being an issue. I realise those closest to her will take time to accept me, but that’s time I am willing to wait.’

  I decide that I might not be the best judge of character right now considering the frame of mind that I’m in. So I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and see how things pan out. Besides, although there’s an age gap he’s still quite a bit older than me, so that’s not so bad I suppose.


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