Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 11

by Olivia Wilson

  Mr Cunningham’s garden is greener than I was expecting; there’s lots of grass and trees everywhere. Leaning over the railings of his veranda, I look at the sky as the sun’s about to set. The sunsets are one of my favourite things about being here; I could never get tired of those.

  ‘Beautiful isn’t it?’ A voice appears beside me and I turned to see Jacob with a bottle of beer at his lips, his other hand inside his jean pocket.

  ‘Jacob? You startled me.’

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump. What are you doing out here on your own anyway?’

  ‘I’m just getting some fresh air and enjoying the view.’

  ‘I can’t blame you for that. Want a beer?’ He extends a bottle towards me.

  ‘No thanks, I’m driving.’

  ‘Okay,’ he places the bottle on a small table next to him. ‘Can I get you soft drink then?’

  ‘It’s fine I have one here thanks.’

  ‘Right,’ he lifts the beer to his lips again. ‘So I see that you met Matt Johnson?’

  ‘Really, is that what brought you out here?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You’re not jealous are you Jacob?’

  His eyes narrow as he looks away from me and out into the distance. Taking a step, he leans down to rest his arms on the veranda railing. ‘So, you’re looking well,’ he says continuing to look straight ahead.

  ‘So are you. Your hair’s grown, it quite suits you.’ I imagine reaching out and sweeping a stray lock in behind his ear. Then I remind myself that he’s with someone else, and I’m not the kind of girl who goes after somebody else’s guy.

  ‘So this is Mr Cunningham’s place then.’ I say looking away.


  ‘Where’s Mrs Cunningham?’

  ‘That’s a delicate subject.’

  ‘Really, why?’ I turn back towards him.

  ‘Let’s just say that Mr and Mrs Cunningham might not be on speaking terms right now, and he could be looking for a new gardener also.’

  ‘Sounds rather messy.’

  ‘It was, or rather it still is. Barry adored her and gave her everything, so finding out she was carrying on with someone else; a direct employee of his, it crushed him. He puts on a brave face but, you know.’

  ‘Good job you let me know before I put my foot in it and asked him about her.’

  ‘No problem.’

  We are quiet as we look at each other

  ‘So, I presume that’s your fiancée here with you today.’

  ‘Mel? Yep, that’s her. I’m sorry if that’s a bit, you know awkward.’

  ‘About that listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what happened the other day...’

  ‘Gemma, there’s no need.’

  ‘I think there is Jacob, please let me finish. I apologise for my behaviour. I misunderstood the situation and thought it was something that it wasn’t. I was wrong to come all of this way and put you in a situation like that.’

  Jacob sighs, adjusts his cowboy hat and turns to look straight at me. ‘You didn’t misunderstand,’ his chiselled jaw looks taut.


  ‘You didn’t misunderstand the situation.’

  ‘I’m not sure what you mean Jacob; you’re getting married so it’s clear that I did.’

  ‘Uh-ha,’ he nods and looks away into the distance again. ‘We had something for real Gemma. I believed it was special, I know that you had your doubts, though I thought that deep down you felt it too. When you left the way you did, I came to realise that perhaps you didn’t. Then the way that you stood before me yesterday and told me otherwise showed me that perhaps I was wrong about that to. So you see you didn’t misunderstand though you did misjudge the situation.’

  ‘Oh.’ I look down towards my feet.

  ‘When you went off like you did after the agreement that we had made, my pride was hurt. Perhaps I should have swallowed it and come after you, but I didn’t feel it was down to me to do so. When I heard that you just upped and left the country. Well it’s not a pleasant feeling when the woman you fall in love with rushes to the other side of the world to get away from you.’

  ‘I didn’t...Wait, what? The woman that you fell in love with?’

  ‘I thought at the time, that was why you’d gone and there was no word from you to tell me otherwise. Sure, I could have pressed Barry for your contact details. But I didn’t feel like the right thing to do, I’m not in the business of harassing people. When there was still no word from you, after you’d had plenty of time to cool off, I decided to move on. I didn’t believe at the time that there was any other option.’

  ‘Just so we clear Jacob, you’re welcome to turn up on my doorstep anytime you like.’

  ‘I didn’t know that at the time did I?’

  ‘Well, you do now. Anyway, you seem to have managed to move on by the looks of it.’

  ‘There are some things Gemma, which hit you a certain way once in your life. If you believe that, then you know you may never feel that way again. After that, then good is good enough. Do you understand what I’m saying?’

  ‘Yes, Jacob. I’m afraid I believe that I do.’

  ‘Melissa’s a good woman, I’m not her first choice, but what we have together is good, so I’m sure we’ll have a good marriage. You and me Gemma, we could have had something else, but that time has passed now.’

  I’m amazed at the thought of Jacob not being somebody’s first choice.

  ‘I’m so sorry Jacob.’

  ‘So am I Gemma. Nevertheless, there’s no need to dwell on things. How long are you here for?’

  ‘I’m not sure. I didn’t book a return ticket so I’ve got to get that sorted.’

  ‘You came here totally on a whim then huh?’

  ‘Yes,’ I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

  ‘Yeah,’ Jacob draws a long breath inward.’ I think I’m going to quite miss this once I’m married.’

  ‘Miss what?’

  ‘You and your hot-headed unpredictability. You know, the way that you jump to conclusions, pretend you don’t know me, fly back and forth across the world on a whim. Then turn up on my doorstep confessing your undying love for me despite ditching me several months earlier. That sort of thing, life may start to seem a bit boring without it all, his lips stretch into a broad grin.

  ‘Why you...’ I go to hit him on his arm then remember my place.

  ‘There you are Jacob. The Petersons were just asking about you, Mr Cunningham appears in the doorway. ‘It’s no problem, I’ll tell them you’re chatting and will be along in a bit,’ he waves his hand and heads back to the kitchen.

  ‘I suppose you’d better go. You shouldn’t keep the Petersons waiting.’

  ‘I suppose I better had. It’s been good seeing you Gemma.’

  ‘You too. Good luck with the wedding and everything.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He looks down at the floor, then away into the distance again. ‘Take care of yourself now Gemma,’ he plants a tender kiss on my cheek then walks away.

  Taking a moment to catch my breath, I gather myself before heading back inside. Once through the door I’m still in a daze and feel myself bump into someone’s shoulder.

  ‘I do apologise,’ I say and as she turns around, I recognise her to be Jacob’s sister Ashleigh. ‘Ashleigh isn’t it? I believe we’ve met before.’

  ‘Indeed. So, you’re back in Texas?’

  ‘Yes and I’m glad we have a chance to talk, in particular after the misunderstanding before.’

  ‘Why are you back? Because you do realise that my brothers moved on now don’t you?’

  ‘I am aware of that yes,’ I’m a bit taken aback by her tone.

  ‘Then why are you here. Did you come to try to win him back, perhaps hurt him some more?’

  ‘With all due respect, I don’t believe I have to explain myself to you.’

  ‘Ashleigh, I think your husband requires your assistance with something,’ the woman who
I saw standing with Jacob earlier arrives. At first, I’m cautious; although her sincere smile assures me, I have no need to worry. Ashley turns to Melissa and I’m startled by how similar they are. Melissa looks like an older, calmer version of Ashley; they could be sisters in fact. How well she’ll fit into the family. Ashleigh turns back to me, as though she wants to say something else, but instead she just walks away.

  ‘Her barks worse than her bite I promise. She’s just a little overprotective is all. Ashley’s a pussycat once you get to know her,’ Melissa says as we watch Ashley march off across the room.

  ‘It’s not the first time I’ve been on the receiving end to be honest.’

  ‘Yes, I heard about that. Gemma isn’t it? I’ve heard a lot about you in fact. I’m Melissa,’ she says extending her hand.

  I’m pleasantly surprised at her knowledge of me and as we shake, I find her comfortingly warm; Jacob’s done well for himself. I want to hate that, though I find it strangely reassuring, as I want him to be cared for.

  ‘I’m very pleased to meet you, Melissa.’

  As she drops her hand back down to her side, I see it. A neat, round, baby bump and judging from by its size, it’s not a recent event.

  She’s pregnant? Jacob’s fiancée is pregnant?

  ‘Don’t worry,’ she rubs her hand around her belly. ‘Is not Jacob’s if that’s what you’re thinking,’ she must have noticed the shock on my face.

  ‘I didn't think that. Of course, I might wonder. I mean, you are both engaged to be married after all.’

  ‘It’s fine I understand, is a natural assumption to make. I can imagine it would have been worrying given the history between you both.’

  ‘How much do you know about me and Jacob?’

  ‘Jacob and I have been friends for a long time. The three of us have always been close and had a pact that we would always look out for each other.’

  ‘The three of you?’

  ‘Yes, Jacob, myself and my husband, Joe.’

  ‘Your husband?’

  ‘Yes, I’m a widow.’

  ‘Melissa I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.’

  ‘I don’t like to talk about it much as it’s still quite raw. I’ve been in a terrible place and Jacob is helping me through it.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘I’m not sure that you do...’

  ‘Melissa, would you come over here as there’s somebody I’d like you to meet?’ Mrs Carlson calls across the room.

  Melissa to her credit appears conflicted about leaving our conversation.

  ‘It’s fine, I’m heading off now anyway.’

  ‘Well it’s been nice talking to you Gemma, and I hope we get the opportunity to speak again soon.’ She says as she takes one of my hands in hers.

  ‘Yes me too, though I doubt that we will. Good luck with the baby, and the wedding and everything,’ I say

  ‘Thank you Gemma.’

  I feel mixed emotions as I walk to my car. I know in my heart that Jacob will make a good father and I’m sure he’ll be a good husband to Melissa. I’m also happy that he has someone like her to look after him. Still, there is a small piece of me dying inside because it’s not me.

  Chapter 38

  ‘It’s just me Becs, I’m home!’ I shout rattling my cases through the doorway.

  Shutting the door behind me, I begin to finger my way through the pile of mail on the shelf.

  ‘Gemma?’ Rebecca rushes out of her room. 'I... err...I wasn’t expecting you back so soon,’ she says as she ties the middle of a red and black silk kimono together and hurries towards me.

  I told you I was hoping to be back by around seven o’clock,’ I shrug my shoulders out of my coat.

  ‘I must have misunderstood. I thought you meant 7 pm, not 7 am,’ I notice Rebecca take a cautious glancing behind herself as she talks to me.

  ‘So I’m a whole twelve hours early then. What’s with the getup anyway?’ I look up and down her glamorous look. Whatever she has on under that kimono, it must be skimpy. Because judging from the way she's clutching onto it, she doesn’t want me to see what's underneath. Also, I don’t recall ever seeing those red, fluffy, kitten-heeled slippers before, or that scarlet red lipstick.

  ‘Listen, Gemma, we need to talk.’

  ‘Rebecca, can I hear water running?’ I head towards the bathroom door.

  ‘Gemma, listen there's something I’ve got to tell you,’ Rebecca looks unsettled as she touches my arm and the water shuts off in our bathroom.

  ‘Is there someone in our bathroom?’ I ask.

  Then to my shock, I notice the door handle turning.

  ‘Gemma, I... Rebecca’s hand moves to her brow as the door opens and my mouth drops open as Stephen emerges from our bathroom.

  He’s glistening wet and wearing nothing but a small towel that's struggling to protect his modesty.

  ‘Where’d you get to gorgeous? I was waiting for you to come and join me.’ His head hangs down as he shakes the excess water from his hair and flicks his head back.


  ‘Gemma! Oh my, oh dear, erm…’ he almost jumps out of his skin, and loses grip on his towel for a moment. But he manages to catch it just in time and fumbles around trying to cover more of himself as I shield my eyes.

  ‘Gemma, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you first.’

  ‘It’s just a bit of a shock when it’s staring me in my face like this in my own hallway is all.’

  ‘Stephen, I think you should perhaps go and put some clothes on,’ Rebecca suggests.

  ‘That would be brilliant thank you,’ I say still not removing my hand from my eyes.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Stephen scuttles off embarrassed into the direction of Rebecca’s bedroom.

  ‘It’s okay, he’s gone now.’ Rebecca assures me, and I lower my hand.

  ‘I guess that explains your attire this morning.’ I gesture towards what Rebecca is wearing, as her face flushes a delicate shade of crimson.

  ‘Tea I think might be a good idea right now,’ she looks away from me and heads towards the kitchen.

  ‘Yes please, I think I need one,’ I sit myself down in the seating area as Rebecca turns the kettle on.

  ‘So, you and Stephen?’ I question her as she prepares the cups and waits for the kettle to boil.

  ‘Yes, Stephen and I,’ Rebecca takes a deep breath as she hovers a teaspoon over the sugar bowl.

  ‘Well come on, don’t keep me in suspense. How has this all come about then?’

  While you were away, he dropped around some documents that he’d amended for you. He said he’d tried texting and calling first though he couldn’t get hold of you.’

  ‘No, he wouldn’t have been able to as my phone doesn’t work abroad.’

  ‘I think he thought you may have been ignoring him. Anyway, I was on the way out one morning and bumped into him downstairs. He wasn’t sure which apartment you lived in; which is why, I presume he didn’t put them in the post. So, he asked me if I knew you, and if could deliver them to you on his behalf. He didn’t seem to want to put them through the door himself. He seemed a little bit uncomfortable about the whole thing,’ Rebecca says pouring the water into the cups. ‘They’re here look! She opens the kitchen drawer and holds up a buff coloured, A4 envelope. Pinning the folder under her arm, she picks up a cup in each hand and comes to join me on the sofa. Placing the cups onto the glass table, she sits down next to me and hands me the folder.

  ‘Thanks.’ I open the folder to see some suggestions he’s made to my CV. Along with some cover letters and the original copies of my employer references. ’I bet he did feel uncomfortable about this if he thought I was ignoring him. Though he knew I'd be wanting these which is why he made the effort to get them back to me,’ I say closing the folder and placing it on the table.

  ‘Okay, so what happened then?’


  ‘After he dropped this off? How did he get from feelin
g awkward on the doorstep, to wet and almost naked in our hallway?’ I motion with my hand towards the bathroom door

  ‘We got chatting and you know.’ She lifts her cup to her lips, yelps and pulls it away again.

  ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘Yep, I just burnt my mouth.’

  This is a regular occurrence in our apartment, as Rebecca’s never patient enough to wait for her tea to cool down.

  ‘Gemma, you don’t mind do you. It’s just there was a real connection between us straightaway, and I knew you didn’t like him like that. Still I’d hate to tread on your toes in any way.’

  ‘Don’t worry about that. It’s just a shock to see him standing half naked in the hall is all.’

  ‘He’ll be mortified about that, I tell you.’

  ‘I should think so too. So you two like each other a lot then?’

  ‘Oh Gemma, I’m so happy I can talk to you about this. It’s been a whirlwind romance. There were fireworks as soon as I saw him; do you know what I mean?’

  ‘Yes, I think that I do.’

  I knew what she meant. But Rebecca, unlike me was brave enough to just jump straight in and grab it with both hands.

  ‘I’m sorry Gemma. I didn’t mean to remind you of Texas. How are you feeling now after everything?’

  ‘I'm all right. He’s getting married so there’s nothing I can do about it now anyway. Oh and his fiancée’s lovely by the way, did I mention that at all?’

  ‘No, no you didn’t.’

  ‘Well she is, and I liked her. It wasn’t meant to be and that’s that. Still, I’m glad that you’re happy; Stephen’s a great guy.’

  ‘Gemma I’m thrilled you’re happy about it. I’d hate to think that us being together would upset you in any way.’

  ‘You can both rest assured that I’m happy for you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Rebecca says as she kisses me on my forehead.

  ‘Now, you’d better let him out of the bedroom. He can’t stay in there all day can he?’

  ‘You can come out now!’ Rebecca calls towards her bedroom door, and Stephen makes a sheepish emergence.

  ‘Relax, she thinks it’s great.’

  ‘Gemma, that’s brilliant.' Stephen says.

  ‘I must say, though. You didn’t seem to waste any time did you, Stephen?’


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