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Big, Blooming and Wild! Mulberrilicious

Page 2

by Michelle Hasker

  When hands latched onto her waist, she panicked and struggled against the hands as she kicked her way to the surface. After what felt like forever, and just before her lungs burst, she broke the surface and gasped in air and water. She choked on the water she’d swallowed and tried frantically to catch her breath.

  “Are you okay?” An arm wrapped around her chest as Geoff towed her toward the shore. She wanted to struggle, but breathing seemed more important at the moment.

  By the time he’d dragged her to the shore, she’d managed to catch her breath, and fought him. Her naked body was not something she wanted him to see. Especially not after the erotic visions she’d had of him and his friend Monroe when she’d taken a nap earlier.

  The fact that he was as naked as she only registered when she realized how slippery he was. Before she could control herself, she glanced down and swallowed past a suddenly dry throat. Damn, what a package. He was long and hard.

  “Trisha?” He cupped her chin and raised it so she had to meet his inquisitive gaze.

  “I’m fine. I was trying to swim. I didn’t need you to rescue me.” Hoping her face wasn’t as bright red as it felt, she decided to feign ignorance to his state of arousal. There was no way he’d become aroused saving a drowning whale.

  “When you screamed and went under, I had a different impression.” His gaze roamed her body. She shivered under his gaze, both mortified and aroused. Hopefully he would think it was the cold making her nipples so hard they could cut through glass.

  “I was hiding from you!” Oops. That had slipped out.

  “Hiding? Why?” He looked into her eyes again.

  “Because I didn’t want you to see me naked.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a little late for that now.” His gaze drifted back down her body. Damn the full moon that illuminated her rolls. Not that he was interested anyway. Not that she was ashamed of her body either. She was done with that. This was who she was. She couldn’t change it, and no longer wanted to. But it didn’t stop her from wishing he saw her as beautiful.

  She squirmed under his stare until he looked up at her face again. “I guess this would be a bad time to ask you to go on a date with me.”

  Her breath left in a whoosh -- until she realized he was joking. She forced out a laugh. “Good one, Geoff. Now get off me so I can get dressed.”

  He held her in place, his eyes steady on hers. “I mean it, Trisha. I saw you come out here, and I wanted to approach you to ask you to go out with me. Then you dove in the water and didn’t come back up for a long time. When you did… you know the rest.”

  “Give me my dignity, Geoff.”

  He sighed and pushed off her. He reached for her robe and handed it to her. “I’m sorry if you think I’m insincere.”

  “No. I think you are too male for your own good. Rubbing up against a naked woman is going to arouse you. I’m not going to think for an instant that this attraction you think you feel is real.”

  “You’ve been hurt.” He looked at her, his eyes full of sadness.

  “No, Geoff. I’m a realist. Please. It’s human nature. One naked body touching another. Of course we want sex.”

  “It’s only human nature if you’re human.”

  “What?” She wondered what his game was.

  He shook his head. “Nothing. I still want you to go out with me. How about the movies? Can’t get more public than that. It’s only a half hour ride to the nearest town. You can even take separate transportation if you wish.”

  She hesitated before brushing him off again. She really didn’t know if his interest was genuine or not. Earlier she’d been the one to attack him. Not only had he not brought that up, but he didn’t seem to be holding it against her either. What would a date hurt? She could see if his interest was genuine. If it wasn’t, was a quick roll in the hay so bad? If she knew the score first, she couldn’t get hurt when he got bored.

  “Okay, fine. A movie. You can drive me. I don’t know my way around here yet.”

  “Don’t look so enthused. Would it help if I said I’ll behave?”

  Trisha snorted. “Isn’t it me who should be promising to behave? After the way I attacked you earlier, that is?”

  “No. That was in self-defense. And trust me, I’d be stupid to say I didn’t enjoy having a beautiful woman straddling me.” His gaze didn’t waver as he stared into her eyes. “I did enjoy it. A lot. I want you, Trisha. I’m not going to play games because you seem to have trust issues. I will be straight-up honest. I want you in my bed. On the floor. Up against the wall and riding me on the forest floor.”

  Trisha gasped, blood and juices rushing to her pussy at his words. She squeezed her legs together and cleared her throat. “I see.”

  “I don’t think you do.” He turned and took a few steps before he looked back. She fought hard not to look at his very naked and firm ass. “But you will.” He winked and walked off into the woods before she even thought to ask what he’d been doing spying on her in the first place, or where his clothes had gone.

  Did she even care if he was a stalker? Nancy, her husband Ralph and the kids loved Geoff and Monroe. She trusted her sister. Geoff had been honest with her. He’d told her he wanted sex. At least he wasn’t pretending to be in love with her. What would a no-strings affair be like? One where she had sex for as long as he wanted her? But what if he moved on before she was done? No! They could work out rules later, but she’d take what he wanted to give. It wasn’t as if she was in love with him. Lust with his body, maybe, and there was always his friend if he didn’t work out.

  If Geoff made love like he talked, she was going to be in trouble.

  One glance up at the night sky showed the moon was past the best position for her spell, so she decided to just give thanks to the Goddess and make her way to bed.

  * * *

  Monroe watched from the woods. He hoped she’d be as receptive to him when he talked to her. A grin spread across his features when Geoff approached him. They would both tackle her and see how receptive she was to the two of them at once. Then they could worry about her reaction to learning they were aliens later. After they had her heart.

  Chapter Three

  Trisha looked at her reflection and wondered over the past week. Not only had her date with Geoff gone well, but he’d been respectful and considerate. Though she knew he wanted sex, he hadn’t pressed for it yet. He was probably waiting for her to make her decision. Well, she’d made it. Tonight was the night. She glanced over at the picnic basket she’d packed. It was full of dessert items. Ones that could be used in sensual delight.

  She looked into the mirror again and studied her appearance. The halter top didn’t hide her flabby arms, but it was easy to remove for some foreplay. That was also the reason she’d chosen a wraparound skirt. Glancing down at her bare feet, she was glad she’d splurged on the manicure and pedicure. Her savings were almost completely gone, but she was determined to look and feel her best tonight.

  The sound of the doorbell startled her. Trisha picked up the basket and walked to the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Monroe standing there. His grin widened as he slowly looked down her body. His attention seemed caught on her bare toes, so she wiggled them.

  He looked at the basket in her hand and then back up to her face. “Geoff asked me to come and get you. He’s working on a surprise and wasn’t ready. He didn’t want you to think he was standing you up, and he couldn’t reach you on the phone.”

  “Oh.” She blushed. “I turned off my cell phone. It only made sense since I’m not working right now. I have no need for one out here.”

  “I guess your sister was tying up her phone line, then?”

  “Probably. Or else it was Gloria. She never clicks over when there’s an incoming call.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Will you come with me back to our place?”

  “Sure.” That he made her pulse race as quickly as Geoff was something she could hide. After all, Geoff was the one intere
sted in having sex with her, not Monroe.

  The ride to their home made her wonder if she was correct. Monroe was a dominating presence. His scent was enticing, and he was so touchy-feely that she found it hard to keep from showing her desire. The man was sin personified.

  When they pulled up to the house, Trisha tried not to stare. Their house was a large two-story home. It was gorgeous. It had white paint with blue trim on the windows and shutters that matched the flowers and flowering bushes around the house. “Before we go inside, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  Trisha turned and stared at him. His hand rested on her thigh, sending confusion rushing through her. He was touchy, she’d noticed that. He probably didn’t even realize how inappropriate his behavior was right now. Inappropriate? Hell, his touch was making her heart race and her pussy slicken. Damn man. Two utterly gorgeous men in the middle of nowhere. Who’d have thunk it? “Yes?” Damn her breathless voice.

  “I didn’t want to let things go further between you and Geoff without making a stand.”

  “Excuse me?” His thumb rubbed back and forth on her thigh, scattering her thoughts.

  “I find you attractive, Trisha. I tried to deny it, but I can’t anymore. I know you and Geoff have been dating, and I’d like the chance to get to know you better also.”

  “Oh.” All her breath escaped in a whoosh. Before she could react, he cupped her chin and tilted her face. His lips covered hers, and her eyes closed of their own accord. She should pull away. Shouldn’t allow him to kiss her when she was dating his friend.

  But then his tongue ran along her lip. She moaned. He took advantage, slipping his tongue between her lips and stealing the breath right out of her. Again.

  His hand slid around her neck, tugging her closer until her breasts pressed against his chest. After several long minutes, he broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. “Will you go out on a date with me?”

  Trisha laughed. She didn’t know what else to do. It was deep and husky, but he didn’t seem fazed. “You want to date me knowing that I’ve been dating your friend.”

  “Are you two exclusive?” His eyes pinned her in place.

  “We didn’t exactly draw up a rule list. We’re seeing how things go. But he’s informed me he wants more than just dates.” She didn’t know how much else to say. She wasn’t about to say that Geoff wanted her as a fuck buddy. Monroe probably wanted the same thing. She caught her breath, wondering if both of them would like to be her fuck buddy at the same time.

  Her door opened. She turned and forced a stiff smile. Geoff looked at her funny, but didn’t say anything. He helped her out of the car, took the basket from her, and wrapped his arm around her. He shot a glance over her shoulder at Monroe, but she couldn’t read it. Then he led her to the house. Monroe closed the car door before stripping off his shirt and tossing it on the porch as he jogged past them. He saluted to Geoff, and then vanished inside the forest.

  “So, what’s your surprise?” Trisha asked in the awkward silence that followed.

  “I was fixing up the back porch.”

  She wondered why he was still being mysterious. “Okay. Can I see this surprise?”

  “Yep.” He finally gave her a genuine grin. He grabbed her hand and led her around to the back of the house. As they climbed the steps onto the porch, she noticed the built-in hot tub. Flowers surrounded it. Not fresh cut flowers but pots of blooming plants. There was a silver bucket filled with ice, and a bottle of mead and some crackers with cheese off to the side. A radio played a slow love song.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I know I set the scene for seduction, but I won’t force you. When you’re ready you’ll let me know.”

  “Look in the basket.” Trisha winked and walked over to the bubbling water. He should have told her to wear a bathing suit, but he probably hadn’t mentioned that so she would get in naked. He already knew she liked to swim naked. He’d already seen her naked. What was her problem? She’d come here prepared to make love, but she was acting like a nervous Nelly. Instead of embracing the opportunity, she was standing here wasting it.

  A quick glance around revealed that their backyard was like her sister’s. Why these people chose to live in no man’s land was beyond her, but she did like the solitude at times. Being able to soak naked in a hot tub on your back deck was one of them. She could have never done that in the city. At least, not where she’d lived.

  Geoff quickly stripped and stepped into the tub, but not before she got a nice view of his tanned ass. Someone spent some time naked outdoors. She almost giggled, but didn’t when he moaned as he sank into the water. The sound made her think of tangled sweat-slicked bodies on satin sheets. She liked satin sheets, but they weren’t the most practical for sex. At least, not the kind she had.

  With his back turned to her, she took advantage of the moment to remove her clothes and slip into the bubbling water. He’d added something to make the water foam, probably because he’d noticed she was not as comfortable with her body as she pretended to be. “It doesn’t seem so romantic to have premeditated sex.”

  “On the contrary.” Geoff reached for the mead and poured them each a glass. “It’s much more romantic. There’s time to set the mood. You don’t have to worry that you misinterpreted the other’s feelings.”

  Trisha gratefully accepted the mead and took a sip. As they sat there idly watching the sky, and sometimes each other, she began to get uncomfortable. “Look, if you’ve changed your mind --”

  “No. I haven’t,” he interrupted, sliding closer. He took her glass and set both of them on the side of the tub. “But if you have…”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I haven’t.”

  “Then relax.” He captured her lips in his.

  Relax? She was strung up with sexual tension. She needed a good hard fuck to ease that. Instead of telling him, she focused on his gentle kiss. Slow and tender at first, he deepened the kiss and moved closer, his hand reaching around her neck to tug her onto his lap.

  One minute she was focusing on his mouth, the next his hands were on her sides, breasts and back. He caressed every inch of her while plundering her mouth with his tongue.

  Her hands weren’t shy either. She explored every inch of his delectable flesh, even daring to skim down his abs, stopping when she reached water. He broke the kiss, breathing heavily as he slid kisses across her jaw before capturing her ear between his teeth. He quickly released her ear and whispered, “Do you believe I desire you?”

  Trisha swallowed past a thick throat. Did she ever! “Yes,” was her response, though.

  “Will you trust me?”

  She hesitated for a minute. What she’d learned about him over the past week was enough to convince her to sleep with him. Or was that her hormones talking? But if she didn’t trust him, what was she doing here in his hot tub? “Yes.”

  “Turn around.”

  “Okay.” She slowly obeyed, wondering what he had planned.

  “Spread your legs and lean forward, placing your hands on the lip of the tub.”

  “Got a thing for cops and robbers?” She did as he asked, even though she was a little nervous. He didn’t want to look at her? He didn’t want her to look at him?

  When his hands settled on her lower back and his tongue lapped at the back of her neck, she cooed and arched into him. He gently bit her, then slid his hands up and down her sides before he grabbed her ass.

  Kissing and nibbling on her neck, he made his way lower as he worked his hand between her legs, finding and teasing her clit. Pleasure streaked up her spine and down her legs at his touch.

  “I love your responsive body, your lush curves, your spunky attitude…” His voice trailed off when she rubbed her ass against his cock.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere with me, bub.”

  They both laughed, but then he pressed his dick between her legs, and their laughter turned to moans. The anticipation of the past week, combined with his a
ttempt to seduce her, had her more on edge than his kisses.

  All week there’d been caresses and kisses, fleeting touches that set her aflame, then fluttered away like a leaf in a breeze. His whispered desires and promises of pleasure fueled those flames, and now she was more than ready for him to fuck her.

  Before she could demand he do it, he adjusted himself, and then slid the tip of his cock into her. Hungry for more, she pressed back against him, taking what she wanted like it was her due. After the week of sensual torture, she’d earned a nice hard fuck, and she wanted it right now.

  “Fuck me, Geoff. Fuck me hard and fast, but just do it.” With her hands braced on the sides of the hot tub, Geoff’s hands on her waist, and his long cock stroking her pussy, she knew it wouldn’t be long before she came. He gave her slow strokes in and out, and then hard, fast ones that made her breasts jiggle as he pumped into her.

  Warm breath tickled her ear and neck, while his cute sex noises drove her higher. Arching her back, she looked out over the backyard and stared into the trees. Monroe stood there, the light from the waning moon bright enough to show her that he wasn’t trying to flag down a passing car. Not with his hand that low. No. The sexy man was masturbating while watching them have sex. Was this why he’d gone for a jog? He had to have known what Geoff was setting up for. The whole scene screamed seduction.

  Watching him watching them didn’t turn her off. On the contrary, it aroused her. She’d always been into watching porn videos, but never had the courage to make her own. Hadn’t known she’d like it. This was like her chance to star in a video. One that someone was obviously enjoying. What would it be like to fuck both of them at the same time?

  “Oh, geesh.” Geoff’s growl brushed against the nape of her neck.

  “What?” She turned to look at him. He looked all sexy, his muscles straining, his cock still gliding in and out of her.

  “Monroe. He said he would vanish for a few hours to give me time to seduce you. Guess he really meant that he wanted to find a good vantage point to spy on us.”

  “I don’t mind.” She faced front again, boldly staring across the yard to Monroe.


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