Black Dawn

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Black Dawn Page 5

by Rose Wulf

  Glancing at the digital display beside Letty’s bed which read two-thirty-three, Izzy sighed and swung her feet around. She clearly wasn’t going back to sleep just yet, so it was time to find her demon.

  But as soon as her feet hit the floor something cold and slimy wrapped around her ankles and tugged sharply.

  Izzy cried out in shock and instinctive terror, flying forward and slamming hard onto the old floor. The demon under her bed continued to tug, dragging her into the darkness—and to who knew where after that.


  Chapter Five

  Darr watched the stars twinkle overhead almost mockingly. Tiny, little pinpricks of bright, clean light obscuring the surrounding darkness. At least the moon was only a sliver of itself tonight.

  The resort was quiet, as was befitting of the hour. Even the waves of the lake were minimal, contributing to the deafening silence around him. Barely any creatures dared rustle about in his vicinity. Animals—even insects—were instinctively attuned to beings of darkness. Maybe the silence was why he disliked being outside at night. Or maybe it was just worse tonight because of the passion he and Izzy had shared earlier that day.

  Just the memory of their afternoon was enough to get him hard again. And now that he had a taste of her on his tongue, he had a serious problem. Demons were naturally inclined toward vices of all variety and, in Darr’s case, he had recently deduced his was addiction. A very specific addiction, too. Now, leaning against the tree nearest Izzy’s window, Darr could barely drag his thoughts from her. He didn’t want to be stuck outside, he wanted to be stretched out next to her in that small bed. Or preferably on top of her, working out every kind of moan she could possibly make.


  They had one more night at this accursed resort. One more night where she’d be sharing her living—and sleeping—space with others. One more night he’d be relegated to the outside just to be within screaming distance of her. She’d offered to reserve him a cabin of his own, of course, but he’d declined. It wasn’t like he needed a cabin of his own when he didn’t actually sleep. Hell, he didn’t need a cabin or a bed at all. He just wanted to be in there with her.


  The scream was muffled, half reaching his ears and half firing the burning alarm in his head that triggered when she summoned him. But she’d never summoned him in quite such a terrified way and he was instantly furious.

  How dare some scum scare her like that.

  The shadows parted as he appeared in the cabin, barely sparing a glance at Izzy’s startled friends. His stomach hit the floor when he saw Izzy’s hands slip beneath the bed. His mind roared and with barely a flick of his wrist, the entire bed, from frame to top sheet, when flying. But Izzy was gone. Sucked into the shadows in a way only another demon could manage.

  He tried reopening the same passageway, but in the middle of the night such a feat was nearly impossible. The more prevalent the shadows, the harder it was to follow one.

  His fist hit the floor, shattering the fake wood laminate. He bit back the shout of fury that clawed at his chest. He could feel his power building, fueled by his rage and the unfamiliar twinge of fear. Fear. Something he hadn’t felt now in over two decades, also—if indirectly—thanks to Izzy.

  “Ohmygod,” Britt breathed behind him. “She’s … she’s gone…”

  The woman’s words settled like concrete in his gut.

  Izzy was gone. In the hands of a demon he hadn’t even glimpsed. And he was no tracker. His power was muscle, not something that required more finesse like tracking. But he had to find her. Had to find her before the demon did whatever it had planned. And for that he was going to need help.


  Izzy emptied her stomach the moment she finally landed on solid ground.

  She’d never been in that other dimension for so long. Whenever Darr transported her through the shadows it was always fast, most of the time it was instantaneous. But this … this had felt like hours. Even now, with her dinner and late-night snack on the ground, her stomach heaved dangerously. Her head still swimming, Izzy did her best to look around, but the space she was kneeling in was so dark she could barely discern the walls around her.

  “You must be sweet little Isolde Duchane,” an unfamiliar male voice declared. His voice echoed in the darkness around her, seeming to come from everywhere at once. She didn’t imagine even the most stubbornly naïve person would have mistaken that voice for anything other than that of a demon. A dangerous, dangerous demon.

  Glaring straight ahead, Izzy snapped, “You mean you kidnapped me without even knowing who I am?” Seriously?

  “Of course not,” the voice assured her. He was behind her now.

  Izzy shoved to her feet and spun, but even her long hair didn’t seem to hit anything. Her reaction only served to throw the world out of orbit again.

  “I ordered another to grab you,” he continued. Behind her again.

  This time Izzy held still despite the chill that raked her spine. She could’ve sworn she felt his breath that time. “What do you want with me?” Is this about Dad? Had whoever might have been going after him noticed Darr there last night? Or was this about the other thing, the demon who’d attacked her?

  The demon in the room with her made a thoughtful sound, his hum sounding from her left this time. She reflexively turned her glare that way but, naturally, his voice came from the opposite direction when he finally responded. “You are my pawn. My ticket, even. You, little Isolde, are bait.”

  “Bait?” That was the most ludicrous thing in the world. She wasn’t close enough to her father for that to be an obvious tactic—though she supposed she shouldn’t rule it out, either. He was the reason she’d needed a demon bodyguard after all. Or…? Or was this about Darr?

  “You look like you’re starting to catch on.”

  Narrowing her eyes and slowly turning her head wide, Izzy said, “And I bet you have a stupid arrogant smirk on your face right now. So what? What the hell do you mean I’m ‘bait’?”

  “How rude of me.” There was a pause and he whispered his next words directly into her face, yet she never saw a thing.

  It was terrifying.

  “I am Creed. And I’ve come for what’s mine.”


  “Well this is unusual,” Zahk stated as he stepped into the room. His dark gaze swept over the mess briefly, lingered on the two pajama-clad women gathered on the farthest bed, and landed on Darr. “What’s with the summoning?”

  Darr released a breath, wondering for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes if this was really a good idea. But he had no other choice. Nothing he’d tried had worked. “I need your help.”

  Zahk arched a brow in silent curiosity.

  With more effort than he imagined he was able to muster, Darr admitted, “Izzy’s been … taken. I can’t find where.”

  “Ouch.” Zahk pulled his hands from his pockets and his gaze flicked to the scorch mark from the first demon’s attack. “Who’d you kill?”

  “Another attacker. Last night.” And Darr very much doubted the coincidence of that. Someone was after Izzy and sending lesser demons to do the dirty work. Which meant whoever it was had at least marginal respect for his strength.

  “Two?” Zahk questioned, turning his attention back to Darr.

  “Can you help? You’re the only one I trust.” There was no sense in not laying all his cards on the table. Zahk would understand. Even if that was only really because he was under the impression Darr’s physical life was on the line.

  Zahk pursed his lips and looked to where Izzy’s bed was supposed to be. “I’ll do what I can,” he said. He moved and knelt at the edge of the dust that hadn’t been swept out from under the bed. “Nasty,” he muttered as he slowly waved a stretched-out palm over the space.

  Darr watched from where he stood, aware that what Zahk was doing required concentration. He didn’t know if Zahk was actually skilled in tracking, but he had to try. He hadn
’t been lying about Zahk being the only one he could call on. Letty, however, didn’t seem to recognize the need for stillness. She removed herself from Britt’s side and stepped up to Darr’s as quietly as she was able—which wasn’t much, between the squeaky floors and a human’s naturally heavier footfalls.

  “Can he find her?” she whispered, concern in her voice. It was probably in her scent, too, if Darr bothered to look.

  “Quiet.” He didn’t know if Zahk could find her. Nor did he feel like voicing that doubt.

  “Well,” Zahk said with a heavy breath as he sat back on his haunches. “I can sense the demon’s residual energy, but not much else. He went deep.”

  Darr opened his mouth to ask for more, but Britt’s shrill exclamation cut him off.

  “Deep? You mean she’s in Hell?” The idea clearly terrified her. As well it should have, since a human couldn’t survive in Hell.

  “No,” Zahk said with a shake of his head. He stood. “I think Darr would’ve been able to sense if this was a portal to Hell. She’s on Earth. She just spent a while in limbo first.”

  “Limbo?” Letty asked.

  “Our word for the dimension we travel through,” Darr offered shortly. “Between the shadows.”

  “I don’t understand,” Britt said, sounding strained. Darr didn’t bother to look at her. “You can tell where she was, but not where she is?”

  “We’re all connected to limbo,” Zahk explained. “Where she went when it opened on the other end, though, that’s anyone’s guess.”

  Dammit. Darr’s fists clenched tight at his sides. “Do you know any trackers?”

  “None you’d trust.”

  Touché. And that was a fucking problem. “What about ones you trust?” He was going to have to make an exception somewhere.

  Zahk’s eyes widened for a beat and he whistled. “You’re really still insisting Old Duchane managed to bind you, huh?”

  Darr snapped a glare at his supposed friend. “This really isn’t the time for that. Or do you want me dead?”

  “Hey, easy,” Zahk said, holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “I didn’t mean it that way. I can make a couple calls, see if anyone good’s available. It’ll just take a minute or three.”

  “You have one.”

  Another brow arched, Zahk asked, “And then what?”

  Not having a real answer, Darr replied, “Then I get desperate.” It was the best truth he had.

  Zahk scoffed and moved toward the door. “I’ll be outside for a moment, then.”

  But he never made it to the door. All the shadows in the room began to spin and gather over the scorch mark on the floor. Letty darted back to the bed and Britt, both girls whimpering in fear. Zahk turned in place but made no move to step closer. Darr held his ground, hoping against all logic it was Izzy.


  “You should really keep a closer eye on your toys, Darr,” Creed declared coldly as Izzy dry heaved behind him. She officially hated the way he—or his invisible companion—teleported.

  But at least she’d managed to convince the creep to return her. Or give her a chance at returning.

  She suspected Creed thought he was just dangling his bait in front of his prey, but Izzy knew better. Darr would save her.

  When she finally managed to lift her swaying gaze to Darr, however, what she saw stalled her heart in her chest. He looked frozen, his ash-gray eyes wider than usual and his whole body uncharacteristically tense. Almost like he was … afraid. But it passed quickly and then his fury was back, raw and rising in his narrowed eyes. In a flash he went from frozen to lunging, a nearly invisible energy coiling around the fist he’d pulled back.

  Instinct kicking in, Izzy sprang to her feet and bolted for the girls. It was best to get on the other side of an attack like that. Not until Britt and Letty were reaching for her did she even register Zahk, standing beside the door.

  Drywall and wood paneling exploded as Darr’s demonic energy blast fired. Dust and smoke filled the space in a loud outburst that had Izzy and her friends clamping hands over their ears and ducking. She’d never seen him attack like that.

  Creed’s echoing laughter seeped through the smoke. “You’ll never hit me with an attack so untrained. I’d have thought you knew that by now.”

  What? She’d guessed Creed and Darr must have had a history, but she was increasingly worried about what that history was. They must have always been enemies. Or perhaps they’d once been friendly and Creed had betrayed Darr… She supposed that could explain it, too. She just hoped she got the chance to ask him about it.

  “You made a mistake coming to me,” Darr threatened a yard or three ahead.

  The smoke began to clear and Izzy strained her eyes to see through it. She was hoping to see Darr, but her eyes landed first on Zahk. He’d stepped forward slightly, as if he wanted a better view. His attention seemed focused on the struggle. Why isn’t he helping? He was supposed to be Darr’s friend. She’d never gotten to know him, but they’d interacted a little now and then. She remembered how happy she’d felt to learn Darr had at least one friend he could keep in touch with from his old life—a life he never talked about.

  “Can’t you do something?” she called, crawling forward on the bed.

  Zahk looked over to her, his expression solemn. “Darr wouldn’t want me to.”

  Whether she liked it or not that was certainly true. It would probably be an insult to his pride, not just as her protector, but as a man. As a demon. She certainly knew that demons had their vanities.

  Darr crashed hard onto the splintered floor, skidding back nearly to Zahk’s feet, and Creed stepped just inside the hole in the wall.

  Izzy’s heart leapt to her throat and she reacted on instinct. She vaulted from the bed and landed on her knees beside her lover. “Darr!”

  “Stay back!”

  “No need,” Creed called calmly. “I’m not going to kill either of you just yet. This is your warning. Not only have I found you, Darr, but I am going to kill you slowly. This is just the start.” The shadows surrounding him sprang up and seemed to smash him into the ground, leaving a vacant space where he’d stood just moments before.

  “What, what in the hell happened in here?” The horrified demand came from Ainsley. The fight hadn’t exactly been muted.

  Izzy turned her attention away then, not caring who responded or what was said. “Darr,” she called, more softly. She rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. The gesture was as much meant to offer comfort as it was to reassure herself. “Are you hurt?”

  Jaw tight, Darr lifted his gaze to her. “I should be asking you that. I’m sorry, Izzy.”

  Trying to offer him the best smile she could, Izzy replied, “Hey, I’ve got bones of steel. I’m fine.”

  Darr grunted something incorrigible and tugged her into his chest, one large hand tangled in her hair. With his lips grazing her ear he said, “I’ll never let him lay another finger on you.”

  Izzy opened her mouth to ask about Creed and the myriad of questions dancing around in her head, but she thought better of it at the last moment. They had an audience. It wasn’t the right time. So instead she curled her arms around his neck and held tight, taking deep, stabilizing breaths of his scent. At least he was okay, and she was back in his arms. Everything else could wait its turn.

  “My wall! What in the name of heaven happened to my wall?” Izzy didn’t recognize the voice and Darr immediately stiffened around her.

  “We are so sorry,” Britt said quickly, moving up near Izzy’s side. “We’ll repay you for all the—”

  “No.” The shorter, balding man cut her off with a hard look. A look Izzy had learned was actually a cover for uncomfortable fear. Not that the distinction mattered in this case. “I want you all out immediately. No refunds. I’ll need the money for this. But I won’t call the police if you don’t fight it. I don’t care who or what brought the demons, but there are no demon brawls here, do you understand?”

zy swallowed, guilt flaring bright in her chest. No matter what had happened to her, they were supposed to be there for Britt. And she’d gone and ruined her friend’s bachelorette party in a spectacular way.

  Taking their silence as agreement, the man continued. “You have an hour. I want you off the property in an hour.”

  “But…” Britt stuttered, clearly at a loss for words. Understandably so.

  “Please,” Izzy interrupted, reluctantly pushing to her feet and stepping forward. “This is my fault entirely. I have money, I can pay for everything. And I’ll leave. No more demons will come after I’m gone.” Maybe she could salvage some tiny fragment of Britt’s party.

  Meeting her stare angrily, he replied, “Then I’ll get your information and come after you for the overages.”

  Behind her, Darr stood, his body language angry. He didn’t generally tolerate people talking to her in what he judged a negative, insulting manner. The property owner’s words definitely qualified. But Izzy put a hand on his nearest arm to hold him in place.

  “Please,” she tried again, softening her stare.

  “So help me,” he interrupted. “I’m well within my rights if I want to call the police and press charges.”

  “You would be,” yet another new voice, also male and undeniably powerful, declared calmly. A moment later a tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed man with perfectly tanned skin stepped through the hole and walked past the owner. “But such extremities aren’t necessary. Go back to bed.”

  Izzy held her breath as a glaze seemed to overtake the owner’s eyes and his shoulders slumped. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Have a good night.” Without another word of explanation he turned and walked off.

  The newcomer strode several feet into the cabin before coming to a stop. He was nearly as tall as Darr, Izzy realized, and she was sure he had remarkable power just as she was sure he was not a demon. The sensation was confusing. As was Darr’s tensing, let alone when he grabbed her arm and tugged her back. Not behind him, but back, so that he could pull her behind him if necessary. She was familiar with the stance and instantly on alert.


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