Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

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Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2) Page 1

by Harley Wylde

  Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

  Harley Wylde

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  Copyright ©2018 Harley Wylde

  BIN: 08365-02702

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Harley Wylde

  Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

  Harley Wylde

  Isabella: I was seventeen when my daddy gave me to Torch, who inked me, kissed me, then watched me walk away. I was supposed to return after I graduated, but instead I ran. Now I’m back, ready to face whatever fate awaits me. He’s probably pissed, and rightly so. It was only supposed to be a short separation, but three years have passed. I expected yelling, maybe some public humiliation. It never occurred to me he’d kiss me so deeply, so passionately that I’d be begging for more. He’ll be my first, my last, my only… because I’m his, and he’s never going to let me forget it.

  Torch: For years, I’ve kept my distance, watching over the girl I claimed as my own. She wears my brand, and I know it’s only a matter of time before she comes home. I remembered a stunning young woman, but it’s a siren who walks back through my door, all luscious and curvy. There may be about thirty years between us, but fuck if I care what people think. I want her. She’s mine, and I’m going to remind her of that. I’ll take her any way I can, as often as I can, and when I’m done, she’ll never again think of walking out the door. Because what she doesn’t know is she’s done the impossible… she’s claimed the heart of a man who didn’t think he had one. Now that she’s worked her way deep inside, I’ll rain down hell on anyone who tries to keep us apart. No one’s going to come between us, especially not the man who gave his daughter to me -- not even if he has the entire cartel army on his ass.



  Three Years Ago

  This was absolutely fucking insane. I couldn’t believe I’d agreed to brand some girl as my old lady. Fuck, she wasn’t even legal yet. What the hell was I supposed to do with some seventeen-year-old girl who was still in high school? At forty-eight, I was old enough to be her dad. Shit, I was probably older than her dad. But Casper VanHorne had come through for my club, so I would abide by the agreement.

  When he entered the clubhouse, it was like the room dropped twenty degrees. The man was cold and calculating, an absolute bastard who had no problem taking someone out by any means necessary. And from what I’d heard, he was damn good at his job. Word on the street was Casper was the country’s top-paid assassin. His gun was for hire, no job too big or too small, as long as the price was right. And the price he’d asked was that I protect his daughter and make her my old lady.

  “Torch,” Casper said, reaching out to shake my hand. “I’m glad you agreed to my terms.”

  “You didn’t give me much choice. It was either risk my VP’s old lady, or agree, and since Ridley is carrying Venom’s child, it wasn’t a choice at all.”

  Casper smiled, the sight chilling me. He reached back and pulled a young girl forward, her head tipped down as she gazed at the floor. She was slender and pale, her ebony hair hanging in curls around her face and down her back. Reminded me a little of Snow White.

  “Isabella, mind your manners. Say hello to your husband-to-be.”

  Fuck if that thought didn’t make me ill.

  Her face lifted, and I forgot to fucking breathe for a moment. Her blue eyes were the color of the sky on a cloudless day, but what held me spellbound, was the intensity of her gaze. She might be a kid, but this was a kid who had seen far too much. A slight smile curled the corners of her lips. I’d thought she was beautiful in her picture, but in real life she was so much more.

  “Hello,” she said. Her voice was light and reminded me of fairies and shit.

  “Hello, Isabella.”

  “Is everything ready?” Casper asked.

  I nodded and motioned for them to follow me to the back. Zipper had already set up his work station, and I’d given him a basic design. Now that I’d met the girl, I knew she deserved something better. While she sat in the chair and her father roamed the room, I pulled Zipper into the hall.

  “What is it, Pres?”

  “That design. It’s not going to work.”

  Zipper smiled. “Need something a little more feminine? She’s a dainty little thing, isn’t she?”

  Yeah, she was fucking dainty all right. I only hoped when the time came to claim her I didn’t break her. Christ, but I hoped her father didn’t expect things to go that far today. The thought of bedding a child -- even one as gorgeous as Isabella -- made me ill, even if she was nearly eighteen.

  “I can freehand something, make it up as I ink her. If you trust me,” Zipper said.

  “I’ve seen your work. Do what you think is best. I want something that complements her.” Poor girl was just as much a pawn in this as I was, if not more so. No reason to make things unpleasant for her.

  Zipper nodded, and we went back into his work room. Isabella looked a little pale, and I noticed her father was standing across the room from her. Was he seriously not even going to hold his little girl’s hand? She looked fucking terrified as she looked at the tattoo equipment.

  I pulled an empty chair over beside her and laced our fingers together. Her hand trembled in mine, but she gave me a tentative smile. When the needle first touched her arm, she cried out and tensed up.

  “Easy, baby,” I soothed. “Breathe.”

  She nodded, but I noticed the tears gathered in her eyes. I gave her hand a squeeze, and she seemed to settle a little. Her head turned toward the arm being tattooed, and I reached up and turned her face back toward me.

  “Look at me, not at the tattoo.”

  “All right,” she said softly.

  There was something about this girl that made me want to protect her. She seemed fragile, delicate… there was an otherworldliness about her, like a fairy or angel had been dropped into my lap. As aggravated as I was ov
er the situation, I knew it wasn’t her fault, and I wasn’t about to take my frustration out on her. She deserved better than that.

  “You’re being very brave,” I told her.

  She shook her head. “I’m not. I’m far from brave. If I were brave, I wouldn’t need your protection.”

  Her words intrigued me. Casper had said his daughter needed protection, but I’d never thought to ask from what. Had something happened to her? I’d thought maybe Casper was just being an ass about the entire thing, but maybe I was wrong. If there was a reason she needed me, then I wanted to know what it was.

  “Baby, why do you think you wouldn’t need my protection if you were braver?”

  “Because I…” She bit her lip and tears formed in her eyes again.

  “Because what?”

  “She’s not tough enough,” Casper said over my shoulder. “My enemies have tried to use her against me. Last time it was taken too damn far.”

  My gaze never left Isabella’s, and I could see the pain in her eyes, and the shame. “What did they do to you, baby?”

  “She doesn’t need to relive that shit, Torch,” Casper said, his voice a near growl.

  “She’s fucking mine now, right?” I glared at him over my shoulder. “So get the fuck out so I can talk to her.”

  Casper glanced at his daughter, then left the room. After the door shut, I turned back toward the beautiful girl with the haunted eyes. Whatever had happened to her, it hadn’t been good. I didn’t like that someone had hurt someone so pure. Just looking at her you could tell she was completely innocent. I’d never met anyone like her before, and part of me hoped that innocence would never be extinguished, even though I knew that wasn’t realistic.

  “What happened when you were taken?” I asked.

  “They stripped my clothes off me and locked me in a cold room with just a concrete floor and a cot. They gave me a pot to…” Her cheeks flushed.

  I didn’t like where this was going, but I needed to know everything. “You’re safe here. No one’s going to hurt you. Are those men coming after you again?”

  “Not them, but others. Those men, they… they touched me. They sent a video to my dad and told him what would happen to me if he didn’t do as they said.”

  “And what did your dad do?” I asked.

  The tears dried up. “He killed them all.”


  She smiled a little.

  “Ink’s done,” Zipper announced barely forty-five minutes later. His voice sounded tight with emotion, and I knew it had been painful for him to hear her story. He’d never been able to stomach violence against women and children.

  The script on her arm was beautifully done in blues and purples. Zipper had added what looked like twinkling lights around the Property of Torch -- Dixie Reapers MC President words in pinks, yellows, and greens. It was delicate and nicely done.

  Zipper told her how to care for the tattoo, then put some ointment on it and wrapped it for her. I stood and helped Isabella out of the chair, but her legs buckled when she tried to stand. My arm went around her as a reflex, and her small body pressed against mine. The fact my dick started getting hard shouldn’t have surprised me, not after my reaction to seeing her picture before, but it made me sick to my stomach. What the fuck was wrong with me? Yeah, she felt like a woman, but she was just a kid still. Isabella stared up at me, all sweetness and innocence, and I knew I was going to hell for what I was about to do, but fuck if I didn’t need to taste her just once.

  My lips closed over hers, and I could tell immediately she’d never been kissed. I coaxed her through it, my mouth caressing hers slowly. I kept the kiss simple, but hell if it didn’t rock me. Countless women had kissed me over the years, but none were as sweet as Isabella. I’d promised her dad I wouldn’t take another woman to my bed once I made Isabella my old lady, but now that I’d tasted her, I knew no one would ever compare anyway. When I took my dick in my hand, it would be her eyes I saw, her lips I tasted.

  Yeah, I was going to hell.

  I pulled away, and she clung to me.

  “I promise you, Isabella, no one will ever hurt you. You’re mine, and I will fucking kill anyone who tries to take you away. I know you have graduation to go through, and your dad said you’re visiting family after that, but you come home anytime you’re ready.”

  She nodded and stepped into the hall where her dad waited.

  Zipper sadly shook his head.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “You want her,” Zipper said. “I was going to feel sorry for you, trapped in a relationship with some young girl. But she’s not what we thought she’d be, is she?”

  “No.” I looked down the hall, where her dad was leading her away. “She’s not.”

  If I’d known how damn long it would be before she decided to come home, I would have never let her leave.

  Chapter One


  The car that had delivered me to my destination took off down the road like the hounds of hell were after it. Not that I could blame the poor driver. I looked through the gates at the Dixie Reapers MC compound. Not much had changed since I was last here. A Prospect approached the gates, his face lighting up when he saw me. I got that reaction a lot. I’d always been pretty, but the last few years I’d gained some womanly curves and my face had matured. He swaggered closer, his hand tucked into his belt.

  “You looking for a good time?” he asked. “Because I could fuck you all night long, sweet thing.”

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Yeah, I’d never heard that one before.

  “Open the gates,” I demanded, trying to sound tougher than I was.

  He licked his lips, apparently thinking he was getting his fondest wish. The gate slid open, and I strolled through on my heeled boots that hugged my calves and stopped just below my knees. The gate closed behind me, and the Prospect placed his hand on my waist. I quickly removed it.

  “Why don’t you get on your knees and give my cock some attention?” he said, starting to unfasten his belt.

  “Or you could keep your pants zipped and your dick attached,” I said.

  “Did you just threaten to remove my dick?”

  “Oh, I won’t be the one removing it. Torch will.”

  He sneered at me. “And why would Torch give a shit about some whore who showed up uninvited?”

  I held up my forearm, the brand that said Property of Torch clearly on display. I’d been marked when I was seventeen. My dad hadn’t wanted to take a chance Torch would back out of the deal later. Because I’d been underage and a virgin, Dad had refused to let Torch claim me in any other way, but I was his just the same. And I’d damn sure never told my dad about the kiss I’d shared with Torch. That kiss had remained with me all these years. I still could taste him when I closed my eyes.

  The Prospect’s face paled, and he stammered an apology before getting out of my way. I walked across the concrete lot and up the clubhouse steps. Music blared from inside, and I braced myself for what I might find on the other side of the door. I’d heard my daddy threaten Torch if he so much as unzipped his pants with another woman. Casper VanHorne hadn’t been fucking around. As far as he was concerned, Torch was married to me, and my daddy expected him to be faithful, even if I had been too young at the time. My heart ached at the thought that he might not have kept his promise. The moment I’d laid eyes on Torch, I’d fallen under his spell, and it had scared the hell out of me. It had scared me so much, I’d done the chicken shit thing and run.

  I’d been gone a lot longer than I’d expected. My graduation had taken place within six months of Torch branding me as his. The plan had been for me to visit family abroad for six months, then return to Torch. I’d have been eighteen by then, nearly nineteen, and it would have been legal for us to be together, but I’d been too damn scared to come back. I’d only met him the one time, but the way he’d made me feel still shook me to my core. So, I’d hidden. Not just f
rom Torch, but from my dad too. I’d used what few contacts I had and disappeared, making sure I left no trace, until I was ready to face my fate. Not an easy feat with two powerful men looking for you. I’d gotten fake documents with a new name and changed locations every few months. Staying under the radar hadn’t been easy, but I’d managed.

  I was twenty now, almost twenty-one, and I knew I couldn’t keep running. Wasn’t even certain I wanted to. I was a grown woman now, and it was time to claim my man. Or more likely, let him claim me. Assuming he wasn’t pissed beyond belief. My hand pressed against the door. My future, whether good or bad, lay on the other side. I wouldn’t blame Torch for being furious with me for being gone so long, for just vanishing. I knew my father was enraged, but I’d deal with Daddy later. But Torch… I belonged to him. I didn’t know what the punishment would be for my actions, and I only hoped I was strong enough to take it. I’d probably made him look like a fool by taking off like that. It hadn’t been my intention, but I didn’t know if he’d care why I’d left the way I did.

  I blew out a breath and opened the door, stepping inside the dimly lit interior. Smoke filled the air and nearly made me choke. Through the haze I could see the bikers weren’t too picky about where they had sex. Naked women strolled through the room, completely on display for anyone to look at or touch. I hoped I hadn’t made a mistake in coming here. Daddy had made a deal, and it was up to me to keep it, but I wasn’t too happy with what I saw.

  Torch was in the back corner with some of his brothers, a naked whore on his lap. She didn’t seem to be doing much but sitting there, but it still made me ill. He was supposed to be mine. Part of me wanted to march over there, drag her ass off him, and kick her out the door. But I’d never been the confrontational sort. Even after all this time, I was still on the quiet side most days. I made my way over to the bar and climbed onto one of the stools. If I was going to get through this night, I knew I’d need a stiff drink. I cursed myself as a coward, thinking I didn’t do justice to the VanHorne name. According to my daddy, I took after my mom, and since she hadn’t been able to handle Dad’s lifestyle and had died by her own hand when I was just a baby, I didn’t think that was a compliment.


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