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Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

Page 6

by Harley Wylde

  Each house at the compound sat on a large lot, but mine was on three acres. Not that I really needed all that room, or hadn’t in the past. If I had kids with Isabella, we’d need a fenced yard. I scratched my beard and wondered if I should go ahead and ask my brothers to put one up for me. There was no guarantee we’d ever have kids. Fuck if I knew if I could even have one. I was fifty-one years old and never once had a pregnancy scare. Of course, I’d always wrapped my dick before fucking anyone, until Isabella, but there were never any guarantees. Nothing was foolproof except abstinence.

  I went back to the kitchen to check the water, then tossed in the pasta. I set the timer on the stove for ten minutes and took down some plates, got two forks out of the drawer, then pulled two sodas from the fridge. I not only didn’t want her drinking alcohol because of her head injury, I wanted to keep her away from it on the off chance I did get her pregnant last night. I knew it was way too soon to know, and it was a discussion we needed to have. If she said she didn’t want kids right now, we’d have to figure something out. Maybe she could go on the pill because I sure as fuck didn’t want to use condoms with her.

  The timer went off, and I grabbed the colander and strained the tortellini. I dumped the pasta back into the pot, then added the sauce. I turned the burner off, but set the pot back down on it, stirring it while the sauce warmed from the residual heat. I removed the pot from the hot burner and dished up two platefuls before putting the leftovers in the fridge. Pasta was a favorite of mine, so I kept shredded parmesan on hand, and I sprinkled some over both plates.

  I placed a fork on each plate, tucked the unopened sodas under my arm, then picked up the plates and carried everything upstairs. I heard the sound of Titanic playing when I reached the bedroom and nearly groaned. Just what every man wanted to watch, some chick flick where the guy dies because they can’t figure out weight distribution. Yeah, I’d seen the damn thing before. I thought it was stupid as fuck, but women seemed to love the shit out of the damn movie. So if Isabella wanted to watch, I’d suffer through it.

  I handed her a plate and a soda before walking around to the other side of the bed. I might have promised to get naked before getting into bed, but it would have to wait until after I ate. I really didn’t want burn marks on my dick if a piece of hot pasta fell into my lap while I was eating.

  Isabella was so engrossed in the movie, she didn’t even notice. After we’d cleaned our plates, I carried the dishes back downstairs, rinsed them, and stuck them in the dishwasher. Before I went back up, I checked all the doors and windows one more time. It wasn’t likely anyone would get onto the Dixie Reapers’ compound, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

  Fuck. I needed to text Tank and make sure everyone knew Casper VanHorne wasn’t to be allowed back on our property until things were settled. I didn’t want that fucker coming back through here to see his daughter until the cartel wasn’t up his ass, and despite my conversation with him earlier, I didn’t trust him to keep away. I took the stairs two at a time and when I got to the bedroom, I pulled my phone from my discarded jeans. I shot off the message to Tank, then set the phone on the bedside table.

  “Underwear,” Isabella muttered, even though she hadn’t looked away from the TV. I shook my head but stripped off the boxer briefs just the same. I crawled under the blankets and pulled her tight against my side with her head resting on my chest. While we watched the movie, I toyed with the ends of her hair and breathed in her scent. Even though she’d bathed with my soap and shampoo, there was an underlying hint of something that was unique to Isabella. Her hand splayed across my stomach and just the closeness of her had my cock semi-hard. I brushed a kiss across the top of her head.

  “How’s the head feel, baby?” I asked. “You want some Tylenol?”

  “It hurts, but I don’t like taking medication.”

  “There’s no point in hurting if you don’t have to.”

  She looked up at him. “What if I’m pregnant? I don’t want to take something that could hurt the baby. I know we were only intimate twice, but I’m not taking anything for birth control, and you didn’t use a condom either time.”

  I hadn’t thought we’d have this conversation quite in this manner, but since she’d brought it up…

  “I should have asked if you wanted kids right now before I took that decision away from you. I know that makes me an asshole, but I can’t say I’m sorry. I want a family with you, Bella. I won’t lie. I didn’t even consider a condom for a second, and I already knew you weren’t on birth control. I wanted to fill you with my cum, make you mine.”

  She smiled a little. “Connor, I knew before I came here what would happen. I already knew you were the type of man to take what you wanted, and I had no illusions that you would ask my permission. I came here ready to be yours in every way.”

  “So, kids…”

  “Will happen when they happen. Maybe you’ve already knocked me up, maybe you haven’t, but I don’t want a barrier between us. I liked the way you felt inside me, I liked feeling the warmth of your release. If that means we take a gamble on me getting pregnant right away, then so be it.”

  I thought about her words for a few minutes while she watched the movie. When she hadn’t returned, I’d thought it was because she didn’t want to be with me. I was a lot older than her, and I’d thought maybe she wanted someone younger. I’d figured it was an act of rebellion. Then she’d come home and had said she’d just needed some time, had wanted to grow up a little. I could appreciate that, even if it meant I’d lived like a damn monk for three years.

  The woman at my side baffled me a little. She was so trusting, so willing to accept that her life was tied to mine. She’d given herself to me last night without a word of protest. The way she curled against me right now, it was almost like she actually wanted to be here with me, as if she’d chosen this all along. I’d expected her to fight, to cry, to tell me how unfair it was that she’d been given no say. But so far, she’d followed my every command without question, had submitted to me completely. I felt like I was missing something. Her father had essentially sold her to me. Well, more of a trade. And yet, she seemed… content.

  I never claimed to know everything about women, but something about all this just seemed a little off. The moment I’d seen her picture, I’d known I would agree to Casper’s terms. She’d been stunningly gorgeous even at the age of seventeen, and I’m ashamed to admit that I’d gotten hard just looking at that picture. Meeting her in person had made me want her even more. I’d felt like a pervert when my body responded to her. She was definitely all woman now, though. She’d filled out, her face had matured, but there was still an innocence to her eyes. I think that innocence is what called to me the most. I’d never known someone so pure before. Even as a teen, I’d hung around girls who were… well, for lack of a better word, sluts.

  I’d thought that claiming Isabella would be a sacrifice, but I was wrong. She made me want to be a better man, for her. Oh, I was still going to curse like a sailor, bust heads, and take care of business. As far as everyone outside his house was concerned, I was still a badass mother-fucker, and always would be. But with her… I didn’t want to be that rough guy when I was around her. I’d never be the soft-spoken gentleman that she deserved, but for her, when it was just the two of us, I could try to soften some of my hard edges. Like letting her call me Connor. No one had spoken that name to me since high school. I’d earned the name Torch my first day in the service, and it had carried over into my life here. Very few even knew my real name, and I wanted to keep it that way.

  The movie ended, and I noticed Isabella had fallen asleep. I turned off the TV and the bedroom light, then cuddled her close. Her even breaths fanned across my chest, and her hand clutched at my abdomen, as if she were afraid I’d leave if she let go.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered before kissing her softly.

  She hummed in her sleep and seemed to press even closer to me. I’d never thought about clai
ming an old lady, but I was glad that Isabella was mine. Having her in my arms, in my bed, felt right. And I knew I’d do anything to keep her here with me.

  Chapter Five


  The sunlight streaming through the bedroom window woke me. Torch was snoring, and I smiled a little. It wasn’t one of those loud oh-my-God-the-house-will-fall-down types of snores, but more like the rumblings of a sleepy bear. His lips were slightly parted, and he had an arm tossed carelessly over the top of his pillow. The other arm was wrapped around me, holding me close. I liked waking up like this.

  My gaze traveled from his face down his throat to his broad chest. My hand was resting on his abdomen, and the muscles were tight and well-defined under my palm. He had the body of a god. I’d seen twenty-year-old guys who didn’t look this good. It was obvious that he took care of himself. The sheet was pushed down to his hips, but I could see the tent that had formed from his hard cock. I’d seen him naked several times now, but I hadn’t really had the chance to look my fill. I lowered the sheet, careful not to wake him. The sight of his thick, long cock had me clenching my thighs together.

  I kicked the covers the rest of the way off the bed and eased out from under his arm. His legs were splayed, and I crawled between them, sitting on my knees as I admired his body. I ran my hands up his thighs and licked my lips. My gaze flicked up to his face, but he seemed to still be sleeping. Either that, or he was really awesome at faking it. I looked at his cock again. I’d never really thought about a man’s dick looking beautiful, but Connor’s was. I wet my lips and leaned forward, circling the head with my tongue.

  He moaned, but his eyes were still closed. Feeling a little braver, I sucked the tip into my mouth before trying to swallow his entire length. I paused partway down, my mouth full, but his hips flexed and he slid in farther. My eyes watered as he pushed down my throat, but he was pulling away almost immediately. His eyes were open now and focused on me. Connor’s hand came up and gripped my hair, urging me down his length again. After the first few strokes I was able to take all of him without my eyes watering. He’d pull my mouth down his cock while thrusting upward, taking complete control. I wasn’t sure what it said about me that I got off on him manhandling me like this. I liked it when he told me what to do in the bedroom, or forced his cock down my throat. Maybe it was the fact that I didn’t have to think, didn’t have to do anything but feel.

  Suddenly, he pulled me away.

  “Lay on your back, baby,” he said.

  He got up, and I stretched out across the bed. I didn’t know what he wanted, but I’d enjoyed what we’d done in the bedroom so far, so I was going to trust him. He crawled up my body, his legs braced on either side of my torso. That magnificent cock of his was bobbing in front of me, still slick with my saliva.

  “Open,” he commanded.

  My jaw dropped, and he slowly thrust inside my mouth. Connor gripped the headboard as he fucked my mouth.

  “That’s it, baby, take it all. Let me fuck that gorgeous mouth of yours.”

  My hands clenched on his thighs, the ache between my legs growing with every stroke. I wanted to feel him in my pussy but couldn’t ask for it with my mouth full. The first spurt of cum hit my tongue, and he grunted as he bathed my mouth and throat with his release, his cock thrusting in and out until he was spent. He withdrew from my mouth and moved farther down my body. His taste was salty, but not unpleasant as I licked my lips.

  “Spread your legs, baby,” he said.

  I parted my thighs, and he settled between them, his broad shoulders pushing them farther apart. His mouth latched onto my pussy, and I cried out as pleasure shot through me. He spread the lips and sucked on my clit before thrusting his tongue inside me. His hands curled around my hips, grabbing my ass cheeks and spreading them too. A finger stroked between them, and I gasped, surprised at how good it felt.

  His finger played with my back entrance while his mouth did wicked, delicious things to me. He gathered some of my cream on his finger before circling the tight hole some more. I was nearly overwhelmed, not knowing if I wanted to push back against his hand or lift my hips toward his face. My body was tight, and I was already close to coming. He flicked my clit with his tongue just as the tip of his finger eased inside me, and I came, screaming his name. It felt like my body had exploded the pleasure was so intense, but Connor wasn’t done.

  He continued to lick, suck, and tease my pussy with that sinful mouth of his, while working his finger deeper inside me. I felt completely out of control, my body crying out for more. When his finger started stroking in and out, full, deep thrusts, and he latched onto my clit again, I was helpless to do anything but come again, even harder than before. My body trembled from the force of my release.

  Connor was relentless, playing with me until I’d come a third and fourth time. I didn’t know how much time had passed, but after my fourth release, he flipped me over and lifted me onto my knees. I felt his cock brush my thigh as he ran his fingers along my pussy. He rubbed my clit in small tight circles; the sensitive bud was throbbing already. I whimpered and pressed back against him. His hand pulled away, and I felt the head of his cock pressing against me, stretching me, and filling me.

  “Trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation.

  He leaned across the bed, his cock still buried inside me, and opened the bedside table drawer. He pulled out a bottle of clear liquid, and I heard the lid snick open. Connor spread my ass cheeks, and then the cold stuff hit me. I yelped and he swatted my ass. The sting had me inhaling sharply, and my eyes widened when I felt myself get even wetter.

  “You’re going to have to relax, baby.”

  His cock pulsed inside me as I felt him working a finger into my ass again. It had felt incredible when he’d been sucking on me, and even now it felt good. His hips pulled back, then thrust forward as he set up a steady rhythm with his cock. Slow. Deep. I whimpered when he added a second finger to my ass, and it burned at first. His fingers were stroking me in time with his cock, and soon I was pushing back against him, begging for more. I felt completely out of control, and all I knew was that I wanted more. The sensations rolling over me had me seeing stars and gasping as I strained for release.

  “Please, don’t stop,” I begged.

  “This ass is so fucking tight. One of these days, I’m going to fuck it.”

  My pussy clenched, and he growled before fucking me harder.

  “Come for me, baby,” he said.

  I wanted to. Desperately, but my release was just out of reach. I leaned down and laid my cheek against the bed, and the new angle made his cock hit me just right. My pleasure swelled inside me until I thought I was going to break. The fingers in my ass twisted with the next stroke, and I came, so damn hard I could feel my juices running down my thighs. Connor pounded into me harder until I felt the splashes of his hot cum bathing my insides. He growled as he slammed into me twice more, then stayed buried inside me.

  He was panting for breath, and if my thighs hadn’t been shaking, I’d have wanted to stay like this a little while longer. I felt so full, and so complete. He eased his fingers out of me first, then his cock, before dropping to his side next to me. My legs gave out, and I curled up next to him, not caring that I was covered with sticky stuff from both of us. The scent of sex filled the air, and I breathed it in every time I inhaled.

  “I had planned to leave you alone this morning,” he said, “but then you were naughty and had to put my cock in your mouth.”

  I giggled a little and couldn’t help but smile.

  “I wanted to taste you,” I said.

  “I’m sorry if I was a little rough. I wanted to go deeper, and I knew that wouldn’t happen unless I took over. I get inside you and can’t seem to control myself. If I ever hurt you, you have to tell me. I’ll stop the second I know you’re in pain.”

  “I don’t mind,” I admitted. “I like it when you get all commanding with me and take what you wan

  He grunted and tightened his arm around me.

  “Connor, can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything, Bella. Sometimes I may not be able to give you an answer, and sometimes you may not get an answer you like, but I will always be honest with you.”

  “I know my dad forced you to take me. I heard him talking on the phone about it, and I know I was just a business transaction. Are you sorry that you agreed to claim me three years ago?”

  “No,” he said. “I’m not sorry. But I have wondered why you agreed to it.”

  He’d said he would be honest with me, so I owed the same to him. I still felt uncertain around him. Yeah, we’d had sex several times now, and I had a tattoo that claimed I was his property, but we really didn’t know a lot about each other. Or at least, I didn’t know a lot about him. A man like Connor had probably done a lot of research on me. I doubted he went into anything blind.

  “I wasn’t given a choice. I was hurt at first, finding out that my dad could just give me away like that, and I wanted to fight him on it. I was scared the day we came here, the day you had me inked. I didn’t know what to expect. I figured any man my dad chose would be hard and unforgiving. I expected a bastard who would take what he wanted. But then I saw you and… I don’t know. There was something about you that I liked. And when I was getting the tattoo, it was you who calmed me. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “And now? Do you wish that things were different?” he asked.

  “No, I like being here with you. The things I felt for you made me feel overwhelmed, and that scared me. I’d never been attracted to someone before, never felt desire. The boys I’d known in school annoyed me more than anything. When you kissed me that day, I didn’t want you to stop. The way your lips felt against mine, the feel of your hands on my hips… it awakened something inside me. You were so nice to me, so understanding when you talked to me. And when you kissed me, I wanted more. But I didn’t think you felt the same things for me that I was feeling about you. I thought I was just a business deal.”


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