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Sapphire Page 9

by Taylor Lee

  To her surprise, Jase frowned slightly. For the first time since he’d shanghaied her in the parking lot, his expression was serious; his teasing amusement decidedly absent. In his hardened gaze, Sapphire saw the commander everyone respected—and feared. But she also saw the way his eyes darkened as he studied her through narrowed eyes. The deep emerald eyes held a warning that she didn’t miss. It reminded her of the way his eyes gleamed with passion when he kissed her last night. The edge in his voice confirmed that she hadn’t misjudged his intent.

  “It’s important, Sapphire, that you are also very clear.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it against that the hard bulge tenting his jeans.

  “This, sweetheart, is not a mere hormonal twinge.”

  Grasping both of her arms he pushed her back against the car door. His lips were close to her ear. She could feel his hot breath against her cheek. Shoving his hand between her legs, he cupped her sex and added with a husky growl, “And neither is your wet pussy merely a twinge.”

  As Jase stroked her swollen folds through the damp satin of her panties with his probing fingers, Sapphire was unable to stifle the ragged moan that escaped her lips. She tried to pull away but Jase merely tightened his grip.

  His voice was low, strafed with a potent warning. “One more thing, Gabriella. You can lie to our marks or any other damn person you want. That’s your call. But you cannot lie to me. Or to your body. Accept it, Tiger, what is between us is powerful and it’s going to be hard to control. Pretending it isn’t there won’t work. But you are correct. Our mission is dangerous, particularly the role that you will be playing. We need every element of cunning and courage we have. Roberto Ventrilo is a demented man. I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that it’s killing me to introduce you to him. To use you as bait.”

  Hearing the heated concern in his voice, Gabriella surprised herself by wanting to reassure him.

  “I’m strong, Jase. I’ve been trained by some of the best MMA fighters in the world. You saw what I did to those two Diablos Cartel thugs. Each of them weighed at least twice what I do, and they were loaded with weapons. You may note, I killed one of them and badly injured the other. If you recall, I walked out of the room without a scratch and with the documents that brought down the whole fucking gang.”

  Holding his frowning gaze Sapphire continued. “I don’t doubt that Roberto Ventrilo is as dangerous as you described. I’ve read his sheet—make that sheets. But I’m good, Jase. Ask any man I’ve worked with, even those who call me a ball-busting bitch. They’ll tell you that I’ve never lost a fight and saved many of their sorry asses in the process.”

  Determined to make him understand Sapphire grasped his hand and held his gaze. “I promise you, that I can take care of myself. Ventrilo won’t know what hit him.”

  Jase took an audible breath and released his hold on her. Stepping back, it was almost as though a powerful cloak had visibly surrounded him. His voice was calm, professional. If her heart wasn’t still banging against her chest from the erotic fervor she was still feeling, it would be hard to believe that that this powerful, clear-eyed commander had, just moments before, made a reference to her wet pussy.

  Shaking his head, Jase responded to her brazen claim.

  “I’m confident you’re everything that you say you are, Sapphire. I watched you with Diamond. You kept your cool even when she lost hers. I agree. You are a one tough pussycat.”

  At her hitched breath at his choice of words, he caught himself and added, “That was a brave speech you gave in there. The five of us saw an impassioned and scary-as-shit agent, and there isn’t one of us who doesn’t think you will take down Ventrilo. I think you’re right, Agent Shaw. Ventrilo is too arrogant to know it, but he is about to meet his match: a woman more than his equal in cunning and strength. If he wasn’t such a scurrilous bastard I’d almost feel sorry for him.”

  Nodding to his Ferrari parked next to hers, he said, “We’ll take my car.”

  Sapphire started, surprised at his sudden directive.

  “Where are we going?”


  Gabriella wasn’t able to hide her confusion. “I…I don’t understand.”

  Jase’s lip quirked up in a slight grin.

  “I’m taking you to the Caligula Club tonight. I want to tantalize Ventrilo with my new woman. That said, I want to dress you the way you need to be dressed.”

  Startled that Jase had called her his woman and that he thought she needed to be dressed—particularly by him, Sapphire snorted.

  “I can assure you, Colonel, that I have more than enough clothes that are certain to tantalize a man. You forget, enticing men is my usual role and I’m damn good at it.”

  Jase shrugged. “I don’t doubt that, Sapphire. But now you will be dressing for me. And, my sexy agent, as I have warned you, I have demanding tastes.”

  “What do your tastes have to do with it, Colonel Malone?”

  “Because while we both know that your job is to turn Roberto to mush, I will be introducing you tonight and in the days following as my woman.”

  At her frown, Jase explained, “Not only because I will be better able to protect you if it is assumed that I am your lover, but also because Roberto is even more arrogant than I am. The only thing he will like better than taking you is to know that he took you from me.”

  As he opened the car door and strapped her into the low slung seat, Jase drawled, “Oh, and from now on, I’ll refer to you only as Sapphire.” He winked at her, “Or perhaps on occasion as ‘pet.’ At her threatening growl, Jase added. “You’ll need to forego the Colonel or Agent Malone title. The only appellations you should use when talking to me are endearments. ‘Dear’ works, as does ‘Darling.’ However, ‘Master’ would appear to be the best choice of all.”

  His roar of laughter and her outraged shout competed with the sounds of squealing tires as Jase steered the powerful sports car out of the parking lot toward the highway.

  Chapter 12

  Riley Davis braced her elbows on the top of her desk and huffed a hard sigh. Deciding that her head was too heavy to hold up, she leaned down and pressed her forehead against the tight web of her fingertips. She didn’t know which hurt more. Her throbbing forehead or the iron hard muscles in her neck that had the thankless job of holding her aching head upright.

  Starting in surprise at the unexpected voice from the doorway, she looked up to see Ian Ross standing in the entrance.

  “Rough day, Diamond?”

  A pleasant smile played across Ian’s handsome face, but Riley didn’t miss the concern shadowing his expressive dark gray eyes. Not wanting to discuss any of the umpteen million things that had gone wrong today, Riley shook her head.

  “Nope, just another day with the same old shit piling up at my door. You know how it goes, Ian. A mission just ended and by every standard was a huge success. But that miserly bastard Macaulay hasn’t even bothered to pay his retainer much less the balance that is due. And now I’ve just sent two of my ‘ladies’ into a dangerous operation, knowing that they have as much chance of coming out of it unscathed as I do of getting that bonus you have been promising me. Not to mention the fact that one of the ladies is a virtual lightening rod for drama.”

  Ian chuckled and approached the well-stocked bar and took down two tumblers. Filling each with a healthy portion of Ardbeg, Riley’s favorite and very expensive scotch, he walked over to her and handed her one of the glasses. Raising his to her, he murmured, “Bottoms up, Diamond. You look as though you can use a drink.”

  Riley took a hearty gulp welcoming the seductive burn of fine whiskey in her throat. She glanced up surprised when Ian put his glass on the desk and moved behind her. Before she could protest she felt his strong fingers kneading the tortured muscles on her neck and shoulders. She moaned in delight.

  “God, Ian, do you have any idea how good that feels?”

  “If that orgasmic sound you emitted is any indication, I think that I must be doing som
ething right.”

  At his provocative remark Riley shook off his hands.

  “Don’t, Ian. You’ll spoil me.”

  Ian snorted softly then moved to sit in the chair across from her.

  He sipped on his drink for a moment studying her. “Not that you will allow anyone to spoil you, Diamond, but you definitely could use some good spoiling.” His lip quirked up. “Among other things.”

  Before she could take issue with his suggestive remark, Ian continued.

  “If you have no objection, I’ll have a chat with Mr. Macaulay to remind him that an honorable business man pays his bills on time. I’m confident that Macaulay’s tardy payment is an oversight and will be quickly corrected.”

  Riley rolled her eyes then nodded her consent. She hated the fact that she often had to beg clients to pay their bills but all Ian had to do was make one call to insure that the account was immediately settled and often included a bonus. It was annoying that the client quickly responded to Ian’s “reminder” when it sometimes took two, three or even four invoices from Diamond to get him to cough up what he owed.

  “Now that we have that settled, Diamond, let’s go back to the ‘Lightening Rod Lady.’ I presume you are referring to Sapphire?”

  “Who else?” Riley said with a disparaging sniff.

  Ian chuckled and winked at her. “Well, it occurs to me that there is one other ‘lady’ who rather routinely fits that description.” Before Riley could take issue with his insinuation, Ian continued, “Don’t you think you are being a little rough on Sapphire? I agree that she is strong-minded. But, then, so are you. Plus she meets and surpasses any criterion you have for an LOTN agent.”

  Riley debated whether she should confess what her true concerns were. Ian’s patient silence confirmed that he would wait for an answer as long as necessary.

  Emitting a hard sigh, Riley shrugged.

  “Of course, she is. We agree. She is perfect for the mission. I’ve rarely seen a more accomplished operative.” She hesitated and then added, “It’s not Sapphire I’m worried about.”

  “Who, then?”

  Riley met Ian’s gaze and shrugged again.


  She wasn’t surprised at Ian’s quick frown.

  “Really? I’m surprised, Riley. Jase Malone is my most elite agent, and given that I only hire the best, that puts him at the top of a rarified class.”

  Riley interrupted him.

  “I know that, Ian. I’m not questioning his competence. It’s just that I think he is dangerous.” At Ian’s questioning frown, she quickly added, “Fine, I’ll be frank. I worry about him with Sapphire. I could see it in her face today. He’s already made a move on her.”

  When she stopped abruptly, wishing she hadn’t opened this discussion, Ian asked carefully, “Do you really think that Jase Malone will do something to hurt Gabriella?”

  Annoyed at his seeming disbelief that the handsome, rock your socks off, bad boy could possibly “hurt” her beautiful agent, Riley snorted, “Surely you are aware of your agent’s significant charm and his equally significant reputation with women?” Feeling compelled to explain she continued. “Frankly, I don’t like the idea of him latching on to her, playing with her emotions. She’s not as experienced as he is. Not a lot of women are—even my agents who are accustomed to players. So, yes, in a very real way I think he is dangerous to her. I don’t want her to think all that reflexive charismatic interest is real, not just part of his practiced and charming offensive.”

  Ian was silent for a moment then said carefully, “I’m not going to defend Col. Malone. He can take care of himself. I will say that I don’t think you are giving him enough credit. Jase Malone is professional to the core.”

  Riley shook her head in annoyance. “I told you, my concerns are not about his professionalism. I’m more concerned about his intentions regarding my agent.”

  “Hmm. You sound like you are speaking from experience, Riley. Has someone given you reason to question his intentions? And then taken advantage of you?”

  Riley cut him off with a curt disclaimer.

  “This is not about me, Ian. Please understand. I worry about women like Sapphire with men like Jase Malone. While she may look tough, competent, and in most ways she is, she isn’t up to a man like Malone.”

  Riley tried to ignore the concern in Ian’s probing gaze knowing that continuing this conversation was a mistake of the highest order. The last thing she wanted to do was discuss relationship issues with Ian Ross. It was a route guaranteed to bring pain. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that she was vulnerable to Ian’s not inconsiderable charms, as was every woman who came in contact with him. But she’d decided long ago that she wouldn’t become just another of the soulful women chasing after the devastating man then hiding their tearful faces and licking their wounds when he was through with them. Ian wasn’t cruel, mind you. If he was anything, Ian Ross was a gentleman. But to say that one woman could never satisfy him was the understatement of the century.

  His serious tone and demeanor brought her back to the moment.

  “Look, Diamond, I’m not unaware of Jase’s magnetism or his reputation. I’ll take your concerns under consideration, and pay particular attention to the dynamic between Jase and Sapphire. If at any point I feel the need to intervene I will.” He added, “Meantime, I would ask that you give both agents the benefit of the doubt. They are about to engage in an extremely dangerous mission and need our support.”

  Diamond sniffed angrily refusing to let Ian minimize or misconstrue her concerns. “Of course they have my support. Both of them. If I didn’t think Malone was a first class agent, I would never have put Sapphire on the mission.”

  When Ian nodded as if the issue was closed, Riley glared at him, determined to have the last word.

  “However, it wouldn’t hurt, Ian, if you took Pretty Boy aside and told him to keep his goddamned pants zipped.”

  Ian laughed aloud, his eyes dancing with humor.

  “Yes, ma’am. Forget for the moment that the woman you are concerned about is one of the most dangerous female agents on the planet. Also forget that said female agent could, and probably would, castrate any man who behaved inappropriately. However, I will speak to my agent posthaste, indicating that the leader, and it appears, mother hen, of the hottest group of female agents alive is concerned about his ability to keep his pistol securely holstered.”

  Embarrassed by Ian’s accurate portrayal of her as an overbearing mother figure—protecting women who most certainly did not need protecting, Riley refused to give in to his teasing humor.

  “Humph. Thank you, Mr. Ross. I appreciate your support and the fact that you are taking my concerns so seriously. One final point. You might make it clear to your dark haired Casanova–and any other like individuals you may be familiar with who count their women in the hundreds if not thousands, that without their pistol, they are no more than a cocky rooster strutting across the barnyard. Sans cock!”

  At this point, Ian’s shout of laughter was so infectious that Riley couldn’t help but join in.

  Chapter 13

  Sapphire glanced over at Jase as he guided his Ferrari up the cobblestone driveway to the Caligula Club. As he eased into the select valet area, no fewer than four uniformed attendants converged around the gleaming silver and black automobile. Jase met her gaze and squeezed her hand. Only the slight tick beside his eye betrayed the emotion he was likely feeling. Sapphire had to believe that he was experiencing the same tension that she was. She’d done her research on Ventrilo and his operation and if anything he was more dangerous than she’d expected. She’d known that he was a consummate dealer in drugs and illegal weapons, that he counted among his “clients” and supporters some of the most feared terrorist organizations in the world. However, now that they had evidence that he was also involved in human trafficking, the stakes to take him down were even higher.

  To date, none of the agencies who had their sights on him had be
en able to secure hard, actionable evidence. The kind of evidence that ensured that if they were foolish enough to arrest him, his throng of legal beagles wouldn’t be able to spring him in the time it took to arraign him. The agencies were smart enough to know that you don’t shoot at the king unless you are sure to take him down. The most difficult and rarely discussed issue with capturing Ventrilo was that he was protected at the highest levels. Jase had been crystal clear about what they were facing. In addition to several high-level politicians, at least two generals were known to be on the drug lord’s payroll. Not to mention a dozen or more plants in the various agencies who were supposedly gunning for him. As for the international, corporate, and political leaders who were in his nest, they were too numerous to mention.

  Jase extricated himself from the low slung seat, gracefully belying his long lean frame. Parking his designer shades over his eyes, he looked like the well-heeled playboy that in truth he was. He was at Sapphire’s side in seconds, waving aside the eager valet who’d rushed to open her door. He helped her out of the car and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. When Sapphire tried to brush off the unexpected and unwanted assistance, his hand tightened on her arm. It was a clear reminder that he was sending a message to overt and clandestine eyes, that she belonged to him. On some level, that she didn’t want to admit to, Sapphire was glad that he was claiming her. Not that she couldn’t protect herself and probably him as well, but the nearness of him, the openly familiar gesture, sparked a wave of sensation in her wayward body. Glancing up and seeing his lip curl ever so slightly, Sapphire knew that the astute man hadn’t missed the shiver that shimmered over her. She promised herself that if she did nothing else, she would not let Jase know how much he affected her. But even as she made the promise, she knew it would be impossible to keep anything from the knowing man.


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