Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story Page 9

by Candace Werts

  “Ooooh,” I moan.

  He thrust inside, while still holding my arms back. He’s quick sliding in and out; his balls continue to slap my ass.

  “Harder” I demand.

  Using more force he goes deeper inside my ocean and I continue to get closer with each insertion.

  “I love how you’re always ready for me, my Carmen.”

  He brings his body forward so he is able to reach my nipple with his free hand and tug it giving me the most pleasure.

  “Ahhh, I’m so close, Cooper. Don’t stop!”

  He matches his tugs with his thrust, both of the same rhythm with the threat of me submitting to the Big O. He lets go of my nipple and pulls my hair instead. He uses it to explore the deepest he can get, and I explode with one forceful thrust. That’s when I feel his semen blast inside of me as we cum together. I can still feel the pulsing vibrations in his cock as the last bits of cum eject. And we collapse, his body behind mine holding me tightly.

  I hear him whisper, “I love you” but I pretend to be asleep.

  After what happened with his mother tonight, if she becomes a part of his life, will she be able to convince him that I’m not good enough? I’m not sure if I will ever say those words to Cooper, I have to protect my heart.

  Chapter Twenty

  After spending the week with Cooper, Marcia and I spend Saturday together. We meet at “Chow Down.”

  “Sorry I am late,” I say as I hug her.

  “No, problem I ordered us bacon cheeseburgers. Yours with the works, mine minus the mayo.”

  I shake my head. “What? The only white stuff I like in my mouth is cum,” she says.

  “Marcia, why are you so nasty?” She points at herself innocently.

  “What is going on with you and David?”

  “He is cool, but he travels a lot, so nothing serious will happen. Besides I am only twenty-five and I am not done partying yet.”

  “If you say so. You guys look good together. I am going to keep my fingers crossed.”

  “Girl, please. Anyway what happened with you and Cooper’s mom? You had that look on your face, but I did not want to pry at that moment.”

  Remembering the conversation pisses me off all over again. “That bitch had the audacity to tell me I’m not good enough for her son. He is settling for me and she is going to find him a “proper” woman.”

  “What the fuck? She is a major bitch. I am sorry Carmen. What did Cooper say?”

  “I didn’t tell him. Things are already bad between them. Plus she has ruined enough of his birthdays and I refused to let her destroy that one.”

  Marcia raises her eyebrows. “That makes sense, but you will have to tell him. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. This could mess up your relationship. Carmen, you have a tendency to hold on to things. I love seeing you happy and open to loving someone.”

  She is referring to the death of my sister. I vowed I would never give my heart to a man. Love makes you weak and stupid. I am neither of those things. Because Celeste was in love with Jermaine, she over looked the signs that were dangerous. I know I shouldn’t compare Cooper to Jermaine, but Cooper has displayed that he has a temper. Would I ever be on the receiving end?

  “Earth to Carmen,” Marcia says, waving her hand in my face.

  I laugh and push her hand. “Sorry girl, you are right. I will tell him in time.”

  “The sooner the better.”

  “Is your grandma excited you are coming to visit?”

  “Yes, she has planned for us to do a little bit of everything. I think she has a boyfriend, because the few times I called I heard a male’s voice.”

  “That is not surprising because she had two boyfriends here before she moved to Florida. When are you coming back?”

  “In two weeks.”

  “Two weeks? I am going to miss you.”

  “Not too much you have Cooper to keep you busy,” she says, “but I will miss you too.”

  We spend the rest of the time talking about her upcoming trip to Florida. After paying for lunch, Marcia and I head towards Salon L’ Me. We treat ourselves to a day of pampering beginning with our hair and finishing with a mani and pedi. As we check in for our appointment, I decide to get my ends trimmed a little. Marcia says she will be cutting about three inches off to get rid of all her split ends. She wants her hair cut into layers. She is lucky she doesn’t require dye, as her hair is naturally beautiful. I start to ponder on her going away for two weeks as I’m placed under the dryer.

  Within an hour and a half my hair has been blown out and set in loose curls, with a part in the middle. Marcia’s new layers look fantastic on her. We take our seats adjacent to one another as the technician prepares the warm water. While our feet soak, we receive a massage as well. My favorite part is having the lotion rubbed from my foot up to my knee.

  “What color are you getting?” Marcia has her eyes shut as Kim works her magic. “I’m sure it’s probably something with a purple tint.” Her eyes open at that remark.

  “And what if it is?” She says with such seriousness.

  Marcia looks at my hands and says, “You’ll probably go with your same ole boring Cotton Candy. By the way just because you put on a silver glitter top coat does not make it any different,” she sternly says.

  I laugh as we continue to pick on one another. This is how it always is. She forgets I have gone with bold color on my finger nails before and hated it. Now those colors only go on my toes. When our pedicures are done, we are given neon flip flops. They feel like clouds. We go to the polish center, and retrieve our colors. Marcia goes with a deep plum. I play it safe with Cotton Candy for my nails and Candy Apple for my feet. My toes won’t be out for anyone to see minus Cooper. It’s too cold for open toe shoes at this time of year. But I pride myself on keeping my feet clean and always polished red regardless of the season.

  “See I told you,” Marcia says, being a smart ass.

  “I think you mean we told each other, oh wise one.” We burst into laughter.

  Once are toes are shiny with polish, we proceed to take care of our hands. Careful attention is paid to our cuticles. Then they buff and file our nails insuring they are all of same length. My phone chimes from my red Coach handbag that is on my lap. I’m curious wondering if it’s Cooper but decide not to interrupt the current work being done. I check it after knowing my nails are dry.

  I reach in my handbag; my phone shows a text from Cooper.

  My Carmen, hope you are enjoying your girls day. I have to cancel our plans tonight, last minute meeting with a client. Forgive me.

  Looking down at the bangle secured with the heart, I smile. Even though his mother treated me with animosity, I still have it bad for this man.

  I reply, No worries. I will miss you. Come over afterwards.

  Marcia comes up from behind and is trying to move me along to get polished up. She has a few other places to stop in preparation for her trip.

  “Was that Coooooper?” she says with her hands over her heart.

  “Yes, nosey, it was. He was supposed to come over, but had to cancel.”

  Making a pouty face, Marcia says, “Sorry Carmen, but that means we can go out for a drink or several.”

  “Marcia, you are such a lush.”

  Cooper did not come over last night and never responded to my text. This makes me sad, but I start my morning workout. Its noon and still nothing from him. Trying not to think the worst and that he must be busy with work.

  Finally at 1:30, Cooper texts me.

  Cooper: I miss you. Me: I miss you too. Cooper: Sorry about last night, meeting ran late. Me: No problem. Come over tonight. Cooper: Wish I could but have more work to do for the client. Then meeting Beverly for dinner. Me: Is she in town? Cooper: Not yet. In a few hours. Taking your advice and giving her a chance. Me: That’s good. (the lies I tell) Cooper: Join us for breakfast tomorrow? Me: No, get that one on one time. Don’t want to intrude. Cooper: You could never intrude. If you change yo
ur mind let me know. Me: Okay Cooper: I love you. Me:

  Cooper and his mom spending time together, bothers me. She doesn’t like me and if they become close what is going to happen to our relationship? Maybe I should start pulling away from him.

  Recently work has kept Cooper busy. It’s late and we haven’t spoken. As I get ready to get in the bed the intercom buzzes and it’s Cooper.

  I open the door; he is holding red roses and a package.

  “My Carmen, these are for you.”

  I take the items and place them on the counter. Then Cooper is all over me. He starts kissing my forehead as he grips the back of my neck. He strips off his clothes as he trails to my lips and kisses me with force. I fall victim as he undresses me waiting to feel his massive size. He lays me down on the dining room table and starts exploring my whole body with soft kisses and hard licks. His movement around my clitoris has me at his mercy, until he draws back. Ahh Cooper I moan as I grab his shoulders. He pushes deeper and I climax. I give into his persistence of pleasure.

  “That’s right cum for me gorgeous.”

  I smile as he fulfills my highest desire as always. He never lets me down when it comes to our sexual encounters. Each and every time, I’m the first to be pleased. My genuine man, or is he? I’m beginning to overthink. My thoughts cease when Cooper enters his dick inside of me with pure possession. I give him all I have, oh how I love him. He picks me up as we move to a chair where he sits me straddling on top of him. He’s leaning against the slanted heel as I begin to ride him with my legs wrapped around the back of the chair. I feel his length deep throughout my body. The pain also the cause of high points of rapture as well. He kisses my lips grinding his tongue with mine. He goes in and out. My pussy gets wetter each time. As he continues to slide inside of me, it’s only a matter of time before my world is spinning out of control and he’s releasing himself inside me. He carries me into the bedroom and then we cuddle. Cooper starts to stir before I’m able to fall into a deep sleep. He reaches for his pants as he sits up.

  “Where are you going?” I groggily ask. “Please stay, it’s been forever since we’ve had a sleepover.”

  “I can’t stay my Carmen; I have to work early in the morning. But I will stay until you’re able to fall asleep.”

  Hurt I blurt out. “Don’t do me any favors! Since Beverly is the one who gets all of your free time these days.”

  He asks “What does that mean?”

  “Cooper your mother doesn’t like me.”

  “What are you talking about? She has nothing but nice things to say about you. It’s silly to be jealous of my mom.”

  “Oh she is your mom now? not that whore? It’s nothing to do with jealousy! She’s trying to ruin our relationship! Why can’t you see that?”

  Cooper quickly gets dressed and replies “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, but I don’t like it. I know we haven’t been spending that much time together but I’ve been busy with work.”

  He tries to give me a kiss but I turn my head. “Just have a little bit more patience; soon it will be back to normal. Let’s not fight. I love you my Carmen.”

  He turns out my light and walks out the front door.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Marcia comes home today. I’m running fifteen minutes late picking her up. Fighting with Cooper last night has exhausted me. I’m glad my best friend is coming back. Luckily, there wasn’t much traffic on 95 north. I arrive at Ronald Reagan airport with five minutes to spare. Marcia sees me standing by my car. We run towards each other and hug.

  “Damn, Carmen, I missed you. My grandma and Charlie, her new man, drove me crazy.”

  “I missed you too, love your tan. Now we can pass as twins.”

  We decided to grab lunch at Panera Bread. Marcia tells me about her trip especially all the clubs she went too.

  “What have you been doing, besides Cooper?” Marcia asks.

  “Honestly, we haven’t seen much of each other; he has been spending a lot of time with Beverly. Last night we had a fight regarding her.”

  “Why are ya’ll fighting about her?”

  “I basically told him he was neglecting me for her. And he told me to stop being jealous of her. Me, jealous, really?”

  “It sounds like that to me, what else is he going to think? You never told him what she said. So it seems like you are being a brat.”

  “It’s not that, he’s just so busy at work. I feel like she is purposefully keeping him away.”

  “Carmen, he is an executive adviser and this time of year happens to be the busiest. Especially for him, since he does handle millions of dollars.”

  “I just miss him and it feels like were losing one another.”

  “Have you told him this?” Marcia cautiously asks.

  I answer, “No.”

  “Does he know you love him?”

  Again the answer is “No.”

  “Fuck Carmen, you need to get it together before you push him out of your life.”

  “I know, I know.”

  Once we get back to the apartment, Marcia washes clothes, and I flop down on the couch. There is so much I need to do but my thoughts are on Cooper.

  Then he calls. “Hey,” I answer.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Just got home from picking up Marcia.” There is awkward silence.

  Cooper says, “I am sorry about last night.”

  “Me too.”

  “We just need to be patient with each other,” he sincerely says.

  “Yeah you are right. Can I come over?”

  “Please don’t become cross, but it’s not a good time.”


  “I know you are disappointed. I will make it up to you.”

  I reply, “You have a lot to make up for.”

  “Oh, my Carmen.”

  There is a woman in the background calling Cooper’s name.

  Alarmed, I ask” Who it is that?”

  “It’s Beverly.” Hold on, she wants to speak to you.

  “Hello, Carmen” the devil says.

  “Hello, Beverly.”

  “We are having Thanksgiving dinner at our house. I would like to personally invite you.”

  “Cooper and I haven’t discussed our plans yet,” I say dryly.

  “Nonsense, he is coming. You should be by your man’s side, right?” She is such a hateful person.

  “Alright Beverly, we’ll be there.”

  She chuckles. “Of course you will. See you then.”

  In the middle of me saying please put, the bitch hangs up. I slam my phone down. I can’t believe once again he chooses Beverly over me! I was going to take Marcia’s advice, but not now. I notice the package from last night while pouring myself a drink. It is wrapped in red shiny paper with a beautiful silver bow. Still infuriated from our conversation, I don’t want to open it. But since I love gifts, I give in. Pulling the paper apart from the sealed tape, I find a white box with gold script writing on the outside. Opening it, there is a crystal plaque with a red heart placed in the middle. Our names Carmen and Cooper are engraved inside it. A red envelope is underneath. The card says:

  My Carmen, even though we are apart, you are always in my heart. Your Cooper

  Maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Cooper says.

  Opening my eyes, I ask, “What time is it?”

  “Eight. I wanted to be the first thing you see.”

  “Cooper, you are so sweet,” I say while going to the bathroom. “Did Marcia leave when she let you in?”

  “No she was drinking coffee.”

  Marcia knocks on the door. Cooper opens it. “I’m about to leave, you guys have a good Thanksgiving. I will see you Saturday.” We hug each other and she whispers, “Be nice to Beverly, regardless of how she acts.” She looks at Cooper. “Bye, Cooper,” she says as she leaves my room.

  Cooper asks, “Why isn’
t she coming with us?”

  “Marcia is going to her parents. She and her mother will start shopping tonight.”

  He grabs my waist. “Do you want us to go shopping?”

  “We have a four hour drive; I doubt we will feel up to shopping. I’m going to shower and get ready.” Before closing the door, I yell, “Don’t let me forget the pumpkin log that is in the fridge.” I made the pumpkin log from scratch. The filling is buttercream icing topped with pecans. Rolled to perfection, looking better than anything store bought.

  Four hours later we arrive at the Jackson home, which has two stories. The outside has gray vinyl siding and the shudders are bluish-gray. A two car garage accompanies the blacktop driveway. Beverly must have been looking out the window, because before the car comes to a complete stop, she is outside.

  “Thanks for coming with me. My mother is thrilled we said yes.”

  I force a smile because knowing Beverly she is going to say something to mess up my day. Cooper opens my door and helps me out of the car. Beverly runs down the porch steps to meet us at the driveway. She hugs Cooper, then me. Putting on my best smile for Cooper, I smile back.

  “Hey mom. Where’s Dad?”

  “In the parlor making us drinks.”

  Walking up the porch steps and through the screen door, we enter the house. The inside of the house is immaculate. The walls in the foyer are a deep burgundy color. The light fixture is captivating. The spiral stair case goes up behind the slate tile and the swirled railing looks freshly polished. The carpentering is beige, more elegant than bourbon. Beverly frees me of the pumpkin log and places it in the fridge.

  “It looks delicious, Carmen. Too bad I’m allergic to nuts. I’m sure the boys will enjoy it though.”

  We go down the hall to meet his father. I could really use a drink right now. His dad greets Cooper with a scotch on the rocks and a glass of champagne for me.

  After hugging us, his dad asks how my parents are.

  “Wonderful,” I reply, “Right now they’re out of town for the holiday. Thank you for asking, Mr. Jackson.”


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