Jardun's Embrace: Sci-fi Alien Romance (Ketaurran Warriors Book 1)

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Jardun's Embrace: Sci-fi Alien Romance (Ketaurran Warriors Book 1) Page 11

by Rayna Tyler

  I wasn’t surprised when Jardun stopped his chaugwas on my right. He hadn’t been far from my side since we’d left the outpost. I’d been taking care of myself and looking out for my friends for so long that I wasn’t sure how I felt about having a male constantly looking out for my safety. Though I’d occasionally caught him glancing in my direction, his gaze was currently focused on the horizon, and he appeared deep in thought.

  I studied Jardun’s profile. He was a true leader who held his team’s respect. He exuded power, courage, and male prowess. And when he wasn’t being an overbearing male intent on saving me because I was a female, I’d caught brief glimpses of a gentler side. A side I wanted to know.

  It wasn’t hard to guess what he was thinking about. “How long will it take us to reach Doyle’s compound?”

  “If we do not experience any delays, we should arrive sometime tomorrow,” he said.

  I wondered what we’d find when we reached our destination, what Jardun would do if the doctor was dead and we couldn’t find the antidote. They were questions I wanted to ask, but chose not to. I knew from experience that having hope and striving for a good outcome was the one thing that helped me survive.

  Jardun already carried the weight of saving the drezdarr and, ultimately, his people. I wasn’t about to diminish any hope he had about us being successful.

  Zaedon’s arrival put an end to any further discussion. “I have found an easy access to the basin below.”

  “Good. We will need to make good time if we want to reach the forest area by nightfall,” Jardun said.

  I leaned forward to see around Jardun so I could speak to Zaedon. “What, you’re not going to make us hang on the side of a rock again and hope we don’t drop?”

  Zaedon chuckled. “I see why you like this female. Not only is she a skilled warrior with an intriguing scent, but her sarcasm is quite humorous.”

  He laughed even harder when Jardun growled. “I will inform the others,” he said as he steered his chaugwas away from us.

  “Care to explain about my intriguing scent?” I asked, hoping I’d inadvertently get an answer to the sniffing thing.

  “No,” Jardun replied defensively.

  I couldn’t hold back an amused grin when he muttered something about Zaedon needing to mind his own business, then turned his animal to follow the others.

  Zaedon had been right about the ease of reaching the basin. The trail he’d found consisted of flat rocks eroded over time to form what looked like a long set of stairs.

  Once we reached the bottom, Zaedon and Garyck took the lead, with Celeste, Sloane, and me in the middle, and Jardun and Burke following at the rear. Either the ketaurran males were normally suspicious or they were warily scanning the surrounding area because they expected some kind of danger.

  It made me a little anxious, and I startled when Celeste appeared on my left and said, “That was a pretty bold move.”

  “Got your ass over the ridge, didn’t it?” Sloane was pacing alongside me on the right.

  “I was about to thank her before you butted in,” Celeste grumbled.

  The trip had already been long, I was exhausted and not in the mood to listen to my friends bicker. I knew they cared about each other, that arguing was their way of dealing with stress. Normally, I’d walk away, let them get their rants out of their systems. Since I couldn’t walk, run, or ride away and had nowhere to go, I decided to change the subject.

  My first thought had been to tease Sloane about Garyck, ask her if she really planned to cut off those golden locks in his sleep. The uncertainty of how she’d retaliate, possibly by openly discussing Jardun when he could overhear, made me select a neutral subject. “Once we get back to the city, what do you think about…” Celeste’s chaugwas bolted forward before I got a chance to finish.

  Celeste frantically yanked on the lead straps to make him stop. “What’s wrong with Lou?” She rubbed his neck and cooed soothing words.

  “And what’s that noise?” Sloane asked as her animal pranced sideways.

  I heard a loud rumble, the noise growing steadily stronger, the surrounding sand rippling from the vibration. Before I could investigate the source, my chaugwas bellowed. His anxious cry sounded like a combination of the deep base of a musical horn and severely loud snorts. He shook his head back and forth and spun in circles as if the pads of his feet were on fire.

  “Easy there, big guy.” No matter how much I tried to soothe him or how hard I tugged on the straps, my chaugwas wouldn’t budge from our current spot. He rocked back and forth, stomping the ground, the motion nearly unseating me.

  “It is a snakkril. We need to move!” Jardun shouted, his voice barely audible over the deafening noise.

  The ground five feet in front of my animal’s head churned, the sand spinning and dropping to form a funnel with a smooth round object at its center. A dark copper-colored object that quickly transformed into the most hideous reptilian head with luminescent gold eyes I’d ever seen in my life. It hissed and growled, using short legs with claws along both sides of its snakelike body to push its way to the surface.

  “What the…” My heart raced, the pounding in my ears almost as loud as the rumble I’d heard seconds earlier.

  The snakkril used its coiled tail to propel it forward. I got a horrifying glimpse of its gaping jaws before it sank yellowish fangs as long as my fingers into the chaugwas’s neck. My animal shrieked, his entire body shuddering as he reared up on his hind legs.

  The straps were ripped from my hand, the leather burning my palm. I plummeted to the ground, landing hard on my back, the air whooshing from my lungs.

  I’d barely inhaled a replenishing breath and rolled onto my hands and knees when Jardun yelled, “Laria, look out!”

  I glanced over my shoulder. My chaugwas had toppled onto its side, the front of its chest covered with blood. The snakkril advanced toward me, its body undulating in a slithery crawling motion.

  “Draeck.” I pushed to my feet, my boots slipping in the sand until I hit solid dirt and stumbled forward. As soon as I was moving, I retrieved my sword, motivated by memories of those long fangs and the need to keep them from sinking into my back.

  The creature had already demonstrated how fast it could move, and there was no way I could outrun it. The only chance I had was to turn around and fight. I swung my sword, the tip of my blade long enough to reach the creature’s scaly skin without getting my arm clawed in the process. My first few defensive moves were lucky enough to leave several short gashes on the creature’s underbelly.

  “Burke, behind you!” Celeste called out.

  Too afraid to take my eyes off the creature in front of me, I used my periphery to see what was happening around me. Two more snakkrils had emerged from underneath the ground and were heading toward the others in my group. The creatures were a quarter of the size of the one bearing down on me. Before they could attack the other chaugwai, Zaedon, Garyck, and Burke were on the ground, blades drawn and going after them.

  Sloane and Celeste had stayed on their animals and sidled up next to the other chaugwai, grabbing the leads and doing their best to keep them from running away. It was bad enough my chaugwas was down, but if we lost the others, we’d be stranded out here on foot—a prospect I was certain none of us wanted to face.

  The more I swiped, the more it snarled, each lunge more aggressive than the last. No matter how many cuts I left in its flesh, the disgusting thing wouldn’t stop. It continued to snap its jaws and dodge my blows. With each horizontal swipe of my sword, the snakkril moved forward, and I took a step back. My foot slipped, and I went down. Before the creature could strike, Jardun grabbed its tail and yanked, then tossed it away from me. The second it coiled and lunged for him, he swung his sword, and the blade severed the snakkril’s head from its body.

  Jardun was hovering over me in seconds, bluish-green blood dripping from the end of his sword. He held his hand out to help me up. “Are you all right?”

I managed with a gasp, then gripped his wrist. I glanced toward Celeste and Sloane as he pulled me to my feet, relieved to see they were unharmed and had kept the chaugwai from running off. Garyck stood sentry close by, his sword held out defensively in front of him, the other two creatures decapitated, their parts scattered across the sand.

  Blood trickled down Jardun’s bare arm from several cuts. “But you’re not.” I reached for his arm to get a better look at the wound. “I need some medical supplies,” I said, not directing my demand at anyone specifically.

  “Laria, it will be fine. Their claws are sharp, but it is not deep.” He placed his hand over mine.

  His attempt to placate me wasn’t working, and I snapped, “I don’t care. I’m not taking any chances with it getting infected.” I turned to Zaedon, who happened to be the closest. “Why are you still standing there? I need something to clean his wound.”

  He raised a brow, and, after receiving a nod from Jardun, he grinned and headed toward his chaugwas.

  When Zaedon returned, he was carrying a leather pouch, which he handed to me. “You will find what you require inside.”

  I undid the tie and pulled out the contents. I wasn’t sure if my hands were trembling because I’d survived becoming a meal, or if it was because I’d realized why my chaugwas had died so quickly. “The snakkrils are poisonous, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, but only a bite from their fangs is lethal.”

  Once I focused on the task, it didn’t take me long to clean the cuts, then apply a medicinal salve and protective binding. After returning the supplies to the pouch, I met Jardun’s gaze.

  “Thank you.” He curled his fingers over mine and applied a gentle squeeze.

  “It’s the least I could do after you saved my life.” I pulled away, handed the pouch to Zaedon, then headed toward my downed chaugwas. I stared at the animal, saddened by its death. No creature should have its life ended in such a brutal manner, nor did it deserve to have its flesh slowly devoured by any of the wasteland predators.

  Jardun wiped the blood from his blade by swiping it along the edge of my chaugwas’s seat, then returned it to his sheath. “Its mate will no doubt be close by, so lingering would not be advisable.”

  “Are you saying there could be more of those things?” Celeste jerked her head, checking the ground around us.

  “It is possible. They do not usually attack animals this big unless they get too close to their nests.”

  “Nests, as in multiple?” Sloane nervously glared at the ground.

  “Do not worry,” Zaedon said. “They do not usually build their nests this far from the rocky border because they prefer cool, damp soil. The heavy rains may be the reason they are out this far.”

  “Come on, there’s nothing more you can do.” Burke placed his hand on my elbow and aimed me toward his mount.

  “Laria will be riding with me.” Jardun stepped in front of us. His commanding tone left no doubt he expected his order to be followed.

  Burke frowned and pursed his lips. I could tell by the way his grip tensed that he wasn’t happy with the directive.

  My emotions were still raw from the attack, and the last thing I wanted was to watch them demonstrate their dominance with an argument that could get physical. I’d trained with Burke enough to know he was highly skilled, but after watching Jardun fight, I knew he’d win. “It’s okay, really.” I nodded and gave Burke’s arm a pat.

  As soon as Burke stalked toward his mount, Jardun untied my bag. He walked over to his chaugwas and removed his as well. After tossing both bags to Zaedon, he held his hand out to me.

  I’d been too independent and had taken care of myself for so long that refusing to comply with any male’s demands was part of my nature. I knew by taking Jardun’s hand, I’d be agreeing to a higher level of trust between us. After carefully considering how he’d risked his life to save mine, and knowing there was a part of me longing to feel those strong arms wrapped around me again, I took his hand. I didn’t resist when he placed his hands on my hips and helped me onto his chaugwas.

  He swung himself onto the animal’s rump, then settled behind the seat with his thick thighs pressed against the back of mine. He reached for the strap and motioned for Garyck and Zaedon to take the lead. It still amazed me at how well the three of them synchronized their efforts without saying a word.

  I couldn’t get the image of my chaugwas out of my head or stop being concerned about the same thing happening to someone in our group. I glanced at him over my shoulder. “Do you think we’ll run into anymore snakkrils?”

  “We should be fine if we keep moving and stay on the hardened ground.” He tucked some loose strands behind my ear. “Do not worry. We will keep a close watch and ensure that everyone remains safe.”

  Even with the heat from the sun’s rays, his gentle caress warmed me and sent a shudder rippling across my skin. He wrapped his arm possessively around my waist, urging me to lean against his chest. “Rest if you need to. We will make camp for the night once we reach the loicryn.”

  “What is the loicryn?” In all the interactions I’d had with ketaurrans I’d never heard the term before and was curious.

  “I believe you would call it an oasis.”

  “Are you talking about the colorful blue area we saw from the ridge that has trees?”

  “Yes. We will find fresh water and many plants to feed the chaugwai.”

  Some of the tension eased from his body, and he encircled my ankle with his tail, making me smile. He definitely had a way of making me feel safe, so I took his advice, resting my head against his shoulder and closing my eyes. It wasn’t long before the animal’s pace, its steady sway, and my exhaustion lulled me into a relaxed state.

  Chapter Ten


  I relaxed into the chaugwas’s lumbering pace and allowed Laria’s nearness to calm me. After joining the vryndarr, there had not been room in my life for a female. Any companionship I shared was the result of a brief encounter where my sexual needs were sated. Jealousy was not something I was familiar with. Yet I had no doubt the emotion was responsible for my reaction to the way Burke comforted Laria.

  My observations of their interactions, along with her surrendering kiss, had convinced my logical side that the male’s interests were his alone. My emotional side struggled to accept the information. Even now, as she slept in my arms, I fought with the urge to pummel the male for touching her. Had she not agreed to ride with me instead of him, I was certain a continued conversation between Burke and me would have ended in physical altercation with both of us requiring medical repair.

  My irrational behavior was troubling, and once again I questioned if there was a deeper connection between Laria and me, whether or not she was my ketiorra. And what would I do if she was?

  “Your Laria is very brave.” Zaedon had slowed his chaugwas to keep pace beside mine a short time ago and was finally getting around to sharing what was on his mind.

  My Laria. Somehow, the words felt right, but I knew better than to hope they might be true. “Yes.” I glanced down at her slumbering form, her head resting below my chin, her feminine scent tainted with the odor of battle and raising havoc with my senses. She had fallen into a deep sleep not long after we started our journey to the loicryn.

  “A ketaurran female never would have battled a snakkril.” The females of my race were not weak, but because of our culture’s longstanding tradition whereby the males took on the protective roles, their skills lay in other areas. Areas that did not suit the lifestyle of a vryndarr, a male trained from a young age to be a soldier, a protector, and an assassin if required. A ketaurran female would never willingly venture into the Quaddrien. Yet Laria, knowing the risks were dangerous, possibly lethal, had still agreed to help me.

  “Perhaps Khyron is right, that our world will recover and find strength in bringing both races together.” Zaedon sighed. “Watching your female demonstrate her abilities has given me hope that I may one day find my keti
orra, one with the ability to fight by my side.”

  Females were always to be cherished, to be protected. It was the way of our people for centuries. Yet to hear Zaedon embrace the vision of a different future, one where the vryndarr did not suffer a lonely existence, once again had me thinking about my attraction to Laria.

  What was it about her that I found so appealing? Her beauty? Her strength? Her loyalty?

  In the short time since we’d met, I had developed an emotional bond to her, one that stirred feelings and desires I had never encountered with another female. As much as I wanted this mission to be over, to have Khyron’s health restored, I dreaded its conclusion. I had resigned myself to the fact that Laria would return to her life and I to mine.

  Instinctively, I tightened my grip around her waist. Was it possible that the future held more than the singular goal of protecting the drezdarr and my people? Could she be the key to another path, one filled with the possibility of love?

  The others slowed their animals. We had arrived at the edge of the loicryn, cutting my contemplations short.

  “Remain here,” Garyck said to Celeste and Sloane before handing his lead to Burke. In a smooth, precise move, he slid from the seat, his blade drawn before his feet touched the ground.

  Zaedon handed me his lead, then dismounted and quickly followed after Garyck. Their goal was to survey the area and ensure it was safe before we entered and set up camp. Within minutes, they reappeared, Garyck signaling me with a hand motion that it was safe to proceed. Zaedon approached and took the lead for his animal.

  The change in the chaugwas’s motion caused Laria to stir. I tipped my head, grazing her ear. “It is time to wake. We have reached our destination.”

  “Um, okay.” She groaned and wiggled to sit up, then tipped her head from side to side, stretching her neck. She glanced at the expanse of plant life in front of us: trees, grasses, blossoms in varying shades of blue, purple, and orange. She shifted sideways to give me a wry smile. “So this is what a ketaurran oasis looks like. I’m surprised anything this beautiful exists in the Quaddrien. I only got glimpses of sand and rocks from the inside of a solarveyor when we were relocated to the settlement.”


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