Falling for Her

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Falling for Her Page 7

by A. C. Meyer

  “Okay, I’ll book a table and I’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you,” I say, then hung up.

  Boys 1, Girls 0


  Around seven p.m., I leave my office to get Mari to go to the restaurant. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my hands are sweaty. I’m like a nervous teenager on his first date. I open the door and what I see hits me like a punch in the stomach. Mari has her back to me and she tied her hair up in a complicated bun, leaving her thin neck exposed and I want to bury my face there and never leave from that spot. And her perfume . . . oh, her perfume . . . the sweet aroma takes me over completely. I’m drugged by a mix of emotions, defenseless. Then she turns around and smiles. She has touched up her makeup, enhancing her brown eyes. I smile and my eyes study her soft lips. All I want is to kiss her until we’re both out of breath, but I know now is not the time. I screwed up when I tried to pull away and now I have to slowly gain back her trust.

  “Are you ready?” I ask with a smile. She nods in agreement. “Then let’s go.” I point to the door and let her walk ahead of me while I watch the way her hips move. I can’t understand how I never noticed what was right there in front of me.

  She’s beautiful. Her body is full of curves and softness, and her honest smile makes her lips even more desirable. Her clear skin is smooth and there are small freckles on her nose that make her face prettier and lovelier. Her long brown hair is thick and luxurious and completes her natural beauty, so unusual in the artificial world we live in.

  We go down to the garage for the car. I open the door for her and she smiles before getting in. As I climb in the driver’s side and get in, her perfume leaves me dizzy. I start the car quickly, before I make a mess of myself.

  “Pick a song, Mariana,” I say, pointing at the stereo.

  “Any preferences?” she asks, and I shake my head.

  “No, you’re welcome to choose anything you like.” She smiles and starts searching for a tune, focused on the task. While I drive out of the garage, she checks the playlist until she smiles, looking pleased. The singer’s voice fills the car and I smile, thinking of how perfectly the lyrics seem to fit the moment.

  “Do you like it?” she asks, starting a conversation. I look away from the traffic for a moment to see her smile.

  “Yeah. I like Nando Reis very much, and this song is very pretty.”

  “I like it too,” she says, lowering her defenses. “I’ve never seen him in concert. I told Lais I want to go next time he comes to Rio. We’ve tried to see him a few times, but whenever we decide to go, something happens and we have to cancel.”

  We go to Gero, a five-star Italian restaurant in Ipanema, one of the best in Rio. The brick building looks cozy and intimate and it’s perfect for the type of night I have in mind. I park the car and get out quickly so I can open the door for her. She looks at me in surprise.

  “Thank you,” she says, and smiles. I smile back, trying hard not to kiss her. Easy, man! We walk into the hotel and head to the restaurant, and when we’re at the door, I hear her surprised sigh.

  “Do you like it?” I ask, while I greet the maître d’.

  “Yeah, it’s beautiful,” she says, flashing a smile to the maître d’, who leads us to our table.

  We sit down and she searches her purse, grabbing her iPad and placing it on the chair next to her, getting ready for the meeting.

  “Do you need something in particular from Dr. Bragança?” she asks.

  “No . . .” I answer, looking thoughtful. “We’re trying to make him place an ad in the magazine and . . .” That’s when my cell phone starts ringing on the table and the name Dr. Bragança shows up on the screen. “It’s him,” I say, then pick up. “Good evening, Dr. Bragança!”

  “Dude, you’re the only one I’d do this kind of shit for. I hope Lais doesn’t find out, otherwise she’s going to kill me.” I hear Rodrigo, laughing over the phone.

  “No, not at all, sir!”

  “Well, this is when I apologize, because I can’t be there for the fake meeting you made up to get your hard-to-get girl to dinner. You’re good at this, huh?” He laughs and I can’t help but laugh a bit too.

  “No, sir, that’s okay. I understand,” I answer. I feel Mari’s eyes on me, looking curious. “Let’s reschedule it for next week, shall we?”

  “Of course. Let’s go surfing on Saturday!” he snaps back, and I nod.

  “It’s settled then. Thank you. See you then.”

  “Thanks, bro. You owe me big!” Rodrigo laughs and we hang up. I try to look upset.

  “He can’t make it. He had a last-minute appointment,” I explain and she looks surprised at me. Then she takes her purse, her iPad and starts getting up. “Hey! Where are you going?”

  “I’m leaving. Since there’s no meeting . . .” she says, confused.

  “Sit down, Mariana. Let’s have dinner.”


  I don’t let her finish, and say firmly, “It’s just dinner. We’re already here. You need to eat something and so do I.” She looks unsure. I then say, “Please.”

  “Er . . . um . . .” Her cheeks are flushed. “Okay. Let’s eat, then.” She sits down, and before I can say anything else, she’s up again, looking confused in a lovely way, and says, “I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

  “Of course. It’s back there, on your right.” I point out and she thanks me, going to the bathroom.

  Boys 2, Girls 0.

  I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom, trying to stay calm. Yes, I’m nervous. I know I need to keep away from him, but it’s so hard. I’ve been alone for so long, and he’s so handsome . . . the type of guy I never thought I’d kiss, even though I held a torch for him, because a crush didn’t seem like enough to describe it! I felt even more nervous when I found out he had ordered an expensive wine to drink with me. I’m too simple, I’m not used to this kind of thing. I don’t even drink much. Two glasses is my limit; more than that and I would probably dance the Macarena on the table top, topless.

  When he sees me, he smiles widely, showing off those dimples. I swear I feel like running away. And jumping on him, of course. But I try to focus while I walk back to our table, thinking that I’m probably just another one in the endless line of women he takes to bed. I tell that to myself over and over again like a mantra, and I’m a little calmer by the time I reach the table and he gets up to pull the chair out for me. I sit down, thank him and he asks if I’m ready to order. I nod, but I have no idea what I want to eat.

  “Do you want a suggestion?” he asks, realizing I don’t know what to order.

  “It all seems so tasty . . .” I say, and he agrees.

  “The food here is delicious. I recommend the ravioloni, stuffed with buffalo mozzarella, basil, and tomato sauce. It’s delicious and it goes perfectly well with the wine we’re drinking. And chocolate tiramisu for dessert.”

  “Oh . . . chocolate?” I can’t resist chocolate.

  “Yeah. If you’re a good girl and clean your plate, I’ll let you grab a slice of mine,” he says, and I can’t help but joke too.

  “I’ll eat the whole thing, including your tiramisu,” I answer. He laughs out loud and holds my hand over the table, making me shiver.

  “You’re a nice girl to have around, Mari. I’m glad you’re here with me.” His eyes seem to sparkle, but then he lets go of my hand and calls the waiter. Did I imagine that?

  Dinner is excellent. The food is marvelous, the wine is delicious—I was feeling really loose after three glasses!—and I couldn’t imagine better company. He was the perfect gentleman. We talked about everything: music, art, fashion, the neighborhood, and things we liked to do. The evening ends too soon, like it always does when you’re having a good time. Cadu, who didn’t drink much because he was driving, paid for everything and led me to the parking lot, politely hol
ding my elbow. I was shivering at his touch and all I could think about was feeling his body next to mine once I was leaning on his car. I take a deep breath and do my best to get control of myself.

  “Here’s where we say goodbye,” I say. He stops and looks at me, confusion on his face.


  “It’s easier to get a taxi from here.”

  “Taxi? Oh, no. I’m taking you home,” he answers, then starts walking again.

  “You don’t need to trouble yourself. I live far and there’s no point in you going all the way there to come back later if I’m perfectly capable of taking a cab while you go home.” He stops again then turns me to him, looking deep into my eyes. I’m mesmerized by his hypnotizing eyes.

  “Mari. I want to take you home. I won’t have it any other way. I won’t let you get in a cab this late at night. Don’t argue with me on this, okay?”

  He starts walking again, holding my arm and leading me to the car, and I’m speechless. He helps me in. When I’m settled, he turns around and takes the driver’s seat. Then he leans over me, looking in my eyes, and fastens my seatbelt for me. I swear, I have never been in sexier situations than the ones he puts me through. Cadu can pull the rug out from under me just by looking at me.

  He follows the beach to the north part of town. On the stereo, a female singer sings and I’m relaxed enough to sing along. He opens up that smile, never looking away from the traffic.

  When the song is over, we’re both giggling, almost laughing at my horrible performance. When we go through a tunnel, he unexpectedly takes my hand and brings it to his lips, looking happy. Cadu kisses my hand and says, “You’d make a great girlfriend, did you know that?” Hold your fire! This man is trying to kill me!

  “What?” I ask, my jaw on the floor. He smiles, still holding my hand.

  “I said you’d make a great girlfriend.”

  “Cadu . . .” I forget to call him by his whole name after that. I would be a great girlfriend, but not for him, right?

  “What? I’m being honest,” he says, looking ahead. The wine mixed with the shock makes me brave.

  “What the hell do you mean? Yes, I’d make a great girlfriend. But you didn’t want me. So, don’t even start.” I try pulling my hand back, but he won’t let go.

  “You know, Mari, people are allowed to regret things they’ve done . . . to think better and admit they’re wrong,” he goes on. Suddenly the car stops, and I look around and realize we’re at a red light near Maracanã Stadium. This is when I lose all control. He turns to me, his bright eyes reflecting a mix of desire and something else I can’t name. “I regret what I did. I want you. Every day, when I see you at work, all I can think about is pushing you to my desk and taking you. It takes everything in me to control my desires.”

  “I don’t want to be your one-night stand of the week,” I say, annoyed. But he goes on as if I hadn’t said a word.

  “I want to take you to dinner and hear you moan when you eat some chocolate dessert, and talk to you about our day and the things we have in common. I want to take you dancing, because you turn me on when you shake your body, but also because you look beautiful when you sing out of tune and it makes me laugh.” The traffic light turns green and he drives, still talking. “I could stay here all night and list all the things I like about you, especially this bold way you have of challenging me with every answer you give, but I decided to do something else.” I swallow, my throat dry, my head dizzy at the intensity of the things he’s saying.

  He’s quiet and I can’t help myself.

  “What are you . . . going to do?” I ask in a voice barely above a whisper, but he remains silent, finally entering my neighborhood. When we’re in front of my building, he parks, kills the engine, unfastens his seatbelt, and turns to me. The music is the only thing we can hear while we stare at each other.

  He lets go of my hand and unfastens my seatbelt. His hands cup my face and I can’t look away.

  “I’m going to kiss you. As intensely as the other night. I’ll kiss you until you realize we’re perfect together and you take me back,” he says, then he kisses me, making me lose my breath when I feel his lips on mine. One of his hands goes to my hair, grabbing it firmly. His kiss is ruthless and his tongue explores my mouth in a way I can’t escape. His body is attached to mine and I can’t help the moan that emerges from me when he goes even deeper. I’m almost melting and holding his thick hair with all I’ve got, when he pulls away just enough so he can speak.

  “Will you be my girlfriend, Mari?”

  “You want me to be your girlfriend?” I ask, baffled. He’s not that kind of man. I mean, I don’t think he’s that kind of man. Cadu kisses me again, almost claiming me to himself. I’m completely drunk with his scent, his touch, his taste. Once more, he pulls away.

  “I want you, Mari. I want all of you. Everything. I want you to keep the promises you made tonight . . .”

  “Promises?” Was I really that drunk? What did I promise him?

  “Yeah. Fun dates, unforgettable nights, smart conversations, kisses that make me breathless, making out in the car. I want it all, Mari. I want to make love to you every night and never stop. Will you be my girlfriend, Mari?” He buries his face in my neck, his tongue trailing up, and I can’t think anymore.

  “Yeah . . .” I say on a moan, and he stops. “Oh . . .” I moan again, a little disappointed now. He smiles, pleased.

  “Thank you.” He kisses me slowly, and I fall in love with him once again. “I’ll walk you to the door,” he says, with that smile, and I’m confused. After that make out session, he’s leaving?

  My feelings must be all over my face, and he notices it. His smile is naughty now, and his mouth goes to my ear. He pulls my face toward him and when I lean over I brace my hand on his leg. Inadvertently my hand goes to his crotch where I feel his growing desire.

  “I’m going home to take a cold shower. Not because I don’t want you, pretty, but because when we sleep together, I want you to trust me and my feelings. No regrets.”

  How am I supposed to leave now? My legs feel like Jell-O. He wants to drive me crazy!

  Then Cadu gives me a peck. He gets out of the car and comes around to open the door for me. He leads me to the building’s entrance and, before I go in, he kisses me again. Deeply.

  “Good night, girlfriend,” he says, smiling, then goes away, leaving my body on fire.


  When I look in the mirror the next day, I see huge dark rings under my eyes. Yeah, because I haven’t slept. I just twisted and turned in bed, thinking, remembering and daydreaming. peep toe shoes and leave my hair loose, falling in waves. The subtle makeup completes the vintage look and I smile, pleased with the result. I leave to take the van without having breakfast. I’m too nervous to eat. What if he changed his mind? What if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if he’s just messing around? What if . . .

  “Good morning, Ms. I-went-to-dinner-and-ended-up-being-dessert!” Lais greets me, laughing. I can’t resist her joke and end up laughing too. We hug and she pulls back with a shocked look on her face. “Wow, you’re shivering. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I think I’m just nervous,” I say. She looks suspiciously at me and we both laugh. “I am nervous!”

  “I want to hear it all! Start talking,” she says, as we enter the van that is already waiting for us at the stop. We greet everyone before sitting in the back as usual. Then, after we’re settled, I tell her everything. About the fun evening we had, the laughs, the music. I tell her all the intense things he told me and that kiss. And then, his proposal. Can you believe that? I’m still shocked!

  I look at Lais once I’m finished and her mouth is open, and she’s staring at me. She closes and opens her mouth repeatedly like a fish.

  “Say something, Lais!”

  “That was the most romantic dating proposal I
’ve ever heard. And the naughtiest too!” she says, then laughs. “And how do you feel?”

  “Nervous? Nauseous? Scared?” I say at once, and she holds my hand.

  “Hold on, girl. It’ll be all right . . .”

  “But Lais, what if . . . what if he . . .”

  “He won’t do that again. If he does, I’ll personally punch his face. Mari, he knows what he did was wrong. He’s a man, not a boy. I think his feelings for you are stronger than he realized and it scared him off. Give him a chance. Cadu seems like a nice guy. He made a mistake, but he proved he’s trying to fix it.” I shake my head, as the van stops at her building. “Hang in there, it’ll all work out,” she finishes, hugging me before she leaves. The rest of the ride to the magazine, I think over Lais’s advice to trust him.

  I get to my building and go straight to my office, greeting people along the way. I enter the executive area and I see the lights on in his office and I know he’s already there. I smile as I turn the computer on and then go to the kitchen to make coffee. When everything is ready, I go to his office, knock lightly on the door and put on a smile. This whole routine reminds me of the week before, and I feel my legs shaking at the bad memory. But then I look at him and he smiles. As I approach his desk, he studies me and his expression suggests he approves of my look.

  “You’re the most beautiful view a guy could ask for first thing in the morning,” he says, while I pour his coffee.

  “No, you’ve got the most beautiful view of the city right behind you. Just turn around and look at the window.” My smile widens.

  “Oh, but that view is nothing compared to how beautiful you are,” he insists, then pulls me in for a kiss before I can stop him. It’s a soft kiss, not as intense as the one last night. It’s a caress in the most beautiful way possible, and I feel wanted while I’m in his arms.

  “Good morning,” he says, pulling his lips from mine and smiling.

  “Good morning,” I answer. He caresses my face with a dreamy look on his face. We smile at each other and I pull away. “Shall we get to work?”


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