Love in Disguise

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Love in Disguise Page 11

by Lyssa Cole

  I help her out, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She follows me to the back of the truck. I open the tailgate and hop in.

  “One sec. Let me just set up.”

  Alicia giggles and watches as I open my bag of tricks.

  I pull out blanket after blanket, a pack of wine coolers, and a few hand and foot warmers. Spreading the biggest blanket out on the bed of the truck, I help Alicia up and offer her some warmers. “You may not need them. I’m sure I can keep you warm and toasty.”

  She laughs, her loud, infectious laugh filling me up. I could listen to it on replay.

  We settle down next to each other, piling three blankets on top of us and various warmers placed between us. Once you pop them, they instantly warm up and last about an hour.

  I pull Alicia between my legs and wrap my arms around her waist, tucking her against me. The heat from her ass warms my cock and it stirs to attention. Her head rests against my chest, leaving space between my chin and her head. I must have six or so inches on her, my tall six-feet-four frame towering over her five-feet-eight-inch height.

  We stare in silence at the clear night sky, the time slipping away, more stars visible than the last time we were here. Minutes turn into an hour, the air growing colder. At least the cold rainstorms ended.

  My hands have a mind of their own as they move over her, along her back and over her hips. Her breath quickens and my cock grows thicker.

  “Mmmmm…” Alicia murmurs, and I massage her shoulders before trailing my hands back down. I crave to touch those long legs of hers.

  The heat builds between us, and I don’t know how much longer I can last. I crave to be inside her, her gorgeous body wrapped around mine.

  “Want to get out of here? Back to my place?”

  She nods, and we scramble up quickly, gathering the blankets, the empty wine coolers and used up warmers. We’re back in the truck in a flash, and I adjust my pants, my cock begging for attention.

  “I wish I didn’t have to work in the morning. We could spend the day in bed.”

  “You’re working tomorrow? On a Sunday?”

  “Yep. Have a full schedule. I’m telling you, that salon is weird.”

  “What do you mean weird?”

  Alicia shrugs, biting her bottom lip. “Some days, we have full, crazy schedules, and other days, we have none. The vibe around there is weird. My boss is a creep. Hell, I don’t know. I could be all wrong, but it’s just the feeling I get. I don’t think I’m going to be there much longer. I don’t like working in an uncomfortable place.”

  I take in this information and decide to push further. This could be just what I need for the case. “How is your boss creepy?”

  “He stares at me and my coworkers, and I swear, his comments are all meant sexually even though my coworker, Deanna, told me that’s crazy.”

  I clench my teeth. Stares at her? Sexual advances?

  “He fucking stares at you?” I snap.

  Alicia darts me a look. “Yeah, sometimes. I ignore it.”

  My hands grip the steering wheel. “I’m going to say something to him. He needs to back off.”

  “Whoa, whoa, Gabe. Where’s this coming from? I can’t have you going in there telling my boss off.”

  “He shouldn’t be staring at you or making sexual comments. It’s unprofessional and it pisses me off.”

  “You’re right. He shouldn’t. But you going in there acting like a jealous boyfriend would not work out well.”

  “I don’t care, Alicia. I’m not standing for that.”

  “Gabe, relax. You aren’t my boyfriend. I can take care of myself.” She crosses her arms and sucks her bottom lip in. I’ve annoyed her, but I don’t care.

  I can’t see straight, my jaw flexing as I picture smashing his face in.

  No one will touch her. No one but me.

  I ignore the need to analyze my feelings and hurry back to the apartment. Alicia stares out the window, her whole body faced away from me, her arms still crossed. Fuck.

  “Look, I’m sorry, Alicia,” I say as I pull into the lot of townhouses. “I just hate men like that, especially when they’re treating someone I care about poorly.”

  Alicia turns to me, her hands falling into her lap. “Someone you care about?” she whispers, fiddling with her hands.

  “Yes. I care about you, of course I do. And you don’t deserve a crap boss.”

  She looks up and her eyes search mine.

  Fuck, this is deeper than I thought.

  So much deeper.

  I don’t think I’ll ever come up.

  Do I even want to?

  I break the silence, my voice a husky whisper as feelings gurgle in my throat, choking me. “Luna must be ready to pee everywhere. Let’s go in.”

  She chuckles and that’s all I need.

  Chapter 15


  My legs tingle.

  Every nerve is on fire.

  Gabe fucks me up against the wall, my legs wrapped tight around his waist. I cry out as my orgasm crashes through me, his hot mouth attached to my neck.

  We’ve christened every surface in his townhouse. Gabe’s appetite is insatiable. As soon as I think we’re gonna rest for a few and catch our breaths, he’s in between my legs, licking me to another orgasm, his cock growing hard yet again.

  Then he lifts me and carries me to wherever he feels, his thick cock slipping inside me.

  It’s heaven. It’s sweaty and dirty.

  It’s hot as hell.

  He lifts me up like I weigh nothing, his strong arms rippling underneath all his gorgeous ink. How does this fucking beautiful, sexy as fuck man want me? He worships me, his mouth exploring every inch of my body.

  He makes me feel like a goddess, and he feasts on me like he’s addicted.

  If he’s a drug, I want to be an addict. I want to be so addicted I never get enough.

  I want him to consume me, never being satisfied and always wanting more.

  More, more, more.

  He answers my wish and eats me alive. Swallows me whole.

  All night long. Until the morning light breaks and we collapse in his bed, sleep finally winning.

  I sip on my soup, my mom eyeing me from across the kitchen table. She’s looking healthier now that she moved past that infection and got her strength back. Her arm still sits in a sling for a couple more weeks, but the pain is a lot better.

  She smiles, bringing her coffee mug to her lips. “Ready for your big weekend away?”

  “Yes, I’m done packing. Can’t wait to see Ruby and her life in the big city.”

  My mom’s smile fades, and her eyes dim, but she reaches over, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. She’s upset I won’t pack up and move, but she’s stopped bugging me at least. She won’t let me do as much and keeps shooing me off, telling me to relax or go out with Gabe.


  The past two weeks have been, well, quite frankly, blissful. Gabe and I have spent a few nights together, along with a few fun dates.

  One night he took me to a dinner theater where we ate a delicious meal while watching a comedy show. Another time he drove an hour to take me to a planetarium where we got a private tour and got to spend an hour under the stars alone.

  Our time together has been the most fun I’ve ever had. The conversation flows and when it doesn’t, the silence is comfortable and warm. He’s sweet; he always holds my hand, opens my doors, and puts me first before himself.

  We love to tease each other and sometimes when my feisty side comes out, he shuts me up with his mouth or his cock.

  We haven’t discussed work or the shelter.

  His green-eyed monster loves to rear his ugly head more than I care for. Like he’s afraid of losing me. We’ve never defined our relationship, but I know there are real feelings there.

  At least there are for me anyway, but I ignore them. I need to.

  It won’t get me anywhere to focus on my feelings. He’s not here to stay and I need to shield mysel
f for the hurt that’s coming.

  It’s inevitable. The hurt will come.

  I’m already in too far. Too far to go back.

  It’s going to hurt badly.

  Real fucking badly.

  “Do you guys have any plans?” Mom adjusts her sling.

  “Ruby said she has lots planned. She wants to show me where she works, where she parties, and some touristy stuff. I hope we can cover it all in the four days I’m there.” I laugh thinking of Ruby’s plans. She listed everything on a sheet of paper, numbered from most important to least important. Half of our FaceTime session last night was her describing the entire list.

  I’m excited to see her and see the city. The city I’ve dreamed about for so long. My mom took me once when I was younger, in my teens, and I drank in everything I possibly could. I’ve been obsessed with the Big Apple ever since.

  “That girl is full of energy. She must love the city that never sleeps. It’s perfect for her.” Mom finishes her coffee.

  “It is. She’s having a ball.” I think about how it would be to live there with her.

  “That’s why you should go, A. I’ll be fine here with Mel.”

  I shake my head and stand, bringing my soup dish to the sink. “No, we aren’t having this conversation any longer. Ready for our walk?” I tuck a few pieces of chocolate in my pocket for later.

  She sighs and hands me her coffee mug. “Okay, but please think about it, A. I know you’re going to love it down there.”

  I’m boarding the train when my phone beeps.


  My heart rate picks up speed, and my stomach somersaults.

  He’ll miss me.

  Did he really say he’d miss me? I grin at my phone like a goof while I find my seat. I stuff my bag beneath me and settle in for the long ride.

  I text Gabe back.


  It beeps back in less than a minute, several heart emojis coming over the screen. I grin again.


  I send a bunch of kiss emojis, and he sends them back.

  Man, I’m so in over my head.

  But I’m loving every minute of it.

  Sliding my headphones on, I turn on my latest audio book, while digging into my bag of Hershey kisses. Gabe thinks my obsession with chocolate is hilarious, but he wasn’t laughing when I covered his dick in melted chocolate and licked it off.

  Damn, that was a fun night. Never knew food sex could be so fun. And hot. Very fucking hot.

  I close my eyes and get lost in the book. Next thing I know, the train has stopped and I’ve arrived. Excitement bursts through me at the thought of seeing Ruby in just mere minutes. I can’t wait.

  I get off the train and follow the signs for the pick-up area.

  “Ahhhh! A!” I hear the scream before I see her. Her bright red hair flies through the sea of people, and she crashes into me, her arms wrapping me in a big hug. “I’ve missed you so much.” She hugs me harder.

  I drop my bag at my feet, my own arms flying around her. I breathe in her familiar scent of raspberry vanilla, and my eyes grow wet. I’ve missed her more than I thought, and being here in the flesh has my emotions taking over.

  When we break apart, both of us have tears slipping down our cheeks. Ruby smiles through hers and grabs my bag and my hand. I follow her outside, the cool April air greeting us. It’s early afternoon and the sun is still shining.

  “I live a few blocks away. I have margaritas waiting for us in the freezer. Thirsty, A?”

  “You know it, chick. Let’s go.”

  We make it to her apartment ten minutes later, talking nonstop the entire way. She takes me up to the fifth floor, to her apartment down the hall in the corner. As soon as we enter, it has Ruby written all over it.

  It’s open and spacious, the gold and burgundy color scheme warm and inviting. All of Ruby’s furniture is here, every piece she owned back in Buffalo.

  I walk over to the huge living room windows, excited to see the view in person. It’s not much different than on the computer, but seeing it this close is breathtaking.

  Ruby gives me the full tour. There are lots of room for a one-bedroom with a good size eat-in kitchen that has a big island in the middle with bar stools surrounding it. Her bathroom is a decent size with the washer and dryer in it and next to her big bedroom.

  “It’s gorgeous, Rubs. Just like you.” I wink at her as she pours our margaritas. Frozen watermelon ones with sugar rims. My favorites.

  “I do love it. So glad I scored it. I heard there’s a two-bedroom opening up soon.” She grins as she hands me my margarita. We sit at the kitchen island, a bowl of sliced watermelon between us and extra sugar for our drinks.

  “Really? I fucking wish.” I sip my drink and grab a watermelon slice.

  “Bring your mom here, A. I know you don’t want to leave her, so bring her.”

  I shake my head, licking some sugar off the rim. “It’s too much for her. And what about the house? It’s all so complicated.”

  Ruby sighs. “I know, A. I’m sorry. I’m here for you, girl, you know that.”

  I nod. “And I you. Now what’s on the agenda for tonight?”

  It’s Thursday and I’m here until Monday afternoon. I can’t wait to go explore the city.

  Ruby wags her finger at me. “Oh no, not yet, girl. First, spill.”

  “Spill what?” I fake an innocent look. I know she wants the juicy deets on Gabe. I’ve given her a lot already, but like she says about everything, it’s better in person.

  Ruby glares at me. “You’re fucking a fine piece of ass and I want all the details. I mean all the dirty fucking details. Don’t hold back.”

  I laugh. We refill our drinks and settle in for a night of storytelling and catching up.

  The biggest stack of pancakes I’ve ever seen lands in front of me, their sweet buttery scent making my mouth water. My stomach growls in anticipation.

  Being hungover has left me starving and in between all of the sightseeing, partying, and shopping, I’ve been nonstop drinking and eating. Rubs and I must’ve gained at least twenty pounds this past weekend.

  I dig into the syrupy goodness, stuffing a huge forkful in my mouth.

  “Hungry?” Ruby raises her eyebrows as she sips her coffee.

  “Fuck yeah, girl,” I say around a mouthful. “We burned a lot of calories last night.”

  Ruby giggles. “We sure did. I must’ve sweated out at least ten pounds.”

  “Dancing is a great workout. Just like sex.”

  Ruby spreads butter on her toast. “Ain’t that the truth. I’ve been seriously missing out.”

  “Time to find a studmuffin. Come on, there have to be hotties in this city of hundreds of thousands of people.”

  “I’m sure there are. None that hold my attention. I want a man, not a game-playing, cheating boy. I’m not settling until I find him. If that means no sex, so be it. I’m best friends with my vibrator, anyway.” Ruby throws me a wink, biting into her toast.

  I chuckle, digging deeper into my stack of pancakes. “I don’t want to leave, Rubs. This weekend was amazing.”

  “I don’t want you to leave, either.”

  I sigh and look away. I squish my eyebrows together as I think. I want to say something, but the words won’t form.

  “It’s hard, isn’t it?” Ruby reaches over and rubs my arm. When my eyes meet hers, she’s smiling through tears. “I’m being selfish when I tell you how bad I want you here. It’s been our dream for so long…” She pauses and sips her coffee before wiping her tears with a napkin. “Your mom is an amazing person whom I know you love dearly. Hell, she’s been a mother to me on many occasions, and it’s hurting me to see you both going through this. You do what you need to do, A. Whatever that may be. I know I say things, but I’ll always understand and be here for you.”

  No words are needed. Instead, I reach over the table, risking our pancakes and coffee, and pull her in for a tight hug.

  I don’t know what’ll happen. At least I have her support.

  “Let’s plan our next weekend together, okay?” I smile at her, and she whips out her notebook from her purse, turning to a blank sheet to start our list.

  “Yes, let’s do it. How about a male review show?”

  I laugh loudly and nod. God, I love her.

  Chapter 16


  “Gabe? Can you hear me?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” I watch Luna run around the enclosed area I set up for her behind the townhouse. She needs freedom to run off a leash and since we’ve been here longer than I anticipated, I went out and made her a gated off area where she can run and play catch.

  Luna jumps onto the fence, the ball gripped lightly in her teeth, and I grab it, tossing it to the other side of the fence. She darts off like a lightning bolt, getting the ball in a flash.

  “Things have gotten bad here. I’m scared,” my aunt whispers.

  Her words freeze me on the spot, my fists clenching. “What’s going on?”

  I hear muffled noises and strained voices.

  “We’re going to lie low. Andrew discovered your uncle and brothers’ hideout, and they’re not happy. I’m afraid of retaliation.”

  “Fuck,” I breathe into the phone. I pace around the fence, Luna following me like it’s a game. “I didn’t know it had gotten this bad. What was Andrew thinking?”

  “He was trying to help you but play cool at the same time. He found out the information from Mason, using trust to trick him into telling. I’m sure you know how Lenny dealt with that. Mason’s fingers were almost chopped off and of course, he spilled his guts, throwing Andrew right into the fire. I’m not taking any chances, Gabe. You know how crazy your uncle is.”

  “Shit, why did Andrew go to Mason? He’s the worst choice, a fucking weak player in Uncle Lenny’s game.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to be involved in this shit any longer and neither do any of us, including Andrew. We’re leaving, getting away for a while. You’re more than welcome to call us, but not about your uncle or brothers. We need to live normal lives, and so do you. Forget about them, forget wasting your time on them.”


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