Need to Bear (Heart of The Bear Book 4)

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Need to Bear (Heart of The Bear Book 4) Page 5

by Lily Marie

  “Greyson, I—ˮ She cut herself off, staring at his throat. “I don’t want you or Corey hurt by my past. I think I should—ˮ

  He tightened his arms around her when she started to pull away. “Too late, sweetheart. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. As for your past,” he growled, shoving down the rage with an effort. “If he dares show his face in Pine Heart, he won’t know what clobbered him.”


  Greyson was a perfect gentleman the rest of the night, which Reagan loved and hated him for.

  He told her, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to stay with him and Corey until her ex was caught. She found it hard to argue; the knowledge that Mark was out there, and may know where she lived, would keep her up nights.

  After Greyson finished some paperwork, he guided her out of the station, and down the long flight of stairs. The forest behind them was so peaceful, with the hoot of an owl nearby, and a cool breeze rustling the leaves. Reagan understood his connection to this place—not only as a shifter, but a man.

  She followed him back to his house, where Corey ran out as soon as he saw Greyson’s truck. He skidded to a halt at the sight of her car, glancing back at his dad.

  Greyson slid out of his truck and waved at Corey. “Miss Kennedy will be staying with us for a few days.” He laid his hand on Corey’s shoulder, and she joined them in time to hear what he said next. “Someone from her past is threatening her, and I want to make sure she’s safe.”

  “Cool!” His eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Not about being threatened, Miss Kennedy.”

  “I know.” She smiled and rubbed his arm. “I think staying here will be cool, as well. It will give us more time to plan the best Halloween party Pine Heart has ever seen.”

  “Yes!” He raised his hand, and Reagan laughed when she gave him a high five. “Dad—can we have pizza? To celebrate?”

  “Sure. Go on and order it. We’re right behind you.” He stepped between her and the door, his face sober as he laid his hands on her shoulders. “My brother, Matt, is sheriff here. I’ll call him, let him know a fugitive is headed our way. He won’t touch you again, Reagan.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Greyson bent down and kissed her, too fast, too short. She wanted more—heaven help her, she wanted everything. Greyson, Corey, a family, a life in Pine Heart.

  All she had to do was keep Mark from destroying her life. Again.


  Pizza and Corey were the perfect end to what had turned out to be an emotionally draining day. Reagan appreciated the distraction, and when Corey yawned for the third time in a row, Greyson stood.

  “Time for bed, young man.”


  “Miss Kennedy will be here in the morning. She looks as tired as you.” He winked at Reagan. “Now scoot. It’s a school night, for both of you.”

  “Okay.” Corey pushed to his feet, and yawned again. “Good night, Miss Kennedy.”

  “I think, since I’m staying here, that Reagan will be easier.” She glanced over at Greyson. “If that’s all right with your dad.”

  “It is.” A smile tugged at his full lips, and Reagan had to grip her chair to keep from jumping him. “Say good night, Corey.”

  A version of his dad’s smile crossed his face. “Good night, Corey.” He ducked Greyson’s hand and danced across the kitchen. “Good night, Reagan. See you tomorrow. Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you more.”

  Reagan watched him watch Corey run up the stairs. Once he was out of sight, Greyson lowered his head and let out a tired sigh.


  “Okay.” He looked over at her. “It has been an incredibly long day.”

  “I’m sorry I added to your burden.”

  “Don’t.” He skirted the table and stopped in front of her. “Don’t apologize for needing another person when you were terrified. For needing me.”

  She stood, and before she could stop herself, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I do need you,” she whispered. “It scares the hell out of me.”

  “I’m right there with you, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head, and gently eased her back. “Let me walk you to your room.”

  He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and led her up the stairs, past a closed door which must have been Corey’s room, judging by the music filtering under the door, and stopped at a room two doors down. Reagan had a feeling that Greyson’s room was the door at the end of the hall. Too close for a good night’s sleep, when she wanted to be in the same bed with him, and not alone in the guest bedroom.

  “Thank you,” she said. “For everything. You have gone above and beyond, twice now. Soon, you’ll be able to take on any hysterical woman.”

  “There is only one I want to take on.”

  Before she could respond, he had her pinned to the wall, his mouth on hers.

  This time, his kiss shot heat through her. She slid one hand under his shirt, moaning when she touched hot, muscled abs. With a deep growl, he hauled her off her feet and into her bedroom, closing the door before he pinned her to another wall. His hard erection pressed into her, and she arched up, wanting him so badly she shook with need.

  He broke off the kiss, and laid his forehead on her shoulder. “I want you, Reagan. My bear wants you more.” He rocked against her, and she dug her fingers into his arm. “But we can wait, until this situation with your ex is dealt with.”


  He kissed her silent, his hand sliding up to cup her breast. She gasped against his lips when he rubbed her nipple, the friction of her lace bra on her skin so arousing, she knew she would climax right here if he kept touching her. His big body rocked into her, his hand teasing one breast before moving to the other.

  She tangled her free hand in his thick, black hair, and hooked her leg over his hip. He growled at the movement, and pulled her in tighter, his erection nestled against her.

  With an almost desperate jerk, he freed her lips, and lowered her to the floor.

  “Go to bed, Reagan.” His voice was raw, and deeper than she had ever heard. She wasn’t surprised to see the dark eyes that told her his bear was close to the surface. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He walked out, closing the door after him.

  Reagan slumped against the wall, her heart pounding. She pressed one hand to her chest, and touched bare skin. Eyebrows raised, she glanced down. Greyson had unbuttoned her shirt, and unhooked her bra, without her noticing.

  She smiled and shook her head. “Impossible man,” she whispered.

  Everything about him was impossible, but her heart didn’t care.

  She was falling in love with him.


  Halloween arrived without any sign of Mark.

  Reagan wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or more worried. Mark never threatened without following up on his threat. She had learned that over and over in their relationship.

  Her three days with Greyson and Corey had been the happiest of her life. Aside from the incredible sexual tension, she couldn’t have been more content, or more welcome. She had argued with Greyson about leaving, before heading to the library. She couldn’t live there indefinitely—no matter how much she wanted to stay.

  If Mark decided his freedom was more important than teaching her a lesson, he may never show up. She couldn’t live in limbo indef—

  “What are you wearing?”

  Greyson’s deep, quiet voice blew every thought out of her mind. She set the book in her hand back on the counter before she dropped it, and turned around. He stood behind her, close enough that she could feel his body heat, smell the clean scent of forest and musk that was all Greyson.

  “What?” She sounded breathless.

  Greyson smiled. “What are you wearing for the party? Your costume,” he said, when she stared at him.

  “Oh, right. Costume.” She shook her head, tried not to notice how his dark blue sweater molded itself to e
very muscle. “I’m going as Maid Marian.” She smiled at his blank look. “Robin Hood’s lady love, and partner in crime. I even have a bow and quiver.”

  He scanned her from head to toe, and she felt heat rush to her cheeks. “Robin Hood—short green dress, tights?”

  She smacked his chest. “That’s Peter Pan, and you know it.”

  “Ah—suede leggings, boots, and a shirt that shows off my assets.”

  She nodded, and failed at not thinking about him in tight suede. “I’ll be wearing leggings and boots. I’m dressing as outlaw Marian.”

  “I look forward to seeing you in your curve-hugging outfit.” He smiled at her, and walked out before she could recover.

  “Breathe, Reagan.” She fanned her hot face, and headed for the small office behind the counter, for a bottle of water. She also wanted to change before Corey arrived, so she could get his opinion of her costume.

  It took longer than she thought to tug on the tight, suede leggings, and the equally tight, knee high boots. She slung the quiver of arrows over her shoulder and grabbed her bow before she headed back out.

  Corey shoved open the front door a second later. “Corey. Is school out already?”

  “We got out early for Halloween.” He bounded across the library, making her laugh. “Can we start decorating for the party… wow, is that your costume?”

  She turned for him, nervous about his reaction. “I even pulled out my real arrows.”

  “Whoa.” His eyes were wide when she faced him again. “You look great. Dad is going to freak out.”

  “Corey!” Heat flushed her cheeks.

  “Just telling the truth. Do you have the decorations for the party?”

  Reagan bit back her smile. “Stay right there.” She hurried into the office, grabbing the rolling cart she had already loaded with all the supplies they would need to decorate. His enthusiasm had sparked hers, and she couldn’t wait to start. She set the bow down on her desk, and wheeled the cart out. “Wait until you see what I…” Her voice faded when she saw the fear on his face—and she froze when the reason stepped out from the stacks, a pistol aimed at Corey. With his outrageous pirate costume, topped with a feathered tricorn hat, she wouldn’t have recognized him on the street. “Mark.”

  “You look surprised, darling.” Mark stepped to Corey and pressed the barrel of the pistol into his side. “I told you I would come for you.”

  “Let him go.” Instead of the debilitating fear she had expected at the sight of him, rage shook her. “Hurt one hair on his head, and you will have every shifter in Pine Heart standing in line to tear you apart.”

  He blinked at her. “Is that true? I thought all the lslack-jawed muscle men were lumberjacks.”

  Trust Mark to see the lowest common denominator. “Let him go, Mark, and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “No, Reagan!” Corey elbowed Mark, yanking out of his loosened grip. “I won’t let you!”

  She caught him as he rushed her, stepping between him and an enraged Mark. “He’s just a boy, Mark. If you hurt him, I’ll scream, and any advantage you had is gone.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  She lifted her chin. “I’m not the same woman you beat down.”

  “A sense of bravado.” He smiled, and cold fear slid down her spine. “That will make things interesting.” He waved the pistol at her. “Take the kid and lock him in whatever closet or room you have in this quaint library. Then, we will have words, Reagan.”

  “I’m going to lock the front door. I don’t want anyone walking in on us,” she added, sensing his imminent refusal. “You will be able to see me the entire time.”

  She fast-walked over to the door, terrified that Corey might have invited one of his classmates to come and help. Only after the door was locked, and the sign turned to closed, did she feel relief. It was short lived.

  When she turned around, Mark had the pistol pointed at her, that cold smile on his face.

  “Go lock up the kid. You have two minutes.”

  She ran, grabbing Corey’s arm and hauling him into the office.


  “Hush, and listen to me.” She led him to the small maintenance closet—the only room in the building with a lock. “I’m going to give you the key. Wait five minutes, then go and find your father. Tell him to look for me at the gazebo in the park. No,” she pressed her fingers to his lips. “Five minutes, Corey. I can keep him occupied that long.”

  “He’s the man who hurt you.”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to lie to him. “And he won’t hesitate to hurt you, if it means I’ll cooperate.” She took the spare key out of her desk and pressed it into his hand. “Thank you for trying to protect me. You’re so brave.”

  “I’m not. He scared me.”

  “He scares me, too. But you know something—I can control that fear now, because I have people who believe in me.” She cradled his cheek. “Thank you for that.”

  She kissed his cheek before she closed the door and locked it with her key. Then she took a shaky breath, and went to face down her worst nightmare.


  Corey didn’t wait five minutes.

  He couldn’t, knowing Miss Kennedy was with that monster.

  His fingers shook when he tried to shove the key into the lock.

  “Deep breaths, slow and easy.” Just like Dad always told him when he got scared.

  He had been scared—more like terrified—when Paul Benning had taken him and the others last summer. It was time to get over that now. Reagan needed him.

  After another fumbled try, he got the key in and unlocked the door. He wanted to rush out and find Dad, but he stopped, just outside the door, listening for voices. The monster had already taken her.

  Corey headed for the back door, opening it enough to peek out before he slipped into the alley behind the library. He was supposed to meet Dad at Kaylee’s restaurant, after he finished with the decorating.

  “Please be there, Dad.” He dashed down the alley, tears stinging his eyes. “Please be there.”


  Grey was going to surprise Reagan, and dress as a rakish Robin Hood. All he had to do was find suede leggings that would fit him, and he had a feeling he knew where to find them.

  Whistling, he headed down Pine Heart’s main street, toward the small but well stocked sporting goods store. His brother, Samuel, owned the store, and he would probably get ribbed for his request. He didn’t care; he had realized in the last three days that he was in love with Reagan Kennedy. Deeply, irrevocably in love.

  Matt stopped him on the way. As sheriff of Pine Heart, he took holidays like Halloween seriously, and patrolled along with his men—but usually not this soon.

  “Starting a little early, aren’t you, Matt?”

  Matt smiled, humor in his hazel green eyes. More than any of his brothers, Matt took after their dad. “Kids are already running around, pestering the local stores.” He pointed across the street, and Grey saw the group of cubs before they ran into the drug store, giggling and excited. “I just wanted to be here, in case the enthusiasm got out of hand.”

  “Kids do like dressing up.” He thought of Corey, and his eagerness this morning. Grey hadn’t seen his son so excited about anything in too long. He would thank the curvy, beautiful reason personally, right after the party. He could hardly wait to touch that silky, warm skin, feel her against—

  “Dad!” Corey’s desperate shout had him sprinting toward his son. Corey nearly ran into him, and grabbed his arm, shaking worse than he had after the kidnapping. “He took Reagan! We have to help her—he’s going to hurt her again if we don’t—ˮ

  “Slow down, Cor.” Grey rubbed Corey’s back. “Take a deep breath, and tell me what happened.”

  “The man who hurt Reagan and went to jail showed up at the library. He has a gun, Dad, and she only went with him because he threatened to hurt me.” Tears slipped down his face, and Grey pulled him into an enveloping embrace. “It’s my fau

  “Stop right there.” Grey pulled back until he could meet Corey’s tear-blurred eyes. “The only one at fault is the asshole with the weapon. Got that?” He waited for Corey to nod, then gathered him in again, furious as his son shivered in his arms. He looked at Matt, who was already on his radio. “Corey, do you have an idea where he took her?”

  He sniffled, and nodded. “She wanted me to tell you to look for her at the park gazebo.”

  Grey kissed the top of his head. “Good girl,” he muttered.

  The gazebo was isolated, and the locals rarely used it after the weather turned, since wind off the nearby lake turned it into a cold, uncomfortable place to snuggle, even for the most amorous.

  Matt stepped to him. “I’ve got men headed that way, but they are on the other side of town.” He studied Grey, then nodded. “Go after her, big brother. You can leave your clothes in the station.”

  Grey squeezed his shoulder, and kissed Corey one last time before he took off. Matt had just given him permission to shift in the middle of town, in sight of any possible tourist. He knew he would be able to track Reagan faster, get to her sooner.

  What he didn’t know was how she would react to seeing him as his bear.


  Reagan stumbled again, forcing Mark to slow down. They were almost at the gazebo, and with the park empty, she felt exposed, vulnerable, and more alone than she’d expected.

  She knew that Corey would go straight to Greyson, but how long it would take for him to find his father, and for Greyson to find her, she couldn’t factor in. So, she would have to keep Mark occupied, and look for a chance to escape on her own.

  Mark shoved her forward, and she fell, her hands scraping over pea gravel. One glance confirmed her fear. They were here.

  “Time for you to learn that no one crosses me and gets off easy.” He yanked her up, his fingers digging into her upper arm. Reagan bit back a pained cry and met his eyes. She refused to let him think he intimidated her, even if her heart was pounding so hard she was afraid he would hear it. “You lied to the police, darling.”


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