Forged in Fire

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Forged in Fire Page 14

by Jessica Scott

  The abrasion on her shoulder burned and she hissed as her torn skin protested the movement. He leaned in, tracing his thumb over the edge of her bra, moving it gently off her shoulder, pressing his lips softly at the border of the torn skin.

  “I’ve imagined you like this,” he whispered, tracing his tongue over her scattered pulse before pressing his lips beneath her ear. His breath huffed over her skin, making her shiver at the warmth and the sudden cool that followed.

  She made a noise in her throat. It was the most coherent thing she could muster. The pain from the fight faded; her adrenaline ramped back up, and she twisted with arousal and desire and a thousand things she was intent on ignoring at the moment.

  All she wanted was Sal’s hands on her body, his lips on her skin.

  She leaned back, bracing her weight on her hands behind her, granting him tacit permission in that simple movement.

  He savored her in that moment. Took immense pleasure in her surrender, her trust. She was open and waiting and so fucking beautiful it hurt his heart where it thundered beneath his chest bone. He toyed with the button on her jeans, his throat tight as he flicked it open, watching her watching him. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever done. Her dark eyes were heavy, shielded, her lips parted. Her breasts rose and fell in quiet movements. He wanted to savor this moment, this beautiful, strong woman who was trusting him with this.

  She leaned up then, twining one arm around his neck and drawing him up to pull his mouth to hers. She loved the feel of his body against hers. Raw power. Strength and gentleness in one powerful package.

  She sucked gently on his bottom lip. “We need to have the responsible adult conversation,” she whispered.

  There was a rough noise deep in his chest. “I’m green on all my shots and my medical readiness is up to date.”

  She laughed. It tore out of her in complete surprise, undoing her composure until she leaned her forehead against his and gasped for air. “Oh my God, I’ve never…don’t tell your soldiers you ever used that line.”

  He leaned back, his lips creased in a warm smile. She paused then, realizing she’d never seen him really smile. Not like this.

  It stole her breath and warmed something deep inside her. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him gently, ignoring the pain in her lip. “Since you brought it up, I’m up to date on all my shots, too,” she finally whispered.

  “I know. I sat in command and staff last week when we went over the female medical readiness report.”

  She grinned. “Aren’t you glad you did now?”

  “Had I known I would be benefiting from that hellish meeting, I would have spent less time pissed off during it,” he murmured. “And can we please stop talking about work? I really want to find out what you’ve got on beneath these jeans.”

  “You’re going to be disappointed,” she said. “I’m purely functional these days.”

  He leaned back, hooking his fingers in the offending material, then inched it down, slowly, slowly. Holly lifted her hips, helping him slide them lower.

  She wore plain cotton panties with tiny bows at the hips. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss above one of them. Her fingers scraped over his scalp before gripping his neck tight enough to hurt. He looked up, taking in the rise of her breasts, the anticipation in her eyes.

  It undid him.

  He dropped to his knees, cradling her hips, his thumbs tracing the ridge of her hips a moment before kissing her where she was wet and swollen. The fabric abraded his tongue, blocking him from fully tasting her. He wanted her bare before him. Wanted to taste her on his lips.

  She made a sound, part whimper, part gasp. He slid his thumb over her where she was swollen, a gentle stroke. Felt her shudder. Watched her head drop back. Her thighs tensed, her calves pressed against his shoulders and upper back.

  Then she was naked and exposed in front of him. Her body ached from the fight; her blood pumped warm and thick in her veins. It was deliciously erotic to be naked while he was still fully clothed. The heat from his body seeped into hers where her legs rested against his shoulders. Her belly tensed as he met her gaze. Locked with hers, he blew gently on her exposed flesh. Her breath caught in her throat but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  He touched her then. His lips pressed gently to her body where she ached. His tongue was warm and soft, circling her where she was sensitive. Her thighs trembled as his tongue traced her folds, a sensual onslaught she was powerless to do anything but surrender to.

  He slid the tip of one finger down the seam of her body, then slipped it inside her, his tongue never stopping its assault on her senses. Her fingers bit into his shoulders and she threw her head back, welcoming the pain as she fought the release he was dragging out with infinite slowness.

  She came apart beneath his touch, his lips, his mouth. And doubted she could ever be whole again.

  * * *

  He watched her shatter and it was a brilliant, blinding thing, surrounding him and breaking his heart into a thousand pieces.

  He straightened, pressing his lips to hers, sipping on her as she came down to earth, her body still shuddering with her orgasm.

  “You okay?” he whispered against her ear.

  “Not sure yet,” she said honestly.

  He made a sound that was pure male pleasure before reaching between their bodies to stroke her once more. He captured her “oh” in his mouth, inhaling her surprise, savoring the lithe tension in her body as she relaxed beneath his touch once more.

  She was still slick and swollen. Completely open. And so fucking gorgeous she hurt his eyes. She was as passionate in love as she was in everything. Uncensored.

  Raw. Wild.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as he drove her closer to the edge a second time. Made him want to watch her come apart again.

  Made him hunger to be inside her. To feel her surround him when she came again.

  She surprised him when she leaned up, her hands between their bodies, fumbling with his jeans. “Naked,” she said against his mouth.

  And then her hand slipped into his pants and circled him where he was hard as stone for her. She squeezed him, stroking her hand down his length, her touch electric.

  Closing his eyes, he gave himself over to the sensation. Just for a moment. Just enough to lose himself in her touch, to let her learn his body the way he’d explored hers. It was torture, exquisite pleasure, letting her slip her fist around his cock.

  * * *

  It was powerful, watching this man surrender to her touch. Watching him close his eyes and feeling the tension in the big beautiful body between her thighs.

  He was hard and satin beneath her touch, his tip moist as she stroked him. She leaned forward, pressing her lips to the space beneath his ear before she nipped his earlobe. “Sal,” she whispered. His breath caught and he stilled. “I want you inside me.”

  A rough male sound tore from him and she found herself flat on her back on the counter. The marble was cool beneath her back, his jeans rough on her thighs.

  He covered himself in an instant, and he was there, just there, poised where she was dying a little for him. Needing the completion that having him inside her would bring. It was pure need that had her hooking her feet behind his thighs and urging him, driving him closer until he slid fully, deeply inside her. He was thick; her body was ready and welcoming. She arched as he withdrew as far she would allow.

  She was gorgeous, sprawled beneath him in the middle of his kitchen. The lights cast shadows across her body, bathing her in a dancing contrast of light and dark. He slid slowly inside her once more, the pleasure of her body surrounding him driving him closer, closer to the edge.

  She lifted her arms over her head, gripping the edge of the marble, using her strength to meet his strokes as he filled her.

  He felt her start to orgasm a moment before she shattered a second time, coming apart around him and taking him willingly down with her. He lifted her as she shuddered in his embrace, kissing he
r deeply as his own release followed, destroying them both.

  * * *

  It was dark and warm and quiet. Lights from the outside cast soft illumination in the bedroom. Her fingers were threaded with his over her heart, his body surrounding her, cradling her, his breathing slow and steady against her back.

  It had been a lifetime since she’d lain with a lover like this. The crisp hair of his thighs against hers, his chest solid and warm. It was strange, the lack of memories circling tonight.

  Tonight there was only Sal and the lingering glow from the orgasm that had violated every sense of decorum she’d ever had.

  It was dangerous, being here with him, but she’d lost that battle long ago—the day he’d seen her weakness in her office. The day she’d leaned on him.

  That never happened. She never allowed anyone to see that she wasn’t fully capable, competent. There was no weakness, at least none that she let anyone see.

  And yet, she’d leaned on him.

  She didn’t lean on anyone. Because people always let you down.

  She could count on one hand the number of people who had never let her down in her life.

  But here she was, lying naked in bed with Sal and her heart was…content. She knew it wouldn’t last. The panic would come soon, driving her from his bed and his apartment. Which was going to be awkward as hell because she needed him to take her back to her car at Ropers. Also known as the last thing she felt like doing right now.

  He stirred behind her, his body tensing as he nuzzled her ear. “How’s the jaw?” he murmured.

  “Stiff,” she said. She turned, rolling toward him. “You should kiss it to make it better.”

  He shifted until he was looking down at her, resting his head in one palm. “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “Only in the best possible way.” She offered a half-smile. “This is going to get complicated.”

  “It won’t. I won’t let it.” He cupped her cheek. “You trusted me tonight. I won’t let this come back to turn into a mistake.”

  She swallowed the lump that suddenly blocked her throat. “It’s certainly going to be awkward if we have to explain things to the commander.”

  “We won’t. Because on Monday, we’re going to get into an argument in front of the formation about the fight. You’ll get called on the carpet by Cox and tell him what an asshole captain I am that I don’t listen to you. I’ll tell the boss I can’t have a first sergeant undermining me.” He bussed his nose against hers. “And if you ever decide to get into a bar fight around me again, I’m not going to be responsible for my actions.”

  “I wasn’t actively trying to get into a bar fight. I was trying to stop one.”

  “With your face. Yeah, I noticed.”

  She glared at him. “Very funny.” She sighed and closed her eyes, not wanting to face the reality that was tapping, oh so gently rapping, on the bedroom door. “I should go,” she whispered.

  “Would it be wrong of me to point out that I have to take you to your car?” he whispered, sliding between her thighs and cupping her cheek with one hand. “And I’m not ready for you to go.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I can be persuaded to stay a little longer,” she murmured, sliding her hand between them to stroke him gently.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”


  “Roger, sir.” Sal was trying to pay attention to the wire brush his boss was currently running over his ass but he was completely unable to focus. It would probably be a bad thing to tell his boss he needed to step up his game on the ass-chewing front.

  The phone burned in his palm with the need to check on Holly but calling her right now would be a massive mistake. The sergeant major had pulled all the senior NCOs into his office. It was the last time he’d seen Holly before he got called in for his own come-to-Jesus meeting with the battalion commander, which was a special one-on-one event reserved specifically for Sal.

  NCOs might believe in mass punishment but Sal’s battalion commander was not so egalitarian. No, LTC Gilliad believed in applying direct force to the offending neck.

  Good times.

  Gilliad was pissed. “Explain to me why I have a commander and first sergeant fighting at a bar in Harker Heights. Because for the life of me, I can’t come up with a reason for this that passes the common sense test.”

  Sal took a deep breath, stalling to buy enough time to yank his temper back from the edge. He held it until his lungs burned before releasing it slowly. “No one was arrested, sir. And I’m tracking this actually seems to be the status quo for officers in this battalion?”

  Gilliad held up his index finger. “Don’t you dare bring up the other commanders’ shenanigans when I’m chewing your ass, Commander.”

  “Roger, sir. Won’t happen again.”

  Gilliad’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Don’t get smart, Captain,” he said.

  Finally his temper snapped its leash. “Sir, what would you rather? I let my guy get arrested or worse, get the hell beat out of him? We’re short on senior leaders across this battalion and I need all my guys at work. Pizzaro is at work today because he did not get arrested this weekend. Which means I can have him running the range and doing all sorts of shit that does not involve paying a bail bondsman, finding a lawyer, and all the other assorted fun that comes with being arrested.”

  Gilliad leaned back on his desk. “And yet you had him arrested last week.”

  “Roger, sir, I did. I’m trying to send a message to the formation that the bullshit Pizarro is pulling won’t fly. Not even for him.”

  “Everyone’s replaceable, Sal.”

  Sal ground his teeth. Closed his eyes and felt the burn deep in his soul at his commander’s words. “Sir, I respectfully submit that you try running your battalion staff without your sergeant major, your XO or your S3, then we can discuss who is replaceable and who isn’t.”

  “What the hell is your problem, Bello? You’ve been given the opportunity to command and you’re pissing and moaning because you don’t have enough men? You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.”

  Sal stiffened. That quote felt like claws scraping down his spine. “I hate that quote, sir. It’s an excuse for failing to properly plan and prepare for combat. And there are very few things that we are required to do properly in order to put rounds on target. Which we have been short-changing in favor of meetings to discuss people’s therapy requirements and medical appointments.”

  “You disagree with how I’m running this battalion.” A statement of fact.

  Sal could have backed away from the edge of the abyss where he found himself looking at the end of his career. He could have stopped from making the hole he’d already dug any deeper.

  But that simply wasn’t in the cards. “Well, sir, since you mention it, have we discussed how many hours a week we lose in meetings that are absolutely pointless and do nothing to improve our actual combat effectiveness?”

  Gilliad leaned back against his desk, bracing his hands on the edge. “Oh, do tell, young captain. What should we be doing instead?”

  “Training. Shooting our weapons. Working on our battle drills and our logistics. Instead we sit in meetings and argue ad nauseum about medical profiles and legal issues and goddamned government travel cards. Government travel cards aren’t going to protect our troops and they damn sure aren’t going to make a difference whether someone deploys or not.”

  “Well, young captain,” and the tone in Gilliad’s voice told Sal he was about to get his attitude adjusted whether he wanted it or not. “Since you clearly have a better idea on how to run things than I do, I invite you to brief the brigade commander—tomorrow—on the state of your organization’s preparedness. I strongly advise you to be prepared.”

  Sal frowned. That wasn’t exactly a punishment. A briefing? That was the result of Sal shooting off at the mouth again?

  Sal said nothing. There was nothing he could say to dig his ass out of the hole in t
he ground he found himself in and he was honestly trying to figure out what the hell the catch was.

  Briefing the brigade commander was a Very Big Deal in the grand scheme of things. Given that pretty much every commander in the battalion had been fired a few months ago and the new teams were considered very much the renegades of the battalion, it meant that Sal’s performance was going to reflect on every other commander in the unit.

  Still. As punishments went, it felt very mild.

  But there was no backing out now.

  “Roger that, sir.”

  “No protest?”

  “Not much point, is there, sir?”

  Gillian straightened and circled his desk, putting it between them. “No. I expect you in my office at five tomorrow morning for the first rehearsal.”

  Oh, there would be rehearsals. “Roger that, sir.”

  “You were all full of piss and vinegar a few minutes ago, Captain. What’s happened?”

  Oh, what the hell. He was already pretty much screwed, might as well nail the damn coffin shut before he tossed it to the bottom of the ocean. “Sir, you just put the reputation of the entire battalion in my lap.”


  “And I won’t fail my fellow commanders, sir.”

  “So confident of that, are you?”

  He pinned his commander with a hard look. “Sir, I may be a lot of things, but one thing I will never do is let one of my brothers down.”

  * * *

  Holly stood shoulder to shoulder with Sorren, Morgan, Iaconelli and the other first sergeants. She felt tiny between Sorren and Morgan and she was by no means a small woman.

  The ass-chewing continued as Cox railed against incompetence, malfeasance, communism, and chicken pox. Okay, maybe not chicken pox but it was a close thing. It had been a long, long time since she’d seen Cox this pissed off.


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