One Last Chance

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One Last Chance Page 5

by Hollowed, Beverley

  “I was so scared,” she replied barely in a whisper, staring up into his face. “All I could think about was that night and his face and his eyes as he pinned me to the bed.”

  Cole reached up and gently wiped the tear that had broken free from her eye. Then he leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

  “He will never hurt you again,” Cole whispered against her mouth. “I promise you he will never get near you again. And I will kill him if he even tries.”

  Ally leaned up and kissed Cole on the mouth. She believed what he said. She knew he would do whatever it took to keep her safe from any harm. She could feel herself relax, finally letting herself believe everything was going to be perfect.


  The next morning, Ally and Cole stopped by Nan and Pop’s on the way to the airport. Cole and Nick hurried to the door to help Ally’s grandparents with their bags.

  They climbed into the back of the car next to Ally, While Cole sat in the front passenger seat next to Nick, once they had both packed the old couples bags into the boot and soon they were on their way.

  “Now isn’t this all very exciting!” Pop exclaimed as they pulled up on the tarmac next to Cole’s private jet. “Wait till I tell the lads down at the pub when I get back. Sure they will never believe me.”

  Ally’s eyes met Cole’s in the rear view mirror and she could see he was smiling with pleasure, and she returned his smile.

  “Maybe I should take a photo?” Pop said as he pulled his camera from his coat pocket. “Molly, stand there on the steps so they know it’s not fake.”

  Cole couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped from him at Pop’s words.

  “I have a better idea,” Cole said walking over to Pop and holding out his hand. “How about I take a picture of you both. That way you can really show everyone.”

  Ally smiled as her heart soared. She knew Pop was hard work sometimes, but Cole was always patient and kind to both him and Nan, and she loved him all the more for it.

  “Sure it’s a gentleman you are,” Pop said with a big grin as he rushed to Nan’s side and stood next to her proudly.

  Cole took a few pictures, including one with Ally, Pop had insisted she got into. Cole couldn’t help but laugh as Ally protested, but then stood and forced a smile while he took the picture.

  “Now isn’t this marvellous!” Pop exclaimed when they finally climbed the steps and boarded the plane. “I feel like that fella Simon what’s his name? Off the TV.”

  Cole laughed out loud as he directed them to their seats before he and Ally took their own seat to prepare for take-off. Nick was the last one to board the plane as the co-pilot shut the door and secured it.

  “Thank you.” Ally whispered leaning into Cole as the plane taxied out onto the runway.

  “What for?” Cole asked, looking at her with a curious grin as she looked up into his eyes

  “For being you,” she replied and let her eyes drop down to her grandparents. Cole new exactly what she was referring to and his smile widened.

  “My pleasure gorgeous girl,” he said and leaned in and kissed her softly.

  A few minutes later, they were in the air and heading to London.

  As they made their journey, Ally’s mind wandered back to the night before. Her stomach heaved at the memory of Jason’s aftershave invading her senses. She remembered the expression on his face when he realised she was terrified of him. She hated he saw her weakness. It was giving him power he did not deserve. God how she hated him.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Cole said, snapping Ally from her daydream. She turned to look at Cole and the minute he saw her face, the expression on his face turned to one of concern and even sadness. “Please don’t. Don’t let him get to you. This is our time. In six days we are getting married. You should be happy.”

  “I am happy,” she said with a smile as she reached for his hand. “I couldn’t be happier. I promise.”

  “Good,” he replied, lifting her hand to his mouth and kissing it. “You know you are safe with me?”

  “I know,” she nodded and smiled once again. But she knew he couldn’t always be with her. She would have to learn to be more observant. She needed to keep the baby safe as well as herself now.

  She looked over at Nick, who was sitting in front her grandparents and she smiled. She had been happy when Cole had brought him over. She felt more at ease with him than with Liam.

  But she had protested when Cole had insisted Nick had to accompany her everywhere. She was feeling a little suffocated. But now, having bumped into Jason like she did, she was grateful she would have him with her.

  She hadn’t realised until she had come face to face with Jason once again, just how completely terrified of him she was now. And she hated he had that power over her.

  Ally turned back and looked up at Cole, who was watching her with concern. Almost as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “Don’t let him win,” he said as he softly squeezed her hand. “Forget about him for now. He can’t hurt you anymore. Besides you are a long way away from him now. So put him far out of your mind.”

  “I will,” she nodded with a bright smile, as he leaned in slowly and let his lips meet hers.

  About twenty minutes later, they began their decent into London. Nan and Pop looked out the window as Nick pointed out all the famous landmarks that can be seen from the air. Nan and Pop listened eagerly and Ally smiled.

  “Oh Mom and Dad are expecting us tonight,” Cole said as they reached the runway with a gentle thud. “And Nan and Pop too, of course. They are dying to meet them and Mom thinks she will never get to see you again.”

  “I am looking forward to seeing her too,” Ally smiled as the image of Cole’s mother Ella jumped into her mind. Ally loved Ella, and she had been so excited and thrilled when Cole told her about the baby. Then when he said the wedding would be taking place in London, she was completely over the moon.

  The plane finally came to a halt. The co-pilot emerged from the cockpit and opened the door before he turned and nodded to Nick that everything was ready and they were free to exit the plane.

  “Thank you sir,” Pop said to the co-pilot as he passed him by at the exit. “You did a grand job and it wasn’t a bit bumpy at all.”

  “You are very welcome,” the co-pilot said with a broad smile. Then turning to Ally and Cole as they approached him, his smile widened. “All the best with the big day Mr. Thomas, Ms. Brody. I wish you both every happiness for the future.”

  “Thank you Robert,” Cole said as he shook the man’s hand. Ally just smiled at him and nodded before she followed her grandparents down the steps of the plane followed closely by Cole.

  She could feel his hand pressed into the small of her back as he led her to the car and she felt safe.

  She climbed into the car that was waiting for them next to her grandparents as once again Cole climbed into the front next to Nick. Soon they were pulling out of the grounds of the small airport and on the motorway speeding towards London to Cole’s apartment and to their big day.

  Chapter 7

  It was almost noon before the car pulled into the underground car park of Cole’s Apartment building. As usual, Nick was the first out of the car and after taking a good look around, he nodded back to Cole, it was clear to get out of the car.

  Nick opened the door for Ally as Cole climbed out and opened the door for Nan and Pop. Ally stood and waited for Cole and her Grandparents to join her before they all made their way towards the lift.

  “I would say this place cost a few bob,” Pop exclaimed as he stepped through the door of Cole’s penthouse apartment. He turned around in a full circle taking in the elegance and class that was Cole’s home.

  “Behave Tom,” Nan chastised him sternly before she turned to Cole and smiled. “You have a very beautiful home, Cole.”

  “Thank you Nan,” Cole smiled brightly as he helped the frail woman with her coat just as Annette a

  “Welcome home Mr. Thomas,” she said in her usual friendly tone. “Ms. Brody.”

  “Hi Annette,” Ally chirped brightly. “And please, it’s Ally.”

  “Okay, Ally,” Annette smiled.

  “Annette,” Cole said, turning towards Nan and Pop. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Brody, Ally’s grandparents. I want you to help make them feel at home.”

  “Please calls us Nan and Pops,” Nan said as she took Annette’s out stretched hand.

  “Thank you Nan,” Annette said with a bright smile.

  “Could you please show them to their room Annette,” Cole said as he reached for Ally’s hand. “And please fix them some lunch. I need to talk to Ally for a few minutes.”

  Ally looked at Cole nervously as she allowed him to lead her to the master bedroom.

  Cole closed the door once they were inside. He turned to Ally and watched her closely for a moment without saying a word.

  “What’s wrong?” Ally asked, feeling suddenly very nervous.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Cole replied moving closer to Ally, a sad smile on his face. “At least not with me. But I do need you to talk to me. I know this thing with Jason is getting to you.”

  Ally didn’t reply, instead she dropped her eyes to the floor as the feeling of guilt and shame washed over her.

  “No,” Cole said reaching for Ally’s chin and softly tilting her face up to look at him. “Don’t do this. Do not blame yourself for what he did to you.”

  “Cole,” Ally said, pushing the tears back deep inside her. She refused to give into the tears once again. She was determined she was going to be strong. She needed to be. “I let him do this to me, to us. I am so sorry.”

  “Ally, this has to stop,” Cole sighed. “I know seeing him last night upset you and opened up so much again. But we are getting married. I love you and I want you to be happy. Please don’t let him do this to you. Don’t let him take your happiness.”

  She stepped closer to Cole and pressed her body against his as she leaned up and kissed him softly.

  “I won’t,” she whispered against his mouth. She took Cole by the hand and led him to the bed, turning him around guiding him to sit on the bed. She leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips before she dropped to her knees in front of him.

  “Ally, sweetheart…” he began to protest but she reach up and pressed her finger to his lips and stopped him mid-sentence.

  She pushed him back slightly until he was resting on his elbow, watching Ally from beneath his long lashes.

  Ally reached for the belt of his trousers, deliberately allowing her fingers to brush casually against his cock, which was now rock hard and straining against the material of his suit trousers.

  Once Ally had the belt and the button opened, she slid the zipper down slowly, letting the need in Cole build. She reached into his trousers and allowed her fingers to softly caress the slick tip of his pulsing penis.

  Cole let out a low groan as Ally took hold of his length and began to stroke it and tease it with her soft gentle hands.

  She flicked her eyes up to meet his as she removed her hand from inside his trousers and eased them down freeing his impressive erection.

  Ally looked down at Cole’s rock hard length before she once again let her eyes meet Cole’s as she reached for his cock and began to stroke it. She raised herself higher on her knees as she slowly brought her mouth down to meet his throbbing head.

  Softly she tease the tip with the tip of her tongue and Cole let out another groan.

  “Ally please,” he begged.

  “Please what?” She asked with a smile before she once again traced across the head causing it to twitch with need.

  “Please,” was all he could say as he closed his eyes and gripped the bed clothes.

  Ally smiled once again before she licked her lips and slowly brought them to his cock and slipped it into her mouth, teasing the head at first with her tongue before she slid down the shaft, taking the entire length into her mouth.

  “Oh fuck, Ally,” Cole groaned breathlessly. And Ally couldn’t help but feel pleased with herself that she had complete power over this sexy, handsome man.

  She could taste tiny beads of salty wetness on the head on his cock and she knew he wouldn’t last long. Once again, she wrapped her lips firmly around his cock as she slid her mouth down his entire length, taking him deeply.

  “Oh God, ALLY,” he cried out as he dropped back on the bed unable to control his body any longer as Ally continued to work her mouth up and down his length, taking him deeper and faster each time.

  “That’s it baby!” He gasped as he suddenly sat back up and weaved his fingers through her hair as he softly thrust up into her mouth. “Oh god Ally, I am gonna come.”

  “Mmmmmm,” Ally groaned as she continued to take him into her mouth as deep as she could.

  Cole could hold back no longer and he thrust into her mouth once more and erupted inside her mouth, his hot salty liquid shooting down the back of her throat and she swallowed every drop.

  Ally was stunned that she had become used to the taste and it no longer made her gag. It was just part of Cole and something she had become used to.

  Her eyes met his and she gave him a big satisfied grin.

  “Wow,” he said, unsure what had brought that on and if he was honest, not really caring.

  She never failed to surprise him time and time again.

  “Glad you approve,” she replied with a smug sassiness that was very new to Ally and the truth was, Cole loved to see this new side of her.

  He loved the new confidence he’d had seen in her since the first time he met her. But every so often the unsure, less confident Ally came through and Cole knew this was partially his fault too. But over the last few weeks this side of Ally was less and less obvious.

  But he was scared that seeing Jason the night before would cause her to become less confident once more. The image of her sitting on the street in the pouring rain the night before, filled his mind and it made him sad.

  He would tighten up her security and never give Jason the chance to get that close to her again.

  “We should get back out to your grandparents,” Cole said as he stood up and fastened up his trousers.

  “I just want to freshen up,” Ally said with a cheeky smile. Cole took her hand as he helped her from the floor and watched her as she walked towards the bathroom and turned, giving him a quick smile before she disappeared inside.

  Cole straightened up his tie and ran his hands through his hair before he headed back out to Nan and Pops.

  He found them both sitting at the small glass table in his kitchen, chatting happily with Annette. Cole smiled when he heard Pop talking excitedly to Annette about their flight on his jet.

  “Something smells good,” Cole said as he walked further into the kitchen.

  “Take a seat Mr. Thomas and I will get your lunch for you,” Annette said as she began to serve up Cole’s food. “Will Ms. Brody be joining us?”

  “She will indeed,” Cole said happily as he slid into the seat next to Nan.

  “So when will we get to meet your folks?” Pop said before he put a forkful of food into his mouth.

  “Actually, Mom and Dad are expecting us for dinner this evening,” Cole replied as Annette placed his lunch in front of him.

  “Will your sister be there?” Nan asked as she sipped her tea.

  “I don’t think so,” Cole said dropping his eyes down to his plate and sighed. The thought of his sister having any part in his happy day didn’t settle well with Cole. They had barely seen each other since the Charlie episode and Cole was still hurt that his only sister had taken his ex-fiancée’s side in things, especially given the fact she was the one who had been caught cheating.

  “What is her name again?” Nan continued, completely unaware of the fact Cole was not happy to talk about his sister.

  “Ella,” Cole replied as Ally walked into the kitchen and her face dropped when s
he saw the unhappy expression on Cole’s face. “After my mom, but everyone calls her El.”

  “Nan, don’t forget we have to go for my final fitting of my wedding dress tomorrow,” Ally said, quickly changing the subject from Cole’s bitch of a sister. Cole looked up at Ally and smiled, knowing exactly what she was doing.

  “Oh yes, I can’t wait,” Nan exclaimed as she excitedly clapped her hands.

  “Cole’s mom is gonna come with us too,” Ally continued enthusiastically as she took the seat next to her grandfather and kissed him on the cheek before she stole a piece of pepper from his plate. He looked at Ally and smiled at her warmly.

  Annette sat Ally’s lunch down in front of her before she excused herself and left the four of them alone to enjoy their lunch in peace.

  Cole told them all about the wedding venue. They were having a civil ceremony in the Grand Hall of Syon House, which was located on the fabulous and very historic Syon Park.

  The reception would be held afterwards in the Grand Conservatory with just over one hundred guests, keeping the whole thing private and low key, as Ally had requested.

  Pop still wasn’t happy that they were not getting married in a church, but Nan just shushed him and told him, it was their day and they should do whatever makes them happiest.

  “All I care about is I am marrying the man of my dreams,” Ally smiled looking at Cole, who couldn’t help but return her smile. “And the other most important man in my life will hold my hand as he walks me down the aisle.”

  Pop shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Ally’s smile faded.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, surprised by her grandfather’s reaction.

  “Oh don’t be minding that old goat,” Nan quickly answered. “He is just being silly. Still trying to accept his little princess is a grown woman now and is about to become a wife.”

  Ally smiled at Nan, but something inside made her think there was more to her grandfather’s sudden discomfort and she wasn’t happy about it.

  Either way, in six days’ time, she would be walking down the aisle marrying the man of her dreams and she was determined nothing was going to spoil her big day.


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