One Last Chance

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One Last Chance Page 12

by Hollowed, Beverley

  She brought her iPod and the iPod docking station into the room, put her music on shuffle and got stuck into painting the nursery. They had selected a soft cream colour with big colourful cartoon animal transfers around the walls.

  She was halfway through her second wall of paint when her favourite song came on the iPod. Etta James, “I Just Want To Make Love To You” filled the room.

  Ally started to shake her bum and sing along with the song. As the beat picked up, Ally flipped her paint brush around and sang into it like it was a microphone. She closed her eyes and got lost in the music. She sang her heart out and danced like she was giving the performance of her life.

  When the song ended, she took a dramatic bow in front of her imaginary audience. Suddenly, there was the sound of clapping coming from behind her causing her to jump with fright. She quickly spun around and found Cole leaning against the door frame, with a huge smile on his face.

  “Now that was one hell of a performance,” he said as he stood up and walked slowly towards Ally. Ally’s stomach knotted, he had a look in his eyes she had not seen for a while.

  “You are looking very sexy in those leggings and t-shirt,” he purred as he slowly stepped closer and closer. “And you don’t know just how tempting your ass looks in those tight leggings when you shake it the way you just did.”

  Ally’s heart was now racing. She swallowed hard as she could feel her entire body react to his words.

  “In fact,” he said breathlessly as he reached her and stood directly in front of her. So close she could feel his breath wash over her face. He took the paint brush from her hand and sat it down on the lid of the paint tin. “So tempting, I think I need to have it. Right here! Right now!”

  “Oh,” was all Ally could manage to get out.

  “Yes, oh,” he breathed against her lips but he still didn’t kiss her. Instead his dropped his mouth to the bare skin of her shoulder and slowly worked his way up her neck, sucking and biting softly as he made his way to her ear. Then he whispered. “I want you, now!”

  He quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him as his mouth found hers.

  As he caressed her tongue with his, he dropped his hands down to the end of her top and slowly slid it up her body. He broke his lips from hers long enough so he could pull the t-shirt over her head before he let it drop to the floor.

  As his mouth claimed hers once more, his hand reached for her breasts, cupping them in his hands as he softly stroked and circled her nipples with the pads of his thumbs, making them pucker with his touch. Making her moan into his mouth.

  He broke his lips from hers once again and stepped back slightly, he then took her by the hips and turned her to face the wall. Taking hold of her hands, he raised them up and placed them against the wall.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded in a soft but firm voice and then he softly kissed the back of her neck and slowly trailed kisses down the center of her back.

  He hooked his fingers into her leggings and, as he dropped to one knee he slowly slid them down her legs along with her panties.

  He pressed his lips to her backside as he softly traced his fingers up the back of her legs.

  When he reached the curve of her backside, he dropped his hands in between her legs and let the tips of his fingers tease her along her folds and then back to her bum.

  “Oh god,” Ally cried out as the simple touch of his fingers there, sent a thrill through her body. He pressed his fingers against her bum and her legs began to shake. He spread her cheeks further apart and pressed his mouth against her teasing her there with his tongue. “Cole, please.”

  In one movement, he was on his feet again and stepping between her legs, pushing them further apart. Ally could hear his zipper opening and then the slick head of his rock hard cock being pushed against her.

  “You are beautiful,” he breathed against her ear. She could feel him press against her bum and slowly it slipped inside her. She gasped at the sudden fullness.

  She remembered the first time he was inside her, there, she remembered how shocked she was that it was actually happening to her, but over time she had gotten used to it. Now, she enjoyed it as much as he did.

  He pulled out of her slightly, then pushed back into her fully and she cried out in pleasure.

  “OH YES! YES!” She moaned as he pushed into her again and again. His pace never slowed, he just pushed into her over and over again and the pleasure swept through Ally like a tidal wave, completely consuming her.

  “Oh Ally,” Cole groaned as he pulled her tighter to him and pushed into her deeper. Ally’s legs turned to jelly as her orgasm quickly built and exploded inside her.

  Cole held her tightly to him as he slammed into her three more times and then came hard inside her.

  Still holding her close to him, he slummed to the floor, both breathless and gasping.

  He brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her on the side of cheek.

  “I love you gorgeous girl,” Cole said breathlessly, still holding her close to him as he could. “God I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I love you too,” Ally said turning and smiling up at Cole. “What brought this on?”

  “I just missed you today,” he smiled back at her and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I miss you every day,” she replied honestly. Suddenly, the sound of a crying Ben filled the room through the baby monitor.

  “The boss is calling,” Ally laughed as she pressed her forehead against Coles. Then, looking up into his eyes, she smiled. “I’ll go.”

  “No,” Cole said releasing Ally from his arms and climbing up from the floor. He quickly straightened his clothes. “I got this.”

  He quickly helped Ally up from the floor before he turned and walked to the door. He stopped and turned back to look at Ally with a big smile.

  “Love you, Mrs. Thomas,” he said as his smile widened.

  “Love you more,” she laughed back.

  He blew her a kiss and disappeared out the door.

  Chapter 17

  Ally lay on the bed in the doctor’s office. She looked up and smiled at Cole who was sitting next to Ally and holding her hand tightly.

  “You sure you want to find out?” He asked looking down at her hopefully.

  “I’m sure,” she smiled. They are waiting on Ally’s doctor to come in to do their scan and find out the sex of the baby. “Besides I know you want to, so I am happy to do whatever makes you happy.”

  Cole leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Just then the doctor walked in and caught them kissing and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Good morning folks,” the doctor said sounding a little uncomfortable and blushing slightly.

  “Good morning,” both Ally and Cole replied in unison. The doctor walked to the monitor and pulled it closer to Ally’s bed.

  “How have you been feeling, Ally?” The young woman asked with a big, friendly smile.

  “I’m good,” Ally replied as she watched what the woman was doing carefully. “I’ve been a little tired the past couple of days. Is that normal?”

  “That’s to be expected,” the doctor replied. “You’re still taking your vitamins, I hope.”

  “I am,” Ally nodded.

  “Good,” she replied as she turned to Ally with a bottle of gel in her hands. “You’ve had this on you before, you know it’s going to be a little cold.” Ally just nodded and smiled.

  She pulled the white sheet at the bottom of the bed Ally was on, up over her legs and to the bottom of her stomach. Then she pulled Ally’s top up to the top of her tiny bump and squirted the gel on to Ally’s belly.

  She then reached out and pressed the record button on the scan machine and picked up the probe. She gently placed it on Ally’s stomach and began to move it.

  She pulled it across Ally’s stomach and back over again. She reached over and clicked the monitor several times before she moved the probe once again.

  She clicked it a few mo
re times and moved the probe once again and she smiled.

  “So,” the tech said as she turned to Cole and Ally, smiling brightly at them both. “Everything looks perfect and the baby is exactly where it should be at eighteen weeks.”

  “That is just what I wanted you to say,” Ally said with a sigh of relief as she quickly glanced up at Cole and smiled brightly.

  “Now,” the tech said glancing back at the monitor briefly before she turned to Ally and Cole again. “You guys wanted to know the sex of the baby. Is that correct?”

  Cole looked down at Ally then back up at the tech and nodded nervously. He had been living for this moment but now it was here, he was oddly nervous. He held his breath.

  “Well guys,” the tech continues with another smile. “You are having a little girl.”

  “Oh my God,” Ally exclaimed as the tears instantly pooled in her eyes. “Little Bean is a girl.”

  “We are having a daughter,” an equally teary eyed Cole said before he bent down and kissed Ally on the lips. “Thank you my gorgeous girl, thank you so much.”

  “You are very welcome,” Ally laughed through her tears.

  The nurse printed off some more picture of their daughter and soon they were on their way back to Nan’s to collect Ben.

  Cole smiled the whole way back to the house and Ally couldn’t help but love him a tiny little bit more for it.

  When they reached the door, they could hear Ben howling from inside the house and when the door was opened, they were greeted by a frazzled looking Pops.

  Ally hurried into the living room and found Nan pacing up and down with a very upset Ben.

  “Oh Ally love,” Nan said when she turned to Ally as Ally reached out her arms to take Ben. Nan passed him over to Ally. She cradled him to her chest and he seemed to settle down a little bit, as soon as he was in her arms. “I tried to get him to sleep but he wouldn’t settle. Now he is just over tired. I am so sorry.”

  “It’s my fault Nan,” Ally said as she rocked back and forth with Ben. “He only sleeps with his little grey elephant. I should have told you that before we left. Cole bought it for him when he was born. It’s the only thing that seems to settle him down.

  “That would be because of all the upheaval in his life,” Nan said knowingly. “For a little mite, he has been through so much already. The elephant is his one constant.”

  “Well, there will be no upheaval anymore,” Cole said as he walked up to Ally and Ben as he slipped the little plush toy into his arms and softly kissed him on the forehead. Ben immediately clutched it tightly and brought the elephant to his face. In no time he was fast asleep in his Mommy’s arms.

  “So,” Pop asked excitedly, when they all took a seat and Ben was out for the count. “How did it go?”

  “It went really well,” Cole said but couldn’t hide the big grin on his face. “We have a little news.”

  “Oh?” Nan said, looking from Cole to Ally and back to Cole again. “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s more than okay,” Cole replied with a huge grin. “It would seem my gorgeous girl here, well, she is having our own gorgeous girl. The baby is a little girl.”

  “Ah, sure that’s just marvellous.” Pop exclaimed as he shook Cole’s hands vigorously. “A little girl is such a blessing. And sure now you will have one of each, what more could you want?”

  “Oh a little girl,” Nan gushed. “Finishes everything off perfectly for you both. And I hope she is just like her mother. You were such a beautiful and sweet little thing Ally. A real pleasure to have.”

  When Ally showed them the newer pics of the baby, Pop was amazed and asked could he keep one to show everyone his new great grand-daughter. He then slipped it into his wallet next to the picture of Ben, his great-grandson.

  Nan then headed to the kitchen to make everyone a bit of lunch, which Cole insisted on helping her with.

  When it was ready, Ally settled Ben into his buggy before she followed Pop into the kitchen to join Nan and Cole for lunch.

  “You will never guess who I bumped into in the supermarket yesterday,” Nan said as they sat at the table eating their lunch.

  “Who?” Ally asked absentmindedly as she devoured her chicken pasta salad. Since the morning sickness passed, her appetite had returned with a vengeance.

  “Jason,” Nan said as she reached for her glass of water and quickly took a sip.

  Ally froze at the mere mention of his name. She could feel her stomach heave and suddenly her appetite was non-existent. But Nan, unaware of the effect her words had on her granddaughter, just continued.

  “I haven’t seen him since before you too split up,” she added as she continued to pick at her food. “And if I am truly honest, I never really cared for him. Too controlling and possessive for my liking. I think he thought he was too good for us. But there he was large as life in the supermarket. Full of chat, he was.”

  “What did he say?” Ally managed to force the words out as she glanced down at Cole. Her stomach heaved again when she saw the murderous expression on his face.

  “Oh, nothing much really,” Nan said still completely unaware there was any problem. “He was asking how your granddad and I were keeping. And he was asking after you of course. He seem delighted to hear you were married and having a baby. Seemed really interested in the baby. Then the biggest shock, he offered to drive me home.”

  “Did you let him?” Cole asked, unable to keep quiet any longer.

  “Well I said no,” Nan said looking up at Cole as finally she sensed something wasn’t quite right. “But he insisted, which I found a little odd. He never seemed to have any time for myself or your granddad when you dated him. But before I knew it, my bags where in the car and I was being ushered into the passenger seat.”

  “Nan, if you meet him again,” Ally said as she pushed her lunch away from in front of her, her appetite completely gone. “I don’t want you to talk to him, and I really don’t want you in his car. In fact, I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  “Ally sweetheart,” Pop finally spoke up. He had been sitting taking in the interaction between his wife and his granddaughter and he knew something was very wrong. “What has happened? And don’t tell me it’s nothing. The moment Nan mentioned his name, the blood drained from your face. I want to know what this lad has done.”

  Ally stared at Pop for a few moments, the tears welling in her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud to her grandparents. She turned to Cole, who was watching her intently.

  “I can’t,” she whispered as she shook her head and the tears trickled down her face. She stood up and hurried out of the kitchen, heading straight to her old room, her own little safe haven.

  She sank down on to the bed and gave over to her tears.

  About five minutes later, there was a soft tap on the door. Ally looked up at the door and wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “Ally, pet,” Nan’s voice came through the door. “Can I come in sweetheart?”

  “Come in,” Ally replied as she took a deep steadying breath.

  Nan opened the door and came in, closing the door behind her. She walked over to Ally and sat down on the bed next to her and instantly reached for her hand.

  “Ally sweetheart,” Nan said after a moment or two. “None of what happened was your fault.”

  “I let him in to my apartment Nan,” Ally protested. “Cole had told me not to go back there, but I didn’t listen.”

  “You went back to your home,” Nan replied. “He came to your home and he tricked his way into your apartment, and he did wrong. You didn’t ask for that nor did you deserve that.”

  “Nan,” Ally sobbed. “I was so scared. He had me pinned to the bed and there was nothing I could do, and all I was thinking was Cole won’t want me anymore because I would be dirty and broken.”

  “Ally,” Nan sighed and squeezed her hand tighter. “That boy loves you. He would never see you as anything but his gorgeous girl.
Nothing that happened was your fault.”

  “Nan,” Ally sobbed harder. “Why can’t he just leave me alone? He was the one who cheated on me. If I wasn’t enough for him then, why does he want me now? Why can’t he just let it go?”

  “I think that boy’s not right in the head Ally,” Nan replied honestly. “I think Cole is right, you need to be careful and make sure you are never left on your own.”

  “I am scared Nan,” Ally admitted sadly.

  “Why don’t you go to the police?” Nan asked.

  “Because Cole beat the crap out of him,” Ally explained. “He would have killed him if it had not been for Nathan. I don’t want him in any trouble.”

  “Oh dear,” Nan sighed. “This is quite a mess.”

  “I guess all I can do is wait it out,” Ally shrugged. “Wait for him to get tired and move on.”

  “Please be careful,” Nan pleaded. “I need to know you and my great-granddaughter are safe. I want to hold that little one in my arms.”

  “I promise Nan,” Ally replied with a smile. She meant every word too. Cole, Ben and her daughter were the most important things in her life. She was not going to do anything that could put any of them at risk. All she could do was pray Jason would eventually get the message and move on.

  Chapter 18

  It was almost eight o’clock when they got home from Nan’s and Pop’s. Ally had been very quiet for the rest of the afternoon, even on the ride home she barely said two words.

  When they reached the house, she took Ben from Cole’s arms and said she was taking him up for a bath and changing him for bed, before she gave him his last bottle.

  Cole watched her climb the stairs with Ben and his heart ached. Today she was supposed to be happy. Today they found out Little Bean was a girl, they were having a daughter. But everything changed just at the mention of his name.

  Cole’s blood boiled at the thoughts of that lowlife scumbag. The memory of Ally curled in a ball in the corner of her bedroom filled his thoughts and just made him more angry.

  He headed to his office and closed the door tightly behind him. Once he was behind his desk, he picked up the phone and dialled Nathan’s number.


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